
312 lines
8.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Compiler Config
* @var Config
* @since 3.2.0
protected Config $config;
* The compiler registry
* @var Registry
* @since 3.2.0
protected Registry $registry;
* Compiler History
* @var HistoryInterface
* @since 3.2.0
protected HistoryInterface $history;
* Compiler Customcode
* @var Customcode
* @since 3.2.0
protected Customcode $customcode;
* Compiler Field
* @var Field
* @since 3.2.0
protected Field $field;
* Compiler Field Name
* @var FieldName
* @since 3.2.0
protected FieldName $fieldName;
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* Compiler Field Groups
* @var FieldGroups
* @since 3.2.0
protected FieldGroups $fieldGroups;
* Compiler Update Sql
* @var UpdateSql
* @since 3.2.0
protected UpdateSql $updateSql;
* Application object.
* @var CMSApplication
* @since 3.2.0
protected CMSApplication $app;
* Constructor
* @param Config|null $config The compiler config object.
* @param Registry|null $registry The compiler registry object.
* @param HistoryInterface|null $history The compiler history object.
* @param Customcode|null $customcode The compiler customcode object.
* @param Field|null $field The compiler field object.
* @param FieldName|null $fieldName The compiler field name object.
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* @param FieldGroups|null $fieldGroups The compiler field groups object.
* @param UpdateSql|null $updateSql The compiler field name object.
* @param CMSApplication|null $app The app object.
* @since 3.2.0
public function __construct(?Config $config = null, ?Registry $registry = null,
?HistoryInterface $history = null, ?Customcode $customcode = null,
2023-10-04 18:28:29 +00:00
?Field $field = null, ?FieldName $fieldName = null, ?FieldGroups $fieldGroups = null,
?UpdateSql $updateSql = null, ?CMSApplication $app = null)
$this->config = $config ?: Compiler::_('Config');
$this->registry = $registry ?: Compiler::_('Registry');
$this->history = $history ?: Compiler::_('History');
$this->customcode = $customcode ?: Compiler::_('Customcode');
$this->field = $field ?: Compiler::_('Field');
$this->fieldName = $fieldName ?: Compiler::_('Field.Name');
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$this->fieldGroups = $fieldGroups ?: Compiler::_('Field.Groups');
$this->updateSql = $updateSql ?: Compiler::_('Model.Updatesql');
$this->app = $app ?: Factory::getApplication();
* Set fields
* @param object $item The view data
* @return void
* @since 3.2.0
public function set(object &$item)
$item->fields = [];
$item->addfields = (isset($item->addfields)
&& JsonHelper::check($item->addfields))
? json_decode((string) $item->addfields, true) : null;
if (ArrayHelper::check($item->addfields))
$ignore_fields = [];
$default_fields = $this->config->default_fields;
// load the field data
$item->fields = array_map(
function ($field) use (
&$item, &$ignore_fields, &$default_fields
) {
// set the field details
$field, $item->name_single_code,
// check if this field is a default field OR
// check if this is none database related field
if (in_array($field['base_name'], $default_fields)
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|| $this->fieldGroups->check($field['type_name'], 'spacer')
|| (isset($field['list']) && $field['list'] == 2)) // 2 = none database
$ignore_fields[$field['field']] = $field['field'];
// return field
return $field;
}, array_values($item->addfields)
// build update SQL
if ($old_view = $this->history->get(
'admin_fields', $item->addfields_id
// add new fields were added
if (isset($old_view->addfields)
&& JsonHelper::check(
json_decode((string) $old_view->addfields, true),
$item->addfields, 'field', $item->name_single_code,
// clear this data
// sort the fields according to order
$item->fields, function ($a, $b) {
if (isset($a['order_list']) && isset($b['order_list']))
if ($a['order_list'] != 0 && $b['order_list'] != 0)
2023-10-04 18:28:29 +00:00
return $a['order_list'] <=> $b['order_list'];
elseif ($b['order_list'] != 0 && $a['order_list'] == 0)
return 1;
elseif ($a['order_list'] != 0 && $b['order_list'] == 0)
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return -1;
return 1;
return 0;
// do some house cleaning (for fields)
foreach ($item->fields as $field)
// so first we lock the field name in
$field_name = $this->fieldName->get(
$field, $item->name_list_code
// check if the field changed since the last compilation
// (default fields never change and are always added)
if (!isset($ignore_fields[$field['field']])
&& ObjectHelper::check(
// check if the datatype changed
if (isset($field['settings']->history->datatype))
$field['settings']->datatype, 'field.datatype',
$item->name_single_code . '.' . $field_name
// check if the datatype lenght changed
if (isset($field['settings']->history->datalenght)
&& isset($field['settings']->history->datalenght_other))
. $field['settings']->history->datalenght_other,
. $field['settings']->datalenght_other,
$item->name_single_code . '.' . $field_name
// check if the name changed
if (isset($field['settings']->history->xml)
&& JsonHelper::check(
// only run if this is not an alias or a tag
if ((!isset($field['alias']) || !$field['alias'])
&& 'tag' !== $field['settings']->type_name)
// build temp field bucket
$tmpfield = [];
$tmpfield['settings'] = new \stdClass();
// convert the xml json string to normal string
= $this->customcode->update(
(string) $field['settings']->history->xml
// add properties from current field as it is generic
= $field['settings']->properties;
// add the old name
= $field['settings']->history->name;
// add the field type from current field since it is generic
= $field['settings']->type_name;
// get the old name
$old_field_name = $this->fieldName->get(
// only run this if not a multi field
if ($this->registry->get('unique.names.' . $item->name_list_code . '.names.' . $field_name) === null)
// this only works when the field is
// not multiple of the same field
$old_field_name, $field_name,
$item->name_single_code . '.'
. $field_name
elseif ($old_field_name !== $field_name)
// give a notice atleast that the multi fields
// could have changed and no DB update was done
Text::_('<hr /><h3>Field Notice</h3>'),
'You have a field called <b>%s</b> that has been added multiple times to the <b>%s</b> view, the name of that field has changed to <b>%s</b>. Normaly we would automaticly add the update SQL to your component, but with multiple fields this does not work automaticly since it could be that noting changed and it just seems like it did. Therefore you will have to do this manualy if it actualy did change!',
), 'Notice'
// remove tmp