update 2024-04-15 06:03:20

This commit is contained in:
Robot 2024-04-15 06:03:20 +02:00
parent 6748fd95ed
commit a39b1880d9
Signed by: Robot
GPG Key ID: 14DECD44E7E1BB95
5 changed files with 19 additions and 1496 deletions

View File

@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
class JoomlaPower << (F,LightGreen) >> #RoyalBlue {
+ array $active
+ array $namespace
+ array $composer
+ array $superpowers
# string $fixUrl
# array $state
@ -32,19 +31,8 @@ class JoomlaPower << (F,LightGreen) >> #RoyalBlue {
- isPowerSet(string $guid) : bool
- isGuidValid(string $guid) : bool
- getPowerData(string $guid) : ?object
- setNamespace(string $guid) : bool
- setUseSelection(string $guid, array $use, ...) : void
- setLoadSelection(string $guid) : void
- setComposer(string $guid) : void
- setImplements(string $guid, array $use) : void
- setExtend(string $guid, array $use) : void
- setUseAs(string $guid, array $use, ...) : void
- getCleanNamespace(string $namespace) : string
- getUseNamespace(string $namespace, string $as = 'default') : string
- addToHeader(string $guid, string $string) : void
- setLicensingTemplate(string $guid, array $guiMapper) : void
- setHeader(string $guid, array $guiMapper) : void
- setMainClassCode(string $guid, array $guiMapper) : void
- setSuperPowers(string $guid) : void
@ -103,108 +91,21 @@ note right of JoomlaPower::getPowerData
return: ?object
end note
note left of JoomlaPower::setNamespace
Set the namespace for this power
since: 3.2.0
return: bool
end note
note right of JoomlaPower::setUseSelection
Set Use Classes
since: 3.2.0
return: void
string $guid
array $use
array $as
end note
note left of JoomlaPower::setLoadSelection
Load Extra Classes
since: 3.2.0
return: void
end note
note right of JoomlaPower::setComposer
Set Composer Linked Use and Access Point
since: 3.2.0
return: void
end note
note left of JoomlaPower::setImplements
Set Implements Interface classes
since: 3.2.0
return: void
end note
note right of JoomlaPower::setExtend
Set Extend Class
since: 3.2.0
return: void
end note
note left of JoomlaPower::setUseAs
Set Extra Use Classes
since: 3.2.0
return: void
string $guid
array $use
array $as
end note
note right of JoomlaPower::getCleanNamespace
note left of JoomlaPower::getCleanNamespace
Get Clean Namespace without use or ; as part of the name space
since: 3.2.0
return: string
end note
note left of JoomlaPower::getUseNamespace
note right of JoomlaPower::getUseNamespace
Get [use Namespace\Class;]
since: 3.2.0
return: string
end note
note right of JoomlaPower::addToHeader
Add to class header
since: 3.2.0
return: void
end note
note left of JoomlaPower::setLicensingTemplate
Set the power licensing template
since: 3.2.0
return: void
end note
note right of JoomlaPower::setHeader
Set the power header script
since: 3.2.0
return: void
end note
note left of JoomlaPower::setMainClassCode
Set the power main class code
since: 3.2.0
return: void
end note
note right of JoomlaPower::setSuperPowers
note left of JoomlaPower::setSuperPowers
Set the super powers of this power
since: 3.2.0

View File

@ -51,14 +51,6 @@ final class JoomlaPower implements PowerInterface
public array $namespace = [];
* All composer namespaces
* @var array
* @since 3.2.0
public array $composer = [];
* All super powers of this build
@ -243,96 +235,6 @@ final class JoomlaPower implements PowerInterface
// all powers linked to it
$this->state[$guid] = true;
// make sure to add any language strings found to all language files
// since we can't know where this is used at this point
$tmp_lang_target = $this->config->lang_target;
$this->config->lang_target = 'both';
// we set the fix url if needed
= '"index.php?option=com_componentbuilder&view=powers&task=power.edit&id='
. $this->active[$guid]->id . '" target="_blank"';
// set some keys
$this->active[$guid]->target_type = 'P0m3R!';
$this->active[$guid]->key = $this->active[$guid]->id . '_' . $this->active[$guid]->target_type;
// reserve some values for the linker
$this->active[$guid]->unchanged_namespace = $this->active[$guid]->namespace;
$this->active[$guid]->unchanged_description = $this->active[$guid]->description;
// now set the name
$this->active[$guid]->name = $this->placeholder->update_(
// now set the code_name and class name
$this->active[$guid]->code_name = $this->active[$guid]->class_name = ClassfunctionHelper::safe(
// set official name
$this->active[$guid]->official_name = StringHelper::safe(
$this->active[$guid]->name, 'W'
// set name space
if (!$this->setNamespace($guid))
$this->state[$guid] = false;
// reset back to starting value
$this->config->lang_target = $tmp_lang_target;
return false;
// load use ids
$use = [];
$as = [];
// set extra classes
// set use classes
$this->setUseSelection($guid, $use, $as);
// set implement interfaces
$this->setImplements($guid, $use);
// set extend class
$this->setExtend($guid, $use);
// set GUI mapper
$guiMapper = [
'table' => 'power',
'id' => (int) $this->active[$guid]->id,
'type' => 'php'
// add the licensing template
$this->setLicensingTemplate($guid, $guiMapper);
// add the header script
$this->setHeader($guid, $guiMapper);
// set composer
// now set the description
$this->active[$guid]->description = (StringHelper::check($this->active[$guid]->description)) ? $this->placeholder->update_(
) : '';
// add the main code if set
$this->setMainClassCode($guid, $guiMapper);
// load the use classes
$this->setUseAs($guid, $use, $as);
// reset back to starting value
$this->config->lang_target = $tmp_lang_target;
// set the approved super power values
@ -360,7 +262,7 @@ final class JoomlaPower implements PowerInterface
@ -409,7 +311,7 @@ final class JoomlaPower implements PowerInterface
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
$query->from('#__componentbuilder_power AS a');
$query->from('#__componentbuilder_joomla_power AS a');
$query->where($this->db->quoteName('a.guid') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($guid));
@ -423,416 +325,6 @@ final class JoomlaPower implements PowerInterface
return null;
* Set the namespace for this power
* @param string $guid The global unique id of the power
* @return bool
* @since 3.2.0
private function setNamespace(string $guid): bool
// set namespace
$this->active[$guid]->namespace = $this->placeholder->update_(
// validate namespace
if (strpos($this->active[$guid]->namespace, '\\') === false)
// we raise an error message
ucfirst((string) $this->active[$guid]->type), $this->active[$guid]->name, $this->active[$guid]->namespace,
'"https://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-4/" target="_blank"', $this->active[$guid]->type,
// we break out here
return false;
// setup the path array
$path_array = (array) explode('\\', $this->active[$guid]->namespace);
// make sure all sub folders in src dir is set and remove all characters that will not work in folders naming
$this->active[$guid]->namespace = $this->getCleanNamespace(str_replace('.', '\\', $this->active[$guid]->namespace));
// make sure it has two or more
if (ArrayHelper::check($path_array) <= 1)
// we raise an error message
ucfirst((string) $this->active[$guid]->type), $this->active[$guid]->name, $this->active[$guid]->namespace,
'"https://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-4/" target="_blank"', $this->active[$guid]->type,
// we break out here
return false;
// get the file and class name (the last value in array)
$file_name = array_pop($path_array);
// src array bucket
$src_array = [];
// do we have src folders
if (strpos($file_name, '.') !== false)
// we have src folders in the namespace
$src_array = (array) explode('.', $file_name);
// get the file and class name (the last value in array)
$this->active[$guid]->file_name = array_pop($src_array);
// namespace array
$namespace_array = [...$path_array, ...$src_array];
// set the file name
$this->active[$guid]->file_name = $file_name;
// namespace array
$namespace_array = $path_array;
// the last value is the same as the class name
if ($this->active[$guid]->file_name !== $this->active[$guid]->class_name)
// we raise an error message
ucfirst((string) $this->active[$guid]->type), $this->active[$guid]->name, $this->active[$guid]->type, $this->active[$guid]->class_name, $this->active[$guid]->file_name,
'"https://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-4/" target="_blank"',
// we break out here
return false;
// make sure the arrays are namespace safe
$path_array =
fn($val) => $this->getCleanNamespace($val),
$namespace_array =
fn($val) => $this->getCleanNamespace($val),
// set the actual class namespace
$this->active[$guid]->_namespace = implode('\\', $namespace_array);
// set global namespaces for autoloader
$this->namespace[implode('.', $path_array)] = $path_array;
// get the parent folder (the first value in array)
$prefix_folder = implode('.', $path_array);
// make sub folders if still found
$sub_folder = '';
if (ArrayHelper::check($src_array))
// make sure the arrays are namespace safe
$sub_folder = '/' . implode('/',
fn($val) => $this->getCleanNamespace($val),
// now we set the paths
$this->active[$guid]->path_jcb = $this->config->get('jcb_powers_path', 'libraries/jcb_powers');
$this->active[$guid]->path_parent = $this->active[$guid]->path_jcb . '/' . $prefix_folder;
$this->active[$guid]->path = $this->active[$guid]->path_parent . '/src' . $sub_folder;
return true;
* Set Use Classes
* @param string $guid The global unique id of the power
* @param array $use The use array
* @param array $as The use as array
* @return void
* @since 3.2.0
private function setUseSelection(string $guid, array &$use, array &$as)
// check if we have use selection
$this->active[$guid]->use_selection = (isset($this->active[$guid]->use_selection)
&& JsonHelper::check(
)) ? json_decode((string) $this->active[$guid]->use_selection, true) : null;
if (ArrayHelper::check($this->active[$guid]->use_selection))
$use = array_values(array_map(function ($u) use(&$as) {
// track the AS options
$as[$u['use']] = empty($u['as']) ? 'default' : (string) $u['as'];
// return the guid
return $u['use'];
}, $this->active[$guid]->use_selection));
$this->active[$guid]->use_selection = null;
* Load Extra Classes
* @param string $guid The global unique id of the power
* @return void
* @since 3.2.0
private function setLoadSelection(string $guid)
// check if we have load selection
$this->active[$guid]->load_selection = (isset($this->active[$guid]->load_selection)
&& JsonHelper::check(
)) ? json_decode((string) $this->active[$guid]->load_selection, true) : null;
if (ArrayHelper::check($this->active[$guid]->load_selection))
// load use ids
// just load it directly and be done with it
fn($power) => $this->set($power['load']),
$this->active[$guid]->load_selection = null;
* Set Composer Linked Use and Access Point
* @param string $guid The global unique id of the power
* @return void
* @since 3.2.0
private function setComposer(string $guid)
// does this have composer powers
$_composer = (isset($this->active[$guid]->composer)
&& JsonHelper::check(
)) ? json_decode((string) $this->active[$guid]->composer, true) : null;
if (ArrayHelper::check($_composer))
// reserve composer values for the linker
$this->active[$guid]->unchanged_composer = $_composer;
foreach ($_composer as $composer)
if (isset($composer['access_point']) && StringHelper::check($composer['access_point']) &&
isset($composer['namespace']) && ArrayHelper::check($composer['namespace']))
foreach ($composer['namespace'] as $_namespace)
// make sure we have a valid namespace
if (isset($_namespace['use']) && StringHelper::check($_namespace['use']) &&
strpos((string) $_namespace['use'], '\\') !== false)
// add the namespace to this access point
$as = 'default';
if (strpos((string) $_namespace['use'], ' as ') !== false)
$namespace_as = explode(' as ', (string) $_namespace['use']);
// make sure the AS value is set
if (count($namespace_as) == 2)
$as = trim(trim($namespace_as[1], ';'));
$namespace = $this->getCleanNamespace($namespace_as[0]);
// trim possible use or ; added to the namespace
$namespace = $this->getCleanNamespace($_namespace['use']);
// check if still valid
if (!StringHelper::check($namespace))
// add to the header of the class
$this->addToHeader($guid, $this->getUseNamespace($namespace, $as));
// add composer namespaces for autoloader
$this->composer[$namespace] = $composer['access_point'];
// reserve composer values for the linker
$this->active[$guid]->unchanged_composer = '';
* Set Implements Interface classes
* @param string $guid The global unique id of the power
* @param array $use The use array
* @return void
* @since 3.2.0
private function setImplements(string $guid, array &$use)
// see if we have implements
$this->active[$guid]->implement_names = [];
// does this implement
$this->active[$guid]->implements = (isset($this->active[$guid]->implements)
&& JsonHelper::check(
)) ? json_decode((string) $this->active[$guid]->implements, true) : null;
if ($this->active[$guid]->implements)
foreach ($this->active[$guid]->implements as $implement)
if ($implement == -1
&& StringHelper::check($this->active[$guid]->implements_custom))
// reserve implements custom for the linker
$this->active[$guid]->unchanged_implements_custom = $this->active[$guid]->implements_custom;
$this->active[$guid]->implement_names[] = $this->placeholder->update_(
// just add this once
// does this extend existing
elseif (GuidHelper::valid($implement))
// check if it was set
if ($this->set($implement))
// get the name
$this->active[$guid]->implement_names[] = $this->get($implement, 1)->class_name;
// add to use
$use[] = $implement;
* Set Extend Class
* @param string $guid The global unique id of the power
* @param array $use The use array
* @return void
* @since 3.2.0
private function setExtend(string $guid, array &$use)
// does this extend something
$this->active[$guid]->extends_name = null;
// we first check for custom extending options
if ($this->active[$guid]->extends == -1
&& StringHelper::check($this->active[$guid]->extends_custom))
// reserve extends custom for the linker
$this->active[$guid]->unchanged_extends_custom = $this->active[$guid]->extends_custom;
$this->active[$guid]->extends_name = $this->placeholder->update_(
// just add once
// does this extend existing
elseif (GuidHelper::valid($this->active[$guid]->extends))
// check if it was set
if ($this->set($this->active[$guid]->extends))
// get the name
$this->active[$guid]->extends_name = $this->get($this->active[$guid]->extends, 1)->class_name;
// add to use
$use[] = $this->active[$guid]->extends;
* Set Extra Use Classes
* @param string $guid The global unique id of the power
* @param array $use The use array
* @param array $as The use as array
* @return void
* @since 3.2.0
private function setUseAs(string $guid, array $use, array $as)
// now add all the extra use statements
if (ArrayHelper::check($use))
foreach (array_unique($use) as $u)
if ($this->set($u))
// get the namespace
$namespace = $this->get($u, 1)->namespace;
// check if it has an AS option
if (isset($as[$u]) && StringHelper::check($as[$u]))
// add to the header of the class
$this->addToHeader($guid, $this->getUseNamespace($namespace, $as[$u]));
// add to the header of the class
$this->addToHeader($guid, $this->getUseNamespace($namespace));
* Get Clean Namespace without use or ; as part of the name space
@ -867,141 +359,6 @@ final class JoomlaPower implements PowerInterface
return 'use ' . $namespace . ';';
* Add to class header
* @param string $guid The global unique id of the power
* @param string $string The string to add to header
* @return void
* @since 3.2.0
private function addToHeader(string $guid, string $string)
// check if it is already added manually
if (isset($this->active[$guid]->head) &&
strpos((string) $this->active[$guid]->head, $string) === false)
$this->active[$guid]->head .= $string . PHP_EOL;
* Set the power licensing template
* @param string $guid The global unique id of the power
* @param array $guiMapper The gui mapper array
* @return void
* @since 3.2.0
private function setLicensingTemplate(string $guid, array $guiMapper): void
if ($this->active[$guid]->add_licensing_template == 2 &&
// set GUI mapper field
$guiMapper['field'] = 'licensing_template';
// reserve licensing template for the linker
$this->active[$guid]->unchanged_licensing_template = base64_decode(
(string) $this->active[$guid]->licensing_template
// base64 Decode code
$this->active[$guid]->licensing_template = $this->gui->set(
$this->active[$guid]->add_licensing_template = 1;
$this->active[$guid]->licensing_template = '';
$this->active[$guid]->unchanged_licensing_template = '';
* Set the power header script
* @param string $guid The global unique id of the power
* @param array $guiMapper The gui mapper array
* @return void
* @since 3.2.0
private function setHeader(string $guid, array $guiMapper): void
if ($this->active[$guid]->add_head == 1)
// set GUI mapper field
$guiMapper['field'] = 'head';
// reserve header for the linker
$this->active[$guid]->unchanged_head = base64_decode(
(string) $this->active[$guid]->head
// base64 Decode code
$this->active[$guid]->head = $this->gui->set(
) . PHP_EOL;
$this->active[$guid]->head = '';
$this->active[$guid]->unchanged_head = '';
* Set the power main class code
* @param string $guid The global unique id of the power
* @param array $guiMapper The gui mapper array
* @return void
* @since 3.2.0
private function setMainClassCode(string $guid, array $guiMapper): void
if (StringHelper::check($this->active[$guid]->main_class_code))
// reserve main class code for the linker
$this->active[$guid]->unchanged_main_class_code = base64_decode(
(string) $this->active[$guid]->main_class_code
// set GUI mapper field
$guiMapper['field'] = 'main_class_code';
// base64 Decode code
$this->active[$guid]->main_class_code = $this->gui->set(
$this->active[$guid]->unchanged_main_class_code = '';
$this->active[$guid]->main_class_code = '';
* Set the super powers of this power
@ -1012,57 +369,7 @@ final class JoomlaPower implements PowerInterface
private function setSuperPowers(string $guid): void
// set the approved super power values
if ($this->config->add_super_powers && $this->active[$guid]->approved == 1)
$this->active[$guid]->approved_paths = (isset($this->active[$guid]->approved_paths)
&& JsonHelper::check(
)) ? json_decode((string) $this->active[$guid]->approved_paths, true) : null;
if (ArrayHelper::check($this->active[$guid]->approved_paths))
$global_path = $this->config->local_powers_repository_path;
// update all paths
$this->active[$guid]->super_power_paths = array_map(function($path) use($global_path, $guid) {
// remove branch
if (($pos = strpos($path, ':')) !== false)
$path = substr($path, 0, $pos);
// set the repo path
$repo = $global_path . '/' . $path;
// set SuperPowerKey (spk)
$spk = 'Super_'.'_' . str_replace('-', '_', $guid) . '_'.'_Power';
// set the global super power
$this->superpowers[$repo][$guid] = [
'name' => $this->active[$guid]->code_name,
'type' => $this->active[$guid]->type,
'namespace' => $this->active[$guid]->_namespace,
'code' => 'src/' . $guid . '/code.php',
'power' => 'src/' . $guid . '/code.power',
'settings' => 'src/' . $guid . '/settings.json',
'path' => 'src/' . $guid,
'spk' => $spk,
'guid' => $guid
return $repo . '/src/' . $guid;
}, array_values($this->active[$guid]->approved_paths));
// reset all to avoid any misunderstanding down steam
$this->active[$guid]->super_power_paths = null;
$this->active[$guid]->approved_paths = null;
$this->active[$guid]->approved = null;
// soon

View File

@ -14,14 +14,6 @@
public array $namespace = [];
* All composer namespaces
* @var array
* @since 3.2.0
public array $composer = [];
* All super powers of this build
@ -206,96 +198,6 @@
// all powers linked to it
$this->state[$guid] = true;
// make sure to add any language strings found to all language files
// since we can't know where this is used at this point
$tmp_lang_target = $this->config->lang_target;
$this->config->lang_target = 'both';
// we set the fix url if needed
= '"index.php?option=com_componentbuilder&view=powers&task=power.edit&id='
. $this->active[$guid]->id . '" target="_blank"';
// set some keys
$this->active[$guid]->target_type = 'P0m3R!';
$this->active[$guid]->key = $this->active[$guid]->id . '_' . $this->active[$guid]->target_type;
// reserve some values for the linker
$this->active[$guid]->unchanged_namespace = $this->active[$guid]->namespace;
$this->active[$guid]->unchanged_description = $this->active[$guid]->description;
// now set the name
$this->active[$guid]->name = $this->placeholder->update_(
// now set the code_name and class name
$this->active[$guid]->code_name = $this->active[$guid]->class_name = ClassfunctionHelper::safe(
// set official name
$this->active[$guid]->official_name = StringHelper::safe(
$this->active[$guid]->name, 'W'
// set name space
if (!$this->setNamespace($guid))
$this->state[$guid] = false;
// reset back to starting value
$this->config->lang_target = $tmp_lang_target;
return false;
// load use ids
$use = [];
$as = [];
// set extra classes
// set use classes
$this->setUseSelection($guid, $use, $as);
// set implement interfaces
$this->setImplements($guid, $use);
// set extend class
$this->setExtend($guid, $use);
// set GUI mapper
$guiMapper = [
'table' => 'power',
'id' => (int) $this->active[$guid]->id,
'type' => 'php'
// add the licensing template
$this->setLicensingTemplate($guid, $guiMapper);
// add the header script
$this->setHeader($guid, $guiMapper);
// set composer
// now set the description
$this->active[$guid]->description = (StringHelper::check($this->active[$guid]->description)) ? $this->placeholder->update_(
) : '';
// add the main code if set
$this->setMainClassCode($guid, $guiMapper);
// load the use classes
$this->setUseAs($guid, $use, $as);
// reset back to starting value
$this->config->lang_target = $tmp_lang_target;
// set the approved super power values
@ -323,7 +225,7 @@
Text::sprintf('<p>Power <b>guid:%s</b> not found!</p>', $guid),
Text::sprintf('<p>Joomla Power <b>guid:%s</b> not found!</p>', $guid),
@ -372,7 +274,7 @@
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
$query->from('#__componentbuilder_power AS a');
$query->from('#__componentbuilder_joomla_power AS a');
$query->where($this->db->quoteName('a.guid') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($guid));
@ -386,416 +288,6 @@
return null;
* Set the namespace for this power
* @param string $guid The global unique id of the power
* @return bool
* @since 3.2.0
private function setNamespace(string $guid): bool
// set namespace
$this->active[$guid]->namespace = $this->placeholder->update_(
// validate namespace
if (strpos($this->active[$guid]->namespace, '\\') === false)
// we raise an error message
Text::sprintf('<h3>%s namespace error (%s)</h3><p>You must at-least have two sections in your namespace, you just have one. This is an unacceptable action, please see <a href=%s >psr-4</a> for more info.</p><p>This %s was therefore removed, <a href=%s>click here</a> to fix this issue.</p>',
ucfirst((string) $this->active[$guid]->type), $this->active[$guid]->name, $this->active[$guid]->namespace,
'"https://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-4/" target="_blank"', $this->active[$guid]->type,
// we break out here
return false;
// setup the path array
$path_array = (array) explode('\\', $this->active[$guid]->namespace);
// make sure all sub folders in src dir is set and remove all characters that will not work in folders naming
$this->active[$guid]->namespace = $this->getCleanNamespace(str_replace('.', '\\', $this->active[$guid]->namespace));
// make sure it has two or more
if (ArrayHelper::check($path_array) <= 1)
// we raise an error message
Text::sprintf('<h3>%s namespace error (%s)</h3><p>You must at-least have two sections in your namespace, you just have one (%s). This is an unacceptable action, please see <a href=%s >psr-4</a> for more info.</p><p>This %s was therefore removed, <a href=%s>click here</a> to fix this issue.</p>',
ucfirst((string) $this->active[$guid]->type), $this->active[$guid]->name, $this->active[$guid]->namespace,
'"https://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-4/" target="_blank"', $this->active[$guid]->type,
// we break out here
return false;
// get the file and class name (the last value in array)
$file_name = array_pop($path_array);
// src array bucket
$src_array = [];
// do we have src folders
if (strpos($file_name, '.') !== false)
// we have src folders in the namespace
$src_array = (array) explode('.', $file_name);
// get the file and class name (the last value in array)
$this->active[$guid]->file_name = array_pop($src_array);
// namespace array
$namespace_array = [...$path_array, ...$src_array];
// set the file name
$this->active[$guid]->file_name = $file_name;
// namespace array
$namespace_array = $path_array;
// the last value is the same as the class name
if ($this->active[$guid]->file_name !== $this->active[$guid]->class_name)
// we raise an error message
Text::sprintf('<p>%s naming mismatch error (%s)</p><p>The %s name is <b>%s</b> and the ending file name in the namespace is <b>%s</b>. This is bad convention, please see <a href=%s >psr-4</a> for more info.</p><p><a href=%s>Click here</a> to fix this issue.</p>',
ucfirst((string) $this->active[$guid]->type), $this->active[$guid]->name, $this->active[$guid]->type, $this->active[$guid]->class_name, $this->active[$guid]->file_name,
'"https://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-4/" target="_blank"',
// we break out here
return false;
// make sure the arrays are namespace safe
$path_array =
fn($val) => $this->getCleanNamespace($val),
$namespace_array =
fn($val) => $this->getCleanNamespace($val),
// set the actual class namespace
$this->active[$guid]->_namespace = implode('\\', $namespace_array);
// set global namespaces for autoloader
$this->namespace[implode('.', $path_array)] = $path_array;
// get the parent folder (the first value in array)
$prefix_folder = implode('.', $path_array);
// make sub folders if still found
$sub_folder = '';
if (ArrayHelper::check($src_array))
// make sure the arrays are namespace safe
$sub_folder = '/' . implode('/',
fn($val) => $this->getCleanNamespace($val),
// now we set the paths
$this->active[$guid]->path_jcb = $this->config->get('jcb_powers_path', 'libraries/jcb_powers');
$this->active[$guid]->path_parent = $this->active[$guid]->path_jcb . '/' . $prefix_folder;
$this->active[$guid]->path = $this->active[$guid]->path_parent . '/src' . $sub_folder;
return true;
* Set Use Classes
* @param string $guid The global unique id of the power
* @param array $use The use array
* @param array $as The use as array
* @return void
* @since 3.2.0
private function setUseSelection(string $guid, array &$use, array &$as)
// check if we have use selection
$this->active[$guid]->use_selection = (isset($this->active[$guid]->use_selection)
&& JsonHelper::check(
)) ? json_decode((string) $this->active[$guid]->use_selection, true) : null;
if (ArrayHelper::check($this->active[$guid]->use_selection))
$use = array_values(array_map(function ($u) use(&$as) {
// track the AS options
$as[$u['use']] = empty($u['as']) ? 'default' : (string) $u['as'];
// return the guid
return $u['use'];
}, $this->active[$guid]->use_selection));
$this->active[$guid]->use_selection = null;
* Load Extra Classes
* @param string $guid The global unique id of the power
* @return void
* @since 3.2.0
private function setLoadSelection(string $guid)
// check if we have load selection
$this->active[$guid]->load_selection = (isset($this->active[$guid]->load_selection)
&& JsonHelper::check(
)) ? json_decode((string) $this->active[$guid]->load_selection, true) : null;
if (ArrayHelper::check($this->active[$guid]->load_selection))
// load use ids
// just load it directly and be done with it
fn($power) => $this->set($power['load']),
$this->active[$guid]->load_selection = null;
* Set Composer Linked Use and Access Point
* @param string $guid The global unique id of the power
* @return void
* @since 3.2.0
private function setComposer(string $guid)
// does this have composer powers
$_composer = (isset($this->active[$guid]->composer)
&& JsonHelper::check(
)) ? json_decode((string) $this->active[$guid]->composer, true) : null;
if (ArrayHelper::check($_composer))
// reserve composer values for the linker
$this->active[$guid]->unchanged_composer = $_composer;
foreach ($_composer as $composer)
if (isset($composer['access_point']) && StringHelper::check($composer['access_point']) &&
isset($composer['namespace']) && ArrayHelper::check($composer['namespace']))
foreach ($composer['namespace'] as $_namespace)
// make sure we have a valid namespace
if (isset($_namespace['use']) && StringHelper::check($_namespace['use']) &&
strpos((string) $_namespace['use'], '\\') !== false)
// add the namespace to this access point
$as = 'default';
if (strpos((string) $_namespace['use'], ' as ') !== false)
$namespace_as = explode(' as ', (string) $_namespace['use']);
// make sure the AS value is set
if (count($namespace_as) == 2)
$as = trim(trim($namespace_as[1], ';'));
$namespace = $this->getCleanNamespace($namespace_as[0]);
// trim possible use or ; added to the namespace
$namespace = $this->getCleanNamespace($_namespace['use']);
// check if still valid
if (!StringHelper::check($namespace))
// add to the header of the class
$this->addToHeader($guid, $this->getUseNamespace($namespace, $as));
// add composer namespaces for autoloader
$this->composer[$namespace] = $composer['access_point'];
// reserve composer values for the linker
$this->active[$guid]->unchanged_composer = '';
* Set Implements Interface classes
* @param string $guid The global unique id of the power
* @param array $use The use array
* @return void
* @since 3.2.0
private function setImplements(string $guid, array &$use)
// see if we have implements
$this->active[$guid]->implement_names = [];
// does this implement
$this->active[$guid]->implements = (isset($this->active[$guid]->implements)
&& JsonHelper::check(
)) ? json_decode((string) $this->active[$guid]->implements, true) : null;
if ($this->active[$guid]->implements)
foreach ($this->active[$guid]->implements as $implement)
if ($implement == -1
&& StringHelper::check($this->active[$guid]->implements_custom))
// reserve implements custom for the linker
$this->active[$guid]->unchanged_implements_custom = $this->active[$guid]->implements_custom;
$this->active[$guid]->implement_names[] = $this->placeholder->update_(
// just add this once
// does this extend existing
elseif (GuidHelper::valid($implement))
// check if it was set
if ($this->set($implement))
// get the name
$this->active[$guid]->implement_names[] = $this->get($implement, 1)->class_name;
// add to use
$use[] = $implement;
* Set Extend Class
* @param string $guid The global unique id of the power
* @param array $use The use array
* @return void
* @since 3.2.0
private function setExtend(string $guid, array &$use)
// does this extend something
$this->active[$guid]->extends_name = null;
// we first check for custom extending options
if ($this->active[$guid]->extends == -1
&& StringHelper::check($this->active[$guid]->extends_custom))
// reserve extends custom for the linker
$this->active[$guid]->unchanged_extends_custom = $this->active[$guid]->extends_custom;
$this->active[$guid]->extends_name = $this->placeholder->update_(
// just add once
// does this extend existing
elseif (GuidHelper::valid($this->active[$guid]->extends))
// check if it was set
if ($this->set($this->active[$guid]->extends))
// get the name
$this->active[$guid]->extends_name = $this->get($this->active[$guid]->extends, 1)->class_name;
// add to use
$use[] = $this->active[$guid]->extends;
* Set Extra Use Classes
* @param string $guid The global unique id of the power
* @param array $use The use array
* @param array $as The use as array
* @return void
* @since 3.2.0
private function setUseAs(string $guid, array $use, array $as)
// now add all the extra use statements
if (ArrayHelper::check($use))
foreach (array_unique($use) as $u)
if ($this->set($u))
// get the namespace
$namespace = $this->get($u, 1)->namespace;
// check if it has an AS option
if (isset($as[$u]) && StringHelper::check($as[$u]))
// add to the header of the class
$this->addToHeader($guid, $this->getUseNamespace($namespace, $as[$u]));
// add to the header of the class
$this->addToHeader($guid, $this->getUseNamespace($namespace));
* Get Clean Namespace without use or ; as part of the name space
@ -830,141 +322,6 @@
return 'use ' . $namespace . ';';
* Add to class header
* @param string $guid The global unique id of the power
* @param string $string The string to add to header
* @return void
* @since 3.2.0
private function addToHeader(string $guid, string $string)
// check if it is already added manually
if (isset($this->active[$guid]->head) &&
strpos((string) $this->active[$guid]->head, $string) === false)
$this->active[$guid]->head .= $string . PHP_EOL;
* Set the power licensing template
* @param string $guid The global unique id of the power
* @param array $guiMapper The gui mapper array
* @return void
* @since 3.2.0
private function setLicensingTemplate(string $guid, array $guiMapper): void
if ($this->active[$guid]->add_licensing_template == 2 &&
// set GUI mapper field
$guiMapper['field'] = 'licensing_template';
// reserve licensing template for the linker
$this->active[$guid]->unchanged_licensing_template = base64_decode(
(string) $this->active[$guid]->licensing_template
// base64 Decode code
$this->active[$guid]->licensing_template = $this->gui->set(
$this->active[$guid]->add_licensing_template = 1;
$this->active[$guid]->licensing_template = '';
$this->active[$guid]->unchanged_licensing_template = '';
* Set the power header script
* @param string $guid The global unique id of the power
* @param array $guiMapper The gui mapper array
* @return void
* @since 3.2.0
private function setHeader(string $guid, array $guiMapper): void
if ($this->active[$guid]->add_head == 1)
// set GUI mapper field
$guiMapper['field'] = 'head';
// reserve header for the linker
$this->active[$guid]->unchanged_head = base64_decode(
(string) $this->active[$guid]->head
// base64 Decode code
$this->active[$guid]->head = $this->gui->set(
) . PHP_EOL;
$this->active[$guid]->head = '';
$this->active[$guid]->unchanged_head = '';
* Set the power main class code
* @param string $guid The global unique id of the power
* @param array $guiMapper The gui mapper array
* @return void
* @since 3.2.0
private function setMainClassCode(string $guid, array $guiMapper): void
if (StringHelper::check($this->active[$guid]->main_class_code))
// reserve main class code for the linker
$this->active[$guid]->unchanged_main_class_code = base64_decode(
(string) $this->active[$guid]->main_class_code
// set GUI mapper field
$guiMapper['field'] = 'main_class_code';
// base64 Decode code
$this->active[$guid]->main_class_code = $this->gui->set(
$this->active[$guid]->unchanged_main_class_code = '';
$this->active[$guid]->main_class_code = '';
* Set the super powers of this power
@ -975,55 +332,5 @@
private function setSuperPowers(string $guid): void
// set the approved super power values
if ($this->config->add_super_powers && $this->active[$guid]->approved == 1)
$this->active[$guid]->approved_paths = (isset($this->active[$guid]->approved_paths)
&& JsonHelper::check(
)) ? json_decode((string) $this->active[$guid]->approved_paths, true) : null;
if (ArrayHelper::check($this->active[$guid]->approved_paths))
$global_path = $this->config->local_powers_repository_path;
// update all paths
$this->active[$guid]->super_power_paths = array_map(function($path) use($global_path, $guid) {
// remove branch
if (($pos = strpos($path, ':')) !== false)
$path = substr($path, 0, $pos);
// set the repo path
$repo = $global_path . '/' . $path;
// set SuperPowerKey (spk)
$spk = 'Super_'.'_' . str_replace('-', '_', $guid) . '_'.'_Power';
// set the global super power
$this->superpowers[$repo][$guid] = [
'name' => $this->active[$guid]->code_name,
'type' => $this->active[$guid]->type,
'namespace' => $this->active[$guid]->_namespace,
'code' => 'src/' . $guid . '/code.php',
'power' => 'src/' . $guid . '/code.power',
'settings' => 'src/' . $guid . '/settings.json',
'path' => 'src/' . $guid,
'spk' => $spk,
'guid' => $guid
return $repo . '/src/' . $guid;
}, array_values($this->active[$guid]->approved_paths));
// reset all to avoid any misunderstanding down steam
$this->active[$guid]->super_power_paths = null;
$this->active[$guid]->approved_paths = null;
$this->active[$guid]->approved = null;
// soon

View File

@ -77,7 +77,11 @@ class JoomlaPower implements ServiceProviderInterface
public function getPowers(Container $container): Powers
return new Powers(

View File

@ -44,7 +44,11 @@
public function getPowers(Container $container): Powers
return new Powers(