* @git Joomla Component Builder * @copyright Copyright (C) 2015 Vast Development Method. All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Creator; use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Config; use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Language; use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Builder\ConfigFieldsetsCustomfield as Customfield; use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Builder\ConfigFieldsets; use VastDevelopmentMethod\Joomla\Utilities\ArrayHelper; use VastDevelopmentMethod\Joomla\Utilities\StringHelper; use VastDevelopmentMethod\Joomla\Utilities\GetHelper; use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Utilities\Indent; /** * Config Fieldsets Customfield Creator Class * * @since 3.2.0 */ final class ConfigFieldsetsCustomfield { /** * The Config Class. * * @var Config * @since 3.2.0 */ protected Config $config; /** * The Language Class. * * @var Language * @since 3.2.0 */ protected Language $language; /** * The ConfigFieldsetsCustomfield Class. * * @var Customfield * @since 3.2.0 */ protected Customfield $customfield; /** * The ConfigFieldsets Class. * * @var ConfigFieldsets * @since 3.2.0 */ protected ConfigFieldsets $configfieldsets; /** * Constructor. * * @param Config $config The Config Class. * @param Language $language The Language Class. * @param Customfield $customfield The ConfigFieldsetsCustomfield Class. * @param ConfigFieldsets $configfieldsets The ConfigFieldsets Class. * * @since 3.2.0 */ public function __construct(Config $config, Language $language, Customfield $customfield, ConfigFieldsets $configfieldsets) { $this->config = $config; $this->language = $language; $this->customfield = $customfield; $this->configfieldsets = $configfieldsets; } /** * Set Custom Control Config Fieldsets * * @param string $lang * * @since 1.0 */ public function set(string $lang): void { // add custom new global fields set if ($this->customfield->isActive()) { foreach ($this->customfield->allActive() as $tab => $tabFields) { $tabCode = StringHelper::safe($tab) . '_custom_config'; $tabUpper = StringHelper::safe($tab, 'U'); $tabLower = StringHelper::safe($tab); // remove display targeted fields $bucket = []; foreach ($tabFields as $tabField) { $display = GetHelper::between( $tabField, 'display="', '"' ); if (!StringHelper::check($display) || $display === 'config') { // remove this display since it is not used in Joomla $bucket[] = str_replace( 'display="config"', '', (string) $tabField ); } } // only add the tab if it has values if (ArrayHelper::check($bucket)) { // setup lang $this->language->set( $this->config->lang_target, $lang . '_' . $tabUpper, $tab ); // start field set $this->configfieldsets->add('component', Indent::_(1) . "configfieldsets->add('component', Indent::_(2) . 'name="' . $tabCode . '"'); $this->configfieldsets->add('component', Indent::_(2) . 'label="' . $lang . '_' . $tabUpper . '">'); // set the fields $this->configfieldsets->add('component', implode("", $bucket)); // close field set $this->configfieldsets->add('component', Indent::_(1) . ""); } // remove after loading $this->customfield->remove($tab); } } } }