/** * The Component code name. * * @var String * @since 3.2.0 */ protected String $component; /** * The Permission Class. * * @var Permission * @since 3.2.0 */ protected Permission $permission; /** * The Dispenser Class. * * @var Dispenser * @since 3.2.0 */ protected Dispenser $dispenser; /** * The Category Class. * * @var Category * @since 3.2.0 */ protected Category $category; /** * The CategoryOtherName Class. * * @var CategoryOtherName * @since 3.2.0 */ protected CategoryOtherName $categoryothername; /** * Constructor. * * @param Config $config The Config Class. * @param Permission $permission The Permission Class. * @param Dispenser $dispenser The Dispenser Class. * @param Category $category The Category Class. * @param CategoryOtherName $categoryothername The CategoryOtherName Class. * * @since 3.2.0 */ public function __construct(Config $config, Permission $permission, Dispenser $dispenser, Category $category, CategoryOtherName $categoryothername) { $this->component = $config->component_code_name; $this->permission = $permission; $this->dispenser = $dispenser; $this->category = $category; $this->categoryothername = $categoryothername; } /** * Get Allow Edit Function Code * * @param string $nameSingleCode The single code name of the view. * @param string $nameListCode The list code name of the view. * * @since 3.2.0 * @return string The allow edit method code */ public function get(string $nameSingleCode, string $nameListCode): string { $allow = []; // prepare custom permission script $customAllow = $this->dispenser->get( 'php_allowedit', $nameSingleCode, '', null, true ); if ($this->category->exists("{$nameListCode}")) { // check if category has another name $otherViews = $this->categoryothername-> get($nameListCode . '.views', $nameListCode); $otherView = $this->categoryothername-> get($nameListCode . '.view', $nameSingleCode); // setup the category script $allow[] = Indent::_(2) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " get user object."; $allow[] = Indent::_(2) . "\$user = Factory::getUser();"; $allow[] = Indent::_(2) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " get record id."; $allow[] = Indent::_(2) . "\$recordId = (int) isset(\$data[\$key]) ? \$data[\$key] : 0;"; // load custom permission script $allow[] = $customAllow; // check if the item has permissions. if ($this->permission->globalExist($otherView, 'core.access')) { $allow[] = PHP_EOL . Indent::_(2) . "//" . Line::_( __LINE__,__CLASS__ ) . " Access check."; $allow[] = Indent::_(2) . "\$access = (\$user->authorise('" . $this->permission->getGlobal($otherView, 'core.access') . "', 'com_" . $this->component . "." . $otherView . ".' . (int) \$recordId) && \$user->authorise('" . $this->permission->getGlobal($otherView, 'core.access') . "', 'com_" . $this->component . "'));"; $allow[] = Indent::_(2) . "if (!\$access)"; $allow[] = Indent::_(2) . "{"; $allow[] = Indent::_(3) . "return false;"; $allow[] = Indent::_(2) . "}"; } $allow[] = PHP_EOL . Indent::_(2) . "if (\$recordId)"; $allow[] = Indent::_(2) . "{"; $allow[] = Indent::_(3) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " The record has been set. Check the record permissions."; // check if the item has permissions. $allow[] = Indent::_(3) . "\$permission = \$user->authorise('" . $this->permission->getAction($otherView, 'core.edit') . "', 'com_" . $this->component . "." . $otherView . ".' . (int) \$recordId);"; $allow[] = Indent::_(3) . "if (!\$permission)"; $allow[] = Indent::_(3) . "{"; // check if the item has permissions. $allow[] = Indent::_(4) . "if (\$user->authorise('" . $this->permission->getAction($otherView, 'core.edit.own') . "', 'com_" . $this->component . "." . $otherView . ".' . \$recordId))"; $allow[] = Indent::_(4) . "{"; $allow[] = Indent::_(5) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " Fallback on edit.own. Now test the owner is the user."; $allow[] = Indent::_(5) . "\$ownerId = (int) isset(\$data['created_by']) ? \$data['created_by'] : 0;"; $allow[] = Indent::_(5) . "if (empty(\$ownerId))"; $allow[] = Indent::_(5) . "{"; $allow[] = Indent::_(6) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " Need to do a lookup from the model."; $allow[] = Indent::_(6) . "\$record = \$this->getModel()->getItem(\$recordId);"; $allow[] = PHP_EOL . Indent::_(6) . "if (empty(\$record))"; $allow[] = Indent::_(6) . "{"; $allow[] = Indent::_(7) . "return false;"; $allow[] = Indent::_(6) . "}"; $allow[] = Indent::_(6) . "\$ownerId = \$record->created_by;"; $allow[] = Indent::_(5) . "}"; $allow[] = PHP_EOL . Indent::_(5) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " If the owner matches 'me' then do the test."; $allow[] = Indent::_(5) . "if (\$ownerId == \$user->id)"; $allow[] = Indent::_(5) . "{"; // check if the item has permissions. $allow[] = Indent::_(6) . "if (\$user->authorise('" . $this->permission->getGlobal($otherView, 'core.edit.own') . "', 'com_" . $this->component . "'))"; $allow[] = Indent::_(6) . "{"; $allow[] = Indent::_(7) . "return true;"; $allow[] = Indent::_(6) . "}"; $allow[] = Indent::_(5) . "}"; $allow[] = Indent::_(4) . "}"; $allow[] = Indent::_(4) . "return false;"; $allow[] = Indent::_(3) . "}"; $allow[] = Indent::_(2) . "}"; if ($this->permission->globalExist($otherView, 'core.edit')) { $allow[] = Indent::_(2) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " Since there is no permission, revert to the component permissions."; $allow[] = Indent::_(2) . "return \$user->authorise('" . $this->permission->getGlobal($otherView, 'core.edit') . "', \$this->option);"; } else { $allow[] = Indent::_(2) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " Since there is no permission, revert to the component permissions."; $allow[] = Indent::_(2) . "return parent::allowEdit(\$data, \$key);"; } } else { // setup the category script $allow[] = PHP_EOL . Indent::_(2) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " get user object."; $allow[] = Indent::_(2) . "\$user = Factory::getUser();"; $allow[] = Indent::_(2) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " get record id."; $allow[] = Indent::_(2) . "\$recordId = (int) isset(\$data[\$key]) ? \$data[\$key] : 0;"; // load custom permission script $allow[] = $customAllow; // check if the item has permissions. if ($this->permission->actionExist($nameSingleCode, 'core.access')) { $allow[] = PHP_EOL . Indent::_(2) . "//" . Line::_( __LINE__,__CLASS__ ) . " Access check."; $allow[] = Indent::_(2) . "\$access = (\$user->authorise('" . $this->permission->getAction($nameSingleCode, 'core.access') . "', 'com_" . $this->component . "." . $nameSingleCode . ".' . (int) \$recordId) && \$user->authorise('" . $this->permission->getAction($nameSingleCode, 'core.access') . "', 'com_" . $this->component . "'));"; $allow[] = Indent::_(2) . "if (!\$access)"; $allow[] = Indent::_(2) . "{"; $allow[] = Indent::_(3) . "return false;"; $allow[] = Indent::_(2) . "}"; } $allow[] = PHP_EOL . Indent::_(2) . "if (\$recordId)"; $allow[] = Indent::_(2) . "{"; $allow[] = Indent::_(3) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " The record has been set. Check the record permissions."; // check if the item has permissions. $allow[] = Indent::_(3) . "\$permission = \$user->authorise('" . $this->permission->getAction($nameSingleCode, 'core.edit') . "', 'com_" . $this->component . "." . $nameSingleCode . ".' . (int) \$recordId);"; $allow[] = Indent::_(3) . "if (!\$permission)"; $allow[] = Indent::_(3) . "{"; // check if the item has permissions. $allow[] = Indent::_(4) . "if (\$user->authorise('" . $this->permission->getAction($nameSingleCode, 'core.edit.own') . "', 'com_" . $this->component . "." . $nameSingleCode . ".' . \$recordId))"; $allow[] = Indent::_(4) . "{"; $allow[] = Indent::_(5) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " Now test the owner is the user."; $allow[] = Indent::_(5) . "\$ownerId = (int) isset(\$data['created_by']) ? \$data['created_by'] : 0;"; $allow[] = Indent::_(5) . "if (empty(\$ownerId))"; $allow[] = Indent::_(5) . "{"; $allow[] = Indent::_(6) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " Need to do a lookup from the model."; $allow[] = Indent::_(6) . "\$record = \$this->getModel()->getItem(\$recordId);"; $allow[] = PHP_EOL . Indent::_(6) . "if (empty(\$record))"; $allow[] = Indent::_(6) . "{"; $allow[] = Indent::_(7) . "return false;"; $allow[] = Indent::_(6) . "}"; $allow[] = Indent::_(6) . "\$ownerId = \$record->created_by;"; $allow[] = Indent::_(5) . "}"; $allow[] = PHP_EOL . Indent::_(5) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " If the owner matches 'me' then allow."; $allow[] = Indent::_(5) . "if (\$ownerId == \$user->id)"; $allow[] = Indent::_(5) . "{"; // check if the item has permissions. $allow[] = Indent::_(6) . "if (\$user->authorise('" . $this->permission->getGlobal($nameSingleCode, 'core.edit.own') . "', 'com_" . $this->component . "'))"; $allow[] = Indent::_(6) . "{"; $allow[] = Indent::_(7) . "return true;"; $allow[] = Indent::_(6) . "}"; $allow[] = Indent::_(5) . "}"; $allow[] = Indent::_(4) . "}"; $allow[] = Indent::_(4) . "return false;"; $allow[] = Indent::_(3) . "}"; $allow[] = Indent::_(2) . "}"; if ($this->permission->globalExist($nameSingleCode, 'core.edit')) { $allow[] = Indent::_(2) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " Since there is no permission, revert to the component permissions."; $allow[] = Indent::_(2) . "return \$user->authorise('" . $this->permission->getGlobal($nameSingleCode, 'core.edit') . "', \$this->option);"; } else { $allow[] = Indent::_(2) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " Since there is no permission, revert to the component permissions."; $allow[] = Indent::_(2) . "return parent::allowEdit(\$data, \$key);"; } } return implode(PHP_EOL, $allow); }