/** * The Config Class. * * @var Config * @since 3.2.0 */ protected Config $config; /** * The Language Class. * * @var Language * @since 3.2.0 */ protected Language $language; /** * The FieldGroupControl Class. * * @var FieldGroupControl * @since 3.2.0 */ protected FieldGroupControl $fieldgroupcontrol; /** * The ConfigFieldsets Class. * * @var ConfigFieldsets * @since 3.2.0 */ protected ConfigFieldsets $configfieldsets; /** * The ExtensionsParams Class. * * @var ExtensionsParams * @since 3.2.0 */ protected ExtensionsParams $extensionsparams; /** * The ConfigFieldsetsCustomfield Class. * * @var Customfield * @since 3.2.0 */ protected Customfield $customfield; /** * Constructor. * * @param Config $config The Config Class. * @param Language $language The Language Class. * @param FieldGroupControl $fieldgroupcontrol The FieldGroupControl Class. * @param ConfigFieldsets $configfieldsets The ConfigFieldsets Class. * @param ExtensionsParams $extensionsparams The ExtensionsParams Class. * @param Customfield $customfield The ConfigFieldsetsCustomfield Class. * * @since 3.2.0 */ public function __construct(Config $config, Language $language, FieldGroupControl $fieldgroupcontrol, ConfigFieldsets $configfieldsets, ExtensionsParams $extensionsparams, Customfield $customfield) { $this->config = $config; $this->language = $language; $this->fieldgroupcontrol = $fieldgroupcontrol; $this->configfieldsets = $configfieldsets; $this->extensionsparams = $extensionsparams; $this->customfield = $customfield; } /** * Set Group Control Config Fieldsets * * @param string $lang * * @since 1.0 */ public function set(string $lang): void { // start loading Group control params if needed if ($this->fieldgroupcontrol->isActive()) { // start building field set for config $this->configfieldsets->add('component', Indent::_(1) . "configfieldsets->add('component', Indent::_(2) . 'name="group_config"'); $this->configfieldsets->add('component', Indent::_(2) . 'label="' . $lang . '_GROUPS_LABEL"'); $this->configfieldsets->add('component', Indent::_(2) . 'description="' . $lang . '_GROUPS_DESC">'); // setup lang $this->language->set( $this->config->lang_target, $lang . '_GROUPS_LABEL', "Target Groups" ); $this->language->set( $this->config->lang_target, $lang . '_GROUPS_DESC', "The Parameters for the targeted groups are set here." ); $this->language->set( $this->config->lang_target, $lang . '_TARGET_GROUP_DESC', "Set the group/s being targeted by this user type." ); foreach ($this->fieldgroupcontrol->allActive() as $selector => $label) { $this->configfieldsets->add('component', Indent::_(2) . 'configfieldsets->add('component', Indent::_(3) . 'type="usergroup"'); $this->configfieldsets->add('component', Indent::_(3) . 'label="' . $label . '"'); $this->configfieldsets->add('component', Indent::_(3) . 'description="' . $lang . '_TARGET_GROUP_DESC"'); $this->configfieldsets->add('component', Indent::_(3) . 'multiple="true"'); $this->configfieldsets->add('component', Indent::_(2) . "/>"); // set params defaults $this->extensionsparams->add('component', '"' . $selector . '":["2"]'); } // add custom Target Groups fields if ($this->customfield->isArray('Target Groups')) { $this->configfieldsets->add('component', implode( "", $this->customfield->get('Target Groups') )); $this->customfield->remove('Target Groups'); } // close that fieldse $this->configfieldsets->add('component', Indent::_(1) . ""); } }