/** * The compiler registry * * @var Registry * @since 3.2.0 */ protected Registry $registry; /** * Constructor * * @param Registry|null $config The compiler registry object. * * @since 3.2.0 */ public function __construct(?Registry $registry = null) { $this->registry = $registry ?: Compiler::_('Registry'); } /** * get the field database name and AS prefix * * @param string $nameListCode The list view name * @param int $fieldId The field ID * @param string $targetArea The area being targeted * * @return string|null * @since 3.2.0 */ public function get(string $nameListCode, int $fieldId, string $targetArea = 'builder.list'): ?string { if (($fields = $this->registry->get("${targetArea}.${nameListCode}")) !== null) { if ($fieldId < 0) { switch ($fieldId) { case -1: return 'a.id'; case -2: return 'a.ordering'; case -3: return 'a.published'; } } foreach ($fields as $field) { if ($field['id'] == $fieldId) { // now check if this is a category if ($field['type'] === 'category') { return 'c.title'; } // set the custom code elseif (ArrayHelper::check( $field['custom'] )) { return $field['custom']['db'] . "." . $field['custom']['text']; } else { return 'a.' . $field['code']; } } } } return null; }