* @git Joomla Component Builder * @copyright Copyright (C) 2015 Vast Development Method. All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Field\JoomlaThree; use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Config; use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Placeholder; use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Creator\Permission; use VDM\Joomla\Utilities\StringHelper; use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Utilities\Placefix; use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Utilities\Indent; use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Utilities\Line; use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Interfaces\Field\InputButtonInterface; /** * Compiler Field Input Button * * @since 3.2.0 */ final class InputButton implements InputButtonInterface { /** * The Config Class. * * @var Config * @since 3.2.0 */ protected Config $config; /** * The Placeholder Class. * * @var Placeholder * @since 3.2.0 */ protected Placeholder $placeholder; /** * The Permission Class. * * @var Permission * @since 3.2.0 */ protected Permission $permission; /** * Constructor. * * @param Config $config The Config Class. * @param Placeholder $placeholder The Placeholder Class. * @param Permission $permission The Permission Class. * * @since 3.2.0 */ public function __construct(Config $config, Placeholder $placeholder, Permission $permission) { $this->config = $config; $this->placeholder = $placeholder; $this->permission = $permission; } /** * get Add Button To List Field Input (getInput tweak) * * @param array $fieldData The field custom data * * @return string of getInput class on success empty string otherwise * @since 3.2.0 */ public function get(array $fieldData): string { // make sure hte view values are set if (isset($fieldData['add_button']) && ($fieldData['add_button'] === 'true' || 1 == $fieldData['add_button']) && isset($fieldData['view']) && isset($fieldData['views']) && StringHelper::check($fieldData['view']) && StringHelper::check($fieldData['views'])) { // set local component $local_component = "com_" . $this->config->component_code_name; // check that the component value is set if (!isset($fieldData['component']) || !StringHelper::check( $fieldData['component'] )) { $fieldData['component'] = $local_component; } // check that the component has the com_ value in it if (strpos((string) $fieldData['component'], 'com_') === false || strpos((string) $fieldData['component'], '=') !== false) { $fieldData['component'] = "com_" . $fieldData['component']; } // make sure the component is update if # # # or [ [ [ component placeholder is used if (strpos((string) $fieldData['component'], (string) Placefix::h()) !== false || strpos((string) $fieldData['component'], (string) Placefix::b()) !== false) // should not be needed... but { $fieldData['component'] = $this->placeholder->update_( $fieldData['component'] ); } // get core permissions $coreLoad = false; // add ref tags $refLoad = true; // fall back on the field component $component = $fieldData['component']; // check if we should add ref tags (since it only works well on local views) if ($local_component !== $component) { // do not add ref tags $refLoad = false; } // start building the add buttons/s $addButton = array(); $addButton[] = PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . Indent::_(1) . "/**"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(1) . " * Override to add new button"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(1) . " *"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(1) . " * @return string The field input markup."; $addButton[] = Indent::_(1) . " *"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(1) . " * @since 3.2"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(1) . " */"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(1) . "protected function getInput()"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(1) . "{"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(2) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " see if we should add buttons"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(2) . "\$set_button = \$this->getAttribute('button');"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(2) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " get html"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(2) . "\$html = parent::getInput();"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(2) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " if true set button"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(2) . "if (\$set_button === 'true')"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(2) . "{"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "\$button = array();"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "\$script = array();"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "\$button_code_name = \$this->getAttribute('name');"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " get the input from url"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "\$app = Factory::getApplication();"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "\$jinput = \$app->input;"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " get the view name & id"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "\$values = \$jinput->getArray(array("; $addButton[] = Indent::_(4) . "'id' => 'int',"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(4) . "'view' => 'word'"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "));"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " check if new item"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "\$ref = '';"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "\$refJ = '';"; if ($refLoad) { $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "if (!is_null(\$values['id']) && strlen(\$values['view']))"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "{"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(4) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " only load referral if not new item."; $addButton[] = Indent::_(4) . "\$ref = '&ref=' . \$values['view'] . '&refid=' . \$values['id'];"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(4) . "\$refJ = '&ref=' . \$values['view'] . '&refid=' . \$values['id'];"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(4) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " get the return value."; $addButton[] = Indent::_(4) . "\$_uri = (string) \Joomla\CMS\Uri\Uri::getInstance();"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(4) . "\$_return = urlencode(base64_encode(\$_uri));"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(4) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " load return value."; $addButton[] = Indent::_(4) . "\$ref .= '&return=' . \$_return;"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(4) . "\$refJ .= '&return=' . \$_return;"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "}"; } else { $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "if (!is_null(\$values['id']) && strlen(\$values['view']))"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "{"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(4) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " only load field details if not new item."; $addButton[] = Indent::_(4) . "\$ref = '&field=' . \$values['view'] . '&field_id=' . \$values['id'];"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(4) . "\$refJ = '&field=' . \$values['view'] . '&field_id=' . \$values['id'];"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(4) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " get the return value."; $addButton[] = Indent::_(4) . "\$_uri = (string) \Joomla\CMS\Uri\Uri::getInstance();"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(4) . "\$_return = urlencode(base64_encode(\$_uri));"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(4) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " load return value."; $addButton[] = Indent::_(4) . "\$ref = '&return=' . \$_return;"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(4) . "\$refJ = '&return=' . \$_return;"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "}"; } $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " get button label"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "\$button_label = trim(\$button_code_name);"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "\$button_label = preg_replace('/_+/', ' ', \$button_label);"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "\$button_label = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', \$button_label);"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "\$button_label = preg_replace(\"/[^A-Za-z ]/\", '', \$button_label);"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "\$button_label = ucfirst(strtolower(\$button_label));"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " get user object"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "\$user = Factory::getUser();"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " only add if user allowed to create " . $fieldData['view']; // check if the item has permissions. $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "if (\$user->authorise('" . $this->permission->getGlobal($fieldData['view'], 'core.create') . "', '" . $component . "') && \$app->isClient('administrator')) // TODO for now only in admin area."; $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "{"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(4) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " build Create button"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(4) . "\$button[] = 'config->lang_prefix . "_CREATE_NEW_S', \$button_label).'\" style=\"border-radius: 0px 4px 4px 0px; padding: 4px 4px 4px 7px;\""; $addButton[] = Indent::_(5) . "href=\"index.php?option=" . $fieldData['component'] . "&view=" . $fieldData['view'] . "&layout=edit'.\$ref.'\" >"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(5) . "';"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "}"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " only add if user allowed to edit " . $fieldData['view']; // check if the item has permissions. $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "if (\$user->authorise('" . $this->permission->getGlobal($fieldData['view'], 'core.edit') . "', '" . $component . "') && \$app->isClient('administrator')) // TODO for now only in admin area."; $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "{"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(4) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " build edit button"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(4) . "\$button[] = 'config->lang_prefix . "_EDIT_S', \$button_label).'\" style=\"display: none; padding: 4px 4px 4px 7px;\" href=\"#\" >"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(5) . "';"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(4) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " build script"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(4) . "\$script[] = \""; $addButton[] = Indent::_(5) . "jQuery(document).ready(function() {"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(6) . "jQuery('#adminForm').on('change', '#jform_\".\$button_code_name.\"',function (e) {"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(7) . "e.preventDefault();"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(7) . "var \".\$button_code_name.\"Value = jQuery('#jform_\".\$button_code_name.\"').val();"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(7) . "\".\$button_code_name.\"Button(\".\$button_code_name.\"Value);"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(6) . "});"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(6) . "var \".\$button_code_name.\"Value = jQuery('#jform_\".\$button_code_name.\"').val();"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(6) . "\".\$button_code_name.\"Button(\".\$button_code_name.\"Value);"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(5) . "});"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(5) . "function \".\$button_code_name.\"Button(value) {"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(6) . "if (value > 0) {"; // TODO not ideal since value may not be an (int) $addButton[] = Indent::_(7) . "// hide the create button"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(7) . "jQuery('#\".\$button_code_name.\"Create').hide();"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(7) . "// show edit button"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(7) . "jQuery('#\".\$button_code_name.\"Edit').show();"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(7) . "var url = 'index.php?option=" . $fieldData['component'] . "&view=" . $fieldData['views'] . "&task=" . $fieldData['view'] . ".edit&id='+value+'\".\$refJ.\"';"; // TODO this value may not be the ID $addButton[] = Indent::_(7) . "jQuery('#\".\$button_code_name.\"Edit').attr('href', url);"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(6) . "} else {"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(7) . "// show the create button"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(7) . "jQuery('#\".\$button_code_name.\"Create').show();"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(7) . "// hide edit button"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(7) . "jQuery('#\".\$button_code_name.\"Edit').hide();"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(6) . "}"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(5) . "}\";"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "}"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " check if button was created for " . $fieldData['view'] . " field."; $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "if (is_array(\$button) && count(\$button) > 0)"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "{"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(4) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " Load the needed script."; $addButton[] = Indent::_(4) . "\$document = Factory::getDocument();"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(4) . "\$document->addScriptDeclaration(implode(' ',\$script));"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(4) . "//" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " return the button attached to input field."; $addButton[] = Indent::_(4) . "return '
' .\$html . implode('',\$button).'
';"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(3) . "}"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(2) . "}"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(2) . "return \$html;"; $addButton[] = Indent::_(1) . "}"; return implode(PHP_EOL, $addButton); } return ''; } }