
31 lines
1.8 KiB

"add_head": "1",
"add_licensing_template": "2",
"extends": "0",
"guid": "6784dd52-0909-451a-a872-9a942a023c68",
"implements": null,
"load_selection": null,
"name": "Grep",
"power_version": "1.0.0",
"system_name": "JCB.Power.Grep",
"type": "final class",
"use_selection": {
"use_selection0": {
"use": "8d1baef6-fcad-49a9-848f-428009cdb989",
"as": "default"
"use_selection1": {
"use": "a223b31e-ea1d-4cdf-92ae-5f9becffaff0",
"as": "default"
"use_selection2": {
"use": "4b225c51-d293-48e4-b3f6-5136cf5c3f18",
"as": "default"
"namespace": "VDM\\Joomla\\Componentbuilder.Power.Grep",
"description": "Global Resource Empowerment Platform\r\n\r\n The Grep feature will try to find your power in the repositories listed in the global\r\n Options of JCB in the super powers tab, and if it can't be found there will try the global core\r\n Super powers of JCB. All searches are performed according the the [algorithm:cascading]\r\n See documentation for more details: https:\/\/\/joomla\/super-powers\/wiki\r\n\r\n@since 3.2.0",
"licensing_template": "\/**\r\n * @package Joomla.Component.Builder\r\n *\r\n * @created 4th September, 2022\r\n * @author Llewellyn van der Merwe <https:\/\/>\r\n * @git Joomla Component Builder <https:\/\/\/joomla\/Component-Builder>\r\n * @copyright Copyright (C) 2015 Vast Development Method. All rights reserved.\r\n * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt\r\n *\/\r\n",
"head": "use Joomla\\CMS\\Factory;\r\nuse Joomla\\CMS\\Filesystem\\Folder;\r\nuse Joomla\\CMS\\Application\\CMSApplication;\r\nuse Joomla\\CMS\\Language\\Text;",
"composer": ""