2024-04-24 21:22:23 +02:00

843 lines
24 KiB

* Compiler Config
* @var Config
* @since 3.2.0
protected Config $config;
* Compiler Event
* @var EventInterface
* @since 3.2.0
protected EventInterface $event;
* Compiler Placeholder
* @var Placeholder
* @since 3.2.0
protected Placeholder $placeholder;
* Compiler Component Placeholder
* @var ComponentPlaceholder
* @since 3.2.0
protected ComponentPlaceholder $componentPlaceholder;
* Compiler Customcode Dispenser
* @var Dispenser
* @since 3.2.0
protected Dispenser $dispenser;
* Compiler Customcode
* @var Customcode
* @since 3.2.0
protected Customcode $customcode;
* Compiler Customcode in Gui
* @var Gui
* @since 3.2.0
protected Gui $gui;
* Compiler Field
* @var Field
* @since 3.2.0
protected Field $field;
* Compiler field name
* @var FieldName
* @since 3.2.0
protected FieldName $fieldName;
* Compiler Field Unique Name
* @var UniqueName
* @since 3.2.0
protected UniqueName $uniqueName;
* Compiler Files Folders
* @var Filesfolders
* @since 3.2.0
protected Filesfolders $filesFolders;
* The modelling component history
* @var Historycomponent
* @since 3.2.0
protected Historycomponent $history;
* The modelling whmcs
* @var Whmcs
* @since 3.2.0
protected Whmcs $whmcs;
* The modelling Sql Tweaking
* @var Sqltweaking
* @since 3.2.0
protected Sqltweaking $sqltweaking;
* The modelling Admin Views
* @var Adminviews
* @since 3.2.0
protected Adminviews $adminviews;
* The modelling Site Views
* @var Siteviews
* @since 3.2.0
protected Siteviews $siteviews;
* The modelling Custom Admin Views
* @var Customadminviews
* @since 3.2.0
protected Customadminviews $customadminviews;
* The modelling Update Server
* @var Updateserver
* @since 3.2.0
protected Updateserver $updateserver;
* The modelling Joomla Modules
* @var Joomlamodules
* @since 3.2.0
protected Joomlamodules $modules;
* The modelling Joomla Plugins
* @var Joomlaplugins
* @since 3.2.0
protected Joomlaplugins $plugins;
* The modelling Joomla Site Router
* @var Router
* @since 3.2.0
protected Router $router;
* Database object to query local DB
* @since 3.2.0
protected $db;
* Constructor
* @param Config|null $config The compiler config object.
* @param EventInterface|null $event The compiler event api object.
* @param Placeholder|null $placeholder The compiler placeholder object.
* @param ComponentPlaceholder|null $componentPlaceholder The compiler component placeholder object.
* @param Dispenser|null $dispenser The compiler customcode dispenser object.
* @param Customcode|null $customcode The compiler customcode object.
* @param Gui|null $gui The compiler customcode gui.
* @param Field|null $field The compiler field object.
* @param FieldName|null $fieldName The compiler field name object.
* @param UniqueName|null $uniqueName The compiler field unique name object.
* @param Filesfolders|null $filesFolders The compiler files folders object.
* @param Historycomponent|null $history The modelling component history object.
* @param Whmcs|null $whmcs The modelling whmcs object.
* @param Sqltweaking|null $sqltweaking The modelling sql tweaking object.
* @param Adminviews|null $adminviews The modelling adminviews object.
* @param Siteviews|null $siteviews The modelling siteviews object.
* @param Customadminviews|null $customadminviews The modelling customadminviews object.
* @param Updateserver|null $updateserver The modelling update server object.
* @param Joomlamodules|null $modules The modelling modules object.
* @param Joomlaplugins|null $plugins The modelling plugins object.
* @param Router|null $router The modelling router object.
* @since 3.2.0
public function __construct(?Config $config = null, ?EventInterface $event = null,
?Placeholder $placeholder = null, ?ComponentPlaceholder $componentPlaceholder = null,
?Dispenser $dispenser = null, ?Customcode $customcode = null, ?Gui $gui = null,
?Field $field = null, ?FieldName $fieldName = null, ?UniqueName $uniqueName = null,
?Filesfolders $filesFolders = null, ?Historycomponent $history = null, ?Whmcs $whmcs = null,
?Sqltweaking $sqltweaking = null, ?Adminviews $adminviews = null, ?Siteviews $siteviews = null,
?Customadminviews $customadminviews = null, ?Updateserver $updateserver = null,
?Joomlamodules $modules = null, ?Joomlaplugins $plugins = null, ?Router $router = null)
$this->config = $config ?: Compiler::_('Config');
$this->event = $event ?: Compiler::_('Event');
$this->placeholder = $placeholder ?: Compiler::_('Placeholder');
$this->componentPlaceholder = $componentPlaceholder ?: Compiler::_('Component.Placeholder');
$this->dispenser = $dispenser ?: Compiler::_('Customcode.Dispenser');
$this->customcode = $customcode ?: Compiler::_('Customcode');
$this->gui = $gui ?: Compiler::_('Customcode.Gui');
$this->field = $field ?: Compiler::_('Field');
$this->fieldName = $fieldName ?: Compiler::_('Field.Name');
$this->uniqueName = $uniqueName ?: Compiler::_('Field.Unique.Name');
$this->filesFolders = $filesFolders ?: Compiler::_('Model.Filesfolders');
$this->history = $history ?: Compiler::_('Model.Historycomponent');
$this->whmcs = $whmcs ?: Compiler::_('Model.Whmcs');
$this->sqltweaking = $sqltweaking ?: Compiler::_('Model.Sqltweaking');
$this->adminviews = $adminviews ?: Compiler::_('Model.Adminviews');
$this->siteviews = $siteviews ?: Compiler::_('Model.Siteviews');
$this->customadminviews = $customadminviews ?: Compiler::_('Model.Customadminviews');
$this->updateserver = $updateserver ?: Compiler::_('Model.Updateserver');
$this->modules = $modules ?: Compiler::_('Model.Joomlamodules');
$this->plugins = $plugins ?: Compiler::_('Model.Joomlaplugins');
$this->router = $router ?: Compiler::_('Model.Router');
$this->db = Factory::getDbo();
* get current component data
* @return object|null The component data
* @since 3.2.0
public function get(): ?object
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
// selection
$selection = [
'b.addadmin_views' => 'addadmin_views',
'' => 'addadmin_views_id',
'h.addconfig' => 'addconfig',
'd.addcustom_admin_views' => 'addcustom_admin_views',
'g.addcustommenus' => 'addcustommenus',
'j.addfiles' => 'addfiles',
'j.addfolders' => 'addfolders',
'j.addfilesfullpath' => 'addfilesfullpath',
'j.addfoldersfullpath' => 'addfoldersfullpath',
'c.addsite_views' => 'addsite_views',
'l.addjoomla_plugins' => 'addjoomla_plugins',
'k.addjoomla_modules' => 'addjoomla_modules',
'i.dashboard_tab' => 'dashboard_tab',
'i.php_dashboard_methods' => 'php_dashboard_methods',
'i.params' => 'dashboard_params',
'' => 'component_dashboard_id',
'f.sql_tweak' => 'sql_tweak',
'e.version_update' => 'version_update',
'' => 'version_update_id',
'm.mode_constructor_before_parent' => 'router_mode_constructor_before_parent',
'm.mode_constructor_after_parent' => 'router_mode_constructor_after_parent',
'm.mode_methods' => 'router_mode_methods',
'm.constructor_before_parent_code' => 'router_constructor_before_parent_code',
'm.constructor_before_parent_manual' => 'router_constructor_before_parent_manual',
'm.constructor_after_parent_code' => 'router_constructor_after_parent_code',
'm.methods_code' => 'router_methods_code'
array_keys($selection), array_values($selection)
// from this table
$query->from('#__componentbuilder_joomla_component AS a');
// jointer-map
$joiners = [
'b' => 'component_admin_views',
'c' => 'component_site_views',
'd' => 'component_custom_admin_views',
'e' => 'component_updates',
'f' => 'component_mysql_tweaks',
'g' => 'component_custom_admin_menus',
'h' => 'component_config',
'i' => 'component_dashboard',
'j' => 'component_files_folders',
'k' => 'component_modules',
'l' => 'component_plugins',
'm' => 'component_router'
// load the joins
foreach ($joiners as $as => $join)
$this->db->quoteName('#__componentbuilder_' . $join, $as)
. ' ON (' . $this->db->quoteName('') . ' = '
. $this->db->quoteName($as . '.joomla_component') . ')'
$this->db->quoteName('') . ' = ' . (int) $this->config->component_id
// Trigger Event: jcb_ce_onBeforeQueryComponentData
'jcb_ce_onBeforeQueryComponentData', [&$query, &$this->db]
// Reset the query using our newly populated query object.
// Load the results as a list of stdClass objects
$component = $this->db->loadObject();
// make sure we got a component loaded
if (!is_object($component) || !isset($component->system_name))
return null;
// Trigger Event: jcb_ce_onBeforeModelComponentData
'jcb_ce_onBeforeModelComponentData', [&$component]
// load the global placeholders
$this->placeholder->active = $this->componentPlaceholder->get();
// set component sales name
$component->sales_name = StringHelper::safe(
// set the component name_code
$component->name_code = StringHelper::safe(
// ensure version naming is correct
$this->config->set('component_version', preg_replace(
'/^v/i', '', (string) $component->component_version
// Make sure the image is only an image path
if (strpos($component->image, '#') !== false)
$component->image = strstr($component->image, '#', true);
// set the website and autor for global use (default to VDM if not found)
$this->config->set('project_website', $component->website ?? '');
$this->config->set('project_author', $component->author ?? 'VDM');
// set the files and folders
// set the uikit switch
$this->config->set('uikit', $component->adduikit);
// set whmcs links if needed
// set the footable switch
if ($component->addfootable > 0)
// force add footable
$this->config->set('footable', true);
// add the version
$this->config->set('footable_version', (3 == $component->addfootable) ? 3 : 2);
// set the addcustommenus data
$component->addcustommenus = (isset($component->addcustommenus)
&& JsonHelper::check($component->addcustommenus))
? json_decode((string) $component->addcustommenus, true) : null;
if (ArrayHelper::check($component->addcustommenus))
$component->custommenus = array_values($component->addcustommenus);
// set the sql tweak data
// set the admin view data
// set the site view data
// set the custom_admin_views data
// set the config data
$component->addconfig = (isset($component->addconfig)
&& JsonHelper::check($component->addconfig))
? json_decode((string) $component->addconfig, true) : null;
if (ArrayHelper::check($component->addconfig))
$component->config = array_map(
function ($field) {
// make sure the alias and title is 0
$field['alias'] = 0;
$field['title'] = 0;
// set the field details
// set unique name counter
$this->uniqueName->set($field['base_name'], 'configs');
// return field
return $field;
}, array_values($component->addconfig)
// do some house cleaning (for fields)
foreach ($component->config as $field)
// so first we lock the field name in
$this->fieldName->get($field, 'configs');
// unset original value
// set the add contributors
$component->addcontributors = (isset($component->addcontributors)
&& JsonHelper::check($component->addcontributors))
? json_decode((string) $component->addcontributors, true) : null;
if (ArrayHelper::check($component->addcontributors))
$this->config->set('add_contributors', true);
$component->contributors = array_values(
// set the version updates
// build the build date
if ($this->config->get('add_build_date', 1) == 3)
if (empty($this->component->modified) ||
$this->component->modified == '0000-00-00' ||
$this->component->modified == '0000-00-00 00:00:00')
$this->config->set('build_date', $this->component->created);
$this->config->set('build_date', $this->component->modified);
// build update SQL
// set GUI mapper
$guiMapper = [
'table' => 'joomla_component',
'id' => (int) $this->config->component_id,
'field' => 'javascript',
'type' => 'js'
// add_javascript
if ($component->add_javascript == 1)
$this->dispenser->hub['component_js'] = '';
// add global CSS
$addGlobalCss = ['admin', 'site'];
foreach ($addGlobalCss as $area)
// add_css if found
if (isset($component->{'add_css_' . $area})
&& $component->{'add_css_' . $area} == 1
&& isset($component->{'css_' . $area})
&& StringHelper::check(
$component->{'css_' . $area}
$component->{'css_' . $area},
'component_css_' . $area
$this->dispenser->hub['component_css_' . $area] = '';
unset($component->{'css_' . $area});
// set the lang target
$this->config->lang_target = 'admin';
// add PHP in ADMIN
$addScriptMethods = [
$addScriptTypes = [
// update GUI mapper
$guiMapper['type'] = 'php';
foreach ($addScriptMethods as $scriptMethod)
foreach ($addScriptTypes as $scriptType)
if (isset($component->{'add_' . $scriptMethod . '_' . $scriptType})
&& $component->{'add_' . $scriptMethod . '_' . $scriptType} == 1
&& StringHelper::check(
$component->{$scriptMethod . '_' . $scriptType}
// set GUI mapper field
$guiMapper['field'] = $scriptMethod . '_' . $scriptType;
$component->{$scriptMethod . '_' . $scriptType},
$this->dispenser->hub[$scriptMethod][$scriptType] = '';
unset($component->{$scriptMethod . '_' . $scriptType});
// add_php_helper
if ($component->add_php_helper_admin == 1
&& StringHelper::check(
$this->config->lang_target = 'admin';
// update GUI mapper
$guiMapper['field'] = 'php_helper_admin';
$guiMapper['prefix'] = PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
$this->dispenser->hub['component_php_helper_admin'] = '';
// add_admin_event
if ($component->add_admin_event == 1
&& StringHelper::check($component->php_admin_event))
$this->config->lang_target = 'admin';
// update GUI mapper field
$guiMapper['field'] = 'php_admin_event';
$this->dispenser->hub['component_php_admin_event'] = '';
// add_php_helper_both
if ($component->add_php_helper_both == 1
&& StringHelper::check($component->php_helper_both))
$this->config->lang_target = 'both';
// update GUI mapper field
$guiMapper['field'] = 'php_helper_both';
$guiMapper['prefix'] = PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
$this->dispenser->hub['component_php_helper_both'] = '';
// add_php_helper_site
if ($component->add_php_helper_site == 1
&& StringHelper::check($component->php_helper_site))
$this->config->lang_target = 'site';
// update GUI mapper field
$guiMapper['field'] = 'php_helper_site';
$guiMapper['prefix'] = PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
$this->dispenser->hub['component_php_helper_site'] = '';
// add_site_event
if ($component->add_site_event == 1
&& StringHelper::check($component->php_site_event))
$this->config->lang_target = 'site';
// update GUI mapper field
$guiMapper['field'] = 'php_site_event';
$this->dispenser->hub['component_php_site_event'] = '';
// add_sql
if ($component->add_sql == 1)
// add_sql_uninstall
if ($component->add_sql_uninstall == 1)
// bom
if (StringHelper::check($component->bom))
$this->config->get('compiler_path', JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR . '/compiler') . '/' . $component->bom
$component->readme =
$component->addreadme ?
base64_decode((string) $component->readme)
) : '';
// set lang now
$nowLang = $this->config->lang_target;
$this->config->lang_target = 'admin';
// dashboard methods
$component->dashboard_tab = (isset($component->dashboard_tab)
&& JsonHelper::check($component->dashboard_tab))
? json_decode((string) $component->dashboard_tab, true) : null;
if (ArrayHelper::check($component->dashboard_tab))
$component->dashboard_tab = array_map(
function ($array) {
$array['html'] = $this->customcode->update($array['html']);
return $array;
}, array_values($component->dashboard_tab)
$component->dashboard_tab = '';
// add the php of the dashboard if set
if (isset($component->php_dashboard_methods)
&& StringHelper::check(
// load the php for the dashboard model
$component->php_dashboard_methods = $this->gui->set(
base64_decode((string) $component->php_dashboard_methods)
'table' => 'component_dashboard',
'field' => 'php_dashboard_methods',
'id' => (int) $component->component_dashboard_id,
'type' => 'php'
$component->php_dashboard_methods = '';
// reset back to now lang
$this->config->lang_target = $nowLang;
// catch empty URL to update server TODO: we need to fix this in better way later
if (empty($component->add_update_server) || ($component->add_update_server == 1 && $component->update_server_target != 3
&& (
|| strpos($component->update_server_url, 'http') === false
// we fall back to other, since we can't work with an empty update server URL
$component->add_update_server = 0;
$component->update_server_target = 3;
$component->update_server_url = '';
// add the update/sales server FTP details if that is the expected protocol
$serverArray = array('update_server', 'sales_server');
foreach ($serverArray as $server)
if ($component->{'add_' . $server} == 1
&& is_numeric($component->{$server})
&& $component->{$server} > 0)
// get the server protocol
$component->{$server . '_protocol'}
= GetHelper::var(
'server', (int) $component->{$server}, 'id', 'protocol'
$component->{$server} = 0;
// only change this for sales server (update server can be added loacaly to the zip file)
if ('sales_server' === $server)
$component->{'add_' . $server} = 0;
$component->{$server . '_protocol'} = 0;
// set the ignore folders for repo if found
if (isset($component->toignore)
&& StringHelper::check(
if (strpos((string) $component->toignore, ',') !== false)
$component->toignore = array_map(
'trim', (array) explode(',', (string) $component->toignore)
$component->toignore = array(trim((string) $component->toignore));
// the default is to ignore the repo folder
$component->toignore = array('.git');
// set all modules
// set all plugins
// set the site router
// Trigger Event: jcb_ce_onAfterModelComponentData
// return found component data
return $component;