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* @package Joomla.Component.Builder
* @created 4th September, 2022
* @author Llewellyn van der Merwe <>
* @git Joomla Component Builder <>
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2015 Vast Development Method. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Creator;
use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Builder\Router;
use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Utilities\Indent;
use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Utilities\Line;
* Router Methods Default Creator Class
* @since 3.2.0
final class RouterMethodsDefault
* The Router Class.
* @var Router
* @since 3.2.0
protected Router $router;
* Constructor.
* @param Router $router The Router Class.
* @since 3.2.0
public function __construct(Router $router)
$this->router = $router;
* Get Methods Code
* @return string
* @since 3.2.0
public function get(): string
$views = $this->router->get('views');
if ($views !== null)
$code = [];
foreach ($views as $view)
// we only add these if we can get an ID (int) value
// else you will need to use the manual or customcode options
if (empty($view->key) || empty($view->alias))
$code[] = '';
$code[] = Indent::_(1) . "/**";
$code[] = Indent::_(1) . " * Method to get the segment(s) for {$view->view}";
$code[] = Indent::_(1) . " *";
$code[] = Indent::_(1) . " * @param string \$segment Segment of the article to retrieve the ID for";
$code[] = Indent::_(1) . " * @param array \$query The request that is parsed right now";
$code[] = Indent::_(1) . " *";
$code[] = Indent::_(1) . " * @return mixed The {$view->key} of this item or false";
$code[] = Indent::_(1) . " * @since 4.4.0";
$code[] = Indent::_(1) . " */";
$code[] = Indent::_(1) . "public function get{$view->View}Id(\$segment, \$query)";
$code[] = Indent::_(1) . "{";
$code[] = Indent::_(2) . "if (\$this->noIDs)";
$code[] = Indent::_(2) . "{";
$code[] = Indent::_(3) . "\$dbquery = \$this->db->getQuery(true);";
$code[] = Indent::_(3) . "\$dbquery->select(\$this->db->quoteName('{$view->key}'))";
$code[] = Indent::_(4) . "->from(\$this->db->quoteName('{$view->table}'))";
$code[] = Indent::_(4) . "->where(";
$code[] = Indent::_(5) . "[";
$code[] = Indent::_(6) . "\$this->db->quoteName('{$view->alias}') . ' = :alias'";
$code[] = Indent::_(5) . "]";
$code[] = Indent::_(4) . ")";
$code[] = Indent::_(4) . "->bind(':alias', \$segment);";
$code[] = Indent::_(3) . "\$this->db->setQuery(\$dbquery);";
$code[] = '';
$code[] = Indent::_(3) . "return (int) \$this->db->loadResult();";
$code[] = Indent::_(2) . "}";
$code[] = '';
$code[] = Indent::_(2) . "return (int) \$segment;";
$code[] = Indent::_(1) . "}";
$code[] = '';
$code[] = Indent::_(1) . "/**";
$code[] = Indent::_(1) . " * Method to get the segment(s) for {$view->view}";
$code[] = Indent::_(1) . " *";
$code[] = Indent::_(1) . " * @param string \$id ID of the contact to retrieve the segments for";
$code[] = Indent::_(1) . " * @param array \$query The request that is built right now";
$code[] = Indent::_(1) . " *";
$code[] = Indent::_(1) . " * @return array|string The segments of this item";
$code[] = Indent::_(1) . " * @since 4.4.0";
$code[] = Indent::_(1) . " */";
$code[] = Indent::_(1) . "public function get{$view->View}Segment(\$id, \$query)";
$code[] = Indent::_(1) . "{";
$code[] = Indent::_(2) . "if (strpos(\$id, ':') === false)";
$code[] = Indent::_(2) . "{";
$code[] = Indent::_(3) . "\$id = (int) \$id;";
$code[] = Indent::_(3) . "\$dbquery = \$this->db->getQuery(true);";
$code[] = Indent::_(3) . "\$dbquery->select(\$this->db->quoteName('{$view->alias}'))";
$code[] = Indent::_(4) . "->from(\$this->db->quoteName('{$view->table}'))";
$code[] = Indent::_(4) . "->where(\$this->db->quoteName('{$view->key}') . ' = :id')";
$code[] = Indent::_(4) . "->bind(':id', \$id, ParameterType::INTEGER);";
$code[] = Indent::_(3) . "\$this->db->setQuery(\$dbquery);";
$code[] = '';
$code[] = Indent::_(3) . "\$id .= ':' . \$this->db->loadResult();";
$code[] = Indent::_(2) . "}";
$code[] = '';
$code[] = Indent::_(2) . "if (\$this->noIDs)";
$code[] = Indent::_(2) . "{";
$code[] = Indent::_(3) . "list(\$void, \$segment) = explode(':', \$id, 2);";
$code[] = '';
$code[] = Indent::_(3) . "return [\$void => \$segment];";
$code[] = Indent::_(2) . "}";
$code[] = '';
$code[] = Indent::_(2) . "return [(int) \$id => \$id];";
$code[] = Indent::_(1) . "}";
return PHP_EOL . implode(PHP_EOL, $code);
return '';