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class Customcode (Details)
namespace: VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler
class Customcode #Gold {
+ array $functionNameMemory
+ $active
+ $memory
# $data
# Config $config
# Placeholder $placeholder
# Extractor $extractor
# Power $power
# JoomlaPower $joomla
# External $external
# $db
+ __construct(Config $config, Placeholder $placeholder, ...)
+ update(string $string, int $debug) : string
+ set(string $string, int $debug, ...) : string
+ get(?array $ids = null, bool $setLang = true, ...) : bool
# insert(array $ids, string $string, ...) : string
# buildPlaceholders(array $item, array $code, ...) : void
# check(array $ids) : Mixed
note right of Customcode::__construct
since: 3.2.0
Config $config
Placeholder $placeholder
Extractor $extractor
Power $power
JoomlaPower $joomla
External $external
end note
note right of Customcode::update
Update **ALL** dynamic values in a strings here
We can now at any time debug the
dynamic build values if it gets broken
since: 3.2.0
return: string
end note
note right of Customcode::set
Set the custom code data & can load it in to string
since: 3.2.0
return: string
string $string
int $debug
?int $not = null
end note
note right of Customcode::get
Load the custom code from the system
since: 3.2.0
return: bool
?array $ids = null
bool $setLang = true
int $debug
end note
note right of Customcode::insert
Insert the custom code into the string
since: 3.2.0
return: string
array $ids
string $string
int $debug
end note
note right of Customcode::buildPlaceholders
Build custom code placeholders
since: 3.2.0
return: void
array $item
array $code
int $debug
end note
note right of Customcode::check
check if we already have these ids in local memory
since: 3.2.0
return: Mixed
end note
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Build with Joomla Component Builder