diff --git a/.github/workflows/crowdin-wf-develop.yml b/.github/workflows/crowdin-wf-develop.yml index 37091b5..12073b1 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/crowdin-wf-develop.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/crowdin-wf-develop.yml @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ jobs: # Runs the Crowdin action command - https://github.com/crowdin/github-action - name: crowdin action - uses: crowdin/github-action@1.1.0 + uses: crowdin/github-action@1.1.2 with: # Upload sources to Crowdin upload_sources: true @@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ jobs: upload_translations: false # Make pull request of Crowdin translations download_translations: true + # Don't download strings which aren't translated + skip_untranslated_strings: false # Download translations with pushing to branch push_translations: true # To download translations to the specified version branch diff --git a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/controllers/police.raw.php b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/controllers/police.raw.php index 1a6eb1a..d39db41 100644 --- a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/controllers/police.raw.php +++ b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/controllers/police.raw.php @@ -76,11 +76,7 @@ class JedcheckerControllerPolice extends JControllerLegacy // Get the report and then print it $report = $police->get('report'); - echo '' - . JText::_('COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE') . ' ' . JText::_($police->get('id')) - . ' - ' . JText::_($police->get('title')) - . '
' - . $report->getHTML(); + echo $report->getHTML(); flush(); ob_flush(); @@ -112,7 +108,7 @@ class JedcheckerControllerPolice extends JControllerLegacy if (JFile::exists($local)) { - $content = JFile::read($local); + $content = file_get_contents($local); if (!empty($content)) { diff --git a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/ar-AA/ar-AA.com_jedchecker.ini b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/ar-AA/ar-AA.com_jedchecker.ini index ddd3396..bbf86ea 100644 --- a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/ar-AA/ar-AA.com_jedchecker.ini +++ b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/ar-AA/ar-AA.com_jedchecker.ini @@ -40,9 +40,21 @@ COM_JEDCHECKER_LEAVE_A_REVIEW_JED="إذا كنت تستخدم هذا العنص COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO="المعلومات" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML="معلومات حول ملحق ملفات xml" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_DESC="اسم التطبيق الخاص بك يجب أن يتطابق مع اسم التطبيق الخاص بك على دليل اضافات جوملا JED. نحن نقوم بمسح ملفات xml ونجد قيمة علامة الاسم. معلومات مفيدة لـ "اسم الملف والتثبيت كـ" حقول في نموذج تقديم دليل اضافات جوملا" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_MANIFEST_OUTDATED="ملف التوضيح يستخدم صيغة قديمة, إستخدم <extension> بدلاً من اسم العلامة الخاص بـ <install>." COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_XML="علامة الاسم في هذا الملف هو: %s" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_VERSION_XML="علامة الإصدار لها قيمة: %s" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_CREATIONDATE_XML="علامة تاريخ الإنشاء لها قيمة: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NO_MANIFEST="لا يتم العثور على ملف توضيح" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_RESERVED_KEYWORDS="الكلمات الدالة مثل وحدات, إضافات أو القوالب تُعتبر كلمات محجوزة (%2$s) و لا يمكن إستخدامها في أسماء الإضافات (%1$s)" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PREFIXED="إسم القائمة (%s) يبدأ بإختصار نوع الإضافة" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_VERSION="الإصدار بالاسم/العنوان ('%s')" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA="اسم الملحق (''%s') لا يمكن أن يبدأ بكلمة 'Joomla'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="الملحقات التي تستخدم 'Joomla' أو مشتقة من Joomla! في اسم الملحق ('%s') تحتاج إلى ترخيص من OSM" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_NON_ASCII="اسم القائمة (''%s') يحتوي على أحرف ليست بـASCII" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_URL_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="أسماء النطاقات التي تستخدم 'Joomla' أو مشتقة من Joomla! ('%1$s') تحتاج إلى ترخيص من OSM. الرجاء التحقق من انّ اسم النطاق الخاص بك مدرج في صفحة سجل الموافقة على العلامات التجارية في ." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_TOO_LONG="اسم القائمة (' '%s') طويل جدا, فكّر في اختصاره" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_ADMIN_MENU="اسم قائمة المشرف ''%1$s' ليست بنفس اسم الملحق '%2$s'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PLUGIN_FORMAT="اسم الملحق ('%s') يجب أن يمتثل لاتفاقيات التسمية الخاصة بـJED في هيئة '{Type} - {Extension Name}'" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1="ترويسة رخصة GPL مفقودة في ملف PHP" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1_DESC="مطلوب الترويس في كل ملف PHP يشير إلى أن الملف مرخص لـ GPL (أو ترخيص آخر مقبول متوافق). لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى النقر هنا." COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_GPL_NOT_FOUND="لم يتم العثور على ترخيص GPL أو ترخيص متوافق" @@ -55,16 +67,21 @@ COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_REMOVED="تمت إزالة ملف PHP للق COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_REMOVED="تمت إزالة ملف 'ini' للقاعدة '%s'." COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK="برنامج إطار Joomla مهمل وغير آمن" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_DESC="تنبيهات حول ابحث عن المزيد من المعلومات على توافق Joomla للخلف لجوملا 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_BOM_FOUND="The byte order mark (BOM) is detected. Please, save the file in the 'UTF-8 without BOM' format." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SHORT_PHP_TAG="Short PHP tag found. As short tags can be disabled in PHP, it is recommended to only use the normal tags (<?php) to maximise compatibility." COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SUPERGLOBALS="استخدام الاصدار غير المستقر محبط بشدة" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DIRECTDB="لا يشجع بشدة على استخدام الوصول المباشر إلى قاعدة البيانات" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="المهام المهملة في Joomla 3" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="مهمل في Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ4="removed in Joomla! 4" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DS="DS مهمل في Joomla 3" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_JERR="JError تم إهماله, يجب عليك استخدام JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage();" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_ERRORLOG="error_log و var_dump" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATED="JRequest مهمل, يجب عليك استخدام JFactory::getApplication()->input;" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATEDINJ4="deprecated in Joomla! 4" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_TODO="تم اكتشاف بيان TODO" -COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_GIT="تم اكتشاف مجلدات كود المصدر" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_LEFTOVER_FOLDER="Leftover folder detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_LEFTOVER_FILE="Leftover file detected" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_STRICT="معايير PHP الصارمة: يجب تعيين المتغيرات فقط بواسطة المرجع" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS="JAMSS - Joomla! مضاد البرمجيات الخبيثة" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS_DESC="سيؤشر هذا النظام بالعديد من العلامات للاشارة الى الطرق التي تنطوي على خطر محتمل، بالإضافة إلى التحقق من بعض التوقيعات المعروفة على الهجمات. اعرف المزيد على الصفحة الرئيسية للمشروع
مخرجات JAMSS مفعمة جداً ومفيدة جداً، توجه بالمؤشر فوق أي سطر لرؤية التفاصيل." @@ -83,4 +100,48 @@ COM_JEDCHECKER_EMPTY_UPLOAD_FIELD="يرجى تحديد ملف مضغوط لرف COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CHECK="تحقق" COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CLEAR="مسح" COM_JEDCHECKER_CLICK_TO_VIEW_DETAILS="انقر لعرض التفاصيل" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST="توضيحات XML" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_DESC="التحقق من صحة ملف توضيح XML الخاص بالملحق" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_TYPE="نوع ملحق غير معروف: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED="نوع الملحق '%s' غير مقبول من JED" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE="العقدة <%1$s> لها سمة غير معروفة '%2$s'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_CHILDREN="العقدة <%s> تحتوي على عنصر فرعي غير معروف" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_REQUIRED="العقدة <%1$s> لا تحتوي على العنصر <%2$s> المطلوب" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_OPTIONAL="العقدة <%1$s> لا تحتوي على عنصر <%2$s> اختياري" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MULTIPLE_FOUND="العقدة <%1$s> تحتوي على عناصر عديدة <%2$s>" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_CHILD="العقدة <%1$s> تحتوي على عناصر <%2$s> غير معروفة" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_EMPTY_CHILD="تم العثور على عنصر <%s> فارغ" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MENU_UNUSED_ATTRIBUTE="سمة عنصر القائمة ''%s' لا تستخدم مع سمة 'الرابط'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_METHOD_UPGRADE="من دون سمة طريقة الـ ="upgrade" فإن حزمة الملحق لا يمكن تطويرها" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_ATTRIBUTE="العقدة <%1$s> لا تحتوي على سمة '%2$s' المطلوبة" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE="العقدة <%1$s> لها سمة '%2$s' مع قيمة غير معروفة "%3$s"" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES="مَراجِع ملفات XML" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_DESC="تحقق من وجود ملفات ومجلدات غير صحيحة في توضيحات XML" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_FILE_NOT_FOUND="لم يتم العثور على الملف: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND="لم يتم العثور على المجلد: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG="ملفات اللغة" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_DESC="يقوم بالتحقّق من ملفات اللغة" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_EOL="تم العثور على نهاية سطر غير صحيحة للحرف. حول الملف الى صيغة Unix EOL (\n)." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_BOM_FOUND="تم اكتشاف علامة طلب البايت (BOM)" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_COMMENT="حرف تعليق غير صحيح، استخدم ';' بدلا من ذلك" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_WRONG_LINE="سطر غير صحيح بدون رمز '='" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_EMPTY="اسم مفتاح فارغ" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_WHITESPACE="المساحة البيضاء في المفتاح غير مسموح بها" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_INVALID_CHARACTER="حرف غير صالح في اسم المفتاح" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_RESERVED="الكلمة المفتاحية المحجوزة في اسم المفتاح" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_NOT_ASCII="اسم المفتاح ليس متوافق مع ASCII" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_NOT_UPPERCASE="اسم المفتاح ليس أحرف كبيرة" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_DUPLICATED="تم الإعلان عن اسم المفتاح سابقا في السطر %d" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_ERROR="سلسلة ترجمة غير صالحة" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INVALID_UTF8="سلسلة UTF8 غير صالحة" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_QUOTES="يجب أن ترفق جميع سلاسل الترجمة في علامات اقتباس مزدوجة." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_LEFT_QUOTE="لقد تركت الاقتباس الأيسر." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_RIGHT_QUOTE="لقد تركت الاقتباس الأيمن" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_EMPTY="سلسلة ترجمة فارغة" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_QQDEPRECATED="Usage of \"_QQ_\" is deprecated since Joomla! 3.9. Use escaped double quotes (\\") instead" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNESCAPED_QUOTE="تم العثور على علامة اقتباس مزدوجة غير قادرة على الهروب" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_VARIABLE_REF="تم العثور على مرجع متغير في سلسلة الترجمة." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_ARGNUM="ربما تستخدم صيغة العنصر النائب الغير صحيح (على سبيل المثال'%1sبدلا من '%1$s')، راجع مواصفات صيغة argnum في printf للحصول على التفاصيل" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_SPACES_AROUND="تم اكتشاف مسافات حول سلسلة الترجمة" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNKNOWN_KEY_IN_CODE="Unknown language key '%s' found in the code." diff --git a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/bg-BG/bg-BG.com_jedchecker.ini b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/bg-BG/bg-BG.com_jedchecker.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000..93a6c3f --- /dev/null +++ b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/bg-BG/bg-BG.com_jedchecker.ini @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +; Language files have to start with semicolon (;) otherwise we have problems with transifex +COM_JEDCHECKER_CONFIGURATION="JED Checker Configuration" +COM_JEDCHECKER_UPLOAD_FILE="Upload File" +COM_JEDCHECKER_UPLOAD_WAS_SUCCESSFUL="Upload was successful, next click the Unzip button." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_UPLOAD_FILE="Upload has failed, ensure that the temporary directory is writable." +COM_JEDCHECKER_UNZIP_SUCCESS="Unzip was successful, next click the Check button." +COM_JEDCHECKER_UNZIP_FAILED="Unzip failed" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RESULTS="JED Checker Results" +COM_JEDCHECKER_CONGRATS="Congratulations! If you use this component then you've most probably developed a Joomla! extension. Now comes the "hard" part - getting it listed in the Joomla Extension Directory (JED). The JED has strict requirements that must be complied with before an extension will be published in the directory. Those requirements can be found here. This component has been built with the aim of simplifying the development process by automatically checking the code for common errors in extensions." +COM_JEDCHECKER_CODE_STANDARDS="However, this is not the only goal. We also aim to have code standards checks, such as those that the JPlatform has. This would ensure that Joomla extension developers are aware of the JPlatform coding standards and this could raise the quality bar in our Joomla community even higher. For this we will need you - have a look at the Github project page. Fork the component, add your code checks and send us your pull requests!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_HOW_TO_USE="How to check your extension using the JED Checker:" +COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP1="Upload your component/plugin/module zip file by using the upload form below" +COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP2="Click on Check and review the results" +COM_JEDCHECKER_WALL_OF_HONOR="Wall of Honour" +COM_JEDCHECKER_CONTRIBUTORS="Contributors" +COM_JEDCHECKER_PEOPLE_THAT_HAVE_HELPED_WITH_THE_DEVELOPMENT="People that have helped with the development of this component." +COM_JEDCHECKER_HOW_TO_INTERPRET_RESULTS="How to Interpret the Results" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH2="PHP Files missing JEXEC security" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH2_DESC="All the PHP files in your extension needs to have a defined('_JEXEC') or die(); statement in the beginning of each file. This ensures that the file cannot be opened outside of the joomla installation and increases the security of your site." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH3="License tag missing or incorrect in XML install file" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH3_DESC="An install file should include the license information in a license-tag. The license must be GPL or GPL compatible." +COM_JEDCHECKER_EVERYTHING_SEEMS_TO_BE_FINE_WITH_THAT_RULE="Congratulations, everything seems to be fine with that rule!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_DEVELOPED_BY="JED Checker is a JED project." +COM_JEDCHECKER_PHP_VERSION_INCOMPATIBLE="JED Checker is incompatible with the PHP version that you run on this site: %s. You would need at least PHP Version %s. Aborting installation" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_HTML_INDEX_NOT_FOUND="Missing index.html in this directory." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JEXEC_NOT_FOUND="The JEXEC security check was not found in this file." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_LICENSE_NOT_FOUND="No license tag was found in this XML file." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_LICENSE_NOT_GPL="Please check if the license in this file is compatible with the GPL." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE="Rule" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERRORS="Errors" +COM_JEDCHECKER_COMPAT_ISSUES="Compatibility Issues" +COM_JEDCHECKER_IN_LINE="in line" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_ENCODING="You've used encoding in this file. This is not an error, but a JED editor will have to review this file." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ENCODING="Base64 or other type of encoding in the files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ENCODING_DESC="As developers we are fully aware that the base64 and similar functions have a valid place in extensions (such as URL redirects or data storage). However if you use those to make it harder for users to read your code or to mask backlinks the JED will not accept your listing submission (this is not in the spirit of GPL anyway!). An editor will review your code and determine if the way you use the base64 matches the rules of the JED. This might slow your listing review time. So the rule of thumb is - don't do fishy stuff and avoid encoding your code if possible!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_ERRORREPORTING="You've used error_reporting(0) in this file." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ERRORREPORTING="error_reporting(0) in the files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ERRORREPORTING_DESC="Use of error_reporting(0) is discouraged as Joomla provides an error_reporting option in the Global Configuration." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LEAVE_A_REVIEW_JED="If you use this component, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO="Info" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML="Information about extension xml files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_DESC="The install name of your extension must match your listing name on JED. We scan the xml files and find the value of the name tag. Useful information for the "filename and install as" fields in the jed submission form" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_MANIFEST_OUTDATED="Manifest file uses outdated format. Use <extension> instead of <install> root tag name." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_XML="The name tag in this file is: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_VERSION_XML="Version tag has the value: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_CREATIONDATE_XML="The creationDate tag has the value: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NO_MANIFEST="No manifest file found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_RESERVED_KEYWORDS="Keywords such as module, plugin or template are considered reserved words ('%2$s') and can't be used in the extension names ('%1$s')" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PREFIXED="Listing name ('%s') starts with extension type prefix" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_VERSION="Version in name/title ('%s')" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA="An extension name ('%s') can't start with the word 'Joomla'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Extensions that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla! in the extension name ('%s') need to be licensed by OSM" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_NON_ASCII="Listing name ('%s') contains non-ASCII characters" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_URL_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Domain names that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla! ('%1$s') need to be licensed by OSM. Please, check your domain name is listed on the Joomla! Trademark Approval Registry page." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_TOO_LONG="Listing name ('%s') is too long, consider to shorten it" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_ADMIN_MENU="The admin menu name '%1$s' isn't the same as the extension name '%2$s'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PLUGIN_FORMAT="The name of the plugin ('%s') must comply with the JED naming conventions in the form '{Type} - {Extension Name}'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1="PHP Headers missing GPL License Notice" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1_DESC="A notice is required on each PHP file stating that the file is licensed GPL (or other compatible accepted license). For more information, please click here." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_GPL_NOT_FOUND="GPL or compatible license was not found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_PH1_LICENSE_FOUND="GPL license was found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_GPL_COMPATIBLE_LICENSE_WAS_FOUND="GPL compatible license was found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_WARNING="Warning" +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_NOT_REMOVED="'ini' file for '%s' rule could not be removed, manual removal recommended." +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_NOT_REMOVED="PHP file for '%s' rule could not be removed, manual removal recommended." +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_REMOVED="Removed PHP file for '%s' rule." +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_REMOVED="Removed 'ini' file for '%s' rule." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK="Joomla Framework deprecated and unsafe" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_DESC="Warns about Find more info on Joomla! backward compatibility for Joomla! 3 and Joomla! 4" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_BOM_FOUND="The byte order mark (BOM) is detected. Please, save the file in the 'UTF-8 without BOM' format." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SHORT_PHP_TAG="Short PHP tag found. As short tags can be disabled in PHP, it is recommended to only use the normal tags (<?php) to maximise compatibility." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SUPERGLOBALS="Use of superglobals is strongly discouraged" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DIRECTDB="Use of direct database access is strongly discouraged" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="Functions deprecated in Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="deprecated in Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ4="removed in Joomla! 4" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DS="DS is deprecated in Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_JERR="JError is deprecated, you should use JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage();" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_ERRORLOG="error_log and var_dump" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATED="JRequest is deprecated, you should use JFactory::getApplication()->input;" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATEDINJ4="deprecated in Joomla! 4" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_TODO="TODO statement detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_LEFTOVER_FOLDER="Leftover folder detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_LEFTOVER_FILE="Leftover file detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_STRICT="PHP Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS="JAMSS - Joomla! Anti-Malware Scan Script" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS_DESC="JAMSS will raise many flags for use of potentially dangerous methods, additionally checking for some known attack signatures. Find out more on the Project's homepage
JAMSS output is very verbose and very useful, hover over any lines to see the details." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_SUSPICIOUS_FILENAME="Suspicious filename found :" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_CANNOT_OPEN="Could not check" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_PATTERN="Pattern found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_STRING="String found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_US1="Update Server Requirement" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_US1_DESC="The use of Update Servers is now required by JED." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_NOT_FOUND="Update Server tag missing or incorrect in this XML file" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_LINK_NOT_FOUND="Update Server link not found in this XML file" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_LINK="The Update Server link in this XML file is: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_DELETE_FAILED="Can't delete temporary folder" +COM_JEDCHECKER_DELETE_SUCCESS="Temporary folder deleted!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_EMPTY_UPLOAD_FIELD="Please, select a zipped file to be uploaded" +COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CHECK="Check" +COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CLEAR="Clear" +COM_JEDCHECKER_CLICK_TO_VIEW_DETAILS="Click to View Details" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST="XML Manifests" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_DESC="Validation of extension's XML manifest file" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_TYPE="Unknown extension type: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED="Extension type '%s' is not accepted by JED" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE="Node <%1$s> has unknown attribute '%2$s'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_CHILDREN="Node <%s> has unknown child element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_REQUIRED="Node <%1$s> doesn't contain required <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_OPTIONAL="Node <%1$s> doesn't contain optional <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MULTIPLE_FOUND="Node <%1$s> contains multiple <%2$s> elements" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_CHILD="Node <%1$s> contains unknown <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_EMPTY_CHILD="Found empty <%s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MENU_UNUSED_ATTRIBUTE="Menu item attribute '%s' is not used with 'link' attribute" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_METHOD_UPGRADE="Without the method="upgrade" attribute the extension package cannot be upgraded" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_ATTRIBUTE="The node <%1$s> doesn't contain required '%2$s' attribute" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE="The node <%1$s> has attribute '%2$s' with unknown value "%3$s"" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES="XML Files references" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_DESC="Check for incorrect files and folders references in the XML manifest" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_FILE_NOT_FOUND="File not found: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND="Folder not found: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG="Language files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_DESC="Validates language files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_EOL="Incorrect end-of-line character found. Convert file to Unix EOL (\n) format." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_BOM_FOUND="The byte order mark (BOM) is detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_COMMENT="Incorrect comment character, use ';' instead" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_WRONG_LINE="Incorrect line without '=' character" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_EMPTY="Empty key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_WHITESPACE="Whitespace in the key is not allowed" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_INVALID_CHARACTER="Invalid character in the key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_RESERVED="Reserved keyword in the key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_NOT_ASCII="The key name is not ASCII-compatible" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_NOT_UPPERCASE="The key name is not uppercase" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_DUPLICATED="The key name was declared previously on line %d" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_ERROR="Invalid translation string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INVALID_UTF8="Invalid UTF8 string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_QUOTES="All translation strings should be enclosed in double quotation marks." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_LEFT_QUOTE="You have missed the left quote." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_RIGHT_QUOTE="You have missed the right quote" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_EMPTY="Empty translation string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_QQDEPRECATED="Usage of \"_QQ_\" is deprecated since Joomla! 3.9. Use escaped double quotes (\\") instead" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNESCAPED_QUOTE="Unescaped double quotation mark found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_VARIABLE_REF="A variable reference found in the translation string." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_ARGNUM="Probably you use incorrect placeholder format (e.g. '%1s' instead of '%1$s'), see printf's argnum format specification for details" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_SPACES_AROUND="Spaces around the translation string are detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNKNOWN_KEY_IN_CODE="Unknown language key '%s' found in the code." + diff --git a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/bg-BG/bg-BG.com_jedchecker.sys.ini b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/bg-BG/bg-BG.com_jedchecker.sys.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bab631c --- /dev/null +++ b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/bg-BG/bg-BG.com_jedchecker.sys.ini @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +; Language files have to start with semicolon (;) otherwise we have problems with transifex +COM_JEDCHECKER="JED Checker" + diff --git a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/bn-BD/bn-BD.com_jedchecker.ini b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/bn-BD/bn-BD.com_jedchecker.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000..93a6c3f --- /dev/null +++ b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/bn-BD/bn-BD.com_jedchecker.ini @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +; Language files have to start with semicolon (;) otherwise we have problems with transifex +COM_JEDCHECKER_CONFIGURATION="JED Checker Configuration" +COM_JEDCHECKER_UPLOAD_FILE="Upload File" +COM_JEDCHECKER_UPLOAD_WAS_SUCCESSFUL="Upload was successful, next click the Unzip button." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_UPLOAD_FILE="Upload has failed, ensure that the temporary directory is writable." +COM_JEDCHECKER_UNZIP_SUCCESS="Unzip was successful, next click the Check button." +COM_JEDCHECKER_UNZIP_FAILED="Unzip failed" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RESULTS="JED Checker Results" +COM_JEDCHECKER_CONGRATS="Congratulations! If you use this component then you've most probably developed a Joomla! extension. Now comes the "hard" part - getting it listed in the Joomla Extension Directory (JED). The JED has strict requirements that must be complied with before an extension will be published in the directory. Those requirements can be found here. This component has been built with the aim of simplifying the development process by automatically checking the code for common errors in extensions." +COM_JEDCHECKER_CODE_STANDARDS="However, this is not the only goal. We also aim to have code standards checks, such as those that the JPlatform has. This would ensure that Joomla extension developers are aware of the JPlatform coding standards and this could raise the quality bar in our Joomla community even higher. For this we will need you - have a look at the Github project page. Fork the component, add your code checks and send us your pull requests!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_HOW_TO_USE="How to check your extension using the JED Checker:" +COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP1="Upload your component/plugin/module zip file by using the upload form below" +COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP2="Click on Check and review the results" +COM_JEDCHECKER_WALL_OF_HONOR="Wall of Honour" +COM_JEDCHECKER_CONTRIBUTORS="Contributors" +COM_JEDCHECKER_PEOPLE_THAT_HAVE_HELPED_WITH_THE_DEVELOPMENT="People that have helped with the development of this component." +COM_JEDCHECKER_HOW_TO_INTERPRET_RESULTS="How to Interpret the Results" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH2="PHP Files missing JEXEC security" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH2_DESC="All the PHP files in your extension needs to have a defined('_JEXEC') or die(); statement in the beginning of each file. This ensures that the file cannot be opened outside of the joomla installation and increases the security of your site." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH3="License tag missing or incorrect in XML install file" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH3_DESC="An install file should include the license information in a license-tag. The license must be GPL or GPL compatible." +COM_JEDCHECKER_EVERYTHING_SEEMS_TO_BE_FINE_WITH_THAT_RULE="Congratulations, everything seems to be fine with that rule!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_DEVELOPED_BY="JED Checker is a JED project." +COM_JEDCHECKER_PHP_VERSION_INCOMPATIBLE="JED Checker is incompatible with the PHP version that you run on this site: %s. You would need at least PHP Version %s. Aborting installation" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_HTML_INDEX_NOT_FOUND="Missing index.html in this directory." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JEXEC_NOT_FOUND="The JEXEC security check was not found in this file." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_LICENSE_NOT_FOUND="No license tag was found in this XML file." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_LICENSE_NOT_GPL="Please check if the license in this file is compatible with the GPL." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE="Rule" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERRORS="Errors" +COM_JEDCHECKER_COMPAT_ISSUES="Compatibility Issues" +COM_JEDCHECKER_IN_LINE="in line" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_ENCODING="You've used encoding in this file. This is not an error, but a JED editor will have to review this file." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ENCODING="Base64 or other type of encoding in the files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ENCODING_DESC="As developers we are fully aware that the base64 and similar functions have a valid place in extensions (such as URL redirects or data storage). However if you use those to make it harder for users to read your code or to mask backlinks the JED will not accept your listing submission (this is not in the spirit of GPL anyway!). An editor will review your code and determine if the way you use the base64 matches the rules of the JED. This might slow your listing review time. So the rule of thumb is - don't do fishy stuff and avoid encoding your code if possible!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_ERRORREPORTING="You've used error_reporting(0) in this file." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ERRORREPORTING="error_reporting(0) in the files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ERRORREPORTING_DESC="Use of error_reporting(0) is discouraged as Joomla provides an error_reporting option in the Global Configuration." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LEAVE_A_REVIEW_JED="If you use this component, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO="Info" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML="Information about extension xml files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_DESC="The install name of your extension must match your listing name on JED. We scan the xml files and find the value of the name tag. Useful information for the "filename and install as" fields in the jed submission form" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_MANIFEST_OUTDATED="Manifest file uses outdated format. Use <extension> instead of <install> root tag name." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_XML="The name tag in this file is: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_VERSION_XML="Version tag has the value: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_CREATIONDATE_XML="The creationDate tag has the value: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NO_MANIFEST="No manifest file found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_RESERVED_KEYWORDS="Keywords such as module, plugin or template are considered reserved words ('%2$s') and can't be used in the extension names ('%1$s')" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PREFIXED="Listing name ('%s') starts with extension type prefix" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_VERSION="Version in name/title ('%s')" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA="An extension name ('%s') can't start with the word 'Joomla'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Extensions that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla! in the extension name ('%s') need to be licensed by OSM" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_NON_ASCII="Listing name ('%s') contains non-ASCII characters" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_URL_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Domain names that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla! ('%1$s') need to be licensed by OSM. Please, check your domain name is listed on the Joomla! Trademark Approval Registry page." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_TOO_LONG="Listing name ('%s') is too long, consider to shorten it" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_ADMIN_MENU="The admin menu name '%1$s' isn't the same as the extension name '%2$s'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PLUGIN_FORMAT="The name of the plugin ('%s') must comply with the JED naming conventions in the form '{Type} - {Extension Name}'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1="PHP Headers missing GPL License Notice" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1_DESC="A notice is required on each PHP file stating that the file is licensed GPL (or other compatible accepted license). For more information, please click here." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_GPL_NOT_FOUND="GPL or compatible license was not found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_PH1_LICENSE_FOUND="GPL license was found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_GPL_COMPATIBLE_LICENSE_WAS_FOUND="GPL compatible license was found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_WARNING="Warning" +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_NOT_REMOVED="'ini' file for '%s' rule could not be removed, manual removal recommended." +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_NOT_REMOVED="PHP file for '%s' rule could not be removed, manual removal recommended." +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_REMOVED="Removed PHP file for '%s' rule." +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_REMOVED="Removed 'ini' file for '%s' rule." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK="Joomla Framework deprecated and unsafe" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_DESC="Warns about Find more info on Joomla! backward compatibility for Joomla! 3 and Joomla! 4" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_BOM_FOUND="The byte order mark (BOM) is detected. Please, save the file in the 'UTF-8 without BOM' format." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SHORT_PHP_TAG="Short PHP tag found. As short tags can be disabled in PHP, it is recommended to only use the normal tags (<?php) to maximise compatibility." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SUPERGLOBALS="Use of superglobals is strongly discouraged" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DIRECTDB="Use of direct database access is strongly discouraged" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="Functions deprecated in Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="deprecated in Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ4="removed in Joomla! 4" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DS="DS is deprecated in Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_JERR="JError is deprecated, you should use JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage();" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_ERRORLOG="error_log and var_dump" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATED="JRequest is deprecated, you should use JFactory::getApplication()->input;" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATEDINJ4="deprecated in Joomla! 4" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_TODO="TODO statement detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_LEFTOVER_FOLDER="Leftover folder detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_LEFTOVER_FILE="Leftover file detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_STRICT="PHP Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS="JAMSS - Joomla! Anti-Malware Scan Script" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS_DESC="JAMSS will raise many flags for use of potentially dangerous methods, additionally checking for some known attack signatures. Find out more on the Project's homepage
JAMSS output is very verbose and very useful, hover over any lines to see the details." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_SUSPICIOUS_FILENAME="Suspicious filename found :" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_CANNOT_OPEN="Could not check" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_PATTERN="Pattern found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_STRING="String found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_US1="Update Server Requirement" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_US1_DESC="The use of Update Servers is now required by JED." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_NOT_FOUND="Update Server tag missing or incorrect in this XML file" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_LINK_NOT_FOUND="Update Server link not found in this XML file" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_LINK="The Update Server link in this XML file is: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_DELETE_FAILED="Can't delete temporary folder" +COM_JEDCHECKER_DELETE_SUCCESS="Temporary folder deleted!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_EMPTY_UPLOAD_FIELD="Please, select a zipped file to be uploaded" +COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CHECK="Check" +COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CLEAR="Clear" +COM_JEDCHECKER_CLICK_TO_VIEW_DETAILS="Click to View Details" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST="XML Manifests" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_DESC="Validation of extension's XML manifest file" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_TYPE="Unknown extension type: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED="Extension type '%s' is not accepted by JED" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE="Node <%1$s> has unknown attribute '%2$s'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_CHILDREN="Node <%s> has unknown child element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_REQUIRED="Node <%1$s> doesn't contain required <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_OPTIONAL="Node <%1$s> doesn't contain optional <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MULTIPLE_FOUND="Node <%1$s> contains multiple <%2$s> elements" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_CHILD="Node <%1$s> contains unknown <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_EMPTY_CHILD="Found empty <%s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MENU_UNUSED_ATTRIBUTE="Menu item attribute '%s' is not used with 'link' attribute" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_METHOD_UPGRADE="Without the method="upgrade" attribute the extension package cannot be upgraded" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_ATTRIBUTE="The node <%1$s> doesn't contain required '%2$s' attribute" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE="The node <%1$s> has attribute '%2$s' with unknown value "%3$s"" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES="XML Files references" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_DESC="Check for incorrect files and folders references in the XML manifest" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_FILE_NOT_FOUND="File not found: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND="Folder not found: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG="Language files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_DESC="Validates language files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_EOL="Incorrect end-of-line character found. Convert file to Unix EOL (\n) format." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_BOM_FOUND="The byte order mark (BOM) is detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_COMMENT="Incorrect comment character, use ';' instead" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_WRONG_LINE="Incorrect line without '=' character" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_EMPTY="Empty key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_WHITESPACE="Whitespace in the key is not allowed" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_INVALID_CHARACTER="Invalid character in the key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_RESERVED="Reserved keyword in the key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_NOT_ASCII="The key name is not ASCII-compatible" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_NOT_UPPERCASE="The key name is not uppercase" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_DUPLICATED="The key name was declared previously on line %d" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_ERROR="Invalid translation string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INVALID_UTF8="Invalid UTF8 string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_QUOTES="All translation strings should be enclosed in double quotation marks." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_LEFT_QUOTE="You have missed the left quote." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_RIGHT_QUOTE="You have missed the right quote" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_EMPTY="Empty translation string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_QQDEPRECATED="Usage of \"_QQ_\" is deprecated since Joomla! 3.9. Use escaped double quotes (\\") instead" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNESCAPED_QUOTE="Unescaped double quotation mark found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_VARIABLE_REF="A variable reference found in the translation string." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_ARGNUM="Probably you use incorrect placeholder format (e.g. '%1s' instead of '%1$s'), see printf's argnum format specification for details" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_SPACES_AROUND="Spaces around the translation string are detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNKNOWN_KEY_IN_CODE="Unknown language key '%s' found in the code." + diff --git a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/bn-BD/bn-BD.com_jedchecker.sys.ini b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/bn-BD/bn-BD.com_jedchecker.sys.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bab631c --- /dev/null +++ b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/bn-BD/bn-BD.com_jedchecker.sys.ini @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +; Language files have to start with semicolon (;) otherwise we have problems with transifex +COM_JEDCHECKER="JED Checker" + diff --git a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/ca-ES/ca-ES.com_jedchecker.ini b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/ca-ES/ca-ES.com_jedchecker.ini index cb5098e..cf234e5 100644 --- a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/ca-ES/ca-ES.com_jedchecker.ini +++ b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/ca-ES/ca-ES.com_jedchecker.ini @@ -40,9 +40,21 @@ COM_JEDCHECKER_LEAVE_A_REVIEW_JED="If you use this component, please post a rati COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO="Info" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML="Information about extension xml files" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_DESC="The install name of your extension must match your listing name on JED. We scan the xml files and find the value of the name tag. Useful information for the "filename and install as" fields in the jed submission form" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_MANIFEST_OUTDATED="Manifest file uses outdated format. Use <extension> instead of <install> root tag name." COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_XML="The name tag in this file is: %s" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_VERSION_XML="Version tag has the value: %s" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_CREATIONDATE_XML="The creationDate tag has the value: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NO_MANIFEST="No manifest file found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_RESERVED_KEYWORDS="Keywords such as module, plugin or template are considered reserved words ('%2$s') and can't be used in the extension names ('%1$s')" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PREFIXED="Listing name ('%s') starts with extension type prefix" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_VERSION="Version in name/title ('%s')" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA="An extension name ('%s') can't start with the word 'Joomla'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Extensions that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla! in the extension name ('%s') need to be licensed by OSM" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_NON_ASCII="Listing name ('%s') contains non-ASCII characters" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_URL_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Domain names that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla! ('%1$s') need to be licensed by OSM. Please, check your domain name is listed on the Joomla! Trademark Approval Registry page." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_TOO_LONG="Listing name ('%s') is too long, consider to shorten it" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_ADMIN_MENU="The admin menu name '%1$s' isn't the same as the extension name '%2$s'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PLUGIN_FORMAT="The name of the plugin ('%s') must comply with the JED naming conventions in the form '{Type} - {Extension Name}'" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1="PHP Headers missing GPL License Notice" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1_DESC="A notice is required on each PHP file stating that the file is licensed GPL (or other compatible accepted license). For more information, please click here." COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_GPL_NOT_FOUND="GPL or compatible license was not found" @@ -54,17 +66,22 @@ COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_NOT_REMOVED="PHP file for '%s' rule could not COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_REMOVED="Removed PHP file for '%s' rule." COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_REMOVED="Removed 'ini' file for '%s' rule." COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK="Joomla Framework deprecated and unsafe" -COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_DESC="Warns about Find more info on Joomla backward compatibility for Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_DESC="Warns about Find more info on Joomla! backward compatibility for Joomla! 3 and Joomla! 4" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_BOM_FOUND="The byte order mark (BOM) is detected. Please, save the file in the 'UTF-8 without BOM' format." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SHORT_PHP_TAG="Short PHP tag found. As short tags can be disabled in PHP, it is recommended to only use the normal tags (<?php) to maximise compatibility." COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SUPERGLOBALS="Use of superglobals is strongly discouraged" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DIRECTDB="Use of direct database access is strongly discouraged" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="Functions deprecated in Joomla 3" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="deprecated in Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ4="removed in Joomla! 4" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DS="DS is deprecated in Joomla 3" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_JERR="JError is deprecated, you should use JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage();" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_ERRORLOG="error_log and var_dump" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATED="JRequest is deprecated, you should use JFactory::getApplication()->input;" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATEDINJ4="deprecated in Joomla! 4" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_TODO="TODO statement detected" -COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_GIT="Code-versioning folders detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_LEFTOVER_FOLDER="Leftover folder detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_LEFTOVER_FILE="Leftover file detected" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_STRICT="PHP Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS="JAMSS - Joomla! Anti-Malware Scan Script" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS_DESC="JAMSS will raise many flags for use of potentially dangerous methods, additionally checking for some known attack signatures. Find out more on the Project's homepage
JAMSS output is very verbose and very useful, hover over any lines to see the details." @@ -80,4 +97,51 @@ COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_LINK="The Update Server link in this XML f COM_JEDCHECKER_DELETE_FAILED="Can't delete temporary folder" COM_JEDCHECKER_DELETE_SUCCESS="Temporary folder deleted!" COM_JEDCHECKER_EMPTY_UPLOAD_FIELD="Please, select a zipped file to be uploaded" +COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CHECK="Check" +COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CLEAR="Clear" +COM_JEDCHECKER_CLICK_TO_VIEW_DETAILS="Click to View Details" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST="XML Manifests" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_DESC="Validation of extension's XML manifest file" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_TYPE="Unknown extension type: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED="Extension type '%s' is not accepted by JED" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE="Node <%1$s> has unknown attribute '%2$s'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_CHILDREN="Node <%s> has unknown child element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_REQUIRED="Node <%1$s> doesn't contain required <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_OPTIONAL="Node <%1$s> doesn't contain optional <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MULTIPLE_FOUND="Node <%1$s> contains multiple <%2$s> elements" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_CHILD="Node <%1$s> contains unknown <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_EMPTY_CHILD="Found empty <%s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MENU_UNUSED_ATTRIBUTE="Menu item attribute '%s' is not used with 'link' attribute" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_METHOD_UPGRADE="Without the method="upgrade" attribute the extension package cannot be upgraded" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_ATTRIBUTE="The node <%1$s> doesn't contain required '%2$s' attribute" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE="The node <%1$s> has attribute '%2$s' with unknown value "%3$s"" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES="XML Files references" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_DESC="Check for incorrect files and folders references in the XML manifest" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_FILE_NOT_FOUND="File not found: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND="Folder not found: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG="Language files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_DESC="Validates language files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_EOL="Incorrect end-of-line character found. Convert file to Unix EOL (\n) format." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_BOM_FOUND="The byte order mark (BOM) is detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_COMMENT="Incorrect comment character, use ';' instead" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_WRONG_LINE="Incorrect line without '=' character" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_EMPTY="Empty key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_WHITESPACE="Whitespace in the key is not allowed" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_INVALID_CHARACTER="Invalid character in the key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_RESERVED="Reserved keyword in the key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_NOT_ASCII="The key name is not ASCII-compatible" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_NOT_UPPERCASE="The key name is not uppercase" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_DUPLICATED="The key name was declared previously on line %d" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_ERROR="Invalid translation string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INVALID_UTF8="Invalid UTF8 string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_QUOTES="All translation strings should be enclosed in double quotation marks." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_LEFT_QUOTE="You have missed the left quote." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_RIGHT_QUOTE="You have missed the right quote" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_EMPTY="Empty translation string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_QQDEPRECATED="Usage of \"_QQ_\" is deprecated since Joomla! 3.9. Use escaped double quotes (\\") instead" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNESCAPED_QUOTE="Unescaped double quotation mark found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_VARIABLE_REF="A variable reference found in the translation string." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_ARGNUM="Probably you use incorrect placeholder format (e.g. '%1s' instead of '%1$s'), see printf's argnum format specification for details" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_SPACES_AROUND="Spaces around the translation string are detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNKNOWN_KEY_IN_CODE="Unknown language key '%s' found in the code." diff --git a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/cs-CZ/cs-CZ.com_jedchecker.ini b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/cs-CZ/cs-CZ.com_jedchecker.ini index cb5098e..a578471 100644 --- a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/cs-CZ/cs-CZ.com_jedchecker.ini +++ b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/cs-CZ/cs-CZ.com_jedchecker.ini @@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ COM_JEDCHECKER_CONGRATS="Congratulations! If you use this component then you've COM_JEDCHECKER_CODE_STANDARDS="However, this is not the only goal. We also aim to have code standards checks, such as those that the JPlatform has. This would ensure that Joomla extension developers are aware of the JPlatform coding standards and this could raise the quality bar in our Joomla community even higher. For this we will need you - have a look at the Github project page. Fork the component, add your code checks and send us your pull requests!" COM_JEDCHECKER_HOW_TO_USE="How to check your extension using the JED Checker:" COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP1="Upload your component/plugin/module zip file by using the upload form below" -COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP2="Click on Check and review the results" -COM_JEDCHECKER_WALL_OF_HONOR="Wall of Honour" -COM_JEDCHECKER_CONTRIBUTORS="Contributors" +COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP2="Klikněte na Zkontrolovat a zkontrolujte výsledky" +COM_JEDCHECKER_WALL_OF_HONOR="Zeď slávy" +COM_JEDCHECKER_CONTRIBUTORS="Přispěvatelé" COM_JEDCHECKER_PEOPLE_THAT_HAVE_HELPED_WITH_THE_DEVELOPMENT="People that have helped with the development of this component." COM_JEDCHECKER_HOW_TO_INTERPRET_RESULTS="How to Interpret the Results" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH2="PHP Files missing JEXEC security" @@ -22,57 +22,74 @@ COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH3_DESC="An install file should include the license informa COM_JEDCHECKER_EVERYTHING_SEEMS_TO_BE_FINE_WITH_THAT_RULE="Congratulations, everything seems to be fine with that rule!" COM_JEDCHECKER_DEVELOPED_BY="JED Checker is a JED proyect." COM_JEDCHECKER_PHP_VERSION_INCOMPATIBLE="JED Checker is incompatible with the PHP version that you run on this site: %s. You would need at least PHP Version %s. Aborting installation" -COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_HTML_INDEX_NOT_FOUND="Missing index.html in this directory." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_HTML_INDEX_NOT_FOUND="V této složce chybí index.html." COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JEXEC_NOT_FOUND="The JEXEC security check was not found in this file." COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_LICENSE_NOT_FOUND="No license tag was found in this XML file." COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_LICENSE_NOT_GPL="Please check if the license in this file is compatible with the GPL." -COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE="Rule" -COM_JEDCHECKER_ERRORS="Errors" -COM_JEDCHECKER_COMPAT_ISSUES="Compatibility Issues" -COM_JEDCHECKER_IN_LINE="in line" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE="Pravidlo" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERRORS="Chyby" +COM_JEDCHECKER_COMPAT_ISSUES="Problémy s kompatibilitou" +COM_JEDCHECKER_IN_LINE="na řádku" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_ENCODING="You've used encoding in this file. This is not an error, but a JED editor will have to review this file." COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ENCODING="Base64 or other type of encoding in the files" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ENCODING_DESC="As developers we are fully aware that the base64 and similar functions have a valid place in extensions (such as URL redirects or data storage). However if you use those to make it harder for users to read your code or to mask backlinks the JED will not accept your listing submission (this is not in the spirit of GPL anyway!). An editor will review your code and determine if the way you use the base64 matches the rules of the JED. This might slow your listing review time. So the rule of thumb is - don't do fishy stuff and avoid encoding your code if possible!" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_ERRORREPORTING="You've used error_reporting(0) in this file." -COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ERRORREPORTING="error_reporting(0) in the files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ERRORREPORTING="error_reporting(0) v souborech" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ERRORREPORTING_DESC="Use of error_reporting(0) is discouraged as Joomla provides an error_reporting option in the Global Configuration." COM_JEDCHECKER_LEAVE_A_REVIEW_JED="If you use this component, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory." -COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO="Info" -COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML="Information about extension xml files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO="Informace" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML="Informace o xml souborech" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_DESC="The install name of your extension must match your listing name on JED. We scan the xml files and find the value of the name tag. Useful information for the "filename and install as" fields in the jed submission form" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_MANIFEST_OUTDATED="Manifest file uses outdated format. Use <extension> instead of <install> root tag name." COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_XML="The name tag in this file is: %s" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_VERSION_XML="Version tag has the value: %s" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_CREATIONDATE_XML="The creationDate tag has the value: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NO_MANIFEST="Soubor manifest nebyl nalezen" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_RESERVED_KEYWORDS="Klíčová slova jako module, plugin nebo template jsou považována za rezervovaná slova ('%2$s') a nemohou být použita v názvech rozšíření ('%1$s')" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PREFIXED="Název výpisu ('%s') začíná předponou typu rozšíření" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_VERSION="Verze v názvu/titulku ('%s')" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA="Název rozšíření ('%s') nemůže začínat slovem 'Joomla'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Rozšíření používající slovo 'Joomla' nebo derivaci Joomla! v názvu rozšíření ('%s') musí být licencováno OSM" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_NON_ASCII="Název výpisu ('%s') obsahuje jiné než ASCII znaky" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_URL_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Domain names that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla! ('%1$s') need to be licensed by OSM. Please, check your domain name is listed on the Joomla! Trademark Approval Registry page." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_TOO_LONG="Listing name ('%s') is too long, consider to shorten it" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_ADMIN_MENU="The admin menu name '%1$s' isn't the same as the extension name '%2$s'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PLUGIN_FORMAT="The name of the plugin ('%s') must comply with the JED naming conventions in the form '{Type} - {Extension Name}'" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1="PHP Headers missing GPL License Notice" -COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1_DESC="A notice is required on each PHP file stating that the file is licensed GPL (or other compatible accepted license). For more information, please click here." -COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_GPL_NOT_FOUND="GPL or compatible license was not found" -COM_JEDCHECKER_PH1_LICENSE_FOUND="GPL license was found" -COM_JEDCHECKER_GPL_COMPATIBLE_LICENSE_WAS_FOUND="GPL compatible license was found" -COM_JEDCHECKER_WARNING="Warning" -COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_NOT_REMOVED="'ini' file for '%s' rule could not be removed, manual removal recommended." -COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_NOT_REMOVED="PHP file for '%s' rule could not be removed, manual removal recommended." -COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_REMOVED="Removed PHP file for '%s' rule." -COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_REMOVED="Removed 'ini' file for '%s' rule." -COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK="Joomla Framework deprecated and unsafe" -COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_DESC="Warns about Find more info on Joomla backward compatibility for Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1_DESC="U každého PHP souboru je vyžadováno upozornění, že soubor je licencovaný GPL (nebo jinou kompatibilní přijatou licencí). Pro více informací klikněte zde." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_GPL_NOT_FOUND="Licence GPL nebo kompatibilní licence nebyla nalezena" +COM_JEDCHECKER_PH1_LICENSE_FOUND="Licence GPL byla nalezena" +COM_JEDCHECKER_GPL_COMPATIBLE_LICENSE_WAS_FOUND="Byla nalezena GPL kompatibilní licence" +COM_JEDCHECKER_WARNING="Varování" +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_NOT_REMOVED="Soubor 'ini' pro pravidlo '%s' nemohl být odstraněn, doporučujeme jej odstranit ručně." +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_NOT_REMOVED="PHP soubor pro '%s' pravidlo nelze odstranit, doporučujeme jej odstranit ručně." +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_REMOVED="Odstraněn PHP soubor pro pravidlo '%s'." +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_REMOVED="Odstraněn soubor 'ini' pro pravidlo '%s'." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK="Joomla Framework je zastaralý a nebezpečný" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_DESC="Warns about Find more info on Joomla! backward compatibility for Joomla! 3 and Joomla! 4" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_BOM_FOUND="Byla zjištěna značka pořadí bajtů (BOM). Uložte soubor ve formátu 'UTF-8 without BOM'." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SHORT_PHP_TAG="Nalezena krátká značka PHP. Vzhledem k tomu, že krátké značky lze v PHP zakázat, doporučujeme používat pouze normální značky (<?php), aby se maximalizovala kompatibilita." COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SUPERGLOBALS="Use of superglobals is strongly discouraged" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DIRECTDB="Use of direct database access is strongly discouraged" -COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="Functions deprecated in Joomla 3" -COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="deprecated in Joomla 3" -COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DS="DS is deprecated in Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="Funkce jsou zastaralé v Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="zastaralé v Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ4="odstraněno v Joomla! 4" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DS="DS je zastaralé v Joomla 3" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_JERR="JError is deprecated, you should use JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage();" -COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_ERRORLOG="error_log and var_dump" -COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATED="JRequest is deprecated, you should use JFactory::getApplication()->input;" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_ERRORLOG="error_log a var_dump" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATED="JRequest je zastaralý, měli byste použít JFactory::getApplication()->input;" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATEDINJ4="zastaralé v Joomla! 4" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_TODO="TODO statement detected" -COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_GIT="Code-versioning folders detected" -COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_STRICT="PHP Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_LEFTOVER_FOLDER="Leftover folder detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_LEFTOVER_FILE="Leftover file detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_STRICT="PHP Strict Standards: Pomocí odkazu by měly být přiřazeny pouze proměnné" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS="JAMSS - Joomla! Anti-Malware Scan Script" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS_DESC="JAMSS will raise many flags for use of potentially dangerous methods, additionally checking for some known attack signatures. Find out more on the Project's homepage
JAMSS output is very verbose and very useful, hover over any lines to see the details." -COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_SUSPICIOUS_FILENAME="Suspicious filename found :" -COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_CANNOT_OPEN="Could not check" -COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_PATTERN="Pattern found" -COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_STRING="String found" -COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_US1="Update Server Requirement" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_SUSPICIOUS_FILENAME="Nalezen podezřelý název souboru:" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_CANNOT_OPEN="Nelze zkontrolovat" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_PATTERN="Vzor nalezen" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_STRING="Řetězec nalezen" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_US1="Aktualizovat požadavek serveru" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_US1_DESC="The use of Update Servers is now required by JED." COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_NOT_FOUND="Update Server tag missing or incorrect in this XML file" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_LINK_NOT_FOUND="Update Server link not found in this XML file" @@ -80,4 +97,51 @@ COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_LINK="The Update Server link in this XML f COM_JEDCHECKER_DELETE_FAILED="Can't delete temporary folder" COM_JEDCHECKER_DELETE_SUCCESS="Temporary folder deleted!" COM_JEDCHECKER_EMPTY_UPLOAD_FIELD="Please, select a zipped file to be uploaded" +COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CHECK="Zkontrolovat" +COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CLEAR="Vyčistit" +COM_JEDCHECKER_CLICK_TO_VIEW_DETAILS="Klikněte pro zobrazení podrobností" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST="XML manifesty" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_DESC="Ověření přípony XML manifestu" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_TYPE="Neznámý typ rozšíření: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED="Typ rozšíření '%s' není JED akceptován" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE="Uzel <%1$s> obsahuje neznámý atribut '%2$s'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_CHILDREN="Uzel <%s> obsahuje neznámý podřízený prvek" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_REQUIRED="Uzel <%1$s> neobsahuje povinný <%2$s> prvek" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_OPTIONAL="Uzel <%1$s> neobsahuje volitelný prvek <%2$s>" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MULTIPLE_FOUND="Uzel <%1$s> obsahuje více <%2$s> prvků" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_CHILD="Uzel <%1$s> obsahuje neznámý <%2$s> prvek" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_EMPTY_CHILD="Nalezen prázdný <%s> prvek" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MENU_UNUSED_ATTRIBUTE="Menu item attribute '%s' is not used with 'link' attribute" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_METHOD_UPGRADE="Without the method="upgrade" attribute the extension package cannot be upgraded" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_ATTRIBUTE="The node <%1$s> doesn't contain required '%2$s' attribute" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE="The node <%1$s> has attribute '%2$s' with unknown value "%3$s"" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES="Odkazy na XML soubory" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_DESC="Zkontrolovat nesprávné odkazy souborů a složek v XML manifestu" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_FILE_NOT_FOUND="Soubor nebyl nalezen: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND="Složka nebyla nalezena: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG="Jazykové soubory" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_DESC="Ověřit jazykové soubory" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_EOL="Nalezen nesprávný znak na konci řádky. Převeďte soubor na formát Unix EOL (\n)." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_BOM_FOUND="Byla detekována značka pořadí bajtů (BOM)" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_COMMENT="Nesprávný znak komentáře, použijte ';'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_WRONG_LINE="Nesprávný řádek bez znaku '='" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_EMPTY="Prázdný název klíče" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_WHITESPACE="Mezery v klíči nejsou povoleny" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_INVALID_CHARACTER="Neplatný znak v názvu klíče" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_RESERVED="Rezervované klíčové slovo v názvu klíče" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_NOT_ASCII="Název klíče není kompatibilní s ASCII" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_NOT_UPPERCASE="Název klíče není velkými písmeny" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_DUPLICATED="Název klíče již byl deklarován dříve na řádku %d" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_ERROR="Neplatný řetězec překladu" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INVALID_UTF8="Neplatný řetězec UTF8" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_QUOTES="Všechny překladové řetězce by měly být uzavřeny ve dvojitých uvozovkách." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_LEFT_QUOTE="Chybí dvojité uvozovky vlevo." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_RIGHT_QUOTE="Chybí dvojité uvozovky vpravo" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_EMPTY="Prázdný řetězec překladu" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_QQDEPRECATED="Usage of \"_QQ_\" is deprecated since Joomla! 3.9. Use escaped double quotes (\\") instead" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNESCAPED_QUOTE="Unescaped double quotation mark found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_VARIABLE_REF="Referenční proměnná nalezena v překladovém řetězci." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_ARGNUM="Pravděpodobně používáte nesprávný formát zástupného symbolu (např. '%1s' místo '%1$s'), viz specifikace řetězce sprintf" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_SPACES_AROUND="Byly zjištěny mezery kolem řetězce překladu" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNKNOWN_KEY_IN_CODE="Unknown language key '%s' found in the code." diff --git a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/cy-GB/cy-GB.com_jedchecker.ini b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/cy-GB/cy-GB.com_jedchecker.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e681143 --- /dev/null +++ b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/cy-GB/cy-GB.com_jedchecker.ini @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +; Language files have to start with semicolon (;) otherwise we have problems with transifex +COM_JEDCHECKER_CONFIGURATION="Ffurfweddiad Gwirydd JED" +COM_JEDCHECKER_UPLOAD_FILE="Uwchlwytho Ffeil" +COM_JEDCHECKER_UPLOAD_WAS_SUCCESSFUL="Roedd yr uwchlwytho yn llwyddiannus, nesaf cliciwch ar y botwm Dadzipio." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_UPLOAD_FILE="Mae'r uwchlwytho wedi methu, gwnewch yn siŵr y gellir ysgrifennu i'r ffolder dros dro." +COM_JEDCHECKER_UNZIP_SUCCESS="Roedd y dadzipio yn llwyddiannus, nesaf cliciwch ar y botwm Gwirio." +COM_JEDCHECKER_UNZIP_FAILED="Dadzipio wedi methu" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RESULTS="Canlyniadau Gwirydd JED" +COM_JEDCHECKER_CONGRATS="Congratulations! If you use this component then you've most probably developed a Joomla! extension. Now comes the "hard" part - getting it listed in the Joomla Extension Directory (JED). The JED has strict requirements that must be complied with before an extension will be published in the directory. Those requirements can be found here. This component has been built with the aim of simplifying the development process by automatically checking the code for common errors in extensions." +COM_JEDCHECKER_CODE_STANDARDS="However, this is not the only goal. We also aim to have code standards checks, such as those that the JPlatform has. This would ensure that Joomla extension developers are aware of the JPlatform coding standards and this could raise the quality bar in our Joomla community even higher. For this we will need you - have a look at the Github project page. Fork the component, add your code checks and send us your pull requests!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_HOW_TO_USE="How to check your extension using the JED Checker:" +COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP1="Upload your component/plugin/module zip file by using the upload form below" +COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP2="Click on Check and review the results" +COM_JEDCHECKER_WALL_OF_HONOR="Wall of Honour" +COM_JEDCHECKER_CONTRIBUTORS="Contributors" +COM_JEDCHECKER_PEOPLE_THAT_HAVE_HELPED_WITH_THE_DEVELOPMENT="People that have helped with the development of this component." +COM_JEDCHECKER_HOW_TO_INTERPRET_RESULTS="How to Interpret the Results" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH2="PHP Files missing JEXEC security" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH2_DESC="All the PHP files in your extension needs to have a defined('_JEXEC') or die(); statement in the beginning of each file. This ensures that the file cannot be opened outside of the joomla installation and increases the security of your site." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH3="License tag missing or incorrect in XML install file" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH3_DESC="An install file should include the license information in a license-tag. The license must be GPL or GPL compatible." +COM_JEDCHECKER_EVERYTHING_SEEMS_TO_BE_FINE_WITH_THAT_RULE="Congratulations, everything seems to be fine with that rule!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_DEVELOPED_BY="JED Checker is a JED project." +COM_JEDCHECKER_PHP_VERSION_INCOMPATIBLE="JED Checker is incompatible with the PHP version that you run on this site: %s. You would need at least PHP Version %s. Aborting installation" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_HTML_INDEX_NOT_FOUND="Missing index.html in this directory." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JEXEC_NOT_FOUND="The JEXEC security check was not found in this file." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_LICENSE_NOT_FOUND="No license tag was found in this XML file." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_LICENSE_NOT_GPL="Please check if the license in this file is compatible with the GPL." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE="Rule" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERRORS="Errors" +COM_JEDCHECKER_COMPAT_ISSUES="Compatibility Issues" +COM_JEDCHECKER_IN_LINE="in line" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_ENCODING="You've used encoding in this file. This is not an error, but a JED editor will have to review this file." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ENCODING="Base64 or other type of encoding in the files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ENCODING_DESC="As developers we are fully aware that the base64 and similar functions have a valid place in extensions (such as URL redirects or data storage). However if you use those to make it harder for users to read your code or to mask backlinks the JED will not accept your listing submission (this is not in the spirit of GPL anyway!). An editor will review your code and determine if the way you use the base64 matches the rules of the JED. This might slow your listing review time. So the rule of thumb is - don't do fishy stuff and avoid encoding your code if possible!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_ERRORREPORTING="You've used error_reporting(0) in this file." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ERRORREPORTING="error_reporting(0) in the files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ERRORREPORTING_DESC="Use of error_reporting(0) is discouraged as Joomla provides an error_reporting option in the Global Configuration." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LEAVE_A_REVIEW_JED="If you use this component, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO="Info" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML="Information about extension xml files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_DESC="The install name of your extension must match your listing name on JED. We scan the xml files and find the value of the name tag. Useful information for the "filename and install as" fields in the jed submission form" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_MANIFEST_OUTDATED="Manifest file uses outdated format. Use <extension> instead of <install> root tag name." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_XML="The name tag in this file is: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_VERSION_XML="Version tag has the value: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_CREATIONDATE_XML="The creationDate tag has the value: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NO_MANIFEST="No manifest file found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_RESERVED_KEYWORDS="Keywords such as module, plugin or template are considered reserved words ('%2$s') and can't be used in the extension names ('%1$s')" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PREFIXED="Listing name ('%s') starts with extension type prefix" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_VERSION="Version in name/title ('%s')" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA="An extension name ('%s') can't start with the word 'Joomla'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Extensions that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla! in the extension name ('%s') need to be licensed by OSM" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_NON_ASCII="Listing name ('%s') contains non-ASCII characters" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_URL_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Domain names that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla! ('%1$s') need to be licensed by OSM. Please, check your domain name is listed on the Joomla! Trademark Approval Registry page." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_TOO_LONG="Listing name ('%s') is too long, consider to shorten it" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_ADMIN_MENU="The admin menu name '%1$s' isn't the same as the extension name '%2$s'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PLUGIN_FORMAT="The name of the plugin ('%s') must comply with the JED naming conventions in the form '{Type} - {Extension Name}'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1="PHP Headers missing GPL License Notice" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1_DESC="A notice is required on each PHP file stating that the file is licensed GPL (or other compatible accepted license). For more information, please click here." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_GPL_NOT_FOUND="GPL or compatible license was not found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_PH1_LICENSE_FOUND="GPL license was found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_GPL_COMPATIBLE_LICENSE_WAS_FOUND="GPL compatible license was found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_WARNING="Warning" +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_NOT_REMOVED="'ini' file for '%s' rule could not be removed, manual removal recommended." +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_NOT_REMOVED="PHP file for '%s' rule could not be removed, manual removal recommended." +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_REMOVED="Removed PHP file for '%s' rule." +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_REMOVED="Removed 'ini' file for '%s' rule." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK="Joomla Framework deprecated and unsafe" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_DESC="Warns about Find more info on Joomla! backward compatibility for Joomla! 3 and Joomla! 4" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_BOM_FOUND="The byte order mark (BOM) is detected. Please, save the file in the 'UTF-8 without BOM' format." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SHORT_PHP_TAG="Short PHP tag found. As short tags can be disabled in PHP, it is recommended to only use the normal tags (<?php) to maximise compatibility." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SUPERGLOBALS="Use of superglobals is strongly discouraged" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DIRECTDB="Use of direct database access is strongly discouraged" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="Functions deprecated in Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="deprecated in Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ4="removed in Joomla! 4" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DS="DS is deprecated in Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_JERR="JError is deprecated, you should use JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage();" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_ERRORLOG="error_log and var_dump" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATED="JRequest is deprecated, you should use JFactory::getApplication()->input;" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATEDINJ4="deprecated in Joomla! 4" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_TODO="TODO statement detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_LEFTOVER_FOLDER="Leftover folder detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_LEFTOVER_FILE="Leftover file detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_STRICT="PHP Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS="JAMSS - Joomla! Anti-Malware Scan Script" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS_DESC="JAMSS will raise many flags for use of potentially dangerous methods, additionally checking for some known attack signatures. Find out more on the Project's homepage
JAMSS output is very verbose and very useful, hover over any lines to see the details." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_SUSPICIOUS_FILENAME="Suspicious filename found :" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_CANNOT_OPEN="Could not check" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_PATTERN="Pattern found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_STRING="String found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_US1="Update Server Requirement" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_US1_DESC="The use of Update Servers is now required by JED." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_NOT_FOUND="Update Server tag missing or incorrect in this XML file" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_LINK_NOT_FOUND="Update Server link not found in this XML file" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_LINK="The Update Server link in this XML file is: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_DELETE_FAILED="Can't delete temporary folder" +COM_JEDCHECKER_DELETE_SUCCESS="Temporary folder deleted!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_EMPTY_UPLOAD_FIELD="Please, select a zipped file to be uploaded" +COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CHECK="Check" +COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CLEAR="Clear" +COM_JEDCHECKER_CLICK_TO_VIEW_DETAILS="Click to View Details" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST="XML Manifests" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_DESC="Validation of extension's XML manifest file" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_TYPE="Unknown extension type: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED="Extension type '%s' is not accepted by JED" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE="Node <%1$s> has unknown attribute '%2$s'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_CHILDREN="Node <%s> has unknown child element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_REQUIRED="Node <%1$s> doesn't contain required <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_OPTIONAL="Node <%1$s> doesn't contain optional <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MULTIPLE_FOUND="Node <%1$s> contains multiple <%2$s> elements" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_CHILD="Node <%1$s> contains unknown <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_EMPTY_CHILD="Found empty <%s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MENU_UNUSED_ATTRIBUTE="Menu item attribute '%s' is not used with 'link' attribute" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_METHOD_UPGRADE="Without the method="upgrade" attribute the extension package cannot be upgraded" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_ATTRIBUTE="The node <%1$s> doesn't contain required '%2$s' attribute" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE="The node <%1$s> has attribute '%2$s' with unknown value "%3$s"" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES="XML Files references" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_DESC="Check for incorrect files and folders references in the XML manifest" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_FILE_NOT_FOUND="File not found: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND="Folder not found: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG="Language files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_DESC="Validates language files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_EOL="Incorrect end-of-line character found. Convert file to Unix EOL (\n) format." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_BOM_FOUND="The byte order mark (BOM) is detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_COMMENT="Incorrect comment character, use ';' instead" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_WRONG_LINE="Incorrect line without '=' character" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_EMPTY="Empty key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_WHITESPACE="Whitespace in the key is not allowed" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_INVALID_CHARACTER="Invalid character in the key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_RESERVED="Reserved keyword in the key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_NOT_ASCII="The key name is not ASCII-compatible" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_NOT_UPPERCASE="The key name is not uppercase" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_DUPLICATED="The key name was declared previously on line %d" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_ERROR="Invalid translation string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INVALID_UTF8="Invalid UTF8 string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_QUOTES="All translation strings should be enclosed in double quotation marks." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_LEFT_QUOTE="You have missed the left quote." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_RIGHT_QUOTE="You have missed the right quote" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_EMPTY="Empty translation string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_QQDEPRECATED="Usage of \"_QQ_\" is deprecated since Joomla! 3.9. Use escaped double quotes (\\") instead" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNESCAPED_QUOTE="Unescaped double quotation mark found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_VARIABLE_REF="A variable reference found in the translation string." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_ARGNUM="Probably you use incorrect placeholder format (e.g. '%1s' instead of '%1$s'), see printf's argnum format specification for details" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_SPACES_AROUND="Spaces around the translation string are detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNKNOWN_KEY_IN_CODE="Unknown language key '%s' found in the code." + diff --git a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/cy-GB/cy-GB.com_jedchecker.sys.ini b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/cy-GB/cy-GB.com_jedchecker.sys.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6c4fc82 --- /dev/null +++ b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/cy-GB/cy-GB.com_jedchecker.sys.ini @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +; Language files have to start with semicolon (;) otherwise we have problems with transifex +COM_JEDCHECKER="Gwirydd JED" + diff --git a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/da-DK/da-DK.com_jedchecker.ini b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/da-DK/da-DK.com_jedchecker.ini index b2c9fd3..9259f6a 100644 --- a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/da-DK/da-DK.com_jedchecker.ini +++ b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/da-DK/da-DK.com_jedchecker.ini @@ -45,12 +45,14 @@ COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_XML="Navnettagget i denne fil er: %s" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_VERSION_XML="Versions-tag har værdien: %s" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_CREATIONDATE_XML="Tagget oprettelsesdato har værdien: %s" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NO_MANIFEST="Ingen manifest fil fundet" -COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_MODULE_PLUGIN="Listenavnet ('%s') indeholder 'module' eller 'plugin'" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_RESERVED_KEYWORDS="Nøgleord såsom module, plugin eller template bliver betragtet som reserverede ord og kan ikke anvendes i udvidelsesnavnene ('%s')" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PREFIXED="Listningsnavnet ('%s') starter med udvidelsestype præfiks" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_VERSION="Version i navn/titel ('%s')" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA="Et udvidelsesnavn ('%s') må ikke starte med ordet 'Joomla'" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Udvidelser som anvender 'Joomla' eller en afledning af Joomla i udvidelsesnavnet ('%s') skal være licenseret af OSM" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_NON_ASCII="Listningsnavnet ('%s') indeholder ikke-ASCII karakterer" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_URL_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Domænenavne som anvender 'Joomla' eller en afledning af Joomla ('%1$s') skal være licenseret af OSM. Kontroller venligst at dit domænenavn er listet på Joomla! Trademark Approval Registry siden." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_TOO_LONG="Listningsnavnet ('%s') er for langt, overvej at korte det af" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_ADMIN_MENU="Admin menunavnet '%1$s' er ikke det samme som udvidelsesnavnet '%2$s'" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PLUGIN_FORMAT="Navnet på plugin'et ('%s') skal overholde JED navngivningskonventionerne af formen '{Type} - {Extension Name}'" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1="PHP headere mangler GPL licensnotits" @@ -64,17 +66,22 @@ COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_NOT_REMOVED="PHP fil for '%s' regel kunne ikk COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_REMOVED="Fjernede PHP fil for '%s' regel." COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_REMOVED="Fjernede 'ini' fil for '%s' regel." COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK="Joomla Framework forældet og usikkert." -COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_DESC="Advarer mod Yderligere info på Joomla bagudkompatibilitet for Joomla 3 " +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_DESC="Advarer mod Yderligere info på Joomla bagudkompatibilitet for Joomla 3 og Joomla! 4" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_BOM_FOUND="Byte order mærket (BOM) er detekteret. Gem venligst filen i formatet 'UTF-8 uden BOM'." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SHORT_PHP_TAG="Kort PHP tag fundet. Da korte tags kan deaktiveres i PHP, så anbefales det kun at bruge normale tags (<?php) for at højne kmapatibiliteten." COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SUPERGLOBALS="Anvendelse af superglobale variabler frarådes på det kraftigste." COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DIRECTDB="Anvendelse af direkte adgang til database frarådes på det kraftigste." COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="Funktioner der er forældede i Joomla 3" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="forældede i Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ4="fjernet i Joomla! 4" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DS="DS er forældet i Joomla 3" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_JERR="Jerror er forældet, du skal anvende JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage();" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_ERRORLOG="error_log og var_dump" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATED="JRequest er forældet, du skal anvende JFactory::getApplication()->input;" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATEDINJ4="forældet i Joomla! 4" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_TODO="TODO erklæring fundet" -COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_GIT="Kode-versioneringsmapper fundet" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_LEFTOVER_FOLDER="Rest-mappe detekteret" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_LEFTOVER_FILE="Rest-fil detetkteret" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_STRICT="PHP Strikt standarder: Kun variabler bør tildeles med reference" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS="JAMSS! Joomla Anti-Malware Scan Script" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS_DESC="JAMSS vil rejse mange advarsler ved brug af potentielt farlige metoder, og desuden kontrollere for nogle kendte angrebssignaturer. Læs mere på projektets hjemmeside
JAMSS output er meget detaljeret og meget nyttig. Hold musen over linjerne for at se detaljerne. " @@ -90,7 +97,6 @@ COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_LINK="Opdateringsserver linket i denne XML COM_JEDCHECKER_DELETE_FAILED="Kan ikke slette midlertidig mappe" COM_JEDCHECKER_DELETE_SUCCESS="Midlertidig mappe slettet!" COM_JEDCHECKER_EMPTY_UPLOAD_FIELD="Vælg venligst en zippet fil til upload" -<<<<<<< HEAD= COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CHECK="Kontroller" COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CLEAR="Ryd" COM_JEDCHECKER_CLICK_TO_VIEW_DETAILS="Klik for at se detaljer" @@ -130,11 +136,12 @@ COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_ERROR="Ugyldig oversættelsesstreng" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INVALID_UTF8="Ugyldig UTF8 streng" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_QUOTES="Alle oversættelsesstrenge skal være omkranset af dobbelte anførselstegn." COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_LEFT_QUOTE="Du mangler det venstre anførselstegn." -COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_RIGTH_QUOTE="Du mangler det højre anførselstegn" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_RIGHT_QUOTE="Du mangler det højre anførselstegn" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_EMPTY="Tom oversættelsesstreng" -COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_QQ_DEPRECATED="Anvendelse af \"_QQ_\" er forældet siden Joomla! 3.9. Anvend escapede dobbelte anførselstegn (\\\") i stedet" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_QQDEPRECATED="Anvendelse af "_QQ_" er forældet siden Joomla! 3.9. Anvend escapede dobbelt anførselstegn (\\") i stedet" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNESCAPED_QUOTE="Ikke escapede dobbelte anførselstegn fundet" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_VARIABLE_REF="En variabelreference fundet i oversættelsesstrengen." COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_ARGNUM="Du anvender formentlig forkert pladsholderformat (fx '%1s' i stedet for '%1$s'), se printf's argnum format specifikationer for detaljer" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_SPACES_AROUND="Der er fundet mellemrum rundt om oversættelsesstrengen" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNKNOWN_KEY_IN_CODE="Ukendt sprognøgle '%s' fundet i koden." diff --git a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/de-AT/de-AT.com_jedchecker.ini b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/de-AT/de-AT.com_jedchecker.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ddff982 --- /dev/null +++ b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/de-AT/de-AT.com_jedchecker.ini @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +; Language files have to start with semicolon (;) otherwise we have problems with transifex +COM_JEDCHECKER_CONFIGURATION="JED Checker Konfiguration" +COM_JEDCHECKER_UPLOAD_FILE="Datei hochladen" +COM_JEDCHECKER_UPLOAD_WAS_SUCCESSFUL="Upload war erfolgreich, klicken Sie jetzt auf die Entpacken-Schaltfläche." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_UPLOAD_FILE="Upload fehlgeschlagen, stellen Sie sicher, dass das temporäre Verzeichnis beschreibbar ist." +COM_JEDCHECKER_UNZIP_SUCCESS="Upload war erfolgreich, klicken Sie jetzt auf die Überprüfen-Schaltfläche." +COM_JEDCHECKER_UNZIP_FAILED="Entpacken fehlgeschlagen" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RESULTS="JED Checker Ergebnisse" +COM_JEDCHECKER_CONGRATS="Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Wenn Sie diese Komponente verwenden, haben Sie höchstwahrscheinlich eine Joomla!-Erweiterung entwickelt. Jetzt kommt der "harte" Teil - im Joomla Extension Directory (JED) veröffentlicht zu werden. Das JED hat strenge Anforderungen, die erfüllt werden müssen, bevor eine Erweiterung im Verzeichnis veröffentlicht wird. Diese Voraussetzungen finden Sie hier. Diese Komponente wurde mit dem Ziel entwickelt, den Entwicklungsprozess zu vereinfachen, indem der Code automatisch auf häufige Fehler in Erweiterungen überprüft wird." +COM_JEDCHECKER_CODE_STANDARDS="Dies ist jedoch nicht das einzige Ziel, sondern wir streben auch die Überprüfung von Code-Standards an, wie sie die JPlatform durchführt. Dies würde sicherstellen, dass Entwickler*innen von Joomla-Erweiterungen sich der JPlatform-Codierungsstandards bewusst sind und dadurch die Qualität in unserer Joomla-Community noch weiter verbessern. Dafür brauchen wir dich - schaue dir die Github Projektseitean. Forke die Komponente, füge deine Code-Prüfungen hinzu und sende uns deine Pull-Requests!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_HOW_TO_USE="Überprüfe deine Erweiterung mit dem JED Checker:" +COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP1="Laden deine Komponente/Plugin/Modul Zip-Datei über das Upload-Formular hoch" +COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP2="Klicke auf Prüfen und überprüfe die Ergebnisse" +COM_JEDCHECKER_WALL_OF_HONOR="Ehrentafel" +COM_JEDCHECKER_CONTRIBUTORS="Mitwirkende" +COM_JEDCHECKER_PEOPLE_THAT_HAVE_HELPED_WITH_THE_DEVELOPMENT="Menschen, die bei der Entwicklung dieser Komponente geholfen haben." +COM_JEDCHECKER_HOW_TO_INTERPRET_RESULTS="Wie die Ergebnisse interpretiert werden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH2="PHP-Dateien ohne JEXEC-Sicherheit" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH2_DESC="Alle PHP-Dateien in Ihrer Erweiterung müssen eine „defined('_JEXEC') or die();“-Anweisung am Anfang jeder Datei haben. Dies stellt sicher, dass die Datei nicht außerhalb der Joomla-Installation geöffnet werden kann und erhöht die Sicherheit der Website." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH3="Lizenz-Tag fehlt oder ist in der XML-Installationsdatei falsch" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH3_DESC="Eine Installationsdatei sollte die Lizenzinformationen in einem Lizenz-Tag enthalten. Die Lizenz muss GPL oder GPL kompatibel sein." +COM_JEDCHECKER_EVERYTHING_SEEMS_TO_BE_FINE_WITH_THAT_RULE="Herzlichen Glückwunsch, alles scheint mit dieser Regel in Ordnung zu sein!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_DEVELOPED_BY="JED Checker ist ein JED-Projekt." +COM_JEDCHECKER_PHP_VERSION_INCOMPATIBLE="JED Checker ist nicht mit der PHP-Version kompatibel, die Sie auf dieser Website verwenden: %s. Sie benötigen mindestens PHP Version %s. Installation wird abgebrochen" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_HTML_INDEX_NOT_FOUND="Fehlende index.html in diesem Verzeichnis." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JEXEC_NOT_FOUND="Die JEXEC-Sicherheitsüberprüfung wurde in dieser Datei nicht gefunden." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_LICENSE_NOT_FOUND="Es wurde kein Lizenz-Tag in dieser XML-Datei gefunden." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_LICENSE_NOT_GPL="Bitte prüfen Sie, ob die Lizenz in dieser Datei mit der GPL kompatibel ist." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE="Regel" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERRORS="Fehler" +COM_JEDCHECKER_COMPAT_ISSUES="Kompatibilitätsprobleme" +COM_JEDCHECKER_IN_LINE="in Zeile" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_ENCODING="Sie haben Kodierung in dieser Datei verwendet. Dies ist kein Fehler, aber ein*e JED-Editor*in muss diese Datei überprüfen." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ENCODING="Base64 oder andere Art der Kodierung in den Dateien" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ENCODING_DESC="Als Entwickler*innen sind wir uns voll bewusst, dass die base64 und ähnliche Funktionen einen gültigen Platz in Erweiterungen haben (wie URL-Umleitungen oder Datenspeicherung). Wenn Sie jedoch diese verwenden, um es Benutzer*innen zu erschweren, Ihren Code zu lesen oder Backlinks zu maskieren, wird die JED Ihre Einsendung nicht akzeptieren (dies entspricht ohnehin nicht dem Geist der GPL!). Editor*innen überprüfen Ihren Code und stellen fest, ob die Art und Weise, wie Sie Base64 verwenden, mit den Regeln des JED übereinstimmt. Dies kann die Überprüfung verlangsamen. Es gilt die grobe Regel: Machen Sie keine zweifelhaften Dinge und vermeiden Sie die Kodierung Ihres Codes, wenn möglich!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_ERRORREPORTING="Sie haben error_reporting(0) in dieser Datei verwendet." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ERRORREPORTING="error_reporting(0) in den Dateien" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ERRORREPORTING_DESC="Die Verwendung von error_reporting(0) wird nicht empfohlen, da Joomla eine error_reporting Option in der Globalen Konfiguration zur Verfügung stellt." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LEAVE_A_REVIEW_JED="Wenn Sie diese Komponente verwenden, bewerten Sie diese bitte und schreiben Sie eine Rezension im Joomla!-Erweiterungs-Verzeichnis." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO="Info" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML="Informationen über xml-Dateien der Erweiterung" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_DESC="Der Installationsname Ihrer Erweiterung muss mit Ihrem Listennamen auf JED übereinstimmen. Wir scannen die XML-Dateien und finden den Wert des Namens-Tags. Nützliche Informationen für den "-Dateinamen und als" -Felder im JED-Einreichungsformular installieren" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_MANIFEST_OUTDATED="Manifest file uses outdated format. Use <extension> instead of <install> root tag name." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_XML="Der Name-Tag in dieser Datei ist: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_VERSION_XML="Versions-Tag hat den Wert: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_CREATIONDATE_XML="Das Erstellungsdatum-Tag hat den Wert: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NO_MANIFEST="No manifest file found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_RESERVED_KEYWORDS="Keywords such as module, plugin or template are considered reserved words ('%2$s') and can't be used in the extension names ('%1$s')" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PREFIXED="Listing name ('%s') starts with extension type prefix" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_VERSION="Version in name/title ('%s')" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA="An extension name ('%s') can't start with the word 'Joomla'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Extensions that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla! in the extension name ('%s') need to be licensed by OSM" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_NON_ASCII="Listing name ('%s') contains non-ASCII characters" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_URL_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Domain names that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla! ('%1$s') need to be licensed by OSM. Please, check your domain name is listed on the Joomla! Trademark Approval Registry page." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_TOO_LONG="Listing name ('%s') is too long, consider to shorten it" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_ADMIN_MENU="The admin menu name '%1$s' isn't the same as the extension name '%2$s'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PLUGIN_FORMAT="The name of the plugin ('%s') must comply with the JED naming conventions in the form '{Type} - {Extension Name}'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1="PHP-Headern fehlen die GPL-Lizenzhinweise" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1_DESC="Für jede PHP-Datei ist ein Hinweis erforderlich, in dem angegeben wird, dass die Datei die GPL (oder andere kompatible Lizenz) lizenziert ist. Für weitere Informationen klicken Sie bitte hier." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_GPL_NOT_FOUND="GPL oder kompatible Lizenz wurde nicht gefunden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_PH1_LICENSE_FOUND="GPL-Lizenz wurde gefunden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_GPL_COMPATIBLE_LICENSE_WAS_FOUND="GPL-kompatible Lizenz wurde gefunden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_WARNING="Warnung" +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_NOT_REMOVED="'ini' Datei für '%s' konnte nicht entfernt werden, manuelles Entfernen empfohlen." +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_NOT_REMOVED="PHP-Datei für '%s' Regel konnte nicht entfernt werden, manuelles Entfernen empfohlen." +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_REMOVED="PHP-Datei für '%s' Regel entfernt." +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_REMOVED="'ini'-Datei für '%s' Regel entfernt." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK="Joomla!-Framework veraltet und unsicher" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_DESC="Warnt vor Weitere Informationen unter Joomla Abwärtskompatibilität für Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_BOM_FOUND="Das Byte-Orderzeichen (BOM) wird erkannt. Bitte die Datei im Format 'UTF-8 ohne BOM' speichern." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SHORT_PHP_TAG="Kurzes PHP-Tag gefunden. Da kurze Tags in PHP deaktiviert werden können, wird empfohlen, nur die normalen Tags (<?php) zu verwenden, um die Kompatibilität zu maximieren." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SUPERGLOBALS="Vom Einsatz von Superglobals wird dringend abgeraten" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DIRECTDB="Von der Nutzung eines direkten Datenbankzugriffs wird dringend abgeraten" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="Funktionen sind veraltet in Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="veraltet in Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ4="entfernt in Joomla! 4" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DS="DS ist in Joomla 3 verasltet" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_JERR="JError ist veraltet, „JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage();“ sollte verwendet werden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_ERRORLOG="error_log und var_dump" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATED="JRequest ist veraltet, „JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage();“ sollte verwendet werden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATEDINJ4="veraltet in Joomla! 4" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_TODO="TODO-Anweisung erkannt" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_LEFTOVER_FOLDER="Übriggebliebener Ordner entdeckt" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_LEFTOVER_FILE="Übriggebliebene Datei entdeckt" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_STRICT="PHP Strict Standards: Nur Variablen sollten per Referenz zugewiesen werden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS="JAMSS - Joomla! Anti-Malware Scan-Skript" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS_DESC="JAMSS wird viele Warnungen für potenziell gefährliche Methoden ausgeben und zusätzlich nach bekannten Angriffssignaturen suchen. Erfahren Sie mehr auf der Projekt-Homepage
Die JAMSS-Ausgabe ist sehr ausführlich und sehr nützlich, fahren Sie mit der Maus Sie über die jeweiligen Zeilen, um weitere Details zu sehen." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_SUSPICIOUS_FILENAME="Verdächtiger Dateiname gefunden:" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_CANNOT_OPEN="Konnte nicht überprüft werden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_PATTERN="Muster gefunden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_STRING="String gefunden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_US1="Update-Server-Voraussetzung" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_US1_DESC="Die Nutzung von Update-Servern wird nun vom JED verlangt." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_NOT_FOUND="Update-Server-Tag aktualisieren fehlt oder falsch in dieser XML-Datei" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_LINK_NOT_FOUND="Update-Server-Link nicht in dieser XML-Datei gefunden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_LINK="Der Update-Server-Link in dieser XML-Datei ist: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_DELETE_FAILED="Temporäres Verzeichnis kann nicht gelöscht werden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_DELETE_SUCCESS="Temporäres Verzeichnis gelöscht!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_EMPTY_UPLOAD_FIELD="Bitte wählen Sie eine Zip-Datei zum Hochladen aus" +COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CHECK="Prüfen" +COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CLEAR="Löschen" +COM_JEDCHECKER_CLICK_TO_VIEW_DETAILS="Klicken, um Details anzuzeigen" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST="XML Manifests" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_DESC="Validation of extension's XML manifest file" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_TYPE="Unknown extension type: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED="Extension type '%s' is not accepted by JED" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE="Node <%1$s> has unknown attribute '%2$s'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_CHILDREN="Node <%s> has unknown child element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_REQUIRED="Node <%1$s> doesn't contain required <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_OPTIONAL="Node <%1$s> doesn't contain optional <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MULTIPLE_FOUND="Node <%1$s> contains multiple <%2$s> elements" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_CHILD="Node <%1$s> contains unknown <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_EMPTY_CHILD="Found empty <%s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MENU_UNUSED_ATTRIBUTE="Menu item attribute '%s' is not used with 'link' attribute" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_METHOD_UPGRADE="Without the method="upgrade" attribute the extension package cannot be upgraded" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_ATTRIBUTE="The node <%1$s> doesn't contain required '%2$s' attribute" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE="The node <%1$s> has attribute '%2$s' with unknown value "%3$s"" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES="XML Files references" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_DESC="Check for incorrect files and folders references in the XML manifest" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_FILE_NOT_FOUND="File not found: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND="Folder not found: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG="Language files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_DESC="Validates language files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_EOL="Incorrect end-of-line character found. Convert file to Unix EOL (\n) format." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_BOM_FOUND="The byte order mark (BOM) is detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_COMMENT="Incorrect comment character, use ';' instead" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_WRONG_LINE="Incorrect line without '=' character" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_EMPTY="Empty key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_WHITESPACE="Whitespace in the key is not allowed" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_INVALID_CHARACTER="Invalid character in the key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_RESERVED="Reserved keyword in the key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_NOT_ASCII="The key name is not ASCII-compatible" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_NOT_UPPERCASE="The key name is not uppercase" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_DUPLICATED="The key name was declared previously on line %d" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_ERROR="Invalid translation string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INVALID_UTF8="Invalid UTF8 string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_QUOTES="All translation strings should be enclosed in double quotation marks." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_LEFT_QUOTE="You have missed the left quote." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_RIGHT_QUOTE="Die richtigen Anführungszeichen wurden übersehen" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_EMPTY="Empty translation string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_QQDEPRECATED="Die Verwendung von \"_QQ_\" ist seit Joomla! 3.9 veraltet. Stattdessen maskierte doppelte Anführungszeichen (\\") verwenden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNESCAPED_QUOTE="Unescaped double quotation mark found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_VARIABLE_REF="A variable reference found in the translation string." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_ARGNUM="Probably you use incorrect placeholder format (e.g. '%1s' instead of '%1$s'), see printf's argnum format specification for details" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_SPACES_AROUND="Spaces around the translation string are detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNKNOWN_KEY_IN_CODE="Unbekannter Sprachschlüssel '%s' im Code gefunden." + diff --git a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/de-AT/de-AT.com_jedchecker.sys.ini b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/de-AT/de-AT.com_jedchecker.sys.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c6f863f --- /dev/null +++ b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/de-AT/de-AT.com_jedchecker.sys.ini @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +; Language files have to start with semicolon (;) otherwise we have problems with transifex +COM_JEDCHECKER="JED-Checker" + diff --git a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/de-CH/de-CH.com_jedchecker.ini b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/de-CH/de-CH.com_jedchecker.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ddff982 --- /dev/null +++ b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/de-CH/de-CH.com_jedchecker.ini @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +; Language files have to start with semicolon (;) otherwise we have problems with transifex +COM_JEDCHECKER_CONFIGURATION="JED Checker Konfiguration" +COM_JEDCHECKER_UPLOAD_FILE="Datei hochladen" +COM_JEDCHECKER_UPLOAD_WAS_SUCCESSFUL="Upload war erfolgreich, klicken Sie jetzt auf die Entpacken-Schaltfläche." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_UPLOAD_FILE="Upload fehlgeschlagen, stellen Sie sicher, dass das temporäre Verzeichnis beschreibbar ist." +COM_JEDCHECKER_UNZIP_SUCCESS="Upload war erfolgreich, klicken Sie jetzt auf die Überprüfen-Schaltfläche." +COM_JEDCHECKER_UNZIP_FAILED="Entpacken fehlgeschlagen" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RESULTS="JED Checker Ergebnisse" +COM_JEDCHECKER_CONGRATS="Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Wenn Sie diese Komponente verwenden, haben Sie höchstwahrscheinlich eine Joomla!-Erweiterung entwickelt. Jetzt kommt der "harte" Teil - im Joomla Extension Directory (JED) veröffentlicht zu werden. Das JED hat strenge Anforderungen, die erfüllt werden müssen, bevor eine Erweiterung im Verzeichnis veröffentlicht wird. Diese Voraussetzungen finden Sie hier. Diese Komponente wurde mit dem Ziel entwickelt, den Entwicklungsprozess zu vereinfachen, indem der Code automatisch auf häufige Fehler in Erweiterungen überprüft wird." +COM_JEDCHECKER_CODE_STANDARDS="Dies ist jedoch nicht das einzige Ziel, sondern wir streben auch die Überprüfung von Code-Standards an, wie sie die JPlatform durchführt. Dies würde sicherstellen, dass Entwickler*innen von Joomla-Erweiterungen sich der JPlatform-Codierungsstandards bewusst sind und dadurch die Qualität in unserer Joomla-Community noch weiter verbessern. Dafür brauchen wir dich - schaue dir die Github Projektseitean. Forke die Komponente, füge deine Code-Prüfungen hinzu und sende uns deine Pull-Requests!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_HOW_TO_USE="Überprüfe deine Erweiterung mit dem JED Checker:" +COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP1="Laden deine Komponente/Plugin/Modul Zip-Datei über das Upload-Formular hoch" +COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP2="Klicke auf Prüfen und überprüfe die Ergebnisse" +COM_JEDCHECKER_WALL_OF_HONOR="Ehrentafel" +COM_JEDCHECKER_CONTRIBUTORS="Mitwirkende" +COM_JEDCHECKER_PEOPLE_THAT_HAVE_HELPED_WITH_THE_DEVELOPMENT="Menschen, die bei der Entwicklung dieser Komponente geholfen haben." +COM_JEDCHECKER_HOW_TO_INTERPRET_RESULTS="Wie die Ergebnisse interpretiert werden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH2="PHP-Dateien ohne JEXEC-Sicherheit" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH2_DESC="Alle PHP-Dateien in Ihrer Erweiterung müssen eine „defined('_JEXEC') or die();“-Anweisung am Anfang jeder Datei haben. Dies stellt sicher, dass die Datei nicht außerhalb der Joomla-Installation geöffnet werden kann und erhöht die Sicherheit der Website." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH3="Lizenz-Tag fehlt oder ist in der XML-Installationsdatei falsch" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH3_DESC="Eine Installationsdatei sollte die Lizenzinformationen in einem Lizenz-Tag enthalten. Die Lizenz muss GPL oder GPL kompatibel sein." +COM_JEDCHECKER_EVERYTHING_SEEMS_TO_BE_FINE_WITH_THAT_RULE="Herzlichen Glückwunsch, alles scheint mit dieser Regel in Ordnung zu sein!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_DEVELOPED_BY="JED Checker ist ein JED-Projekt." +COM_JEDCHECKER_PHP_VERSION_INCOMPATIBLE="JED Checker ist nicht mit der PHP-Version kompatibel, die Sie auf dieser Website verwenden: %s. Sie benötigen mindestens PHP Version %s. Installation wird abgebrochen" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_HTML_INDEX_NOT_FOUND="Fehlende index.html in diesem Verzeichnis." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JEXEC_NOT_FOUND="Die JEXEC-Sicherheitsüberprüfung wurde in dieser Datei nicht gefunden." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_LICENSE_NOT_FOUND="Es wurde kein Lizenz-Tag in dieser XML-Datei gefunden." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_LICENSE_NOT_GPL="Bitte prüfen Sie, ob die Lizenz in dieser Datei mit der GPL kompatibel ist." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE="Regel" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERRORS="Fehler" +COM_JEDCHECKER_COMPAT_ISSUES="Kompatibilitätsprobleme" +COM_JEDCHECKER_IN_LINE="in Zeile" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_ENCODING="Sie haben Kodierung in dieser Datei verwendet. Dies ist kein Fehler, aber ein*e JED-Editor*in muss diese Datei überprüfen." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ENCODING="Base64 oder andere Art der Kodierung in den Dateien" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ENCODING_DESC="Als Entwickler*innen sind wir uns voll bewusst, dass die base64 und ähnliche Funktionen einen gültigen Platz in Erweiterungen haben (wie URL-Umleitungen oder Datenspeicherung). Wenn Sie jedoch diese verwenden, um es Benutzer*innen zu erschweren, Ihren Code zu lesen oder Backlinks zu maskieren, wird die JED Ihre Einsendung nicht akzeptieren (dies entspricht ohnehin nicht dem Geist der GPL!). Editor*innen überprüfen Ihren Code und stellen fest, ob die Art und Weise, wie Sie Base64 verwenden, mit den Regeln des JED übereinstimmt. Dies kann die Überprüfung verlangsamen. Es gilt die grobe Regel: Machen Sie keine zweifelhaften Dinge und vermeiden Sie die Kodierung Ihres Codes, wenn möglich!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_ERRORREPORTING="Sie haben error_reporting(0) in dieser Datei verwendet." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ERRORREPORTING="error_reporting(0) in den Dateien" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ERRORREPORTING_DESC="Die Verwendung von error_reporting(0) wird nicht empfohlen, da Joomla eine error_reporting Option in der Globalen Konfiguration zur Verfügung stellt." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LEAVE_A_REVIEW_JED="Wenn Sie diese Komponente verwenden, bewerten Sie diese bitte und schreiben Sie eine Rezension im Joomla!-Erweiterungs-Verzeichnis." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO="Info" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML="Informationen über xml-Dateien der Erweiterung" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_DESC="Der Installationsname Ihrer Erweiterung muss mit Ihrem Listennamen auf JED übereinstimmen. Wir scannen die XML-Dateien und finden den Wert des Namens-Tags. Nützliche Informationen für den "-Dateinamen und als" -Felder im JED-Einreichungsformular installieren" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_MANIFEST_OUTDATED="Manifest file uses outdated format. Use <extension> instead of <install> root tag name." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_XML="Der Name-Tag in dieser Datei ist: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_VERSION_XML="Versions-Tag hat den Wert: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_CREATIONDATE_XML="Das Erstellungsdatum-Tag hat den Wert: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NO_MANIFEST="No manifest file found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_RESERVED_KEYWORDS="Keywords such as module, plugin or template are considered reserved words ('%2$s') and can't be used in the extension names ('%1$s')" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PREFIXED="Listing name ('%s') starts with extension type prefix" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_VERSION="Version in name/title ('%s')" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA="An extension name ('%s') can't start with the word 'Joomla'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Extensions that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla! in the extension name ('%s') need to be licensed by OSM" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_NON_ASCII="Listing name ('%s') contains non-ASCII characters" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_URL_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Domain names that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla! ('%1$s') need to be licensed by OSM. Please, check your domain name is listed on the Joomla! Trademark Approval Registry page." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_TOO_LONG="Listing name ('%s') is too long, consider to shorten it" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_ADMIN_MENU="The admin menu name '%1$s' isn't the same as the extension name '%2$s'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PLUGIN_FORMAT="The name of the plugin ('%s') must comply with the JED naming conventions in the form '{Type} - {Extension Name}'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1="PHP-Headern fehlen die GPL-Lizenzhinweise" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1_DESC="Für jede PHP-Datei ist ein Hinweis erforderlich, in dem angegeben wird, dass die Datei die GPL (oder andere kompatible Lizenz) lizenziert ist. Für weitere Informationen klicken Sie bitte hier." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_GPL_NOT_FOUND="GPL oder kompatible Lizenz wurde nicht gefunden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_PH1_LICENSE_FOUND="GPL-Lizenz wurde gefunden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_GPL_COMPATIBLE_LICENSE_WAS_FOUND="GPL-kompatible Lizenz wurde gefunden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_WARNING="Warnung" +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_NOT_REMOVED="'ini' Datei für '%s' konnte nicht entfernt werden, manuelles Entfernen empfohlen." +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_NOT_REMOVED="PHP-Datei für '%s' Regel konnte nicht entfernt werden, manuelles Entfernen empfohlen." +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_REMOVED="PHP-Datei für '%s' Regel entfernt." +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_REMOVED="'ini'-Datei für '%s' Regel entfernt." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK="Joomla!-Framework veraltet und unsicher" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_DESC="Warnt vor Weitere Informationen unter Joomla Abwärtskompatibilität für Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_BOM_FOUND="Das Byte-Orderzeichen (BOM) wird erkannt. Bitte die Datei im Format 'UTF-8 ohne BOM' speichern." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SHORT_PHP_TAG="Kurzes PHP-Tag gefunden. Da kurze Tags in PHP deaktiviert werden können, wird empfohlen, nur die normalen Tags (<?php) zu verwenden, um die Kompatibilität zu maximieren." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SUPERGLOBALS="Vom Einsatz von Superglobals wird dringend abgeraten" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DIRECTDB="Von der Nutzung eines direkten Datenbankzugriffs wird dringend abgeraten" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="Funktionen sind veraltet in Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="veraltet in Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ4="entfernt in Joomla! 4" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DS="DS ist in Joomla 3 verasltet" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_JERR="JError ist veraltet, „JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage();“ sollte verwendet werden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_ERRORLOG="error_log und var_dump" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATED="JRequest ist veraltet, „JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage();“ sollte verwendet werden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATEDINJ4="veraltet in Joomla! 4" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_TODO="TODO-Anweisung erkannt" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_LEFTOVER_FOLDER="Übriggebliebener Ordner entdeckt" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_LEFTOVER_FILE="Übriggebliebene Datei entdeckt" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_STRICT="PHP Strict Standards: Nur Variablen sollten per Referenz zugewiesen werden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS="JAMSS - Joomla! Anti-Malware Scan-Skript" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS_DESC="JAMSS wird viele Warnungen für potenziell gefährliche Methoden ausgeben und zusätzlich nach bekannten Angriffssignaturen suchen. Erfahren Sie mehr auf der Projekt-Homepage
Die JAMSS-Ausgabe ist sehr ausführlich und sehr nützlich, fahren Sie mit der Maus Sie über die jeweiligen Zeilen, um weitere Details zu sehen." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_SUSPICIOUS_FILENAME="Verdächtiger Dateiname gefunden:" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_CANNOT_OPEN="Konnte nicht überprüft werden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_PATTERN="Muster gefunden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_STRING="String gefunden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_US1="Update-Server-Voraussetzung" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_US1_DESC="Die Nutzung von Update-Servern wird nun vom JED verlangt." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_NOT_FOUND="Update-Server-Tag aktualisieren fehlt oder falsch in dieser XML-Datei" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_LINK_NOT_FOUND="Update-Server-Link nicht in dieser XML-Datei gefunden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_LINK="Der Update-Server-Link in dieser XML-Datei ist: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_DELETE_FAILED="Temporäres Verzeichnis kann nicht gelöscht werden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_DELETE_SUCCESS="Temporäres Verzeichnis gelöscht!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_EMPTY_UPLOAD_FIELD="Bitte wählen Sie eine Zip-Datei zum Hochladen aus" +COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CHECK="Prüfen" +COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CLEAR="Löschen" +COM_JEDCHECKER_CLICK_TO_VIEW_DETAILS="Klicken, um Details anzuzeigen" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST="XML Manifests" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_DESC="Validation of extension's XML manifest file" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_TYPE="Unknown extension type: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED="Extension type '%s' is not accepted by JED" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE="Node <%1$s> has unknown attribute '%2$s'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_CHILDREN="Node <%s> has unknown child element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_REQUIRED="Node <%1$s> doesn't contain required <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_OPTIONAL="Node <%1$s> doesn't contain optional <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MULTIPLE_FOUND="Node <%1$s> contains multiple <%2$s> elements" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_CHILD="Node <%1$s> contains unknown <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_EMPTY_CHILD="Found empty <%s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MENU_UNUSED_ATTRIBUTE="Menu item attribute '%s' is not used with 'link' attribute" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_METHOD_UPGRADE="Without the method="upgrade" attribute the extension package cannot be upgraded" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_ATTRIBUTE="The node <%1$s> doesn't contain required '%2$s' attribute" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE="The node <%1$s> has attribute '%2$s' with unknown value "%3$s"" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES="XML Files references" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_DESC="Check for incorrect files and folders references in the XML manifest" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_FILE_NOT_FOUND="File not found: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND="Folder not found: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG="Language files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_DESC="Validates language files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_EOL="Incorrect end-of-line character found. Convert file to Unix EOL (\n) format." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_BOM_FOUND="The byte order mark (BOM) is detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_COMMENT="Incorrect comment character, use ';' instead" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_WRONG_LINE="Incorrect line without '=' character" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_EMPTY="Empty key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_WHITESPACE="Whitespace in the key is not allowed" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_INVALID_CHARACTER="Invalid character in the key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_RESERVED="Reserved keyword in the key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_NOT_ASCII="The key name is not ASCII-compatible" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_NOT_UPPERCASE="The key name is not uppercase" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_DUPLICATED="The key name was declared previously on line %d" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_ERROR="Invalid translation string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INVALID_UTF8="Invalid UTF8 string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_QUOTES="All translation strings should be enclosed in double quotation marks." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_LEFT_QUOTE="You have missed the left quote." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_RIGHT_QUOTE="Die richtigen Anführungszeichen wurden übersehen" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_EMPTY="Empty translation string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_QQDEPRECATED="Die Verwendung von \"_QQ_\" ist seit Joomla! 3.9 veraltet. Stattdessen maskierte doppelte Anführungszeichen (\\") verwenden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNESCAPED_QUOTE="Unescaped double quotation mark found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_VARIABLE_REF="A variable reference found in the translation string." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_ARGNUM="Probably you use incorrect placeholder format (e.g. '%1s' instead of '%1$s'), see printf's argnum format specification for details" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_SPACES_AROUND="Spaces around the translation string are detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNKNOWN_KEY_IN_CODE="Unbekannter Sprachschlüssel '%s' im Code gefunden." + diff --git a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/de-CH/de-CH.com_jedchecker.sys.ini b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/de-CH/de-CH.com_jedchecker.sys.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c6f863f --- /dev/null +++ b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/de-CH/de-CH.com_jedchecker.sys.ini @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +; Language files have to start with semicolon (;) otherwise we have problems with transifex +COM_JEDCHECKER="JED-Checker" + diff --git a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/de-DE/de-DE.com_jedchecker.ini b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/de-DE/de-DE.com_jedchecker.ini index 346f66f..ddff982 100644 --- a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/de-DE/de-DE.com_jedchecker.ini +++ b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/de-DE/de-DE.com_jedchecker.ini @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_UPLOAD_FILE="Upload fehlgeschlagen, stellen Sie s COM_JEDCHECKER_UNZIP_SUCCESS="Upload war erfolgreich, klicken Sie jetzt auf die Überprüfen-Schaltfläche." COM_JEDCHECKER_UNZIP_FAILED="Entpacken fehlgeschlagen" COM_JEDCHECKER_RESULTS="JED Checker Ergebnisse" -COM_JEDCHECKER_CONGRATS="Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Wenn Sie diese Komponente verwenden, haben Sie höchstwahrscheinlich eine Joomla!-Erweiterung entwickelt. Jetzt kommt der "harte" Teil - in der Joomla Extension Directory (JED) veröffentlicht zu werden. Die JED hat strenge Anforderungen, die erfüllt werden müssen, bevor eine Erweiterung im Verzeichnis veröffentlicht wird. Diese Voraussetzungen finden Sie hier. Diese Komponente wurde mit dem Ziel entwickelt, den Entwicklungsprozess zu vereinfachen, indem der Code automatisch auf häufige Fehler in Erweiterungen überprüft wird." +COM_JEDCHECKER_CONGRATS="Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Wenn Sie diese Komponente verwenden, haben Sie höchstwahrscheinlich eine Joomla!-Erweiterung entwickelt. Jetzt kommt der "harte" Teil - im Joomla Extension Directory (JED) veröffentlicht zu werden. Das JED hat strenge Anforderungen, die erfüllt werden müssen, bevor eine Erweiterung im Verzeichnis veröffentlicht wird. Diese Voraussetzungen finden Sie hier. Diese Komponente wurde mit dem Ziel entwickelt, den Entwicklungsprozess zu vereinfachen, indem der Code automatisch auf häufige Fehler in Erweiterungen überprüft wird." COM_JEDCHECKER_CODE_STANDARDS="Dies ist jedoch nicht das einzige Ziel, sondern wir streben auch die Überprüfung von Code-Standards an, wie sie die JPlatform durchführt. Dies würde sicherstellen, dass Entwickler*innen von Joomla-Erweiterungen sich der JPlatform-Codierungsstandards bewusst sind und dadurch die Qualität in unserer Joomla-Community noch weiter verbessern. Dafür brauchen wir dich - schaue dir die Github Projektseitean. Forke die Komponente, füge deine Code-Prüfungen hinzu und sende uns deine Pull-Requests!" COM_JEDCHECKER_HOW_TO_USE="Überprüfe deine Erweiterung mit dem JED Checker:" COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP1="Laden deine Komponente/Plugin/Modul Zip-Datei über das Upload-Formular hoch" @@ -40,9 +40,21 @@ COM_JEDCHECKER_LEAVE_A_REVIEW_JED="Wenn Sie diese Komponente verwenden, bewerten COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO="Info" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML="Informationen über xml-Dateien der Erweiterung" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_DESC="Der Installationsname Ihrer Erweiterung muss mit Ihrem Listennamen auf JED übereinstimmen. Wir scannen die XML-Dateien und finden den Wert des Namens-Tags. Nützliche Informationen für den "-Dateinamen und als" -Felder im JED-Einreichungsformular installieren" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_MANIFEST_OUTDATED="Manifest file uses outdated format. Use <extension> instead of <install> root tag name." COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_XML="Der Name-Tag in dieser Datei ist: %s" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_VERSION_XML="Versions-Tag hat den Wert: %s" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_CREATIONDATE_XML="Das Erstellungsdatum-Tag hat den Wert: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NO_MANIFEST="No manifest file found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_RESERVED_KEYWORDS="Keywords such as module, plugin or template are considered reserved words ('%2$s') and can't be used in the extension names ('%1$s')" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PREFIXED="Listing name ('%s') starts with extension type prefix" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_VERSION="Version in name/title ('%s')" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA="An extension name ('%s') can't start with the word 'Joomla'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Extensions that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla! in the extension name ('%s') need to be licensed by OSM" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_NON_ASCII="Listing name ('%s') contains non-ASCII characters" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_URL_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Domain names that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla! ('%1$s') need to be licensed by OSM. Please, check your domain name is listed on the Joomla! Trademark Approval Registry page." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_TOO_LONG="Listing name ('%s') is too long, consider to shorten it" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_ADMIN_MENU="The admin menu name '%1$s' isn't the same as the extension name '%2$s'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PLUGIN_FORMAT="The name of the plugin ('%s') must comply with the JED naming conventions in the form '{Type} - {Extension Name}'" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1="PHP-Headern fehlen die GPL-Lizenzhinweise" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1_DESC="Für jede PHP-Datei ist ein Hinweis erforderlich, in dem angegeben wird, dass die Datei die GPL (oder andere kompatible Lizenz) lizenziert ist. Für weitere Informationen klicken Sie bitte hier." COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_GPL_NOT_FOUND="GPL oder kompatible Lizenz wurde nicht gefunden" @@ -55,16 +67,21 @@ COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_REMOVED="PHP-Datei für '%s' Regel entfernt." COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_REMOVED="'ini'-Datei für '%s' Regel entfernt." COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK="Joomla!-Framework veraltet und unsicher" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_DESC="Warnt vor Weitere Informationen unter Joomla Abwärtskompatibilität für Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_BOM_FOUND="Das Byte-Orderzeichen (BOM) wird erkannt. Bitte die Datei im Format 'UTF-8 ohne BOM' speichern." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SHORT_PHP_TAG="Kurzes PHP-Tag gefunden. Da kurze Tags in PHP deaktiviert werden können, wird empfohlen, nur die normalen Tags (<?php) zu verwenden, um die Kompatibilität zu maximieren." COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SUPERGLOBALS="Vom Einsatz von Superglobals wird dringend abgeraten" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DIRECTDB="Von der Nutzung eines direkten Datenbankzugriffs wird dringend abgeraten" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="Funktionen sind veraltet in Joomla 3" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="veraltet in Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ4="entfernt in Joomla! 4" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DS="DS ist in Joomla 3 verasltet" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_JERR="JError ist veraltet, „JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage();“ sollte verwendet werden" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_ERRORLOG="error_log und var_dump" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATED="JRequest ist veraltet, „JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage();“ sollte verwendet werden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATEDINJ4="veraltet in Joomla! 4" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_TODO="TODO-Anweisung erkannt" -COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_GIT="Code-Versionierungsordner erkannt" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_LEFTOVER_FOLDER="Übriggebliebener Ordner entdeckt" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_LEFTOVER_FILE="Übriggebliebene Datei entdeckt" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_STRICT="PHP Strict Standards: Nur Variablen sollten per Referenz zugewiesen werden" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS="JAMSS - Joomla! Anti-Malware Scan-Skript" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS_DESC="JAMSS wird viele Warnungen für potenziell gefährliche Methoden ausgeben und zusätzlich nach bekannten Angriffssignaturen suchen. Erfahren Sie mehr auf der Projekt-Homepage
Die JAMSS-Ausgabe ist sehr ausführlich und sehr nützlich, fahren Sie mit der Maus Sie über die jeweiligen Zeilen, um weitere Details zu sehen." @@ -83,4 +100,48 @@ COM_JEDCHECKER_EMPTY_UPLOAD_FIELD="Bitte wählen Sie eine Zip-Datei zum Hochlade COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CHECK="Prüfen" COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CLEAR="Löschen" COM_JEDCHECKER_CLICK_TO_VIEW_DETAILS="Klicken, um Details anzuzeigen" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST="XML Manifests" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_DESC="Validation of extension's XML manifest file" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_TYPE="Unknown extension type: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED="Extension type '%s' is not accepted by JED" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE="Node <%1$s> has unknown attribute '%2$s'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_CHILDREN="Node <%s> has unknown child element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_REQUIRED="Node <%1$s> doesn't contain required <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_OPTIONAL="Node <%1$s> doesn't contain optional <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MULTIPLE_FOUND="Node <%1$s> contains multiple <%2$s> elements" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_CHILD="Node <%1$s> contains unknown <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_EMPTY_CHILD="Found empty <%s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MENU_UNUSED_ATTRIBUTE="Menu item attribute '%s' is not used with 'link' attribute" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_METHOD_UPGRADE="Without the method="upgrade" attribute the extension package cannot be upgraded" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_ATTRIBUTE="The node <%1$s> doesn't contain required '%2$s' attribute" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE="The node <%1$s> has attribute '%2$s' with unknown value "%3$s"" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES="XML Files references" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_DESC="Check for incorrect files and folders references in the XML manifest" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_FILE_NOT_FOUND="File not found: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND="Folder not found: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG="Language files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_DESC="Validates language files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_EOL="Incorrect end-of-line character found. Convert file to Unix EOL (\n) format." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_BOM_FOUND="The byte order mark (BOM) is detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_COMMENT="Incorrect comment character, use ';' instead" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_WRONG_LINE="Incorrect line without '=' character" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_EMPTY="Empty key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_WHITESPACE="Whitespace in the key is not allowed" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_INVALID_CHARACTER="Invalid character in the key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_RESERVED="Reserved keyword in the key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_NOT_ASCII="The key name is not ASCII-compatible" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_NOT_UPPERCASE="The key name is not uppercase" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_DUPLICATED="The key name was declared previously on line %d" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_ERROR="Invalid translation string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INVALID_UTF8="Invalid UTF8 string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_QUOTES="All translation strings should be enclosed in double quotation marks." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_LEFT_QUOTE="You have missed the left quote." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_RIGHT_QUOTE="Die richtigen Anführungszeichen wurden übersehen" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_EMPTY="Empty translation string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_QQDEPRECATED="Die Verwendung von \"_QQ_\" ist seit Joomla! 3.9 veraltet. Stattdessen maskierte doppelte Anführungszeichen (\\") verwenden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNESCAPED_QUOTE="Unescaped double quotation mark found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_VARIABLE_REF="A variable reference found in the translation string." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_ARGNUM="Probably you use incorrect placeholder format (e.g. '%1s' instead of '%1$s'), see printf's argnum format specification for details" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_SPACES_AROUND="Spaces around the translation string are detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNKNOWN_KEY_IN_CODE="Unbekannter Sprachschlüssel '%s' im Code gefunden." diff --git a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/de-LI/de-LI.com_jedchecker.ini b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/de-LI/de-LI.com_jedchecker.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ddff982 --- /dev/null +++ b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/de-LI/de-LI.com_jedchecker.ini @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +; Language files have to start with semicolon (;) otherwise we have problems with transifex +COM_JEDCHECKER_CONFIGURATION="JED Checker Konfiguration" +COM_JEDCHECKER_UPLOAD_FILE="Datei hochladen" +COM_JEDCHECKER_UPLOAD_WAS_SUCCESSFUL="Upload war erfolgreich, klicken Sie jetzt auf die Entpacken-Schaltfläche." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_UPLOAD_FILE="Upload fehlgeschlagen, stellen Sie sicher, dass das temporäre Verzeichnis beschreibbar ist." +COM_JEDCHECKER_UNZIP_SUCCESS="Upload war erfolgreich, klicken Sie jetzt auf die Überprüfen-Schaltfläche." +COM_JEDCHECKER_UNZIP_FAILED="Entpacken fehlgeschlagen" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RESULTS="JED Checker Ergebnisse" +COM_JEDCHECKER_CONGRATS="Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Wenn Sie diese Komponente verwenden, haben Sie höchstwahrscheinlich eine Joomla!-Erweiterung entwickelt. Jetzt kommt der "harte" Teil - im Joomla Extension Directory (JED) veröffentlicht zu werden. Das JED hat strenge Anforderungen, die erfüllt werden müssen, bevor eine Erweiterung im Verzeichnis veröffentlicht wird. Diese Voraussetzungen finden Sie hier. Diese Komponente wurde mit dem Ziel entwickelt, den Entwicklungsprozess zu vereinfachen, indem der Code automatisch auf häufige Fehler in Erweiterungen überprüft wird." +COM_JEDCHECKER_CODE_STANDARDS="Dies ist jedoch nicht das einzige Ziel, sondern wir streben auch die Überprüfung von Code-Standards an, wie sie die JPlatform durchführt. Dies würde sicherstellen, dass Entwickler*innen von Joomla-Erweiterungen sich der JPlatform-Codierungsstandards bewusst sind und dadurch die Qualität in unserer Joomla-Community noch weiter verbessern. Dafür brauchen wir dich - schaue dir die Github Projektseitean. Forke die Komponente, füge deine Code-Prüfungen hinzu und sende uns deine Pull-Requests!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_HOW_TO_USE="Überprüfe deine Erweiterung mit dem JED Checker:" +COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP1="Laden deine Komponente/Plugin/Modul Zip-Datei über das Upload-Formular hoch" +COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP2="Klicke auf Prüfen und überprüfe die Ergebnisse" +COM_JEDCHECKER_WALL_OF_HONOR="Ehrentafel" +COM_JEDCHECKER_CONTRIBUTORS="Mitwirkende" +COM_JEDCHECKER_PEOPLE_THAT_HAVE_HELPED_WITH_THE_DEVELOPMENT="Menschen, die bei der Entwicklung dieser Komponente geholfen haben." +COM_JEDCHECKER_HOW_TO_INTERPRET_RESULTS="Wie die Ergebnisse interpretiert werden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH2="PHP-Dateien ohne JEXEC-Sicherheit" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH2_DESC="Alle PHP-Dateien in Ihrer Erweiterung müssen eine „defined('_JEXEC') or die();“-Anweisung am Anfang jeder Datei haben. Dies stellt sicher, dass die Datei nicht außerhalb der Joomla-Installation geöffnet werden kann und erhöht die Sicherheit der Website." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH3="Lizenz-Tag fehlt oder ist in der XML-Installationsdatei falsch" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH3_DESC="Eine Installationsdatei sollte die Lizenzinformationen in einem Lizenz-Tag enthalten. Die Lizenz muss GPL oder GPL kompatibel sein." +COM_JEDCHECKER_EVERYTHING_SEEMS_TO_BE_FINE_WITH_THAT_RULE="Herzlichen Glückwunsch, alles scheint mit dieser Regel in Ordnung zu sein!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_DEVELOPED_BY="JED Checker ist ein JED-Projekt." +COM_JEDCHECKER_PHP_VERSION_INCOMPATIBLE="JED Checker ist nicht mit der PHP-Version kompatibel, die Sie auf dieser Website verwenden: %s. Sie benötigen mindestens PHP Version %s. Installation wird abgebrochen" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_HTML_INDEX_NOT_FOUND="Fehlende index.html in diesem Verzeichnis." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JEXEC_NOT_FOUND="Die JEXEC-Sicherheitsüberprüfung wurde in dieser Datei nicht gefunden." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_LICENSE_NOT_FOUND="Es wurde kein Lizenz-Tag in dieser XML-Datei gefunden." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_LICENSE_NOT_GPL="Bitte prüfen Sie, ob die Lizenz in dieser Datei mit der GPL kompatibel ist." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE="Regel" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERRORS="Fehler" +COM_JEDCHECKER_COMPAT_ISSUES="Kompatibilitätsprobleme" +COM_JEDCHECKER_IN_LINE="in Zeile" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_ENCODING="Sie haben Kodierung in dieser Datei verwendet. Dies ist kein Fehler, aber ein*e JED-Editor*in muss diese Datei überprüfen." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ENCODING="Base64 oder andere Art der Kodierung in den Dateien" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ENCODING_DESC="Als Entwickler*innen sind wir uns voll bewusst, dass die base64 und ähnliche Funktionen einen gültigen Platz in Erweiterungen haben (wie URL-Umleitungen oder Datenspeicherung). Wenn Sie jedoch diese verwenden, um es Benutzer*innen zu erschweren, Ihren Code zu lesen oder Backlinks zu maskieren, wird die JED Ihre Einsendung nicht akzeptieren (dies entspricht ohnehin nicht dem Geist der GPL!). Editor*innen überprüfen Ihren Code und stellen fest, ob die Art und Weise, wie Sie Base64 verwenden, mit den Regeln des JED übereinstimmt. Dies kann die Überprüfung verlangsamen. Es gilt die grobe Regel: Machen Sie keine zweifelhaften Dinge und vermeiden Sie die Kodierung Ihres Codes, wenn möglich!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_ERRORREPORTING="Sie haben error_reporting(0) in dieser Datei verwendet." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ERRORREPORTING="error_reporting(0) in den Dateien" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ERRORREPORTING_DESC="Die Verwendung von error_reporting(0) wird nicht empfohlen, da Joomla eine error_reporting Option in der Globalen Konfiguration zur Verfügung stellt." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LEAVE_A_REVIEW_JED="Wenn Sie diese Komponente verwenden, bewerten Sie diese bitte und schreiben Sie eine Rezension im Joomla!-Erweiterungs-Verzeichnis." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO="Info" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML="Informationen über xml-Dateien der Erweiterung" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_DESC="Der Installationsname Ihrer Erweiterung muss mit Ihrem Listennamen auf JED übereinstimmen. Wir scannen die XML-Dateien und finden den Wert des Namens-Tags. Nützliche Informationen für den "-Dateinamen und als" -Felder im JED-Einreichungsformular installieren" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_MANIFEST_OUTDATED="Manifest file uses outdated format. Use <extension> instead of <install> root tag name." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_XML="Der Name-Tag in dieser Datei ist: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_VERSION_XML="Versions-Tag hat den Wert: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_CREATIONDATE_XML="Das Erstellungsdatum-Tag hat den Wert: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NO_MANIFEST="No manifest file found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_RESERVED_KEYWORDS="Keywords such as module, plugin or template are considered reserved words ('%2$s') and can't be used in the extension names ('%1$s')" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PREFIXED="Listing name ('%s') starts with extension type prefix" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_VERSION="Version in name/title ('%s')" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA="An extension name ('%s') can't start with the word 'Joomla'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Extensions that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla! in the extension name ('%s') need to be licensed by OSM" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_NON_ASCII="Listing name ('%s') contains non-ASCII characters" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_URL_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Domain names that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla! ('%1$s') need to be licensed by OSM. Please, check your domain name is listed on the Joomla! Trademark Approval Registry page." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_TOO_LONG="Listing name ('%s') is too long, consider to shorten it" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_ADMIN_MENU="The admin menu name '%1$s' isn't the same as the extension name '%2$s'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PLUGIN_FORMAT="The name of the plugin ('%s') must comply with the JED naming conventions in the form '{Type} - {Extension Name}'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1="PHP-Headern fehlen die GPL-Lizenzhinweise" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1_DESC="Für jede PHP-Datei ist ein Hinweis erforderlich, in dem angegeben wird, dass die Datei die GPL (oder andere kompatible Lizenz) lizenziert ist. Für weitere Informationen klicken Sie bitte hier." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_GPL_NOT_FOUND="GPL oder kompatible Lizenz wurde nicht gefunden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_PH1_LICENSE_FOUND="GPL-Lizenz wurde gefunden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_GPL_COMPATIBLE_LICENSE_WAS_FOUND="GPL-kompatible Lizenz wurde gefunden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_WARNING="Warnung" +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_NOT_REMOVED="'ini' Datei für '%s' konnte nicht entfernt werden, manuelles Entfernen empfohlen." +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_NOT_REMOVED="PHP-Datei für '%s' Regel konnte nicht entfernt werden, manuelles Entfernen empfohlen." +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_REMOVED="PHP-Datei für '%s' Regel entfernt." +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_REMOVED="'ini'-Datei für '%s' Regel entfernt." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK="Joomla!-Framework veraltet und unsicher" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_DESC="Warnt vor Weitere Informationen unter Joomla Abwärtskompatibilität für Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_BOM_FOUND="Das Byte-Orderzeichen (BOM) wird erkannt. Bitte die Datei im Format 'UTF-8 ohne BOM' speichern." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SHORT_PHP_TAG="Kurzes PHP-Tag gefunden. Da kurze Tags in PHP deaktiviert werden können, wird empfohlen, nur die normalen Tags (<?php) zu verwenden, um die Kompatibilität zu maximieren." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SUPERGLOBALS="Vom Einsatz von Superglobals wird dringend abgeraten" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DIRECTDB="Von der Nutzung eines direkten Datenbankzugriffs wird dringend abgeraten" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="Funktionen sind veraltet in Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="veraltet in Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ4="entfernt in Joomla! 4" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DS="DS ist in Joomla 3 verasltet" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_JERR="JError ist veraltet, „JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage();“ sollte verwendet werden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_ERRORLOG="error_log und var_dump" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATED="JRequest ist veraltet, „JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage();“ sollte verwendet werden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATEDINJ4="veraltet in Joomla! 4" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_TODO="TODO-Anweisung erkannt" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_LEFTOVER_FOLDER="Übriggebliebener Ordner entdeckt" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_LEFTOVER_FILE="Übriggebliebene Datei entdeckt" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_STRICT="PHP Strict Standards: Nur Variablen sollten per Referenz zugewiesen werden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS="JAMSS - Joomla! Anti-Malware Scan-Skript" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS_DESC="JAMSS wird viele Warnungen für potenziell gefährliche Methoden ausgeben und zusätzlich nach bekannten Angriffssignaturen suchen. Erfahren Sie mehr auf der Projekt-Homepage
Die JAMSS-Ausgabe ist sehr ausführlich und sehr nützlich, fahren Sie mit der Maus Sie über die jeweiligen Zeilen, um weitere Details zu sehen." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_SUSPICIOUS_FILENAME="Verdächtiger Dateiname gefunden:" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_CANNOT_OPEN="Konnte nicht überprüft werden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_PATTERN="Muster gefunden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_STRING="String gefunden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_US1="Update-Server-Voraussetzung" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_US1_DESC="Die Nutzung von Update-Servern wird nun vom JED verlangt." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_NOT_FOUND="Update-Server-Tag aktualisieren fehlt oder falsch in dieser XML-Datei" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_LINK_NOT_FOUND="Update-Server-Link nicht in dieser XML-Datei gefunden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_LINK="Der Update-Server-Link in dieser XML-Datei ist: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_DELETE_FAILED="Temporäres Verzeichnis kann nicht gelöscht werden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_DELETE_SUCCESS="Temporäres Verzeichnis gelöscht!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_EMPTY_UPLOAD_FIELD="Bitte wählen Sie eine Zip-Datei zum Hochladen aus" +COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CHECK="Prüfen" +COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CLEAR="Löschen" +COM_JEDCHECKER_CLICK_TO_VIEW_DETAILS="Klicken, um Details anzuzeigen" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST="XML Manifests" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_DESC="Validation of extension's XML manifest file" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_TYPE="Unknown extension type: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED="Extension type '%s' is not accepted by JED" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE="Node <%1$s> has unknown attribute '%2$s'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_CHILDREN="Node <%s> has unknown child element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_REQUIRED="Node <%1$s> doesn't contain required <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_OPTIONAL="Node <%1$s> doesn't contain optional <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MULTIPLE_FOUND="Node <%1$s> contains multiple <%2$s> elements" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_CHILD="Node <%1$s> contains unknown <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_EMPTY_CHILD="Found empty <%s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MENU_UNUSED_ATTRIBUTE="Menu item attribute '%s' is not used with 'link' attribute" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_METHOD_UPGRADE="Without the method="upgrade" attribute the extension package cannot be upgraded" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_ATTRIBUTE="The node <%1$s> doesn't contain required '%2$s' attribute" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE="The node <%1$s> has attribute '%2$s' with unknown value "%3$s"" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES="XML Files references" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_DESC="Check for incorrect files and folders references in the XML manifest" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_FILE_NOT_FOUND="File not found: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND="Folder not found: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG="Language files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_DESC="Validates language files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_EOL="Incorrect end-of-line character found. Convert file to Unix EOL (\n) format." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_BOM_FOUND="The byte order mark (BOM) is detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_COMMENT="Incorrect comment character, use ';' instead" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_WRONG_LINE="Incorrect line without '=' character" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_EMPTY="Empty key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_WHITESPACE="Whitespace in the key is not allowed" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_INVALID_CHARACTER="Invalid character in the key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_RESERVED="Reserved keyword in the key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_NOT_ASCII="The key name is not ASCII-compatible" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_NOT_UPPERCASE="The key name is not uppercase" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_DUPLICATED="The key name was declared previously on line %d" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_ERROR="Invalid translation string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INVALID_UTF8="Invalid UTF8 string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_QUOTES="All translation strings should be enclosed in double quotation marks." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_LEFT_QUOTE="You have missed the left quote." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_RIGHT_QUOTE="Die richtigen Anführungszeichen wurden übersehen" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_EMPTY="Empty translation string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_QQDEPRECATED="Die Verwendung von \"_QQ_\" ist seit Joomla! 3.9 veraltet. Stattdessen maskierte doppelte Anführungszeichen (\\") verwenden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNESCAPED_QUOTE="Unescaped double quotation mark found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_VARIABLE_REF="A variable reference found in the translation string." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_ARGNUM="Probably you use incorrect placeholder format (e.g. '%1s' instead of '%1$s'), see printf's argnum format specification for details" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_SPACES_AROUND="Spaces around the translation string are detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNKNOWN_KEY_IN_CODE="Unbekannter Sprachschlüssel '%s' im Code gefunden." + diff --git a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/de-LI/de-LI.com_jedchecker.sys.ini b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/de-LI/de-LI.com_jedchecker.sys.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c6f863f --- /dev/null +++ b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/de-LI/de-LI.com_jedchecker.sys.ini @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +; Language files have to start with semicolon (;) otherwise we have problems with transifex +COM_JEDCHECKER="JED-Checker" + diff --git a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/de-LU/de-LU.com_jedchecker.ini b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/de-LU/de-LU.com_jedchecker.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ddff982 --- /dev/null +++ b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/de-LU/de-LU.com_jedchecker.ini @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +; Language files have to start with semicolon (;) otherwise we have problems with transifex +COM_JEDCHECKER_CONFIGURATION="JED Checker Konfiguration" +COM_JEDCHECKER_UPLOAD_FILE="Datei hochladen" +COM_JEDCHECKER_UPLOAD_WAS_SUCCESSFUL="Upload war erfolgreich, klicken Sie jetzt auf die Entpacken-Schaltfläche." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_UPLOAD_FILE="Upload fehlgeschlagen, stellen Sie sicher, dass das temporäre Verzeichnis beschreibbar ist." +COM_JEDCHECKER_UNZIP_SUCCESS="Upload war erfolgreich, klicken Sie jetzt auf die Überprüfen-Schaltfläche." +COM_JEDCHECKER_UNZIP_FAILED="Entpacken fehlgeschlagen" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RESULTS="JED Checker Ergebnisse" +COM_JEDCHECKER_CONGRATS="Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Wenn Sie diese Komponente verwenden, haben Sie höchstwahrscheinlich eine Joomla!-Erweiterung entwickelt. Jetzt kommt der "harte" Teil - im Joomla Extension Directory (JED) veröffentlicht zu werden. Das JED hat strenge Anforderungen, die erfüllt werden müssen, bevor eine Erweiterung im Verzeichnis veröffentlicht wird. Diese Voraussetzungen finden Sie hier. Diese Komponente wurde mit dem Ziel entwickelt, den Entwicklungsprozess zu vereinfachen, indem der Code automatisch auf häufige Fehler in Erweiterungen überprüft wird." +COM_JEDCHECKER_CODE_STANDARDS="Dies ist jedoch nicht das einzige Ziel, sondern wir streben auch die Überprüfung von Code-Standards an, wie sie die JPlatform durchführt. Dies würde sicherstellen, dass Entwickler*innen von Joomla-Erweiterungen sich der JPlatform-Codierungsstandards bewusst sind und dadurch die Qualität in unserer Joomla-Community noch weiter verbessern. Dafür brauchen wir dich - schaue dir die Github Projektseitean. Forke die Komponente, füge deine Code-Prüfungen hinzu und sende uns deine Pull-Requests!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_HOW_TO_USE="Überprüfe deine Erweiterung mit dem JED Checker:" +COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP1="Laden deine Komponente/Plugin/Modul Zip-Datei über das Upload-Formular hoch" +COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP2="Klicke auf Prüfen und überprüfe die Ergebnisse" +COM_JEDCHECKER_WALL_OF_HONOR="Ehrentafel" +COM_JEDCHECKER_CONTRIBUTORS="Mitwirkende" +COM_JEDCHECKER_PEOPLE_THAT_HAVE_HELPED_WITH_THE_DEVELOPMENT="Menschen, die bei der Entwicklung dieser Komponente geholfen haben." +COM_JEDCHECKER_HOW_TO_INTERPRET_RESULTS="Wie die Ergebnisse interpretiert werden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH2="PHP-Dateien ohne JEXEC-Sicherheit" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH2_DESC="Alle PHP-Dateien in Ihrer Erweiterung müssen eine „defined('_JEXEC') or die();“-Anweisung am Anfang jeder Datei haben. Dies stellt sicher, dass die Datei nicht außerhalb der Joomla-Installation geöffnet werden kann und erhöht die Sicherheit der Website." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH3="Lizenz-Tag fehlt oder ist in der XML-Installationsdatei falsch" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH3_DESC="Eine Installationsdatei sollte die Lizenzinformationen in einem Lizenz-Tag enthalten. Die Lizenz muss GPL oder GPL kompatibel sein." +COM_JEDCHECKER_EVERYTHING_SEEMS_TO_BE_FINE_WITH_THAT_RULE="Herzlichen Glückwunsch, alles scheint mit dieser Regel in Ordnung zu sein!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_DEVELOPED_BY="JED Checker ist ein JED-Projekt." +COM_JEDCHECKER_PHP_VERSION_INCOMPATIBLE="JED Checker ist nicht mit der PHP-Version kompatibel, die Sie auf dieser Website verwenden: %s. Sie benötigen mindestens PHP Version %s. Installation wird abgebrochen" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_HTML_INDEX_NOT_FOUND="Fehlende index.html in diesem Verzeichnis." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JEXEC_NOT_FOUND="Die JEXEC-Sicherheitsüberprüfung wurde in dieser Datei nicht gefunden." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_LICENSE_NOT_FOUND="Es wurde kein Lizenz-Tag in dieser XML-Datei gefunden." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_LICENSE_NOT_GPL="Bitte prüfen Sie, ob die Lizenz in dieser Datei mit der GPL kompatibel ist." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE="Regel" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERRORS="Fehler" +COM_JEDCHECKER_COMPAT_ISSUES="Kompatibilitätsprobleme" +COM_JEDCHECKER_IN_LINE="in Zeile" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_ENCODING="Sie haben Kodierung in dieser Datei verwendet. Dies ist kein Fehler, aber ein*e JED-Editor*in muss diese Datei überprüfen." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ENCODING="Base64 oder andere Art der Kodierung in den Dateien" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ENCODING_DESC="Als Entwickler*innen sind wir uns voll bewusst, dass die base64 und ähnliche Funktionen einen gültigen Platz in Erweiterungen haben (wie URL-Umleitungen oder Datenspeicherung). Wenn Sie jedoch diese verwenden, um es Benutzer*innen zu erschweren, Ihren Code zu lesen oder Backlinks zu maskieren, wird die JED Ihre Einsendung nicht akzeptieren (dies entspricht ohnehin nicht dem Geist der GPL!). Editor*innen überprüfen Ihren Code und stellen fest, ob die Art und Weise, wie Sie Base64 verwenden, mit den Regeln des JED übereinstimmt. Dies kann die Überprüfung verlangsamen. Es gilt die grobe Regel: Machen Sie keine zweifelhaften Dinge und vermeiden Sie die Kodierung Ihres Codes, wenn möglich!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_ERRORREPORTING="Sie haben error_reporting(0) in dieser Datei verwendet." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ERRORREPORTING="error_reporting(0) in den Dateien" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ERRORREPORTING_DESC="Die Verwendung von error_reporting(0) wird nicht empfohlen, da Joomla eine error_reporting Option in der Globalen Konfiguration zur Verfügung stellt." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LEAVE_A_REVIEW_JED="Wenn Sie diese Komponente verwenden, bewerten Sie diese bitte und schreiben Sie eine Rezension im Joomla!-Erweiterungs-Verzeichnis." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO="Info" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML="Informationen über xml-Dateien der Erweiterung" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_DESC="Der Installationsname Ihrer Erweiterung muss mit Ihrem Listennamen auf JED übereinstimmen. Wir scannen die XML-Dateien und finden den Wert des Namens-Tags. Nützliche Informationen für den "-Dateinamen und als" -Felder im JED-Einreichungsformular installieren" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_MANIFEST_OUTDATED="Manifest file uses outdated format. Use <extension> instead of <install> root tag name." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_XML="Der Name-Tag in dieser Datei ist: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_VERSION_XML="Versions-Tag hat den Wert: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_CREATIONDATE_XML="Das Erstellungsdatum-Tag hat den Wert: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NO_MANIFEST="No manifest file found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_RESERVED_KEYWORDS="Keywords such as module, plugin or template are considered reserved words ('%2$s') and can't be used in the extension names ('%1$s')" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PREFIXED="Listing name ('%s') starts with extension type prefix" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_VERSION="Version in name/title ('%s')" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA="An extension name ('%s') can't start with the word 'Joomla'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Extensions that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla! in the extension name ('%s') need to be licensed by OSM" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_NON_ASCII="Listing name ('%s') contains non-ASCII characters" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_URL_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Domain names that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla! ('%1$s') need to be licensed by OSM. Please, check your domain name is listed on the Joomla! Trademark Approval Registry page." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_TOO_LONG="Listing name ('%s') is too long, consider to shorten it" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_ADMIN_MENU="The admin menu name '%1$s' isn't the same as the extension name '%2$s'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PLUGIN_FORMAT="The name of the plugin ('%s') must comply with the JED naming conventions in the form '{Type} - {Extension Name}'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1="PHP-Headern fehlen die GPL-Lizenzhinweise" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1_DESC="Für jede PHP-Datei ist ein Hinweis erforderlich, in dem angegeben wird, dass die Datei die GPL (oder andere kompatible Lizenz) lizenziert ist. Für weitere Informationen klicken Sie bitte hier." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_GPL_NOT_FOUND="GPL oder kompatible Lizenz wurde nicht gefunden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_PH1_LICENSE_FOUND="GPL-Lizenz wurde gefunden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_GPL_COMPATIBLE_LICENSE_WAS_FOUND="GPL-kompatible Lizenz wurde gefunden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_WARNING="Warnung" +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_NOT_REMOVED="'ini' Datei für '%s' konnte nicht entfernt werden, manuelles Entfernen empfohlen." +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_NOT_REMOVED="PHP-Datei für '%s' Regel konnte nicht entfernt werden, manuelles Entfernen empfohlen." +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_REMOVED="PHP-Datei für '%s' Regel entfernt." +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_REMOVED="'ini'-Datei für '%s' Regel entfernt." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK="Joomla!-Framework veraltet und unsicher" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_DESC="Warnt vor Weitere Informationen unter Joomla Abwärtskompatibilität für Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_BOM_FOUND="Das Byte-Orderzeichen (BOM) wird erkannt. Bitte die Datei im Format 'UTF-8 ohne BOM' speichern." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SHORT_PHP_TAG="Kurzes PHP-Tag gefunden. Da kurze Tags in PHP deaktiviert werden können, wird empfohlen, nur die normalen Tags (<?php) zu verwenden, um die Kompatibilität zu maximieren." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SUPERGLOBALS="Vom Einsatz von Superglobals wird dringend abgeraten" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DIRECTDB="Von der Nutzung eines direkten Datenbankzugriffs wird dringend abgeraten" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="Funktionen sind veraltet in Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="veraltet in Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ4="entfernt in Joomla! 4" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DS="DS ist in Joomla 3 verasltet" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_JERR="JError ist veraltet, „JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage();“ sollte verwendet werden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_ERRORLOG="error_log und var_dump" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATED="JRequest ist veraltet, „JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage();“ sollte verwendet werden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATEDINJ4="veraltet in Joomla! 4" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_TODO="TODO-Anweisung erkannt" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_LEFTOVER_FOLDER="Übriggebliebener Ordner entdeckt" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_LEFTOVER_FILE="Übriggebliebene Datei entdeckt" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_STRICT="PHP Strict Standards: Nur Variablen sollten per Referenz zugewiesen werden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS="JAMSS - Joomla! Anti-Malware Scan-Skript" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS_DESC="JAMSS wird viele Warnungen für potenziell gefährliche Methoden ausgeben und zusätzlich nach bekannten Angriffssignaturen suchen. Erfahren Sie mehr auf der Projekt-Homepage
Die JAMSS-Ausgabe ist sehr ausführlich und sehr nützlich, fahren Sie mit der Maus Sie über die jeweiligen Zeilen, um weitere Details zu sehen." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_SUSPICIOUS_FILENAME="Verdächtiger Dateiname gefunden:" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_CANNOT_OPEN="Konnte nicht überprüft werden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_PATTERN="Muster gefunden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_STRING="String gefunden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_US1="Update-Server-Voraussetzung" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_US1_DESC="Die Nutzung von Update-Servern wird nun vom JED verlangt." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_NOT_FOUND="Update-Server-Tag aktualisieren fehlt oder falsch in dieser XML-Datei" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_LINK_NOT_FOUND="Update-Server-Link nicht in dieser XML-Datei gefunden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_LINK="Der Update-Server-Link in dieser XML-Datei ist: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_DELETE_FAILED="Temporäres Verzeichnis kann nicht gelöscht werden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_DELETE_SUCCESS="Temporäres Verzeichnis gelöscht!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_EMPTY_UPLOAD_FIELD="Bitte wählen Sie eine Zip-Datei zum Hochladen aus" +COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CHECK="Prüfen" +COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CLEAR="Löschen" +COM_JEDCHECKER_CLICK_TO_VIEW_DETAILS="Klicken, um Details anzuzeigen" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST="XML Manifests" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_DESC="Validation of extension's XML manifest file" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_TYPE="Unknown extension type: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED="Extension type '%s' is not accepted by JED" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE="Node <%1$s> has unknown attribute '%2$s'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_CHILDREN="Node <%s> has unknown child element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_REQUIRED="Node <%1$s> doesn't contain required <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_OPTIONAL="Node <%1$s> doesn't contain optional <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MULTIPLE_FOUND="Node <%1$s> contains multiple <%2$s> elements" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_CHILD="Node <%1$s> contains unknown <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_EMPTY_CHILD="Found empty <%s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MENU_UNUSED_ATTRIBUTE="Menu item attribute '%s' is not used with 'link' attribute" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_METHOD_UPGRADE="Without the method="upgrade" attribute the extension package cannot be upgraded" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_ATTRIBUTE="The node <%1$s> doesn't contain required '%2$s' attribute" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE="The node <%1$s> has attribute '%2$s' with unknown value "%3$s"" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES="XML Files references" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_DESC="Check for incorrect files and folders references in the XML manifest" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_FILE_NOT_FOUND="File not found: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND="Folder not found: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG="Language files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_DESC="Validates language files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_EOL="Incorrect end-of-line character found. Convert file to Unix EOL (\n) format." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_BOM_FOUND="The byte order mark (BOM) is detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_COMMENT="Incorrect comment character, use ';' instead" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_WRONG_LINE="Incorrect line without '=' character" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_EMPTY="Empty key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_WHITESPACE="Whitespace in the key is not allowed" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_INVALID_CHARACTER="Invalid character in the key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_RESERVED="Reserved keyword in the key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_NOT_ASCII="The key name is not ASCII-compatible" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_NOT_UPPERCASE="The key name is not uppercase" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_DUPLICATED="The key name was declared previously on line %d" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_ERROR="Invalid translation string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INVALID_UTF8="Invalid UTF8 string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_QUOTES="All translation strings should be enclosed in double quotation marks." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_LEFT_QUOTE="You have missed the left quote." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_RIGHT_QUOTE="Die richtigen Anführungszeichen wurden übersehen" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_EMPTY="Empty translation string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_QQDEPRECATED="Die Verwendung von \"_QQ_\" ist seit Joomla! 3.9 veraltet. Stattdessen maskierte doppelte Anführungszeichen (\\") verwenden" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNESCAPED_QUOTE="Unescaped double quotation mark found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_VARIABLE_REF="A variable reference found in the translation string." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_ARGNUM="Probably you use incorrect placeholder format (e.g. '%1s' instead of '%1$s'), see printf's argnum format specification for details" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_SPACES_AROUND="Spaces around the translation string are detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNKNOWN_KEY_IN_CODE="Unbekannter Sprachschlüssel '%s' im Code gefunden." + diff --git a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/de-LU/de-LU.com_jedchecker.sys.ini b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/de-LU/de-LU.com_jedchecker.sys.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c6f863f --- /dev/null +++ b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/de-LU/de-LU.com_jedchecker.sys.ini @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +; Language files have to start with semicolon (;) otherwise we have problems with transifex +COM_JEDCHECKER="JED-Checker" + diff --git a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/el-GR/el-GR.com_jedchecker.ini b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/el-GR/el-GR.com_jedchecker.ini index cb5098e..6b0b240 100644 --- a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/el-GR/el-GR.com_jedchecker.ini +++ b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/el-GR/el-GR.com_jedchecker.ini @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ ; Language files have to start with semicolon (;) otherwise we have problems with transifex -COM_JEDCHECKER_CONFIGURATION="JED Checker Configuration" -COM_JEDCHECKER_UPLOAD_FILE="Upload File" -COM_JEDCHECKER_UPLOAD_WAS_SUCCESSFUL="Upload was successful, next click the Unzip button." -COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_UPLOAD_FILE="Upload has failed, ensure that the temporary directory is writable." -COM_JEDCHECKER_UNZIP_SUCCESS="Unzip was successful, next click the Check button." -COM_JEDCHECKER_UNZIP_FAILED="Unzip failed" -COM_JEDCHECKER_RESULTS="JED Checker Results" -COM_JEDCHECKER_CONGRATS="Congratulations! If you use this component then you've most probably developed a Joomla! extension. Now comes the "hard" part - getting it listed in the Joomla Extension Directory (JED). The JED has strict requirements that must be complied with before an extension will be published in the directory. Those requirements can be found here. This component has been built with the aim of simplifying the development process by automatically checking the code for common errors in extensions." +COM_JEDCHECKER_CONFIGURATION="Ρύθμιση Ελεγκτών  JED" +COM_JEDCHECKER_UPLOAD_FILE="Ανέβασμα Αρχείου" +COM_JEDCHECKER_UPLOAD_WAS_SUCCESSFUL="Η μεταφόρτωση ήταν επιτυχής, κάντε κλικ στο κουμπί Αποσυμπίεση." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_UPLOAD_FILE="Το ανέβασμα απέτυχε, βεβαιωθείτε ότι ο προσωρινός κατάλογος είναι εγγράψιμος." +COM_JEDCHECKER_UNZIP_SUCCESS="Η αποσυμπίεση ήταν επιτυχής, κάντε κλικ στο κουμπί Ελέγχου." +COM_JEDCHECKER_UNZIP_FAILED="Η αποσυμπίεση απέτυχε" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RESULTS="Αποτελέσματα Ελέγχου JED" +COM_JEDCHECKER_CONGRATS="Συγχαρητήρια! Αν χρησιμοποιείτε αυτήν την εφαρμογή, τότε έχετε αναπτύξει πιθανότατα μια επέκταση Joomla!. Τώρα έρχεται το "δύσκολο " μέρος - για να δημοσιευθεί στον Κατάλογο Επέκταεων του Joomla (JED). Το JED έχει αυστηρές απαιτήσεις που πρέπει να τηρούνται πριν να επιτραπεί η δημοσίευση μιας επέκτασης στον κατάλογο. Μπορείτε να βρείτε αυτές τις απαιτήσεις εδώ. Αυτή η εφαρμογή έχει κατασκευαστεί με σκοπό την απλοποίηση της διαδικασίας ανάπτυξης ελέγχοντας αυτόματα τον κώδικα για κοινά σφάλματα στις επεκτάσεις." COM_JEDCHECKER_CODE_STANDARDS="However, this is not the only goal. We also aim to have code standards checks, such as those that the JPlatform has. This would ensure that Joomla extension developers are aware of the JPlatform coding standards and this could raise the quality bar in our Joomla community even higher. For this we will need you - have a look at the Github project page. Fork the component, add your code checks and send us your pull requests!" -COM_JEDCHECKER_HOW_TO_USE="How to check your extension using the JED Checker:" -COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP1="Upload your component/plugin/module zip file by using the upload form below" -COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP2="Click on Check and review the results" +COM_JEDCHECKER_HOW_TO_USE="Πώς να ελέγξετε την επέκτασή σας χρησιμοποιώντας το JED Checker:" +COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP1="Μεταφορτώστε το αρχείο zip εφαρμογής/πρόσθετου/ενθέματος χρησιμοποιώντας την παρακάτω φόρμα μεταφόρτωσης" +COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP2="Κάντε κλικ στο Έλεγχος και αναθεώρηση των αποτελεσμάτων" COM_JEDCHECKER_WALL_OF_HONOR="Wall of Honour" -COM_JEDCHECKER_CONTRIBUTORS="Contributors" +COM_JEDCHECKER_CONTRIBUTORS="Συνεισφέροντες" COM_JEDCHECKER_PEOPLE_THAT_HAVE_HELPED_WITH_THE_DEVELOPMENT="People that have helped with the development of this component." -COM_JEDCHECKER_HOW_TO_INTERPRET_RESULTS="How to Interpret the Results" -COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH2="PHP Files missing JEXEC security" +COM_JEDCHECKER_HOW_TO_INTERPRET_RESULTS="Πώς να ερμηνεύσετε τα αποτελέσματα" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH2="Λείπει η ασφάλεια JEXEC στα αρχεία PHP" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH2_DESC="All the PHP files in your extension needs to have a defined('_JEXEC') or die(); statement in the beginning of each file. This ensures that the file cannot be opened outside of the joomla installation and increases the security of your site." COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH3="License tag missing or incorrect in XML install file" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH3_DESC="An install file should include the license information in a license-tag. The license must be GPL or GPL compatible." @@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_HTML_INDEX_NOT_FOUND="Missing index.html in this directory. COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JEXEC_NOT_FOUND="The JEXEC security check was not found in this file." COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_LICENSE_NOT_FOUND="No license tag was found in this XML file." COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_LICENSE_NOT_GPL="Please check if the license in this file is compatible with the GPL." -COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE="Rule" -COM_JEDCHECKER_ERRORS="Errors" -COM_JEDCHECKER_COMPAT_ISSUES="Compatibility Issues" -COM_JEDCHECKER_IN_LINE="in line" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE="Κανόνας" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERRORS="Σφάλματα" +COM_JEDCHECKER_COMPAT_ISSUES="Θέματα Συμβατότητας" +COM_JEDCHECKER_IN_LINE="στη γραμμή" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_ENCODING="You've used encoding in this file. This is not an error, but a JED editor will have to review this file." COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ENCODING="Base64 or other type of encoding in the files" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ENCODING_DESC="As developers we are fully aware that the base64 and similar functions have a valid place in extensions (such as URL redirects or data storage). However if you use those to make it harder for users to read your code or to mask backlinks the JED will not accept your listing submission (this is not in the spirit of GPL anyway!). An editor will review your code and determine if the way you use the base64 matches the rules of the JED. This might slow your listing review time. So the rule of thumb is - don't do fishy stuff and avoid encoding your code if possible!" @@ -37,34 +37,51 @@ COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_ERRORREPORTING="You've used error_reporting(0) in this file COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ERRORREPORTING="error_reporting(0) in the files" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ERRORREPORTING_DESC="Use of error_reporting(0) is discouraged as Joomla provides an error_reporting option in the Global Configuration." COM_JEDCHECKER_LEAVE_A_REVIEW_JED="If you use this component, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory." -COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO="Info" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO="Πληροφορίες" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML="Information about extension xml files" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_DESC="The install name of your extension must match your listing name on JED. We scan the xml files and find the value of the name tag. Useful information for the "filename and install as" fields in the jed submission form" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_MANIFEST_OUTDATED="Manifest file uses outdated format. Use <extension> instead of <install> root tag name." COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_XML="The name tag in this file is: %s" -COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_VERSION_XML="Version tag has the value: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_VERSION_XML="Η ετικέτα έκδοσης έχει την τιμή: %s" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_CREATIONDATE_XML="The creationDate tag has the value: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NO_MANIFEST="No manifest file found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_RESERVED_KEYWORDS="Keywords such as module, plugin or template are considered reserved words ('%2$s') and can't be used in the extension names ('%1$s')" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PREFIXED="Listing name ('%s') starts with extension type prefix" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_VERSION="Έκδοση σε όνομα/τίτλο ('%s')" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA="Ένα όνομα επέκτασης ('%s') δεν μπορεί να ξεκινήσει με τη λέξη 'Joomla'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Extensions that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla! in the extension name ('%s') need to be licensed by OSM" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_NON_ASCII="Listing name ('%s') contains non-ASCII characters" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_URL_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Domain names that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla! ('%1$s') need to be licensed by OSM. Please, check your domain name is listed on the Joomla! Trademark Approval Registry page." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_TOO_LONG="Listing name ('%s') is too long, consider to shorten it" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_ADMIN_MENU="The admin menu name '%1$s' isn't the same as the extension name '%2$s'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PLUGIN_FORMAT="The name of the plugin ('%s') must comply with the JED naming conventions in the form '{Type} - {Extension Name}'" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1="PHP Headers missing GPL License Notice" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1_DESC="A notice is required on each PHP file stating that the file is licensed GPL (or other compatible accepted license). For more information, please click here." COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_GPL_NOT_FOUND="GPL or compatible license was not found" -COM_JEDCHECKER_PH1_LICENSE_FOUND="GPL license was found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_PH1_LICENSE_FOUND="Η άδεια GPL βρέθηκε" COM_JEDCHECKER_GPL_COMPATIBLE_LICENSE_WAS_FOUND="GPL compatible license was found" -COM_JEDCHECKER_WARNING="Warning" +COM_JEDCHECKER_WARNING="Προειδοποίηση" COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_NOT_REMOVED="'ini' file for '%s' rule could not be removed, manual removal recommended." COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_NOT_REMOVED="PHP file for '%s' rule could not be removed, manual removal recommended." -COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_REMOVED="Removed PHP file for '%s' rule." -COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_REMOVED="Removed 'ini' file for '%s' rule." +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_REMOVED="Αφαιρέθηκε το αρχείο PHP για τον κανόνα '%s." +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_REMOVED="Αφαιρέθηκε το αρχείο 'ini' για τον κανόνα '%s." COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK="Joomla Framework deprecated and unsafe" -COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_DESC="Warns about Find more info on Joomla backward compatibility for Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_DESC="Warns about Find more info on Joomla! backward compatibility for Joomla! 3 and Joomla! 4" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_BOM_FOUND="The byte order mark (BOM) is detected. Please, save the file in the 'UTF-8 without BOM' format." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SHORT_PHP_TAG="Short PHP tag found. As short tags can be disabled in PHP, it is recommended to only use the normal tags (<?php) to maximise compatibility." COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SUPERGLOBALS="Use of superglobals is strongly discouraged" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DIRECTDB="Use of direct database access is strongly discouraged" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="Functions deprecated in Joomla 3" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="deprecated in Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ4="removed in Joomla! 4" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DS="DS is deprecated in Joomla 3" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_JERR="JError is deprecated, you should use JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage();" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_ERRORLOG="error_log and var_dump" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATED="JRequest is deprecated, you should use JFactory::getApplication()->input;" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATEDINJ4="deprecated in Joomla! 4" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_TODO="TODO statement detected" -COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_GIT="Code-versioning folders detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_LEFTOVER_FOLDER="Leftover folder detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_LEFTOVER_FILE="Leftover file detected" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_STRICT="PHP Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS="JAMSS - Joomla! Anti-Malware Scan Script" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS_DESC="JAMSS will raise many flags for use of potentially dangerous methods, additionally checking for some known attack signatures. Find out more on the Project's homepage
JAMSS output is very verbose and very useful, hover over any lines to see the details." @@ -80,4 +97,51 @@ COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_LINK="The Update Server link in this XML f COM_JEDCHECKER_DELETE_FAILED="Can't delete temporary folder" COM_JEDCHECKER_DELETE_SUCCESS="Temporary folder deleted!" COM_JEDCHECKER_EMPTY_UPLOAD_FIELD="Please, select a zipped file to be uploaded" +COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CHECK="Check" +COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CLEAR="Clear" +COM_JEDCHECKER_CLICK_TO_VIEW_DETAILS="Click to View Details" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST="XML Manifests" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_DESC="Validation of extension's XML manifest file" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_TYPE="Unknown extension type: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED="Extension type '%s' is not accepted by JED" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE="Node <%1$s> has unknown attribute '%2$s'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_CHILDREN="Node <%s> has unknown child element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_REQUIRED="Node <%1$s> doesn't contain required <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_OPTIONAL="Node <%1$s> doesn't contain optional <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MULTIPLE_FOUND="Node <%1$s> contains multiple <%2$s> elements" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_CHILD="Node <%1$s> contains unknown <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_EMPTY_CHILD="Found empty <%s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MENU_UNUSED_ATTRIBUTE="Menu item attribute '%s' is not used with 'link' attribute" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_METHOD_UPGRADE="Without the method="upgrade" attribute the extension package cannot be upgraded" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_ATTRIBUTE="The node <%1$s> doesn't contain required '%2$s' attribute" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE="The node <%1$s> has attribute '%2$s' with unknown value "%3$s"" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES="XML Files references" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_DESC="Check for incorrect files and folders references in the XML manifest" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_FILE_NOT_FOUND="Το αρχείο δεν βρέθηκε: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND="Ο φάκελος δεν βρέθηκε: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG="Αρχεία γλώσσας" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_DESC="Validates language files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_EOL="Incorrect end-of-line character found. Convert file to Unix EOL (\n) format." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_BOM_FOUND="The byte order mark (BOM) is detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_COMMENT="Incorrect comment character, use ';' instead" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_WRONG_LINE="Incorrect line without '=' character" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_EMPTY="Κενό όνομα κλειδιού" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_WHITESPACE="Whitespace in the key is not allowed" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_INVALID_CHARACTER="Invalid character in the key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_RESERVED="Reserved keyword in the key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_NOT_ASCII="The key name is not ASCII-compatible" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_NOT_UPPERCASE="The key name is not uppercase" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_DUPLICATED="The key name was declared previously on line %d" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_ERROR="Invalid translation string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INVALID_UTF8="Invalid UTF8 string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_QUOTES="All translation strings should be enclosed in double quotation marks." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_LEFT_QUOTE="You have missed the left quote." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_RIGHT_QUOTE="You have missed the right quote" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_EMPTY="Empty translation string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_QQDEPRECATED="Usage of \"_QQ_\" is deprecated since Joomla! 3.9. Use escaped double quotes (\\") instead" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNESCAPED_QUOTE="Unescaped double quotation mark found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_VARIABLE_REF="A variable reference found in the translation string." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_ARGNUM="Probably you use incorrect placeholder format (e.g. '%1s' instead of '%1$s'), see printf's argnum format specification for details" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_SPACES_AROUND="Spaces around the translation string are detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNKNOWN_KEY_IN_CODE="Unknown language key '%s' found in the code." diff --git a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/el-GR/el-GR.com_jedchecker.sys.ini b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/el-GR/el-GR.com_jedchecker.sys.ini index bab631c..68b227d 100644 --- a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/el-GR/el-GR.com_jedchecker.sys.ini +++ b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/el-GR/el-GR.com_jedchecker.sys.ini @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ ; Language files have to start with semicolon (;) otherwise we have problems with transifex -COM_JEDCHECKER="JED Checker" +COM_JEDCHECKER="Ελεγκτής JED" diff --git a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/en-AU/en-AU.com_jedchecker.ini b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/en-AU/en-AU.com_jedchecker.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000..50d586e --- /dev/null +++ b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/en-AU/en-AU.com_jedchecker.ini @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +; Language files have to start with semicolon (;) otherwise we have problems with transifex +COM_JEDCHECKER_CONFIGURATION="JED Checker Configuration" +COM_JEDCHECKER_UPLOAD_FILE="Upload File" +COM_JEDCHECKER_UPLOAD_WAS_SUCCESSFUL="Upload was successful, next click the Unzip button." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_UPLOAD_FILE="Upload has failed, ensure that the temporary directory is writable." +COM_JEDCHECKER_UNZIP_SUCCESS="Unzip was successful, next click the Check button." +COM_JEDCHECKER_UNZIP_FAILED="Unzip failed" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RESULTS="JED Checker Results" +COM_JEDCHECKER_CONGRATS="Congratulations! If you use this component then you've most probably developed a Joomla! extension. Now comes the "hard" part - getting it listed in the Joomla Extension Directory (JED). The JED has strict requirements that must be complied with before an extension will be published in the directory. Those requirements can be found here. This component has been built with the aim of simplifying the development process by automatically checking the code for common errors in extensions." +COM_JEDCHECKER_CODE_STANDARDS="However, this is not the only goal. We also aim to have code standards checks, such as those that the JPlatform has. This would ensure that Joomla extension developers are aware of the JPlatform coding standards and this could raise the quality bar in our Joomla community even higher. For this we will need you - have a look at the Github project page. Fork the component, add your code checks and send us your pull requests!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_HOW_TO_USE="How to check your extension using the JED Checker:" +COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP1="Upload your component/plugin/module zip file by using the upload form below" +COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP2="Click on Check and review the results" +COM_JEDCHECKER_WALL_OF_HONOR="Wall of Honour" +COM_JEDCHECKER_CONTRIBUTORS="Contributors" +COM_JEDCHECKER_PEOPLE_THAT_HAVE_HELPED_WITH_THE_DEVELOPMENT="People that have helped with the development of this component." +COM_JEDCHECKER_HOW_TO_INTERPRET_RESULTS="How to Interpret the Results" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH2="PHP Files missing JEXEC security" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH2_DESC="All the PHP files in your extension needs to have a defined('_JEXEC') or die(); statement in the beginning of each file. This ensures that the file cannot be opened outside of the joomla installation and increases the security of your site." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH3="License tag missing or incorrect in XML install file" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH3_DESC="An install file should include the license information in a license-tag. The license must be GPL or GPL compatible." +COM_JEDCHECKER_EVERYTHING_SEEMS_TO_BE_FINE_WITH_THAT_RULE="Congratulations, everything seems to be fine with that rule!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_DEVELOPED_BY="JED Checker is a JED project." +COM_JEDCHECKER_PHP_VERSION_INCOMPATIBLE="JED Checker is incompatible with the PHP version that you run on this site: %s. You would need at least PHP Version %s. Aborting installation" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_HTML_INDEX_NOT_FOUND="Missing index.html in this directory." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JEXEC_NOT_FOUND="The JEXEC security check was not found in this file." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_LICENSE_NOT_FOUND="No license tag was found in this XML file." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_LICENSE_NOT_GPL="Please check if the license in this file is compatible with the GPL." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE="Rule" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERRORS="Errors" +COM_JEDCHECKER_COMPAT_ISSUES="Compatibility Issues" +COM_JEDCHECKER_IN_LINE="in line" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_ENCODING="You've used encoding in this file. This is not an error, but a JED editor will have to review this file." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ENCODING="Base64 or other type of encoding in the files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ENCODING_DESC="As developers we are fully aware that the base64 and similar functions have a valid place in extensions (such as URL redirects or data storage). However if you use those to make it harder for users to read your code or to mask backlinks the JED will not accept your listing submission (this is not in the spirit of GPL anyway!). An editor will review your code and determine if the way you use the base64 matches the rules of the JED. This might slow your listing review time. So the rule of thumb is - don't do fishy stuff and avoid encoding your code if possible!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_ERRORREPORTING="You've used error_reporting(0) in this file." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ERRORREPORTING="error_reporting(0) in the files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ERRORREPORTING_DESC="Use of error_reporting(0) is discouraged as Joomla provides an error_reporting option in the Global Configuration." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LEAVE_A_REVIEW_JED="If you use this component, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO="Info" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML="Information about extension xml files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_DESC="The install name of your extension must match your listing name on JED. We scan the xml files and find the value of the name tag. Useful information for the "filename and install as" fields in the jed submission form" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_MANIFEST_OUTDATED="Manifest file uses outdated format. Use <extension> instead of <install> root tag name." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_XML="The name tag in this file is: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_VERSION_XML="Version tag has the value: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_CREATIONDATE_XML="The creationDate tag has the value: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NO_MANIFEST="No manifest file found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_RESERVED_KEYWORDS="Keywords such as module, plugin or template are considered reserved words ('%2$s') and can't be used in the extension names ('%1$s')" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PREFIXED="Listing name ('%s') starts with extension type prefix" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_VERSION="Version in name/title ('%s')" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA="An extension name ('%s') can't start with the word 'Joomla'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Extensions that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla! in the extension name ('%s') need to be licensed by OSM" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_NON_ASCII="Listing name ('%s') contains non-ASCII characters" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_URL_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Domain names that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla! ('%1$s') need to be licensed by OSM. Please, check your domain name is listed on the Joomla! Trademark Approval Registry page." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_TOO_LONG="Listing name ('%s') is too long, consider to shorten it" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_ADMIN_MENU="The admin menu name '%1$s' isn't the same as the extension name '%2$s'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PLUGIN_FORMAT="The name of the plugin ('%s') must comply with the JED naming conventions in the form '{Type} - {Extension Name}'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1="PHP Headers missing GPL License Notice" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1_DESC="A notice is required on each PHP file stating that the file is licensed GPL (or other compatible accepted license). For more information, please click here." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_GPL_NOT_FOUND="GPL or compatible license was not found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_PH1_LICENSE_FOUND="GPL license was found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_GPL_COMPATIBLE_LICENSE_WAS_FOUND="GPL compatible license was found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_WARNING="Warning" +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_NOT_REMOVED="'ini' file for '%s' rule could not be removed, manual removal recommended." +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_NOT_REMOVED="PHP file for '%s' rule could not be removed, manual removal recommended." +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_REMOVED="Removed PHP file for '%s' rule." +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_REMOVED="Removed 'ini' file for '%s' rule." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK="Joomla Framework deprecated and unsafe" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_DESC="Warns about Find more info on Joomla backward compatibility for Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_BOM_FOUND="The byte order mark (BOM) is detected. Please, save the file in the 'UTF-8 without BOM' format." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SHORT_PHP_TAG="Short PHP tag found. As short tags can be disabled in PHP, it is recommended to only use the normal tags (<?php) to maximise compatibility." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SUPERGLOBALS="Use of superglobals is strongly discouraged" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DIRECTDB="Use of direct database access is strongly discouraged" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="Functions deprecated in Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="deprecated in Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ4="removed in Joomla! 4" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DS="DS is deprecated in Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_JERR="JError is deprecated, you should use JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage();" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_ERRORLOG="error_log and var_dump" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATED="JRequest is deprecated, you should use JFactory::getApplication()->input;" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATEDINJ4="deprecated in Joomla! 4" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_TODO="TODO statement detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_LEFTOVER_FOLDER="Leftover folder detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_LEFTOVER_FILE="Leftover file detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_STRICT="PHP Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS="JAMSS - Joomla! Anti-Malware Scan Script" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS_DESC="JAMSS will raise many flags for use of potentially dangerous methods, additionally checking for some known attack signatures. Find out more on the Project's homepage
JAMSS output is very verbose and very useful, hover over any lines to see the details." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_SUSPICIOUS_FILENAME="Suspicious filename found :" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_CANNOT_OPEN="Could not check" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_PATTERN="Pattern found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_STRING="String found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_US1="Update Server Requirement" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_US1_DESC="The use of Update Servers is now required by JED." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_NOT_FOUND="Update Server tag missing or incorrect in this XML file" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_LINK_NOT_FOUND="Update Server link not found in this XML file" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_LINK="The Update Server link in this XML file is: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_DELETE_FAILED="Can't delete temporary folder" +COM_JEDCHECKER_DELETE_SUCCESS="Temporary folder deleted!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_EMPTY_UPLOAD_FIELD="Please, select a zipped file to be uploaded" +COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CHECK="Check" +COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CLEAR="Clear" +COM_JEDCHECKER_CLICK_TO_VIEW_DETAILS="Click to View Details" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST="XML Manifests" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_DESC="Validation of extension's XML manifest file" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_TYPE="Unknown extension type: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED="Extension type '%s' is not accepted by JED" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE="Node <%1$s> has unknown attribute '%2$s'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_CHILDREN="Node <%s> has unknown child element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_REQUIRED="Node <%1$s> doesn't contain required <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_OPTIONAL="Node <%1$s> doesn't contain optional <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MULTIPLE_FOUND="Node <%1$s> contains multiple <%2$s> elements" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_CHILD="Node <%1$s> contains unknown <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_EMPTY_CHILD="Found empty <%s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MENU_UNUSED_ATTRIBUTE="Menu item attribute '%s' is not used with 'link' attribute" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_METHOD_UPGRADE="Without the method="upgrade" attribute the extension package cannot be upgraded" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_ATTRIBUTE="The node <%1$s> doesn't contain required '%2$s' attribute" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE="The node <%1$s> has attribute '%2$s' with unknown value "%3$s"" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES="XML Files references" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_DESC="Check for incorrect files and folders references in the XML manifest" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_FILE_NOT_FOUND="File not found: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND="Folder not found: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG="Language files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_DESC="Validates language files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_EOL="Incorrect end-of-line character found. Convert file to Unix EOL (\n) format." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_BOM_FOUND="The byte order mark (BOM) is detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_COMMENT="Incorrect comment character, use ';' instead" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_WRONG_LINE="Incorrect line without '=' character" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_EMPTY="Empty key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_WHITESPACE="Whitespace in the key is not allowed" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_INVALID_CHARACTER="Invalid character in the key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_RESERVED="Reserved keyword in the key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_NOT_ASCII="The key name is not ASCII-compatible" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_NOT_UPPERCASE="The key name is not uppercase" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_DUPLICATED="The key name was declared previously on line %d" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_ERROR="Invalid translation string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INVALID_UTF8="Invalid UTF8 string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_QUOTES="All translation strings should be enclosed in double quotation marks." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_LEFT_QUOTE="You have missed the left quote." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_RIGHT_QUOTE="You have missed the right quote" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_EMPTY="Empty translation string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_QQDEPRECATED="Usage of \"_QQ_\" is deprecated since Joomla! 3.9. Use escaped double quotes (\\") instead" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNESCAPED_QUOTE="Unescaped double quotation mark found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_VARIABLE_REF="A variable reference found in the translation string." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_ARGNUM="Probably you use incorrect placeholder format (e.g. '%1s' instead of '%1$s'), see printf's argnum format specification for details" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_SPACES_AROUND="Spaces around the translation string are detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNKNOWN_KEY_IN_CODE="Unknown language key '%s' found in the code." + diff --git a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/en-AU/en-AU.com_jedchecker.sys.ini b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/en-AU/en-AU.com_jedchecker.sys.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bab631c --- /dev/null +++ b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/en-AU/en-AU.com_jedchecker.sys.ini @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +; Language files have to start with semicolon (;) otherwise we have problems with transifex +COM_JEDCHECKER="JED Checker" + diff --git a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_jedchecker.ini b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_jedchecker.ini index bff09a4..6ebad6f 100644 --- a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_jedchecker.ini +++ b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_jedchecker.ini @@ -45,12 +45,14 @@ COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_XML="The name tag in this file is: %s" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_VERSION_XML="Version tag has the value: %s" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_CREATIONDATE_XML="The creationDate tag has the value: %s" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NO_MANIFEST="No manifest file found" -COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_MODULE_PLUGIN="Listing name ('%s') contains 'module' or 'plugin'" -COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_RESERVED_KEYWORDS="Keywords such as module, plugin or template are considered reserved words and can't be used in the extension names ('%s')" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_RESERVED_KEYWORDS="Keywords such as module, plugin or template are considered reserved words ('%2$s') and can't be used in the extension names ('%1$s')" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PREFIXED="Listing name ('%s') starts with extension type prefix" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_VERSION="Version in name/title ('%s')" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA="An extension name ('%s') can't start with the word 'Joomla'" -COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Extensions that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla in the extension name ('%s') need to be licensed by OSM" -COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_URL_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Domain names that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla ('%1$s') need to be licensed by OSM. Please, check your domain name is listed on the Joomla! Trademark Approval Registry page." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Extensions that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla! in the extension name ('%s') need to be licensed by OSM" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_NON_ASCII="Listing name ('%s') contains non-ASCII characters" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_URL_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Domain names that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla! ('%1$s') need to be licensed by OSM. Please, check your domain name is listed on the Joomla! Trademark Approval Registry page." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_TOO_LONG="Listing name ('%s') is too long, consider to shorten it" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_ADMIN_MENU="The admin menu name '%1$s' isn't the same as the extension name '%2$s'" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PLUGIN_FORMAT="The name of the plugin ('%s') must comply with the JED naming conventions in the form '{Type} - {Extension Name}'" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1="PHP Headers missing GPL License Notice" @@ -64,17 +66,22 @@ COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_NOT_REMOVED="PHP file for '%s' rule could not COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_REMOVED="Removed PHP file for '%s' rule." COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_REMOVED="Removed 'ini' file for '%s' rule." COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK="Joomla Framework deprecated and unsafe" -COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_DESC="Warns about Find more info on Joomla backward compatibility for Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_DESC="Warns about Find more info on Joomla! backward compatibility for Joomla! 3 and Joomla! 4" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_BOM_FOUND="The byte order mark (BOM) is detected. Please, save the file in the 'UTF-8 without BOM' format." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SHORT_PHP_TAG="Short PHP tag found. As short tags can be disabled in PHP, it is recommended to only use the normal tags (<?php) to maximise compatibility." COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SUPERGLOBALS="Use of superglobals is strongly discouraged" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DIRECTDB="Use of direct database access is strongly discouraged" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="Functions deprecated in Joomla 3" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="deprecated in Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ4="removed in Joomla! 4" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DS="DS is deprecated in Joomla 3" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_JERR="JError is deprecated, you should use JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage();" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_ERRORLOG="error_log and var_dump" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATED="JRequest is deprecated, you should use JFactory::getApplication()->input;" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATEDINJ4="deprecated in Joomla! 4" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_TODO="TODO statement detected" -COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_GIT="Code-versioning folders detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_LEFTOVER_FOLDER="Leftover folder detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_LEFTOVER_FILE="Leftover file detected" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_STRICT="PHP Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS="JAMSS - Joomla! Anti-Malware Scan Script" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS_DESC="JAMSS will raise many flags for use of potentially dangerous methods, additionally checking for some known attack signatures. Find out more on the Project's homepage
JAMSS output is very verbose and very useful, hover over any lines to see the details." @@ -90,8 +97,6 @@ COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_LINK="The Update Server link in this XML f COM_JEDCHECKER_DELETE_FAILED="Can't delete temporary folder" COM_JEDCHECKER_DELETE_SUCCESS="Temporary folder deleted!" COM_JEDCHECKER_EMPTY_UPLOAD_FIELD="Please, select a zipped file to be uploaded" -<<<<<<< HEAD -<<<<<<< HEAD COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CHECK="Check" COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CLEAR="Clear" COM_JEDCHECKER_CLICK_TO_VIEW_DETAILS="Click to View Details" @@ -131,13 +136,14 @@ COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_ERROR="Invalid translation string" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INVALID_UTF8="Invalid UTF8 string" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_QUOTES="All translation strings should be enclosed in double quotation marks." COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_LEFT_QUOTE="You have missed the left quote." -COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_RIGTH_QUOTE="You have missed the right quote" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_RIGHT_QUOTE="You have missed the right quote" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_EMPTY="Empty translation string" -COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_QQ_DEPRECATED="Usage of \"_QQ_\" is deprecated since Joomla! 3.9. Use escaped double quotes (\\\") instead" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_QQDEPRECATED="Usage of \"_QQ_\" is deprecated since Joomla! 3.9. Use escaped double quotes (\\") instead" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNESCAPED_QUOTE="Unescaped double quotation mark found" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_VARIABLE_REF="A variable reference found in the translation string." COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_ARGNUM="Probably you use incorrect placeholder format (e.g. '%1s' instead of '%1$s'), see printf's argnum format specification for details" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_SPACES_AROUND="Spaces around the translation string are detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNKNOWN_KEY_IN_CODE="Unknown language key '%s' found in the code." COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CHECK="Check" COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CLEAR="Clear" COM_JEDCHECKER_CLICK_TO_VIEW_DETAILS="Click to View Details" diff --git a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/en-US/en-US.com_jedchecker.ini b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/en-US/en-US.com_jedchecker.ini index d2c6248..ec1913b 100644 --- a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/en-US/en-US.com_jedchecker.ini +++ b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/en-US/en-US.com_jedchecker.ini @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ COM_JEDCHECKER_CODE_STANDARDS="However, this is not the only goal. We also aim t COM_JEDCHECKER_HOW_TO_USE="How to check your extension using the JED Checker:" COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP1="Upload your component/plugin/module zip file by using the upload form below" COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP2="Click on Check and review the results" -COM_JEDCHECKER_WALL_OF_HONOR="Wall of Honour" +COM_JEDCHECKER_WALL_OF_HONOR="Wall of Honor" COM_JEDCHECKER_CONTRIBUTORS="Contributors" COM_JEDCHECKER_PEOPLE_THAT_HAVE_HELPED_WITH_THE_DEVELOPMENT="People that have helped with the development of this component." COM_JEDCHECKER_HOW_TO_INTERPRET_RESULTS="How to Interpret the Results" @@ -45,12 +45,14 @@ COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_XML="The name tag in this file is: %s" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_VERSION_XML="Version tag has the value: %s" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_CREATIONDATE_XML="The creationDate tag has the value: %s" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NO_MANIFEST="No manifest file found" -COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_MODULE_PLUGIN="Listing name ('%s') contains 'module' or 'plugin'" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_RESERVED_KEYWORDS="Keywords such as module, plugin or template are considered reserved words and can't be used in the extension names ('%s')" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PREFIXED="Listing name ('%s') starts with extension type prefix" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_VERSION="Version in name/title ('%s')" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA="An extension name ('%s') can't start with the word 'Joomla'" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Extensions that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla in the extension name ('%s') need to be licensed by OSM" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_NON_ASCII="Listing name ('%s') contains non-ASCII characters" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_URL_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Domain names that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla ('%1$s') need to be licensed by OSM. Please, check your domain name is listed on the Joomla! Trademark Approval Registry page." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_TOO_LONG="Listing name ('%s') is too long, consider to shorten it" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_ADMIN_MENU="The admin menu name '%1$s' isn't the same as the extension name '%2$s'" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PLUGIN_FORMAT="The name of the plugin ('%s') must comply with the JED naming conventions in the form '{Type} - {Extension Name}'" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1="PHP Headers missing GPL License Notice" @@ -65,16 +67,21 @@ COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_REMOVED="Removed PHP file for '%s' rule." COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_REMOVED="Removed 'ini' file for '%s' rule." COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK="Joomla Framework deprecated and unsafe" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_DESC="Warns about Find more info on Joomla backward compatibility for Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_BOM_FOUND="The byte order mark (BOM) is detected. Please, save the file in the 'UTF-8 without BOM' format." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SHORT_PHP_TAG="Short PHP tag found. As short tags can be disabled in PHP, it is recommended to only use the normal tags (<?php) to maximise compatibility." COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SUPERGLOBALS="Use of superglobals is strongly discouraged" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DIRECTDB="Use of direct database access is strongly discouraged" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="Functions deprecated in Joomla 3" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="deprecated in Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ4="removed in Joomla! 4" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DS="DS is deprecated in Joomla 3" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_JERR="JError is deprecated, you should use JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage();" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_ERRORLOG="error_log and var_dump" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATED="JRequest is deprecated, you should use JFactory::getApplication()->input;" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATEDINJ4="deprecated in Joomla! 4" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_TODO="TODO statement detected" -COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_GIT="Code-versioning folders detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_LEFTOVER_FOLDER="Leftover folder detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_LEFTOVER_FILE="Leftover file detected" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_STRICT="PHP Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS="JAMSS - Joomla! Anti-Malware Scan Script" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS_DESC="JAMSS will raise many flags for use of potentially dangerous methods, additionally checking for some known attack signatures. Find out more on the Project's homepage
JAMSS output is very verbose and very useful, hover over any lines to see the details." @@ -90,7 +97,6 @@ COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_LINK="The Update Server link in this XML f COM_JEDCHECKER_DELETE_FAILED="Can't delete temporary folder" COM_JEDCHECKER_DELETE_SUCCESS="Temporary folder deleted!" COM_JEDCHECKER_EMPTY_UPLOAD_FIELD="Please, select a zipped file to be uploaded" -<<<<<<< HEAD= COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CHECK="Check" COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CLEAR="Clear" COM_JEDCHECKER_CLICK_TO_VIEW_DETAILS="Click to View Details" @@ -130,11 +136,12 @@ COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_ERROR="Invalid translation string" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INVALID_UTF8="Invalid UTF8 string" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_QUOTES="All translation strings should be enclosed in double quotation marks." COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_LEFT_QUOTE="You have missed the left quote." -COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_RIGTH_QUOTE="You have missed the right quote" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_RIGHT_QUOTE="You have missed the right quote" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_EMPTY="Empty translation string" -COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_QQ_DEPRECATED="Usage of \"_QQ_\" is deprecated since Joomla! 3.9. Use escaped double quotes (\\\") instead" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_QQDEPRECATED="Usage of \"_QQ_\" is deprecated since Joomla! 3.9. Use escaped double quotes (\\") instead" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNESCAPED_QUOTE="Unescaped double quotation mark found" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_VARIABLE_REF="A variable reference found in the translation string." COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_ARGNUM="Probably you use incorrect placeholder format (e.g. '%1s' instead of '%1$s'), see printf's argnum format specification for details" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_SPACES_AROUND="Spaces around the translation string are detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNKNOWN_KEY_IN_CODE="Unknown language key '%s' found in the code." diff --git a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/eo-XX/eo-XX.com_jedchecker.ini b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/eo-XX/eo-XX.com_jedchecker.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e3db235 --- /dev/null +++ b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/eo-XX/eo-XX.com_jedchecker.ini @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +; Language files have to start with semicolon (;) otherwise we have problems with transifex +COM_JEDCHECKER_CONFIGURATION="JED Checker Configuration" +COM_JEDCHECKER_UPLOAD_FILE="Aŝuti dosieron" +COM_JEDCHECKER_UPLOAD_WAS_SUCCESSFUL="Upload was successful, next click the Unzip button." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_UPLOAD_FILE="Upload has failed, ensure that the temporary directory is writable." +COM_JEDCHECKER_UNZIP_SUCCESS="Unzip was successful, next click the Check button." +COM_JEDCHECKER_UNZIP_FAILED="Unzip failed" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RESULTS="JED Checker Results" +COM_JEDCHECKER_CONGRATS="Congratulations! If you use this component then you've most probably developed a Joomla! extension. Now comes the "hard" part - getting it listed in the Joomla Extension Directory (JED). The JED has strict requirements that must be complied with before an extension will be published in the directory. Those requirements can be found here. This component has been built with the aim of simplifying the development process by automatically checking the code for common errors in extensions." +COM_JEDCHECKER_CODE_STANDARDS="However, this is not the only goal. We also aim to have code standards checks, such as those that the JPlatform has. This would ensure that Joomla extension developers are aware of the JPlatform coding standards and this could raise the quality bar in our Joomla community even higher. For this we will need you - have a look at the Github project page. Fork the component, add your code checks and send us your pull requests!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_HOW_TO_USE="How to check your extension using the JED Checker:" +COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP1="Upload your component/plugin/module zip file by using the upload form below" +COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP2="Click on Check and review the results" +COM_JEDCHECKER_WALL_OF_HONOR="Wall of Honour" +COM_JEDCHECKER_CONTRIBUTORS="Contributors" +COM_JEDCHECKER_PEOPLE_THAT_HAVE_HELPED_WITH_THE_DEVELOPMENT="People that have helped with the development of this component." +COM_JEDCHECKER_HOW_TO_INTERPRET_RESULTS="How to Interpret the Results" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH2="PHP Files missing JEXEC security" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH2_DESC="All the PHP files in your extension needs to have a defined('_JEXEC') or die(); statement in the beginning of each file. This ensures that the file cannot be opened outside of the joomla installation and increases the security of your site." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH3="License tag missing or incorrect in XML install file" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH3_DESC="An install file should include the license information in a license-tag. The license must be GPL or GPL compatible." +COM_JEDCHECKER_EVERYTHING_SEEMS_TO_BE_FINE_WITH_THAT_RULE="Congratulations, everything seems to be fine with that rule!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_DEVELOPED_BY="JED Checker is a JED project." +COM_JEDCHECKER_PHP_VERSION_INCOMPATIBLE="JED Checker is incompatible with the PHP version that you run on this site: %s. You would need at least PHP Version %s. Aborting installation" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_HTML_INDEX_NOT_FOUND="Missing index.html in this directory." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JEXEC_NOT_FOUND="The JEXEC security check was not found in this file." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_LICENSE_NOT_FOUND="No license tag was found in this XML file." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_LICENSE_NOT_GPL="Please check if the license in this file is compatible with the GPL." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE="Rule" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERRORS="Errors" +COM_JEDCHECKER_COMPAT_ISSUES="Compatibility Issues" +COM_JEDCHECKER_IN_LINE="in line" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_ENCODING="You've used encoding in this file. This is not an error, but a JED editor will have to review this file." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ENCODING="Base64 or other type of encoding in the files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ENCODING_DESC="As developers we are fully aware that the base64 and similar functions have a valid place in extensions (such as URL redirects or data storage). However if you use those to make it harder for users to read your code or to mask backlinks the JED will not accept your listing submission (this is not in the spirit of GPL anyway!). An editor will review your code and determine if the way you use the base64 matches the rules of the JED. This might slow your listing review time. So the rule of thumb is - don't do fishy stuff and avoid encoding your code if possible!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_ERRORREPORTING="You've used error_reporting(0) in this file." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ERRORREPORTING="error_reporting(0) in the files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ERRORREPORTING_DESC="Use of error_reporting(0) is discouraged as Joomla provides an error_reporting option in the Global Configuration." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LEAVE_A_REVIEW_JED="If you use this component, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO="Info" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML="Information about extension xml files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_DESC="The install name of your extension must match your listing name on JED. We scan the xml files and find the value of the name tag. Useful information for the "filename and install as" fields in the jed submission form" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_MANIFEST_OUTDATED="Manifest file uses outdated format. Use <extension> instead of <install> root tag name." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_XML="The name tag in this file is: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_VERSION_XML="Version tag has the value: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_CREATIONDATE_XML="The creationDate tag has the value: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NO_MANIFEST="No manifest file found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_RESERVED_KEYWORDS="Keywords such as module, plugin or template are considered reserved words ('%2$s') and can't be used in the extension names ('%1$s')" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PREFIXED="Listing name ('%s') starts with extension type prefix" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_VERSION="Version in name/title ('%s')" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA="An extension name ('%s') can't start with the word 'Joomla'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Extensions that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla! in the extension name ('%s') need to be licensed by OSM" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_NON_ASCII="Listing name ('%s') contains non-ASCII characters" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_URL_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Domain names that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla! ('%1$s') need to be licensed by OSM. Please, check your domain name is listed on the Joomla! Trademark Approval Registry page." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_TOO_LONG="Listing name ('%s') is too long, consider to shorten it" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_ADMIN_MENU="The admin menu name '%1$s' isn't the same as the extension name '%2$s'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PLUGIN_FORMAT="The name of the plugin ('%s') must comply with the JED naming conventions in the form '{Type} - {Extension Name}'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1="PHP Headers missing GPL License Notice" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1_DESC="A notice is required on each PHP file stating that the file is licensed GPL (or other compatible accepted license). For more information, please click here." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_GPL_NOT_FOUND="GPL or compatible license was not found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_PH1_LICENSE_FOUND="GPL license was found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_GPL_COMPATIBLE_LICENSE_WAS_FOUND="GPL compatible license was found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_WARNING="Warning" +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_NOT_REMOVED="'ini' file for '%s' rule could not be removed, manual removal recommended." +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_NOT_REMOVED="PHP file for '%s' rule could not be removed, manual removal recommended." +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_REMOVED="Removed PHP file for '%s' rule." +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_REMOVED="Removed 'ini' file for '%s' rule." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK="Joomla Framework deprecated and unsafe" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_DESC="Warns about Find more info on Joomla! backward compatibility for Joomla! 3 and Joomla! 4" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_BOM_FOUND="The byte order mark (BOM) is detected. Please, save the file in the 'UTF-8 without BOM' format." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SHORT_PHP_TAG="Short PHP tag found. As short tags can be disabled in PHP, it is recommended to only use the normal tags (<?php) to maximise compatibility." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SUPERGLOBALS="Use of superglobals is strongly discouraged" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DIRECTDB="Use of direct database access is strongly discouraged" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="Functions deprecated in Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="deprecated in Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ4="removed in Joomla! 4" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DS="DS is deprecated in Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_JERR="JError is deprecated, you should use JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage();" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_ERRORLOG="error_log and var_dump" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATED="JRequest is deprecated, you should use JFactory::getApplication()->input;" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATEDINJ4="deprecated in Joomla! 4" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_TODO="TODO statement detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_LEFTOVER_FOLDER="Leftover folder detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_LEFTOVER_FILE="Leftover file detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_STRICT="PHP Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS="JAMSS - Joomla! Anti-Malware Scan Script" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS_DESC="JAMSS will raise many flags for use of potentially dangerous methods, additionally checking for some known attack signatures. Find out more on the Project's homepage
JAMSS output is very verbose and very useful, hover over any lines to see the details." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_SUSPICIOUS_FILENAME="Suspicious filename found :" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_CANNOT_OPEN="Could not check" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_PATTERN="Pattern found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_STRING="String found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_US1="Update Server Requirement" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_US1_DESC="The use of Update Servers is now required by JED." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_NOT_FOUND="Update Server tag missing or incorrect in this XML file" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_LINK_NOT_FOUND="Update Server link not found in this XML file" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_LINK="The Update Server link in this XML file is: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_DELETE_FAILED="Can't delete temporary folder" +COM_JEDCHECKER_DELETE_SUCCESS="Temporary folder deleted!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_EMPTY_UPLOAD_FIELD="Please, select a zipped file to be uploaded" +COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CHECK="Check" +COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CLEAR="Clear" +COM_JEDCHECKER_CLICK_TO_VIEW_DETAILS="Click to View Details" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST="XML Manifests" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_DESC="Validation of extension's XML manifest file" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_TYPE="Unknown extension type: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED="Extension type '%s' is not accepted by JED" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE="Node <%1$s> has unknown attribute '%2$s'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_CHILDREN="Node <%s> has unknown child element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_REQUIRED="Node <%1$s> doesn't contain required <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_OPTIONAL="Node <%1$s> doesn't contain optional <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MULTIPLE_FOUND="Node <%1$s> contains multiple <%2$s> elements" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_CHILD="Node <%1$s> contains unknown <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_EMPTY_CHILD="Found empty <%s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MENU_UNUSED_ATTRIBUTE="Menu item attribute '%s' is not used with 'link' attribute" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_METHOD_UPGRADE="Without the method="upgrade" attribute the extension package cannot be upgraded" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_ATTRIBUTE="The node <%1$s> doesn't contain required '%2$s' attribute" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE="The node <%1$s> has attribute '%2$s' with unknown value "%3$s"" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES="XML Files references" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_DESC="Check for incorrect files and folders references in the XML manifest" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_FILE_NOT_FOUND="File not found: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND="Folder not found: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG="Language files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_DESC="Validates language files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_EOL="Incorrect end-of-line character found. Convert file to Unix EOL (\n) format." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_BOM_FOUND="The byte order mark (BOM) is detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_COMMENT="Incorrect comment character, use ';' instead" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_WRONG_LINE="Incorrect line without '=' character" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_EMPTY="Empty key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_WHITESPACE="Whitespace in the key is not allowed" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_INVALID_CHARACTER="Invalid character in the key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_RESERVED="Reserved keyword in the key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_NOT_ASCII="The key name is not ASCII-compatible" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_NOT_UPPERCASE="The key name is not uppercase" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_DUPLICATED="The key name was declared previously on line %d" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_ERROR="Invalid translation string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INVALID_UTF8="Invalid UTF8 string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_QUOTES="All translation strings should be enclosed in double quotation marks." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_LEFT_QUOTE="You have missed the left quote." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_RIGHT_QUOTE="You have missed the right quote" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_EMPTY="Empty translation string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_QQDEPRECATED="Usage of \"_QQ_\" is deprecated since Joomla! 3.9. Use escaped double quotes (\\") instead" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNESCAPED_QUOTE="Unescaped double quotation mark found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_VARIABLE_REF="A variable reference found in the translation string." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_ARGNUM="Probably you use incorrect placeholder format (e.g. '%1s' instead of '%1$s'), see printf's argnum format specification for details" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_SPACES_AROUND="Spaces around the translation string are detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNKNOWN_KEY_IN_CODE="Unknown language key '%s' found in the code." + diff --git a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/eo-XX/eo-XX.com_jedchecker.sys.ini b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/eo-XX/eo-XX.com_jedchecker.sys.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bab631c --- /dev/null +++ b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/eo-XX/eo-XX.com_jedchecker.sys.ini @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +; Language files have to start with semicolon (;) otherwise we have problems with transifex +COM_JEDCHECKER="JED Checker" + diff --git a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/es-CO/es-CO.com_jedchecker.ini b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/es-CO/es-CO.com_jedchecker.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000..49fbd91 --- /dev/null +++ b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/es-CO/es-CO.com_jedchecker.ini @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +; Language files have to start with semicolon (;) otherwise we have problems with transifex +COM_JEDCHECKER_CONFIGURATION="Configuración de JED Checker" +COM_JEDCHECKER_UPLOAD_FILE="Subir archivo" +COM_JEDCHECKER_UPLOAD_WAS_SUCCESSFUL="La subida fue exitosa, haga clic en el botón Descomprimir." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_UPLOAD_FILE="Se ha producido un error en la carga, asegúrese de que el directorio temporal puede escribirse." +COM_JEDCHECKER_UNZIP_SUCCESS="\"La descompresión se realizó correctamente, haga clic en el botón Comprobar\"." +COM_JEDCHECKER_UNZIP_FAILED="Unzip failed" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RESULTS="Resultados de JED Checker" +COM_JEDCHECKER_CONGRATS="Enhorabuena! Si usas este componente, entonces probablemente has desarrollado una extensión de Joomla! Ahora viene la parte 'hard' - que se encuentra en el Joomla Extension Directory (JED).El JED tiene requisitos estrictos que deben Se cumplirá antes de que se publique una extensión en el directorio.Los requisitos se pueden encontrar aquí Este componente se ha construido con el objetivo de simplificar el desarrollo Proceso de verificación automática del código de errores comunes en extensiones." +COM_JEDCHECKER_CODE_STANDARDS="Sin embargo, este no es el único objetivo. También pretendemos tener controles de estándares de código, como los que tiene la JPlatform. Esto aseguraría que los desarrolladores de extensión de Joomla estén al tanto de los estándares de codificación JPlatform y esto podría elevar la calidad de la barra En nuestra comunidad de Joomla aún más alta. Para esto te necesitaremos - echa un vistazo a la página del proyecto Github . Envíenos sus pedidos de tracción!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_HOW_TO_USE="Cómo comprobar su extensión con JED Checker:" +COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP1="Cargue su archivo zip componente / plugin / módulo usando el formulario de carga abajo" +COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP2="Haga clic en Unzip" +COM_JEDCHECKER_WALL_OF_HONOR="Muro de Honor" +COM_JEDCHECKER_CONTRIBUTORS="Contribuidores" +COM_JEDCHECKER_PEOPLE_THAT_HAVE_HELPED_WITH_THE_DEVELOPMENT="Personas que han ayudado con el desarrollo de este componente." +COM_JEDCHECKER_HOW_TO_INTERPRET_RESULTS="Cómo interpretar los resultados" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH2="Archivos PHP que carecen de seguridad JEXEC" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH2_DESC="Todos los archivos PHP de su extensión necesitan tener una sentencia defined('_JEXEC') or die(); en el principio de cada archivo. Esto asegura que el archivo no se puede abrir fuera de la instalación joomla e incrementa la seguridad De su sitio." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH3="Etiqueta de licencia ausente o incorrecta en el archivo de instalación XML" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH3_DESC="Un archivo de instalación debe incluir la información de la licencia en una etiqueta de licencia. La licencia debe ser compatible con GPL o GPL." +COM_JEDCHECKER_EVERYTHING_SEEMS_TO_BE_FINE_WITH_THAT_RULE="¡Felicidades, todo parece estar bien con esa regla!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_DEVELOPED_BY="JED Checker es un proyecto JED." +COM_JEDCHECKER_PHP_VERSION_INCOMPATIBLE="JED Checker es incompatible con la versión de PHP que se ejecuta en este sitio:%s. Necesitaría al menos la versión de PHP%s Abortando la instalación" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_HTML_INDEX_NOT_FOUND="Falta index.html en este directorio." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JEXEC_NOT_FOUND="No se encontró la comprobación de seguridad JEXEC en este archivo." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_LICENSE_NOT_FOUND="No se encontró ninguna etiqueta de licencia en este archivo XML." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_LICENSE_NOT_GPL="Por favor, compruebe si la licencia en este archivo es compatible con la GPL." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE="Regla" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERRORS="Errores" +COM_JEDCHECKER_COMPAT_ISSUES="Problemas de compatibilidad" +COM_JEDCHECKER_IN_LINE="en línea" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_ENCODING="Ha utilizado la codificación en este archivo. Esto no es un error, pero un editor JED tendrá que revisar este archivo." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ENCODING="Base64 u otro tipo de codificación en los archivos" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ENCODING_DESC="Como desarrolladores somos plenamente conscientes de que las funciones base64 y similares tienen un lugar válido en las extensiones (como redirecciones de direcciones URL o almacenamiento de datos) .Sin embargo, si usas estas funciones para que sea más difícil para los usuarios leer tu código o enmascarar backlinks El JED no aceptará el envío de su listado (esto no está en el espíritu de GPL de todos modos!) Un editor revisará su código y determinará si la forma de usar el base64 coincide con las reglas del JED. Así que la regla de oro es - no hacer cosas de pescado y evitar la codificación de su código si es posible! " +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_ERRORREPORTING="Ha utilizado error_reporting(0) en este archivo." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ERRORREPORTING="error_reporting(0) en los archivos" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ERRORREPORTING_DESC="Se desaconseja el uso de error_reporting(0) ya que Joomla proporciona una opción error_reporting en la configuración global\"." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LEAVE_A_REVIEW_JED="If you use this component, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO="Información" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML="Información sobre archivos xml de extensión" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_DESC="El nombre de la instalación de su extensión debe coincidir con su nombre de la lista en JED.Examinamos los archivos xml y encontrar el valor de la etiqueta de nombre.Información útil para el\" nombre de archivo e instalar como \"campos en el formulario de envío jed" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_MANIFEST_OUTDATED="Manifest file uses outdated format. Use <extension> instead of <install> root tag name." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_XML="La etiqueta de nombre en este archivo es: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_VERSION_XML="La etiqueta de la versión tiene el valor: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_CREATIONDATE_XML="La etiqueta creationDate tiene el valor: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NO_MANIFEST="No manifest file found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_RESERVED_KEYWORDS="Keywords such as module, plugin or template are considered reserved words ('%2$s') and can't be used in the extension names ('%1$s')" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PREFIXED="Listing name ('%s') starts with extension type prefix" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_VERSION="Version in name/title ('%s')" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA="An extension name ('%s') can't start with the word 'Joomla'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Extensions that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla! in the extension name ('%s') need to be licensed by OSM" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_NON_ASCII="Listing name ('%s') contains non-ASCII characters" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_URL_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Domain names that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla! ('%1$s') need to be licensed by OSM. Please, check your domain name is listed on the Joomla! Trademark Approval Registry page." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_TOO_LONG="Listing name ('%s') is too long, consider to shorten it" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_ADMIN_MENU="The admin menu name '%1$s' isn't the same as the extension name '%2$s'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PLUGIN_FORMAT="The name of the plugin ('%s') must comply with the JED naming conventions in the form '{Type} - {Extension Name}'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1="Los encabezados PHP faltan en la notificación de licencia GPL" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1_DESC="Se requiere un aviso en cada archivo PHP indicando que el archivo tiene licencia GPL (u otra licencia aceptada compatible). Para más información, por favor haga clic aquí ." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_GPL_NOT_FOUND="No se ha encontrado la licencia GPL o compatible" +COM_JEDCHECKER_PH1_LICENSE_FOUND="Se ha encontrado la licencia GPL" +COM_JEDCHECKER_GPL_COMPATIBLE_LICENSE_WAS_FOUND="Se ha encontrado una licencia compatible con GPL" +COM_JEDCHECKER_WARNING="Advertencia" +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_NOT_REMOVED="No se pudo eliminar el archivo 'ini' para la regla '%s', se recomendó la eliminación manual." +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_NOT_REMOVED="No se pudo eliminar el archivo PHP para la regla '%s', se recomendó la eliminación manual." +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_REMOVED="Archivo PHP eliminado para la regla '%s'." +COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_REMOVED="Eliminado el archivo 'ini' para la regla '%s'." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK="Joomla Framework obsoleto e inseguro" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_DESC="Advertencias sobre Encuentra más información sobre compatibilidad con Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_BOM_FOUND="The byte order mark (BOM) is detected. Please, save the file in the 'UTF-8 without BOM' format." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SHORT_PHP_TAG="Short PHP tag found. As short tags can be disabled in PHP, it is recommended to only use the normal tags (<?php) to maximise compatibility." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SUPERGLOBALS="El uso de superglobales es fuertemente desalentado" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DIRECTDB="El uso del acceso directo a la base de datos es fuertemente desalentado" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="Funciones obsoletas en Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="obsoleto en Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ4="removed in Joomla! 4" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DS="DS está obsoleto en Joomla 3" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_JERR="JError está obsoleto, debe usar JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage();" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_ERRORLOG="error_log y var_dump" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATED="JRequest está obsoleto, debe usar JFactory::getApplication()->input;" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATEDINJ4="deprecated in Joomla! 4" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_TODO="Declaración TODO detectada" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_LEFTOVER_FOLDER="Leftover folder detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_LEFTOVER_FILE="Leftover file detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_STRICT="PHP Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS="JAMSS - Escritura de exploración de Joomla! Anti-Malware" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS_DESC="\"JAMSS levantará muchas banderas para el uso de métodos potencialmente peligrosos, además de comprobar algunas firmas de ataque conocidas.Más información sobre el Página de inicio del proyecto
La salida de JAMSS es muy detallada y muy útil, se ciernen sobre cualquier línea para ver los detalles." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_SUSPICIOUS_FILENAME="Suspicious filename found :" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_CANNOT_OPEN="No se pudo comprobar" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_PATTERN="Patrón encontrado" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_STRING="String found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_US1="Requisito de servidor de actualización" +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_US1_DESC="El uso de los servidores de actualización ahora es requerido por JED." +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_NOT_FOUND="Actualizar la etiqueta del servidor ausente o incorrecta en este archivo XML" +COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_LINK_NOT_FOUND="Actualizar enlace de servidor no encontrado en este archivo XML" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_LINK="El enlace de servidor de actualización en este archivo XML es: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_DELETE_FAILED="Can't delete temporary folder" +COM_JEDCHECKER_DELETE_SUCCESS="Temporary folder deleted!" +COM_JEDCHECKER_EMPTY_UPLOAD_FIELD="Please, select a zipped file to be uploaded" +COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CHECK="Check" +COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CLEAR="Clear" +COM_JEDCHECKER_CLICK_TO_VIEW_DETAILS="Click to View Details" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST="XML Manifests" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_DESC="Validation of extension's XML manifest file" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_TYPE="Unknown extension type: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED="Extension type '%s' is not accepted by JED" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE="Node <%1$s> has unknown attribute '%2$s'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_CHILDREN="Node <%s> has unknown child element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_REQUIRED="Node <%1$s> doesn't contain required <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_OPTIONAL="Node <%1$s> doesn't contain optional <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MULTIPLE_FOUND="Node <%1$s> contains multiple <%2$s> elements" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_CHILD="Node <%1$s> contains unknown <%2$s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_EMPTY_CHILD="Found empty <%s> element" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MENU_UNUSED_ATTRIBUTE="Menu item attribute '%s' is not used with 'link' attribute" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_METHOD_UPGRADE="Without the method="upgrade" attribute the extension package cannot be upgraded" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_ATTRIBUTE="The node <%1$s> doesn't contain required '%2$s' attribute" +COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE="The node <%1$s> has attribute '%2$s' with unknown value "%3$s"" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES="XML Files references" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_DESC="Check for incorrect files and folders references in the XML manifest" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_FILE_NOT_FOUND="File not found: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND="Folder not found: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG="Language files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_DESC="Validates language files" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_EOL="Incorrect end-of-line character found. Convert file to Unix EOL (\n) format." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_BOM_FOUND="The byte order mark (BOM) is detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_COMMENT="Incorrect comment character, use ';' instead" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_WRONG_LINE="Incorrect line without '=' character" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_EMPTY="Empty key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_WHITESPACE="Whitespace in the key is not allowed" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_INVALID_CHARACTER="Invalid character in the key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_RESERVED="Reserved keyword in the key name" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_NOT_ASCII="The key name is not ASCII-compatible" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_NOT_UPPERCASE="The key name is not uppercase" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_DUPLICATED="The key name was declared previously on line %d" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_ERROR="Invalid translation string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INVALID_UTF8="Invalid UTF8 string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_QUOTES="All translation strings should be enclosed in double quotation marks." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_LEFT_QUOTE="You have missed the left quote." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_RIGHT_QUOTE="You have missed the right quote" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_EMPTY="Empty translation string" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_QQDEPRECATED="Usage of \"_QQ_\" is deprecated since Joomla! 3.9. Use escaped double quotes (\\") instead" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNESCAPED_QUOTE="Unescaped double quotation mark found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_VARIABLE_REF="A variable reference found in the translation string." +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_ARGNUM="Probably you use incorrect placeholder format (e.g. '%1s' instead of '%1$s'), see printf's argnum format specification for details" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_SPACES_AROUND="Spaces around the translation string are detected" +COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNKNOWN_KEY_IN_CODE="Unknown language key '%s' found in the code." + diff --git a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/es-CO/es-CO.com_jedchecker.sys.ini b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/es-CO/es-CO.com_jedchecker.sys.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bab631c --- /dev/null +++ b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/es-CO/es-CO.com_jedchecker.sys.ini @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +; Language files have to start with semicolon (;) otherwise we have problems with transifex +COM_JEDCHECKER="JED Checker" + diff --git a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/es-ES/es-ES.com_jedchecker.ini b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/es-ES/es-ES.com_jedchecker.ini index 7415c59..49fbd91 100644 --- a/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/es-ES/es-ES.com_jedchecker.ini +++ b/administrator/components/com_jedchecker/language/es-ES/es-ES.com_jedchecker.ini @@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ COM_JEDCHECKER_CONFIGURATION="Configuración de JED Checker" COM_JEDCHECKER_UPLOAD_FILE="Subir archivo" COM_JEDCHECKER_UPLOAD_WAS_SUCCESSFUL="La subida fue exitosa, haga clic en el botón Descomprimir." COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_UPLOAD_FILE="Se ha producido un error en la carga, asegúrese de que el directorio temporal puede escribirse." -COM_JEDCHECKER_UNZIP_SUCCESS="\"La descompresión se realizó correctamente, haga clic en el botón Comprobar\\"." +COM_JEDCHECKER_UNZIP_SUCCESS="\"La descompresión se realizó correctamente, haga clic en el botón Comprobar\"." COM_JEDCHECKER_UNZIP_FAILED="Unzip failed" COM_JEDCHECKER_RESULTS="Resultados de JED Checker" -COM_JEDCHECKER_CONGRATS="Enhorabuena! Si usas este componente, entonces probablemente has desarrollado una extensión de Joomla! Ahora viene la parte 'hard' - que se encuentra en el Joomla Extension Directory (JED) .El JED tiene requisitos estrictos que deben Se cumplirá antes de que se publique una extensión en el directorio.Los requisitos se pueden encontrar aquí Este componente se ha construido con el objetivo de simplificar el desarrollo Proceso de verificación automática del código de errores comunes en extensiones. " -COM_JEDCHECKER_CODE_STANDARDS="Sin embargo, este no es el único objetivo.También pretendemos tener controles de estándares de código, como los que tiene la JPlatform.Esto aseguraría que los desarrolladores de extensión de Joomla estén al tanto de los estándares de codificación JPlatform y esto podría elevar la calidad de la barra En nuestra comunidad de Joomla aún más alta.Para esto te necesitaremos - echa un vistazo a la página del proyecto Github . Envíenos sus pedidos de tracción! " +COM_JEDCHECKER_CONGRATS="Enhorabuena! Si usas este componente, entonces probablemente has desarrollado una extensión de Joomla! Ahora viene la parte 'hard' - que se encuentra en el Joomla Extension Directory (JED).El JED tiene requisitos estrictos que deben Se cumplirá antes de que se publique una extensión en el directorio.Los requisitos se pueden encontrar aquí Este componente se ha construido con el objetivo de simplificar el desarrollo Proceso de verificación automática del código de errores comunes en extensiones." +COM_JEDCHECKER_CODE_STANDARDS="Sin embargo, este no es el único objetivo. También pretendemos tener controles de estándares de código, como los que tiene la JPlatform. Esto aseguraría que los desarrolladores de extensión de Joomla estén al tanto de los estándares de codificación JPlatform y esto podría elevar la calidad de la barra En nuestra comunidad de Joomla aún más alta. Para esto te necesitaremos - echa un vistazo a la página del proyecto Github . Envíenos sus pedidos de tracción!" COM_JEDCHECKER_HOW_TO_USE="Cómo comprobar su extensión con JED Checker:" COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP1="Cargue su archivo zip componente / plugin / módulo usando el formulario de carga abajo" COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP2="Haga clic en Unzip" @@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ COM_JEDCHECKER_CONTRIBUTORS="Contribuidores" COM_JEDCHECKER_PEOPLE_THAT_HAVE_HELPED_WITH_THE_DEVELOPMENT="Personas que han ayudado con el desarrollo de este componente." COM_JEDCHECKER_HOW_TO_INTERPRET_RESULTS="Cómo interpretar los resultados" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH2="Archivos PHP que carecen de seguridad JEXEC" -COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH2_DESC="Todos los archivos PHP de su extensión necesitan tener una sentencia defined('_JEXEC') or die(); en el principio de cada archivo. Esto asegura que el archivo no se puede abrir fuera de la instalación joomla e incrementa la seguridad De su sitio. " +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH2_DESC="Todos los archivos PHP de su extensión necesitan tener una sentencia defined('_JEXEC') or die(); en el principio de cada archivo. Esto asegura que el archivo no se puede abrir fuera de la instalación joomla e incrementa la seguridad De su sitio." COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH3="Etiqueta de licencia ausente o incorrecta en el archivo de instalación XML" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH3_DESC="Un archivo de instalación debe incluir la información de la licencia en una etiqueta de licencia. La licencia debe ser compatible con GPL o GPL." COM_JEDCHECKER_EVERYTHING_SEEMS_TO_BE_FINE_WITH_THAT_RULE="¡Felicidades, todo parece estar bien con esa regla!" -COM_JEDCHECKER_DEVELOPED_BY="JED Checker es desarrollado primariamente por compojoom.com " +COM_JEDCHECKER_DEVELOPED_BY="JED Checker es un proyecto JED." COM_JEDCHECKER_PHP_VERSION_INCOMPATIBLE="JED Checker es incompatible con la versión de PHP que se ejecuta en este sitio:%s. Necesitaría al menos la versión de PHP%s Abortando la instalación" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_HTML_INDEX_NOT_FOUND="Falta index.html en este directorio." COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JEXEC_NOT_FOUND="No se encontró la comprobación de seguridad JEXEC en este archivo." @@ -35,16 +35,28 @@ COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ENCODING="Base64 u otro tipo de codificación en los archivo COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ENCODING_DESC="Como desarrolladores somos plenamente conscientes de que las funciones base64 y similares tienen un lugar válido en las extensiones (como redirecciones de direcciones URL o almacenamiento de datos) .Sin embargo, si usas estas funciones para que sea más difícil para los usuarios leer tu código o enmascarar backlinks El JED no aceptará el envío de su listado (esto no está en el espíritu de GPL de todos modos!) Un editor revisará su código y determinará si la forma de usar el base64 coincide con las reglas del JED. Así que la regla de oro es - no hacer cosas de pescado y evitar la codificación de su código si es posible! " COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_ERRORREPORTING="Ha utilizado error_reporting(0) en este archivo." COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ERRORREPORTING="error_reporting(0) en los archivos" -COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ERRORREPORTING_DESC="\"Se desaconseja el uso de error_reporting(0) ya que Joomla proporciona una opción error_reporting en la configuración global\\"." +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ERRORREPORTING_DESC="Se desaconseja el uso de error_reporting(0) ya que Joomla proporciona una opción error_reporting en la configuración global\"." COM_JEDCHECKER_LEAVE_A_REVIEW_JED="If you use this component, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory." COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO="Información" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML="Información sobre archivos xml de extensión" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_DESC="El nombre de la instalación de su extensión debe coincidir con su nombre de la lista en JED.Examinamos los archivos xml y encontrar el valor de la etiqueta de nombre.Información útil para el\" nombre de archivo e instalar como \"campos en el formulario de envío jed" -COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_XML="La etiqueta de nombre en este archivo es: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_MANIFEST_OUTDATED="Manifest file uses outdated format. Use <extension> instead of <install> root tag name." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_XML="La etiqueta de nombre en este archivo es: %s" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_VERSION_XML="La etiqueta de la versión tiene el valor: %s" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_CREATIONDATE_XML="La etiqueta creationDate tiene el valor: %s" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NO_MANIFEST="No manifest file found" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_RESERVED_KEYWORDS="Keywords such as module, plugin or template are considered reserved words ('%2$s') and can't be used in the extension names ('%1$s')" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PREFIXED="Listing name ('%s') starts with extension type prefix" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_VERSION="Version in name/title ('%s')" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA="An extension name ('%s') can't start with the word 'Joomla'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Extensions that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla! in the extension name ('%s') need to be licensed by OSM" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_NON_ASCII="Listing name ('%s') contains non-ASCII characters" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_URL_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Domain names that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla! ('%1$s') need to be licensed by OSM. Please, check your domain name is listed on the Joomla! Trademark Approval Registry page." +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_TOO_LONG="Listing name ('%s') is too long, consider to shorten it" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_ADMIN_MENU="The admin menu name '%1$s' isn't the same as the extension name '%2$s'" +COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PLUGIN_FORMAT="The name of the plugin ('%s') must comply with the JED naming conventions in the form '{Type} - {Extension Name}'" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1="Los encabezados PHP faltan en la notificación de licencia GPL" -COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1_DESC="Se requiere un aviso en cada archivo PHP indicando que el archivo tiene licencia GPL (u otra licencia aceptada compatible). Para más información, por favor haga clic aquí . " +COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1_DESC="Se requiere un aviso en cada archivo PHP indicando que el archivo tiene licencia GPL (u otra licencia aceptada compatible). Para más información, por favor haga clic aquí ." COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_GPL_NOT_FOUND="No se ha encontrado la licencia GPL o compatible" COM_JEDCHECKER_PH1_LICENSE_FOUND="Se ha encontrado la licencia GPL" COM_JEDCHECKER_GPL_COMPATIBLE_LICENSE_WAS_FOUND="Se ha encontrado una licencia compatible con GPL" @@ -54,17 +66,22 @@ COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_NOT_REMOVED="No se pudo eliminar el archivo P COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_REMOVED="Archivo PHP eliminado para la regla '%s'." COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_REMOVED="Eliminado el archivo 'ini' para la regla '%s'." COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK="Joomla Framework obsoleto e inseguro" -COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_DESC="Advierte sobre