mirror of https://github.com/joomla-extensions/jedchecker.git synced 2025-01-03 22:57:21 +00:00

New translations en-GB.com_jedchecker.ini (Turkish)

This commit is contained in:
Joomla JED Extensions User 2020-08-20 22:40:55 +02:00
parent c7a692baaf
commit 437e060922

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
; Language files have to start with semicolon (;) otherwise we have problems with transifex
COM_JEDCHECKER_UPLOAD_WAS_SUCCESSFUL="Upload was successful, next click the Unzip button."
COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_UPLOAD_FILE="Upload has failed, ensure that the temporary directory is writable."
COM_JEDCHECKER_UNZIP_SUCCESS="Unzip was successful, next click the Check button."
COM_JEDCHECKER_CONGRATS="Congratulations! If you use this component then you've most probably developed a Joomla! extension. Now comes the &quot;hard&quot; part - getting it listed in the Joomla Extension Directory (JED). The JED has strict requirements that must be complied with before an extension will be published in the directory. Those requirements can be found <a href='%s' target='_blank'>here</a>. This component has been built with the aim of simplifying the development process by automatically checking the code for common errors in extensions."
COM_JEDCHECKER_CONFIGURATION="JED Denetleyicisi Yapılandırması"
COM_JEDCHECKER_UPLOAD_WAS_SUCCESSFUL="Yükleme başarılı oldu, ardından Unzip düğmesine tıklayın."
COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_UPLOAD_FILE="Yükleme başarısız oldu, geçici dizinin yazılabilir olduğundan emin olun."
COM_JEDCHECKER_UNZIP_SUCCESS="Unzip açma başarılı oldu, ardından Kontrol düğmesine tıklayın."
COM_JEDCHECKER_UNZIP_FAILED="Unzip açma başarısız oldu"
COM_JEDCHECKER_RESULTS="JED Denetleyicisi Sonuçları"
COM_JEDCHECKER_CONGRATS="Tebrikler! Bu bileşeni kullanırsanız, büyük olasılıkla bir Joomla! eklentisi geliştirmişsinizdir. Şimdi &quot;zor&quot; kısım geliyor - onu Joomla Eklenti Dizini'nde (JED) listelemek. JED, bir eklenti dizinde yayınlanmadan önce uyulması gereken katı gereksinimleri vardır. Bu gereksinimler <a href='%s' target='_blank'>burada</a> bulunbilir. Bu bileşen, eklentileri genel hatalar için kodu otomatik olarak kontrol ederek geliştirme sürecini basitleştirmek amacıyla oluşturulmuştur."
COM_JEDCHECKER_CODE_STANDARDS="However, this is not the only goal. We also aim to have code standards checks, such as those that the JPlatform has. This would ensure that Joomla extension developers are aware of the JPlatform coding standards and this could raise the quality bar in our Joomla community even higher. For this we will need you - have a look at the <a href='%s' target='_blank'>Github project page</a>. Fork the component, add your code checks and send us your pull requests!"
COM_JEDCHECKER_HOW_TO_USE="How to check your extension using the JED Checker:"
COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP1="Upload your component/plugin/module zip file by using the upload form below"