getName() !== 'extension' && $xml->getName() !== 'install')) { // Exclude non-install-manifest XML files $excludeList[] = $file; } elseif ((string) $xml['type'] === 'component' && isset($xml->administration->files['folder'])) { // Exclude possible duplicates of manifest in components $excludeList[] = dirname($file) . '/' . trim($xml->administration->files['folder'], ' /') . '/' . basename($file); } elseif ((string) $xml['type'] === 'file' && isset($xml->fileset->files)) { // Exclude possible duplicates of file-type extension manifest foreach ($xml->fileset->files as $child) { if (isset($child['folder'])) { $excludeList[] = dirname($file) . '/' . trim($child['folder'], ' /') . '/' . basename($file); } } } } $files = array_diff($files, $excludeList); usort($files, array(__CLASS__, 'sortPathsCmp')); return $files; } /** * Sort directories by depth * * @param string $path1 1st path to compare * @param string $path2 2nd path to compare * * @return integer * @since 2.4 */ public static function sortPathsCmp($path1, $path2) { $depth1 = substr_count($path1, '/'); $depth2 = substr_count($path2, '/'); return ($depth1 === $depth2) ? strcmp($path1, $path2) : ($depth1 - $depth2); } /** * Split text into lines * * @param string $content Text to split * * @return string[] * @since 2.4 */ public static function splitLines($content) { // Split on one of EOL characters (except of EOL at the end of text) return preg_split("/(?:\r\n|\n|\r)(?!$)/", $content); } /** * Get extension name (element) * * @param SimpleXMLElement $xml XML Manifest * * @return string * @since 2.4 */ public static function getElementName($xml) { $type = (string) $xml['type']; if (isset($xml->element)) { $extension = (string) $xml->element; } else { $extension = (string) $xml->name; if (isset($xml->files)) { foreach ($xml->files->children() as $child) { if (isset($child[$type])) { $extension = (string) $child[$type]; } } } } $extension = strtolower(JFilterInput::getInstance()->clean($extension, 'cmd')); if ($type === 'component' && strpos($extension, 'com_') !== 0) { $extension = 'com_' . $extension; } return $extension; } /** * Removes HTML, comments, and/or strings content keeping EOL characters to preserve line numbers * * @param string $content PHP sources * @param int $options Bitwise set of options * * @return string * @since 2.4 */ public static function cleanPhpCode($content, $options = self::CLEAN_HTML | self::CLEAN_COMMENTS) { $isCleanHtml = $options & self::CLEAN_HTML; $isCleanComments = $options & self::CLEAN_COMMENTS; $isCleanStrings = $options & self::CLEAN_STRINGS; if (!preg_match('/<\?(?:php\s|\s|=)/i', $content, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) { // No PHP code found return $isCleanHtml ? '' : $content; } $pos = $match[0][1]; $code = substr($content, 0, $pos); $cleanContent = $isCleanHtml ? self::removeContent($code) : $code; while (preg_match('/[\'"`]|<<<|\/\*|\/\/|#|\?>/', $content, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $pos)) { $foundPos = $match[0][1]; $cleanContent .= substr($content, $pos, $foundPos - $pos); $pos = $foundPos; switch ($match[0][0]) { case '"': case "'": $q = $match[0][0]; if (!preg_match("/$q(?>[^$q\\\\]+|\\\\.)*$q/As", $content, $match, 0, $pos)) { return $cleanContent . ($isCleanStrings ? $q : substr($content, $pos)); } $code = substr($match[0], 1, -1); $cleanContent .= $q . ($isCleanStrings ? self::removeContent($code, $q === '"') : $code) . $q; $pos += strlen($match[0]); break; case '`': if (!preg_match("/`(?>[^`\\\\]+|\\\\.)*`/As", $content, $match, 0, $pos)) { return $cleanContent . substr($content, $pos); } $code = $match[0]; $cleanContent .= $code; $pos += strlen($code); break; case '<<<': $cleanContent .= '<<<'; $pos += 3; if (!preg_match('/([a-z_]\w*|\'.*?\'|".*?")\n/iA', $content, $match, 0, $pos)) { break; } $identifier = $match[1]; $cleanContent .= $match[0]; $pos += strlen($match[0]); $foundPos = strpos($content, $identifier, $pos); if ($foundPos === false) { return $cleanContent . ($isCleanStrings ? '' : substr($content, $pos)); } $code = substr($content, $pos, $foundPos - $pos); $cleanContent .= ($isCleanStrings ? self::removeContent($code, $identifier[0] !== "'") : $code) . $identifier; $pos += strlen($code) + strlen($identifier); break; case '/*': $cleanContent .= '/*'; $pos += 2; $endPos = strpos($content, '*/', $pos); if ($endPos === false) { return $isCleanComments ? $cleanContent : $cleanContent . substr($content, $pos); } $code = substr($content, $pos, $endPos - $pos); $cleanContent .= $isCleanComments ? self::removeContent($code) : $code; $cleanContent .= '*/'; $pos = $endPos + 2; break; case '//': case '#': $commentLen = strcspn($content, "\r\n", $pos); $endPhpPos = strpos($content, '?>', $pos); if ($endPhpPos !== false && $endPhpPos < $pos + $commentLen) { $commentLen = $endPhpPos - $pos; } if (!$isCleanComments) { $cleanContent .= substr($content, $pos, $commentLen); } $pos += $commentLen; break; case '?>': $cleanContent .= '?>'; $pos += 2; if (!preg_match('/<\?(?:php\s|\s|=)/i', $content, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $pos)) { // No PHP code found (up to the end of the file) return $cleanContent . ($isCleanHtml ? '' : substr($content, $pos)); } $foundPos = $match[0][1]; $code = substr($content, $pos, $foundPos - $pos); $cleanContent .= $isCleanHtml ? self::removeContent($code) : $code; $phpPreamble = $match[0][0]; $cleanContent .= $phpPreamble; $pos = $foundPos + strlen($phpPreamble); break; } } $cleanContent .= substr($content, $pos); return $cleanContent; } /** * Remove all text content by keeping newline characters only (to preserve line numbers) * * @param string $content Partial content * * @return string * @since 2.4 */ protected static function removeContent($content, $parse = false) { if (!$parse) { return str_repeat("\n", substr_count($content, "\n")); } $pos = 0; $cleanContent = ''; while (preg_match('/\n|\\\\|\{\$|\$\{/', $content, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $pos)) { $foundPos = $match[0][1]; $cleanContent .= substr($content, $pos, $foundPos - $pos); $pos = $foundPos; switch ($match[0][0]) { case "\n": $cleanContent .= "\n"; $pos++; break; case '\\': $pos++; if ($pos < strlen($content) && $content[$pos] === "\n") { $cleanContent .= "\\\n"; } $pos++; break; case '{$': case '${': $posx = $pos + 2; $braces = 1; $strlen = strlen($content); while ($braces > 0 && $posx < $strlen) { $q = $content[$posx]; switch ($q) { case '{': $braces++; break; case '}': $braces--; break; case '"': case "'": if (!preg_match("/$q(?>[^$q\\\\]+|\\\\.)*$q/As", $content, $match, 0, $posx)) { return $cleanContent . substr($content, $pos); } $posx += strlen($match[0]); break; case '`': if (!preg_match("/`.*?`/As", $content, $match, 0, $posx)) { return $cleanContent . substr($content, $pos); } $posx += strlen($match[0]); break; } $posx++; } $cleanContent .= substr($content, $pos, $posx - $pos); $pos = $posx; break; } } return $cleanContent; } }