; Language files have to start with semicolon (;) otherwise we have problems with transifex COM_JEDCHECKER_CONFIGURATION="Configuration du vérificateur JED" COM_JEDCHECKER_UPLOAD_FILE="Transférer un fichier" COM_JEDCHECKER_UPLOAD_WAS_SUCCESSFUL="L'envoi a réussi, cliquez sur le bouton Décompresser." COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_UPLOAD_FILE="Le téléchargement a échoué, assurez-vous que le répertoire temporaire est accessible en écriture." COM_JEDCHECKER_UNZIP_SUCCESS="La décompression a réussi, cliquez sur le bouton Vérifier." COM_JEDCHECKER_UNZIP_FAILED="Échec de la décompression" COM_JEDCHECKER_RESULTS="Résultats du vérificateur JED" COM_JEDCHECKER_CONGRATS="Congratulations! If you use this component then you've most probably developed a Joomla! extension. Now comes the "hard" part - getting it listed in the Joomla Extension Directory (JED). The JED has strict requirements that must be complied with before an extension will be published in the directory. Those requirements can be found here. This component has been built with the aim of simplifying the development process by automatically checking the code for common errors in extensions." COM_JEDCHECKER_CODE_STANDARDS="However, this is not the only goal. We also aim to have code standards checks, such as those that the JPlatform has. This would ensure that Joomla extension developers are aware of the JPlatform coding standards and this could raise the quality bar in our Joomla community even higher. For this we will need you - have a look at the Github project page. Fork the component, add your code checks and send us your pull requests!" COM_JEDCHECKER_HOW_TO_USE="Comment vérifier votre extension en utilisant le vérificateur JED :" COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP1="Envoyez votre fichier zip composant/plugin/module en utilisant le formulaire ci-dessous" COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP2="Cliquez sur Vérifier et examiner les résultats" COM_JEDCHECKER_WALL_OF_HONOR="Mur d'honneur" COM_JEDCHECKER_CONTRIBUTORS="Contributeurs" COM_JEDCHECKER_PEOPLE_THAT_HAVE_HELPED_WITH_THE_DEVELOPMENT="Les personnes qui ont contribué au développement de ce composant." COM_JEDCHECKER_HOW_TO_INTERPRET_RESULTS="Comment interpréter les résultats" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH2="Les fichiers PHP ne contiennent pas de sécurité JEXEC" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH2_DESC="All the PHP files in your extension needs to have a defined('_JEXEC') or die(); statement in the beginning of each file. This ensures that the file cannot be opened outside of the joomla installation and increases the security of your site." COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH3="License tag missing or incorrect in XML install file" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH3_DESC="An install file should include the license information in a license-tag. The license must be GPL or GPL compatible." COM_JEDCHECKER_EVERYTHING_SEEMS_TO_BE_FINE_WITH_THAT_RULE="Congratulations, everything seems to be fine with that rule!" COM_JEDCHECKER_DEVELOPED_BY="JED Checker is a JED proyect." COM_JEDCHECKER_PHP_VERSION_INCOMPATIBLE="JED Checker is incompatible with the PHP version that you run on this site: %s. You would need at least PHP Version %s. Aborting installation" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_HTML_INDEX_NOT_FOUND="Il manque le fichier index.html dans ce répertoire." COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JEXEC_NOT_FOUND="The JEXEC security check was not found in this file." COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_LICENSE_NOT_FOUND="Aucun tag de licence n'a été trouvé dans ce fichier XML." COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_LICENSE_NOT_GPL="Veuillez vérifier si la licence de ce fichier est compatible avec la GPL." COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE="Règle" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERRORS="Erreurs" COM_JEDCHECKER_COMPAT_ISSUES="Problèmes de compatibilité" COM_JEDCHECKER_IN_LINE="à la ligne" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_ENCODING="You've used encoding in this file. This is not an error, but a JED editor will have to review this file." COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ENCODING="Base64 or other type of encoding in the files" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ENCODING_DESC="As developers we are fully aware that the base64 and similar functions have a valid place in extensions (such as URL redirects or data storage). However if you use those to make it harder for users to read your code or to mask backlinks the JED will not accept your listing submission (this is not in the spirit of GPL anyway!). An editor will review your code and determine if the way you use the base64 matches the rules of the JED. This might slow your listing review time. So the rule of thumb is - don't do fishy stuff and avoid encoding your code if possible!" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_ERRORREPORTING="You've used error_reporting(0) in this file." COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ERRORREPORTING="error_reporting(0) in the files" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ERRORREPORTING_DESC="Use of error_reporting(0) is discouraged as Joomla provides an error_reporting option in the Global Configuration." COM_JEDCHECKER_LEAVE_A_REVIEW_JED="If you use this component, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory." COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO="Info" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML="Information about extension xml files" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_DESC="The install name of your extension must match your listing name on JED. We scan the xml files and find the value of the name tag. Useful information for the "filename and install as" fields in the jed submission form" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_MANIFEST_OUTDATED="Manifest file uses outdated format. Use <extension> instead of <install> root tag name." COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_XML="The name tag in this file is: %s" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_VERSION_XML="Version tag has the value: %s" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_CREATIONDATE_XML="The creationDate tag has the value: %s" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NO_MANIFEST="No manifest file found" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_RESERVED_KEYWORDS="Keywords such as module, plugin or template are considered reserved words ('%2$s') and can't be used in the extension names ('%1$s')" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PREFIXED="Le nom de la liste ('%s') commence par le préfixe du type d'extension" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_VERSION="Version in name/title ('%s')" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA="An extension name ('%s') can't start with the word 'Joomla'" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Extensions that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla! in the extension name ('%s') need to be licensed by OSM" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_NON_ASCII="Le nom de la liste ('%s') contient des caractères non-ASCII" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_URL_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Domain names that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla! ('%1$s') need to be licensed by OSM. Please, check your domain name is listed on the Joomla! Trademark Approval Registry page." COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_TOO_LONG="Le nom de la liste ('%s') est trop long, pensez à le raccourcir" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_ADMIN_MENU="The admin menu name '%1$s' isn't the same as the extension name '%2$s'" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PLUGIN_FORMAT="The name of the plugin ('%s') must comply with the JED naming conventions in the form '{Type} - {Extension Name}'" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1="PHP Headers missing GPL License Notice" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1_DESC="A notice is required on each PHP file stating that the file is licensed GPL (or other compatible accepted license). For more information, please click here." COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_GPL_NOT_FOUND="GPL or compatible license was not found" COM_JEDCHECKER_PH1_LICENSE_FOUND="GPL license was found" COM_JEDCHECKER_GPL_COMPATIBLE_LICENSE_WAS_FOUND="GPL compatible license was found" COM_JEDCHECKER_WARNING="Avertissement" COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_NOT_REMOVED="'ini' file for '%s' rule could not be removed, manual removal recommended." COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_NOT_REMOVED="PHP file for '%s' rule could not be removed, manual removal recommended." COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_REMOVED="Removed PHP file for '%s' rule." COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_REMOVED="Removed 'ini' file for '%s' rule." COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK="Joomla Framework deprecated and unsafe" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_DESC="Warns about Find more info on Joomla backward compatibility for Joomla 3" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_SUPERGLOBALS="Use of superglobals is strongly discouraged" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DIRECTDB="Use of direct database access is strongly discouraged" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="Functions deprecated in Joomla 3" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_NOTINJ3="deprecated in Joomla 3" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DS="DS is deprecated in Joomla 3" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_JERR="JError is deprecated, you should use JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage();" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_ERRORLOG="error_log and var_dump" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_DEPRECATED="JRequest is deprecated, you should use JFactory::getApplication()->input;" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_TODO="TODO statement detected" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_GIT="Code-versioning folders detected" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_FRAMEWORK_STRICT="PHP Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS="JAMSS - Joomla! Anti-Malware Scan Script" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_JAMSS_DESC="JAMSS will raise many flags for use of potentially dangerous methods, additionally checking for some known attack signatures. Find out more on the Project's homepage
JAMSS output is very verbose and very useful, hover over any lines to see the details." COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_SUSPICIOUS_FILENAME="Suspicious filename found :" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_CANNOT_OPEN="Impossible de vérifier" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_PATTERN="Schéma trouvé" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JAMSS_STRING="Chaîne trouvée" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_US1="Mettre à jour les exigences du serveur" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_US1_DESC="L'utilisation de serveurs de mise à jour est maintenant requise par JED." COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_NOT_FOUND="Mettre à jour le tag du serveur manquant ou incorrect dans ce fichier XML" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_LINK_NOT_FOUND="Update Server link not found in this XML file" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_UPDATE_SERVER_LINK="The Update Server link in this XML file is: %s" COM_JEDCHECKER_DELETE_FAILED="Can't delete temporary folder" COM_JEDCHECKER_DELETE_SUCCESS="Temporary folder deleted!" COM_JEDCHECKER_EMPTY_UPLOAD_FIELD="Please, select a zipped file to be uploaded" COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CHECK="Check" COM_JEDCHECKER_TOOLBAR_CLEAR="Clear" COM_JEDCHECKER_CLICK_TO_VIEW_DETAILS="Click to View Details" COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST="XML Manifests" COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_DESC="Validation of extension's XML manifest file" COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_TYPE="Unknown extension type: %s" COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED="Extension type '%s' is not accepted by JED" COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE="Node <%1$s> has unknown attribute '%2$s'" COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_CHILDREN="Node <%s> has unknown child element" COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_REQUIRED="Node <%1$s> doesn't contain required <%2$s> element" COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_OPTIONAL="Node <%1$s> doesn't contain optional <%2$s> element" COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MULTIPLE_FOUND="Node <%1$s> contains multiple <%2$s> elements" COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_CHILD="Node <%1$s> contains unknown <%2$s> element" COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_EMPTY_CHILD="Found empty <%s> element" COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MENU_UNUSED_ATTRIBUTE="Menu item attribute '%s' is not used with 'link' attribute" COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_METHOD_UPGRADE="Without the method="upgrade" attribute the extension package cannot be upgraded" COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_MISSED_ATTRIBUTE="The node <%1$s> doesn't contain required '%2$s' attribute" COM_JEDCHECKER_MANIFEST_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE="The node <%1$s> has attribute '%2$s' with unknown value "%3$s"" COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES="XML Files references" COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_DESC="Check for incorrect files and folders references in the XML manifest" COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_FILE_NOT_FOUND="File not found: %s" COM_JEDCHECKER_XML_FILES_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND="Folder not found: %s" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG="Language files" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_DESC="Validates language files" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_EOL="Incorrect end-of-line character found. Convert file to Unix EOL (\n) format." COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_BOM_FOUND="The byte order mark (BOM) is detected" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_COMMENT="Incorrect comment character, use ';' instead" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_WRONG_LINE="Incorrect line without '=' character" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_EMPTY="Empty key name" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_WHITESPACE="Whitespace in the key is not allowed" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_INVALID_CHARACTER="Invalid character in the key name" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_RESERVED="Reserved keyword in the key name" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_NOT_ASCII="The key name is not ASCII-compatible" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_NOT_UPPERCASE="The key name is not uppercase" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_DUPLICATED="The key name was declared previously on line %d" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_ERROR="Invalid translation string" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INVALID_UTF8="Invalid UTF8 string" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_QUOTES="All translation strings should be enclosed in double quotation marks." COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_LEFT_QUOTE="You have missed the left quote." COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_MISSED_RIGTH_QUOTE="You have missed the right quote" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_EMPTY="Empty translation string" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_QQ_DEPRECATED="Usage of \"_QQ_\" is deprecated since Joomla! 3.9. Use escaped double quotes (\\\") instead" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_UNESCAPED_QUOTE="Unescaped double quotation mark found" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_VARIABLE_REF="A variable reference found in the translation string." COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_ARGNUM="Probably you use incorrect placeholder format (e.g. '%1s' instead of '%1$s'), see printf's argnum format specification for details" COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_SPACES_AROUND="Spaces around the translation string are detected"