; Language files have to start with semicolon (;) otherwise we have problems with transifex COM_JEDCHECKER_CONFIGURATION="Konfiguracja walidatora JED" COM_JEDCHECKER_UPLOAD_FILE="Prześlij plik" COM_JEDCHECKER_UPLOAD_WAS_SUCCESSFUL="Przesyłanie zakończone pomyślnie, kliknij przycisk Rozpakowywania." COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_UPLOAD_FILE="Przesyłanie nie powiodło się, upewnij się, że katalog tymczasowy ma prawa do zapisu." COM_JEDCHECKER_UNZIP_SUCCESS="Rozpakowywanie zakończone pomyślnie, kliknij przycisk Sprawdzania." COM_JEDCHECKER_UNZIP_FAILED="Nie udało się rozpakować" COM_JEDCHECKER_RESULTS="Wyniki walidatora JED" COM_JEDCHECKER_CONGRATS="Gratulacje! Jeśli używasz tego komponentu, najprawdopodobniej stworzyłeś rozszerzenie Joomla! Teraz czas na "twarda" - dołączenie go do listy w katalogu rozszerzeń Joomla (JED). JED posiada rygorystyczne wymogi, które muszą zostać spełnione przed opublikowaniem rozszerzenia w katalogu. Wymagania te można znaleźć tutaj. Komponent ten został zbudowany w celu uproszczenia procesu tworzenia rozszerzeń, aby automatycznie sprawdzić kod pod kątem najpopularniejszych błędów spotykanych rozszerzeniach." COM_JEDCHECKER_CODE_STANDARDS="Nie jest to jednak jedyny cel. Chcemy również zbudować automaty do sprawdzania standardów kodowania, takie jak te, które posiada JPlatform. Dzięki temu wśród twórców rozszerzeń Joomla rośnie świadomość standardów kodowania JPlatform, co przekłada się na jeszcze wyższy poziom jakości w naszej społeczności Joomla. W tym celu odwiedź stronę projektu na Githubie. Forkuj komponent, dodaj sprawdzanie kodu i wyślij nam Pull Requesty!" COM_JEDCHECKER_HOW_TO_USE="How to check your extension using the JED Checker:" COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP1="Upload your component/plugin/module zip file by using the upload form below" COM_JEDCHECKER_STEP2="Click on Check and review the results" COM_JEDCHECKER_WALL_OF_HONOR="Wall of Honour" COM_JEDCHECKER_CONTRIBUTORS="Contributors" COM_JEDCHECKER_PEOPLE_THAT_HAVE_HELPED_WITH_THE_DEVELOPMENT="People that have helped with the development of this component." COM_JEDCHECKER_HOW_TO_INTERPRET_RESULTS="How to Interpret the Results" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH2="PHP Files missing JEXEC security" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH2_DESC="All the PHP files in your extension needs to have a defined('_JEXEC') or die(); statement in the beginning of each file. This ensures that the file cannot be opened outside of the joomla installation and increases the security of your site." COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH3="License tag missing or incorrect in XML install file" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH3_DESC="An install file should include the license information in a license-tag. The license must be GPL or GPL compatible." COM_JEDCHECKER_EVERYTHING_SEEMS_TO_BE_FINE_WITH_THAT_RULE="Congratulations, everything seems to be fine with that rule!" COM_JEDCHECKER_DEVELOPED_BY="JED Checker is a JED proyect." COM_JEDCHECKER_PHP_VERSION_INCOMPATIBLE="JED Checker is incompatible with the PHP version that you run on this site: %s. You would need at least PHP Version %s. Aborting installation" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_HTML_INDEX_NOT_FOUND="Missing index.html in this directory." COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_JEXEC_NOT_FOUND="The JEXEC security check was not found in this file." COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_LICENSE_NOT_FOUND="No license tag was found in this XML file." COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_XML_LICENSE_NOT_GPL="Please check if the license in this file is compatible with the GPL." COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE="Rule" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERRORS="Errors" COM_JEDCHECKER_COMPAT_ISSUES="Compatibility Issues" COM_JEDCHECKER_IN_LINE="in line" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_ENCODING="You've used encoding in this file. This is not an error, but a JED editor will have to review this file." COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ENCODING="Base64 or other type of encoding in the files" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ENCODING_DESC="As developers we are fully aware that the base64 and similar functions have a valid place in extensions (such as URL redirects or data storage). However if you use those to make it harder for users to read your code or to mask backlinks the JED will not accept your listing submission (this is not in the spirit of GPL anyway!). An editor will review your code and determine if the way you use the base64 matches the rules of the JED. This might slow your listing review time. So the rule of thumb is - don't do fishy stuff and avoid encoding your code if possible!" COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_ERRORREPORTING="You've used error_reporting(0) in this file." COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ERRORREPORTING="error_reporting(0) in the files" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_ERRORREPORTING_DESC="Use of error_reporting(0) is discouraged as Joomla provides an error_reporting option in the Global Configuration." COM_JEDCHECKER_LEAVE_A_REVIEW_JED="If you use this component, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory." COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO="Info" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML="Information about extension xml files" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_DESC="The install name of your extension must match your listing name on JED. We scan the xml files and find the value of the name tag. Useful information for the "filename and install as" fields in the jed submission form" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_MANIFEST_OUTDATED="Manifest file uses outdated format. Use <extension> instead of <install> root tag name." COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_XML="The name tag in this file is: %s" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_VERSION_XML="Version tag has the value: %s" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_CREATIONDATE_XML="The creationDate tag has the value: %s" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NO_MANIFEST="No manifest file found" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_RESERVED_KEYWORDS="Keywords such as module, plugin or template are considered reserved words ('%2$s') and can't be used in the extension names ('%1$s')" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PREFIXED="Nazwa listy ('%s') zaczyna się od przedrostka typu rozszerzenia" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_VERSION="Version in name/title ('%s')" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA="An extension name ('%s') can't start with the word 'Joomla'" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Extensions that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla! in the extension name ('%s') need to be licensed by OSM" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_NON_ASCII="Nazwa listy ('%s') zawiera znaki spoza ASCII" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_URL_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE="Domain names that use 'Joomla' or a derivative of Joomla! ('%1$s') need to be licensed by OSM. Please, check your domain name is listed on the Joomla! Trademark Approval Registry page." COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_TOO_LONG="Nazwa listy ('%s') jest zbyt długa, rozważ jej skrócenie" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_ADMIN_MENU="The admin menu name '%1$s' isn't the same as the extension name '%2$s'" COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PLUGIN_FORMAT="The name of the plugin ('%s') must comply with the JED naming conventions in the form '{Type} - {Extension Name}'" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1="PHP Headers missing GPL License Notice" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_PH1_DESC="A notice is required on each PHP file stating that the file is licensed GPL (or other compatible accepted license). For more information, please click here." COM_JEDCHECKER_ERROR_GPL_NOT_FOUND="GPL or compatible license was not found" COM_JEDCHECKER_PH1_LICENSE_FOUND="GPL license was found" COM_JEDCHECKER_GPL_COMPATIBLE_LICENSE_WAS_FOUND="GPL compatible license was found" COM_JEDCHECKER_WARNING="Warning" COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_NOT_REMOVED="'ini' file for '%s' rule could not be removed, manual removal recommended." COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_NOT_REMOVED="PHP file for '%s' rule could not be removed, manual removal recommended." COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_PHP_FILE_REMOVED="Removed PHP file for '%s' rule." COM_JEDCHECKER_OLD_RULE_X_INI_FILE_REMOVED="Removed 'ini' file for '%s' rule." COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK="Joomla Framework deprecated and unsafe" COM_JEDCHECKER_RULE_FRAMEWORK_DESC="Warns about