basedir, '^[a-z]{2,3}-[A-Z]{2}\.\w+(?:\.sys)?\.ini$', true, true); // Iterate through all the ini files foreach ($files as $file) { // Try to validate the file $this->find($file); } } /** * Reads and validates an ini file * * @param string $file - The path to the file * * @return bool True on success, otherwise False. */ protected function find($file) { $lines = file($file); foreach ($lines as $lineno => $line) { $line = trim($line); // Check for BOM sequence if ($lineno === 0 && strncmp($line, "\xEF\xBB\xBF", 3) === 0) { $this->report->addError($file, JText::_('COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_BOM_FOUND'), 1); // Romeve BOM for further checks $line = substr($line, 3); } // Skip empty lines, comments, and section names if ($line === '' || $line[0] === ';' || $line[0] === '[') { continue; } // Report incorrect comment character if ($line[0] === '#') { $this->report->addError($file, JText::_('COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_INCORRECT_COMMENT'), $lineno, $line); continue; } // Check for "=" character in the line if (strpos($line, '=') === false) { $this->report->addError($file, JText::_('COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_WRONG_LINE'), $lineno, $line); continue; } // Extract key and value list ($key, $value) = explode('=', $line, 2); $key = rtrim($key); // Check for empty key if ($key === '') { $this->report->addError($file, JText::_('COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_EMPTY'), $lineno, $line); continue; } // Check for spaces in the key name if (strpos($key, ' ') !== false) { $this->report->addError($file, JText::_('COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_WHITESPACE'), $lineno, $line); continue; } // Check for invalid characters (see if (strpbrk($key, '{}|&~![()^"') !== false) { $this->report->addError($file, JText::_('COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_INVALID_CHARACTER'), $lineno, $line); continue; } // Check for invalid key names (see if (in_array($key, array('null', 'yes', 'no', 'true', 'false', 'on', 'off', 'none'), true)) { $this->report->addError($file, JText::_('COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_KEY_RESERVED'), $lineno, $line); continue; } $value = ltrim($value); if (strlen($value) <2 || $value[0] !== '"' || substr($value, -1) !== '"') { $this->report->addError($file, JText::_('COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_QUOTES'), $lineno, $line); continue; } // Check for empty value if ($value === '""') { $this->report->addWarning($file, JText::_('COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_TRANSLATION_EMPTY'), $lineno, $line); continue; } // Remove quotes around $value = substr($value, 1, -1); // Check for legacy "_QQ_" code (deprecated since Joomla! 3.9 if favor of escaped double quote \"; removed in Joomla! 4) if (strpos($value, '"_QQ_"') !== false) { $this->report->addInfo($file, JText::_('COM_JEDCHECKER_LANG_QQ_DEPRECATED'), $lineno, $line); } } // All checks passed. Return true return true; } }