===================================================================== JED Checker 2.1.0 - Released 9-March-2019 ===================================================================== + Compatibility with Joomla 4 + Rule INFO_XML + Update Server Requirement ~ Copyright updated to Joomla! / OSM ===================================================================== JED Checker 2.0 - Released 2-April-2017 ===================================================================== ^ Removal of build tools ~ Copyright updated to Joomla! / OSM ===================================================================== JED Checker 1.7 - Released 23-January-2017 ===================================================================== + New Update Server rule + Addition of bootstrap collapses - Removal of some deprecated Joomla Framework code + Add ACL # Fixed some parameters and return types ~ Further bootstrapping ~ Language string updates ^ Minimum PHP version 5.3.10 ^ error_reporting(0) now flags as error (was warning before) ===================================================================== JED Checker 1.6 - Released 26-October-2015 ===================================================================== ~ phpcs # uploading zip files no longer displays a warning on Joomla 3.4.4 # updated link to JED listing requirements + added rule framework, jamss ===================================================================== JED Checker 1.5 - Released 5-November-2015 ===================================================================== ~ code cleaup and joomla's phpcs compatibility (at least for the rules) # Fixed unnecessary GPL checks in php files with no code - thanks to Peter van Westen # Fixed unnecessary JEXEC checks in php files with no code - thanks to Peter van Westen + added rule to check for error_reporting(0) - thanks to Denis Delici # JFile not found ===================================================================== LEGEND ===================================================================== ! Note + New feature or addition ^ Major change ~ Small change $ Language change * Security fix # Bug fix - Feature removal