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* @package Joomla.JEDChecker
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2017 - 2019 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2008 - 2016 compojoom.com . All rights reserved.
* @author Daniel Dimitrov <daniel@compojoom.com>
* eaxs <support@projectfork.net>
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
// Include the rule base class
require_once JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR . '/models/rule.php';
* class JedcheckerRulesXMLinfo
* This class searches all xml manifests for specific tags
* @since 1.0
class JedcheckerRulesXMLinfo extends JEDcheckerRule
* The formal ID of this rule. For example: SE1.
* @var string
protected $id = 'INFO_XML';
* The title or caption of this rule.
* @var string
protected $title = 'COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML';
* The description of this rule.
* @var string
protected $description = 'COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_DESC';
* Mapping of the plugin title prefix to the plugin group
* @var string[]
protected $pluginsGroupMap = array(
'button' => 'editors-xtd',
'editor' => 'editors',
'smartsearch' => 'finder',
'twofactorauthentication' => 'twofactorauth'
* Initiates the search and check
* @return void
public function check()
// Find all XML files of the extension
$files = JFolder::files($this->basedir, '\.xml$', true, true);
$manifestFound = false;
// Iterate through all the xml files
foreach ($files as $file)
// Try to find the license
if ($this->find($file))
$manifestFound = true;
if (!$manifestFound)
$this->report->addError('', JText::_('COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NO_MANIFEST'));
* Reads a file and searches for the license
* @param string $file - The path to the file
* @return boolean True if the manifest file was found, otherwise False.
protected function find($file)
$xml = JFactory::getXml($file);
// Failed to parse the xml file.
// Assume that this is not a extension manifest
if (!$xml)
return false;
// Check if this is an extension manifest
// 1.5 uses 'install', 1.6+ uses 'extension'
if ($xml->getName() === 'install')
$this->report->addWarning($file, JText::sprintf('COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_MANIFEST_OUTDATED'));
if ($xml->getName() !== 'extension')
return false;
// Get extension type
$type = (string) $xml['type'];
// Load the language of the extension (if any)
$this->loadExtensionLanguage($xml, dirname($file));
// Get the real extension's name now that the language has been loaded
$lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
$extensionName = $lang->_((string) $xml->name);
$info[] = JText::sprintf('COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_XML', $extensionName);
$info[] = JText::sprintf('COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_VERSION_XML', (string) $xml->version);
$info[] = JText::sprintf('COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_CREATIONDATE_XML', (string) $xml->creationDate);
$this->report->addInfo($file, implode('<br />', $info));
// NM3 - Listing name contains “module” or “plugin”
// (and other reserved words)
if (preg_match('/\b(?:module|plugin|component|template|extension|free)\b/i', $extensionName, $match))
$this->report->addError($file, JText::sprintf('COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_RESERVED_KEYWORDS', $extensionName, strtolower($match[0])));
// Extension name shouldn't start with extension type prefix
if (preg_match('/^\s*(?:mod|com|plg|tpl|pkg)_/i', $extensionName))
$this->report->addError($file, JText::sprintf('COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PREFIXED', $extensionName));
// NM5 - Version in name/title
if (preg_match('/(?:\bversion\b|\d\.\d)/i', $extensionName))
$this->report->addError($file, JText::sprintf('COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_VERSION', $extensionName));
if (stripos($extensionName, 'joomla') === 0)
// An extension name can't start with the word "Joomla"
$this->report->addError($file, JText::sprintf('COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA', $extensionName));
elseif (stripos($extensionName, 'joom') !== false)
// Extensions that use "Joomla" or a derivative of Joomla in the extension name need to be licensed by OSM
$this->report->addWarning($file, JText::sprintf('COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE', $extensionName));
$this->validateDomain($file, (string) $xml->authorUrl);
if ($type === 'package' && (string) $xml->packagerurl !== (string) $xml->authorUrl)
$this->validateDomain($file, (string) $xml->packagerurl);
if ($type === 'component' && isset($xml->administration->menu))
$menuName = $lang->_((string) $xml->administration->menu);
// Do name the Component's admin menu the same as the extension name
if ($extensionName !== $menuName)
$this->report->addWarning($file, JText::sprintf('COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_ADMIN_MENU', $menuName, $extensionName));
if ($type === 'plugin')
// The name of your plugin must comply with the JED naming conventions - plugins in the form “{Type} - {Extension Name}”.
$parts = explode(' - ', $extensionName, 2);
$extensionNameGroup = isset($parts[1]) ? strtolower(preg_replace('/\s/', '', $parts[0])) : false;
$group = (string) $xml['group'];
if ($extensionNameGroup !== $group && $extensionNameGroup !== str_replace('-', '', $group)
&& !(isset($this->pluginsGroupMap[$extensionNameGroup]) && $this->pluginsGroupMap[$extensionNameGroup] === $group)
$this->report->addWarning($file, JText::sprintf('COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_NAME_PLUGIN_FORMAT', $extensionName));
// All checks passed. Return true
return true;
* Locate and load extension's .sys.ini translation file
* @param SimpleXMLElement $xml Extension's XML manifest
* @param string $langDir The basepath
* @param string $langTag The language to load
* @return void
* @since 3.0
protected function loadExtensionLanguage($xml, $langDir, $langTag = 'en-GB')
$type = (string) $xml['type'];
// Get extension's element name (simulates work of Joomla's installer)
// Firstly, check for <element> node
if (isset($xml->element))
$extension = (string) $xml->element;
// Otherwise, use <name> node or plugin/module attribute in the <files> section
$extension = (string) $xml->name;
if (isset($xml->files))
foreach ($xml->files->children() as $child)
if (isset($child[$type]))
$extension = (string) $child[$type];
// Filter extension's element name
$extension = strtolower(JFilterInput::getInstance()->clean($extension, 'cmd'));
// Component's element name starts with com_
if ($type === 'component' && strpos($extension, 'com_') !== 0)
$extension = 'com_' . $extension;
// Plugin's element name starts with plg_
if ($type === 'plugin' && isset($xml['group']) && strpos($extension, 'plg_') !== 0)
$extension = 'plg_' . $xml['group'] . '_' . $extension;
// Load the language of the extension (if any)
$lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
// Populate list of directories to look for
$lookupLangDirs = array();
if (isset($xml->administration->files['folder']))
$lookupLangDirs[] = trim($xml->administration->files['folder'], '/') . '/language/' . $langTag;
if (isset($xml->files['folder']))
$lookupLangDirs[] = trim($xml->files['folder'], '/') . '/language/' . $langTag;
$lookupLangDirs[] = 'language/' . $langTag;
if (isset($xml->administration->languages))
$folder = trim($xml->administration->languages['folder'], '/');
foreach ($xml->administration->languages->language as $language)
if (trim($language['tag']) === $langTag)
$lookupLangDirs[] = trim($folder . '/' . dirname($language), '/');
if (isset($xml->languages))
$folder = trim($xml->languages['folder'], '/');
foreach ($xml->languages->language as $language)
if (trim($language['tag']) === $langTag)
$lookupLangDirs[] = trim($folder . '/' . dirname($language), '/');
$lookupLangDirs[] = '';
$lookupLangDirs = array_unique($lookupLangDirs);
// Looking for language file in specified directories
foreach ($lookupLangDirs as $dir)
$langSysFile =
$langDir . '/' .
($dir === '' ? '' : $dir . '/') .
$langTag. '.' . $extension . '.sys.ini';
if (is_file($langSysFile))
$loadLanguage = new ReflectionMethod($lang, 'loadLanguage');
$loadLanguage->invoke($lang, $langSysFile, $extension);
* Check domain name contains "Joomla"/derivative
* @param string $file Current file name
* @param string $url URL to validate
* @return void
protected function validateDomain($file, $url)
$domain = (strpos($url, '//') === false) ? $url : parse_url(trim($url), PHP_URL_HOST);
if (stripos($domain, 'joomla') !== false)
// Extensions that use "Joomla" or a derivative of Joomla in the domain name need to be licensed by OSM
$this->report->addError($file, JText::sprintf('COM_JEDCHECKER_INFO_XML_URL_JOOMLA_DERIVATIVE', $url, 'https://tm.joomla.org/approved-domains.html'));