Create JAccess readme file

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Llewellyn 2024-07-16 21:55:04 +00:00
parent e643d17f28
commit 4e947f45a0

View File

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# JAccess
Class that handles all access authorisation routines.
The Joomla! Power feature allows you to use Joomla classes in your project without manually managing their namespaces. JCB will automatically add the correct namespaces to your files. If Joomla classes change in future versions, such as from Joomla 3 to 5, JCB will update them for you.
However, if there are breaking changes in function names, you may need to make some manual adjustments. The Joomla Power Key (JPK) helps you easily search for these classes.
By using the JPK (Joomla Power Key) in your custom code (replacing the class name in your code with the JPK), JCB will automatically pull the Joomla! Power from the repository into your project.
To add this specific power to your project in JCB:
> simply use this JPK
> remember to replace the `---` with `___` to activate this Joomla! Power in your code
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