* @copyright Copyright (C) 2014 Vast Development Method * @license GNU General Public License * **/ defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die; jimport('joomla.application.component.helper'); class perGroup { protected $userId; protected $userGroups = false; protected $redirect = false; protected $document; protected $jQuery_set; protected $params; protected $range_low = 0; protected $range_high = 8; public $results; public $groups; public function __construct(&$params) { // set params $this->params = $params; // check if loged in $this->userId = JFactory::getUser()->id; if($this->userId){ // setup user groups $this->userGroups = JUserHelper::getUserGroups($this->userId); } else { $params_users = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_users'); // setup quest user groups $this->userGroups = array($params_users->get('guest_usergroup')); } // check direction of execution $up = $this->params->get('execution_direction'); if($up){ // set group range $this->appfields = array_reverse(range($this->range_low,$this->range_high)); } else { // set group range $this->appfields = range($this->range_low,$this->range_high); } // get documnet object $this->document = JFactory::getDocument(); // check if jQuery is loaded $head_data = $this->document->getHeadData(); foreach (array_keys($head_data['scripts']) as $script) { if (stristr($script, 'jquery')) { $this->jQuery_set = true; break; } else { $this->jQuery_set = false; } } // set the results $this->setResults(); } // set data found per field protected function setResults() { foreach($this->appfields as $field_id){ $this->results[$field_id] = $this->getData($field_id); // of first redirect stop and redirect if($this->redirect){ $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $app->redirect($this->results[$field_id]); return true; } } return true; } // get data per field protected function getData($id) { // check if field is active $fieldActive = $this->params->get('group'.$id.'-active'); if($fieldActive){ // get the set groups $fieldGroups = (array)$this->params->get('group'.$id); // get group type $in_group = (int)$this->params->get('group'.$id.'-type'); // set default text array $text = array(); foreach($this->userGroups as $userGroup){ if($in_group){ // check user is in appGroup if (in_array($userGroup, $fieldGroups)){ $result = $this->find($id); if($this->redirect){ return $result; } // set result only if not a redirect $text[] = $result; } else { // when user is not in active group $text[] = false; } } else { // check if yous is not in the appGroup if (!in_array($userGroup, $fieldGroups)){ $result = $this->find($id); if($this->redirect){ return $result; } // set result only if not a redirect $text[] = $result; } else { // when user is not in active group $text[] = false; } } } return $text; } // when group is not active return false; } protected function find($id) { // check redirect $this->redirect = $this->params->get('group'.$id.'-redirect'); if($this->redirect){ // check redirect url $redirect_url = $this->params->get('group'.$id.'-url'); // check redirect menu $redirect_menu = $this->params->get('group'.$id.'-menu'); if($redirect_url){ return $redirect_url; } elseif($redirect_menu){ return 'index.php?Itemid='.$redirect_menu; } } else { // get css $group_css = $this->params->get('group'.$id.'-css'); if ($group_css){ $this->document->addStyleDeclaration($group_css); } // get javascript $group_js = $this->params->get('group'.$id.'-js'); if ($group_js){ if (!$this->jQuery_set){ $this->document->addScript(JURI::base().'modules/mod_perGroup/js/jquery.js'); $this->jQuery_set = true; } $script = ''.$group_js.''; $this->document->addScriptDeclaration($script); } // get php if set $php = $this->params->get('group'.$id.'-php'); // get text $html = $this->params->get('group'.$id.'-notice'); // run the php here strlen($php) ? eval( " " . $php . " " ) : ''; if ($html){ return $html; } return false; } } }