Robot 7419e920bc
Update on v1.0.1 (beta for next version)
Here's an update on the current version, which includes changes towards the next release still in beta.
2023-08-10 06:49:04 +02:00

129 lines
4.4 KiB

* @package Joomla.CMS
* @maintainer Llewellyn van der Merwe <>
* @created 29th July, 2020
* @copyright (C) 2020 Open Source Matters, Inc. <>
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
// No direct access to this file
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
<svg xmlns="" viewbox="0 0 <?php echo $helper->width(); ?> <?php echo $helper->height(); ?>"
width="<?php echo $helper->width(); ?>" height="<?php echo $helper->height(); ?>">
<style type="text/css">
text {
fill: <?php echo $params->get('text_color', '#333'); ?>;
font-family: "Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: <?php echo (2 / 3) * $params->get('header_height', 24); ?>px;
g.future rect,
.branches rect.future {
fill: <?php echo $params->get('future_color', '#000'); ?>;
g.eol rect,
.branches rect.eol {
fill: <?php echo $params->get('end_of_life_color', '#f33'); ?>;
g.eol text {
fill: <?php echo $params->get('end_of_life_text_color', '#fff'); ?>;
} rect,
.branches {
fill: <?php echo $params->get('security_color', '#f93'); ?>;
g.stable rect,
.branches rect.stable {
fill: <?php echo $params->get('stable_color', '#9c9'); ?>;
.branch-labels text {
dominant-baseline: central;
text-anchor: middle;
.today line {
stroke: <?php echo $params->get('today_line_color', '#f33'); ?>;
stroke-dasharray: 7, 7;
stroke-width: 3px;
.today text {
fill: <?php echo $params->get('today_text_color', '#f33'); ?>;
text-anchor: middle;
.years line {
stroke: <?php echo $params->get('years_line_color', '#000'); ?>;
.years text {
fill: <?php echo $params->get('years_text_color', '#000'); ?>;
text-anchor: middle;
<!-- Branch labels -->
<g class="branch-labels">
<?php foreach ($branches as $branch): ?>
<g class="<?php echo $helper->state($branch); ?>">
<rect x="0" y="<?php echo $branch->top; ?>" width="<?php echo 0.5 * $params->get('margin_left', 80); ?>"
height="<?php echo $params->get('branch_height', 30); ?>"/>
<text x="<?php echo 0.25 * $params->get('margin_left', 80); ?>" y="<?php echo $branch->top + (0.5 * $params->get('branch_height', 30)); ?>">
<?php echo htmlspecialchars($branch->version); ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<!-- Branch blocks -->
<g class="branches">
<?php foreach ($branches as $branch): ?>
$x_release = $helper->coordinates(new DateTime($branch->start));
$x_eol = $helper->coordinates(new DateTime($branch->end));
$x_security = (empty($branch->security)) ? $x_eol : $helper->coordinates(new DateTime($branch->security));
<rect class="stable" x="<?php echo $x_release; ?>" y="<?php echo $branch->top; ?>"
width="<?php echo $x_security - $x_release; ?>" height="<?php echo $params->get('branch_height', 30); ?>"/>
<rect class="security" x="<?php echo $x_security; ?>" y="<?php echo $branch->top; ?>"
width="<?php echo $x_eol - $x_security; ?>" height="<?php echo $params->get('branch_height', 30); ?>"/>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<!-- Year lines -->
<g class="years">
<?php foreach ($helper->years() as $date): ?>
<line x1="<?php echo $helper->coordinates($date); ?>" y1="<?php echo $params->get('header_height', 24); ?>"
x2="<?php echo $helper->coordinates($date); ?>"
y2="<?php echo $params->get('header_height', 24) + ($qty * $params->get('branch_height', 30)); ?>"/>
<text x="<?php echo $helper->coordinates($date) ;?>" y="<?php echo 0.8 * $params->get('header_height', 24); ?>">
<?php echo $date->format('j M Y'); ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<!-- Today -->
<g class="today">
$now = new DateTime;
$x = $helper->coordinates($now);
<line x1="<?php echo $x; ?>" y1="<?php echo $params->get('header_height', 24); ?>" x2="<?php echo $x; ?>"
y2="<?php echo $params->get('header_height', 24) + ($qty * $params->get('branch_height', 30)); ?>"/>
<text x="<?php echo $x; ?>"
y="<?php echo $params->get('header_height', 24) + ($qty * $params->get('branch_height', 30)) + (0.8 * $params->get('footer_height', 24)); ?>">
<?php echo 'Today: ' . $now->format('j M Y'); ?>