/** * Create a completion using the OpenAI API. * API Ref: https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/completions * * @param string $model The ID of the model to use. * @param string|array $prompt The prompt(s) to generate completions for. * @param int|null $maxTokens The maximum number of tokens to generate (optional). * @param float|null $temperature The sampling temperature to use (optional). * @param string $suffix The suffix that comes after a completion of inserted text. (optional). * @param float|null $topP The top_p value for nucleus sampling (optional). * @param int|null $n How many completions to generate (optional). * @param bool|null $stream Whether to stream back partial progress (optional). * @param int|null $logprobs Include the log probabilities on the most likely tokens (optional). * @param bool|null $echo Echo back the prompt in addition to the completion (optional). * @param string|null $stop Up to 4 sequences where the API will stop generating (optional). * @param float|null $presencePenalty The presence penalty to use (optional). * @param float|null $frequencyPenalty The frequency penalty to use (optional). * @param int|null $bestOf Generates best_of completions server-side (optional). * @param array|null $logitBias Modify the likelihood of specified tokens (optional). * @param string|null $user A unique identifier representing your end-user (optional). * * @return object|null * @since 3.2.0 **/ public function create( string $model, $prompt, ?int $maxTokens = null, ?string $suffix = null, ?float $temperature = null, ?float $topP = null, ?int $n = null, ?bool $stream = null, ?int $logprobs = null, ?bool $echo = null, $stop = null, ?float $presencePenalty = null, ?float $frequencyPenalty = null, ?int $bestOf = null, ?array $logitBias = null, ?string $user = null ): ?object { // Build the request path. $path = "/completions"; // Set the completion data. $data = new \stdClass(); $data->model = $model; $data->prompt = $prompt; if ($maxTokens !== null) { $data->max_tokens = $maxTokens; } if ($temperature !== null) { $data->temperature = $temperature; } if ($suffix !== null) { $data->suffix = $suffix; } if ($topP !== null) { $data->top_p = $topP; } if ($n !== null) { $data->n = $n; } if ($stream !== null) { $data->stream = $stream; } if ($logprobs !== null) { $data->logprobs = $logprobs; } if ($echo !== null) { $data->echo = $echo; } if ($stop !== null) { $data->stop = $stop; } if ($presencePenalty !== null) { $data->presence_penalty = $presencePenalty; } if ($frequencyPenalty !== null) { $data->frequency_penalty = $frequencyPenalty; } if ($bestOf !== null) { $data->best_of = $bestOf; } if ($logitBias !== null) { $data->logit_bias = new \stdClass(); foreach ($logitBias as $key => $val) { $data->logit_bias->$key = $val; } } if ($user !== null) { $data->user = $user; } // Send the post request. return $this->response->get( $this->http->post( $this->uri->get($path), json_encode($data) ) ); }