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class Chat (Details)

namespace: VDM\Joomla\Openai

class Chat  #Gold {
  + create(string $model, array $messages, ...) : ?object

note right of Chat::create
  Create a chat completion with the OpenAI API.
API Ref:
Each item in the array is an object with the following:
- role (string) Required
The role of the author of this message.
One of system, user, or assistant.
- content (string) Required
The contents of the message.
- name (string) Optional
The name of the author of this message.
May contain a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and underscores,
with a maximum length of 64 characters.

  since: 3.2.0
  return: ?object
    string $model
    array $messages
    ?int $maxTokens = null
    ?float $temperature = null
    ?float $topP = null
    ?int $n = null
    ?bool $stream = null
    mixed|null $stop = null
    ?float $presencePenalty = null
    ?float $frequencyPenalty = null
    ?array $logitBias = null
    ?string $user = null
end note

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