; Copyright (C) 2011 - 2012 Ian MacLennan, Copyright (C) 2013 - 2018 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
; License GNU General Public License version 2 or later
; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8
COM_PATCHTESTER="Joomla! Patch Tester"
COM_PATCHTESTER_API_LIMIT_ACTION="S'ha arribat a la tassa límit de la API de Github per a aquest recurs, no s'ha pogut connectar a Github per a dur a terme l'acció sol·licitada. El límit es restablirà a %s"
COM_PATCHTESTER_API_LIMIT_LIST="S'ha arribat a la tassa límit de la API de Github per a aquest recurs, no s'ha pogut connectar a Github per a obtenir dades actualitzades. El límit es restablirà a %s"
COM_PATCHTESTER_CONFIRM_RESET="El restabliment intentarà revertir tots els pedaços aplicats i eliminar tots els fitxers de seguretat. Això pot provocar un entorn corrupte. Esteu segur que voleu continuar?"
COM_PATCHTESTER_CONFLICT_S="El pedaç no ha pogut ser aplicat perquè entra en conflicte amb un altre pedaç aplicat prèviament: %s"
COM_PATCHTESTER_COULD_NOT_CONNECT_TO_GITHUB="No s'ha pogut connectar a GitHub: %s"
COM_PATCHTESTER_ERROR_APPLIED_PATCHES="No es poden recuperar dades des de GitHub mentre hi hagin pedaços aplicats. Si us plau, reverteixi els pedaços abans de continuar."
COM_PATCHTESTER_ERROR_CANNOT_COPY_FILE="No es por copiar l'arxiu font %1$s a la destinació %2$s"
COM_PATCHTESTER_ERROR_CANNOT_DELETE_FILE="No es pot eliminar l'arxiu %s"
COM_PATCHTESTER_ERROR_CANNOT_WRITE_FILE="No es pot escriure l'arxiu %s"
COM_PATCHTESTER_ERROR_GITHUB_FETCH="Error al recuperar els pull requests des de GitHub: %s"
COM_PATCHTESTER_ERROR_INSERT_DATABASE="Error a l'insertar les dades de pull requests a la base de dades: %s"
COM_PATCHTESTER_ERROR_MODEL_NOT_FOUND="No s'ha trobat la classe Model %s."
COM_PATCHTESTER_ERROR_READING_DATABASE_TABLE="%1$s - Error al recuperar les dades de la taula (%2$s)"
COM_PATCHTESTER_ERROR_TRUNCATING_PULLS_TABLE="Error al truncar la taula de pulls: %s"
COM_PATCHTESTER_ERROR_TRUNCATING_TESTS_TABLE="Error al truncar la taula de proves: %s"
COM_PATCHTESTER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_ENCODING="Els fitxers del pedaç están codificats en un format no soportat."
COM_PATCHTESTER_ERROR_VIEW_NOT_FOUND="No s'ha trobat la vista [nom, format]:%1$s, %2$s"
COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELD_GH_TOKEN_DESC="Use this field to input a GitHub API Token in place of your username and password. Note that this is required if your account has Two Factor Authentication enabled."
COM_PATCHTESTER_NO_CREDENTIALS="You have not entered your GitHub API token in the Options. This will limit you to only 60 requests to the GitHub API per hour. Configuring authentication via an API token will allow 5,000 requests per hour."
COM_PATCHTESTER_NO_FILES_TO_PATCH="There are no files to patch from this pull request. This may mean that the files in the pull request are not present in your installation."
COM_PATCHTESTER_NO_ITEMS="No data has been retrieved from GitHub, please click the 'Fetch Data' button in the toolbar to retrieve the open pull requests."
COM_PATCHTESTER_RESET_HAS_ERRORS="The reset process has completed however it encountered errors. Please remove any .txt files in the '%1$s' directory and truncate the '%2$s' database table."
COM_PATCHTESTER_RESET_OK="The reset process has completed successfully."
COM_PATCHTESTER_SERVER_RESPONDED_NOT_200="The patch could not be applied either due to a missing connection to the server or a missing patch on the server."