minimumJoomla = '3.8'; $this->minimumPhp = JOOMLA_MINIMUM_PHP; $this->deleteFiles = array( '/administrator/components/com_patchtester/PatchTester/View/Pulls/tmpl/default_errors.php', '/administrator/templates/hathor/html/com_patchtester/pulls/default.php', '/administrator/templates/hathor/html/com_patchtester/pulls/default_items.php', ); $this->deleteFolders = array( '/administrator/components/com_patchtester/PatchTester/Table', '/administrator/templates/hathor/html/com_patchtester/pulls', '/administrator/templates/hathor/html/com_patchtester', '/components/com_patchtester', ); } /** * Function to perform changes during install * * @param ComponentAdapter $parent The class calling this method * * @return void * * @since 2.0 */ public function install($parent) { $this->copyLayouts(); } /** * Function to perform changes during update * * @param ComponentAdapter $parent The class calling this method * * @return void * * @since 2.0 */ public function update($parent) { $this->copyLayouts(); } /** * Function to perform changes during uninstall * * @param ComponentAdapter $parent The class calling this method * * @return void * * @since 2.0 */ public function uninstall($parent) { jimport('joomla.filesystem.folder'); // Initialize the error array $errorTemplates = array(); // Loop the supported templates foreach ($this->templateOverrides as $template) { // Set the file paths $tmplRoot = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/templates/' . $template; $overrideFolder = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/templates/' . $template . '/html/com_patchtester'; // Make sure the template is actually installed if (is_dir($tmplRoot)) { // If there's a failure in copying the overrides, log it to the error array if (!JFolder::delete($overrideFolder)) { $errorTemplates[] = ucfirst($template); } } } // If we couldn't remove any overrides, notify the user if (count($errorTemplates) > 0) { Factory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('COM_PATCHTESTER_COULD_NOT_REMOVE_OVERRIDES', implode(', ', $errorTemplates))); } } /** * Function to perform changes during postflight * * @param string $type The action being performed * @param ComponentAdapter $parent The class calling this method * * @return void * * @since 3.0.0 */ public function postflight($type, $parent) { $this->removeFiles(); } /** * Function to copy layout overrides for core templates at install or update * * @return void * * @since 2.0 */ private function copyLayouts() { jimport('joomla.filesystem.folder'); // Initialize the error array $errorTemplates = array(); // Loop the supported templates foreach ($this->templateOverrides as $template) { // Set the file paths $source = __DIR__ . '/' . $template; $tmplRoot = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/templates/' . $template; $destination = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/templates/' . $template . '/html/com_patchtester'; // Make sure the template is actually installed if (is_dir($tmplRoot)) { // If there's a failure in copying the overrides, log it to the error array try { if (!JFolder::copy($source, $destination, '', true)) { $errorTemplates[] = ucfirst($template); } } catch (RuntimeException $exception) { $errorTemplates[] = ucfirst($template); } } } // If we couldn't remove any overrides, notify the user if (count($errorTemplates) > 0) { Factory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('COM_PATCHTESTER_COULD_NOT_INSTALL_OVERRIDES', implode(', ', $errorTemplates))); } } }