; Joomla! Project ; Copyright (C) 2011 - 2012 Ian MacLennan, Copyright (C) 2013 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved. ; License GNU General Public License version 2 or later ; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 COM_PATCHTESTER="Joomla! Patch Tester" COM_PATCHTESTER_API_LIMIT_ACTION="The GitHub API rate limit has been reached for this resource, could not connect to GitHub to perform the requested action. The rate limit will reset at %s" COM_PATCHTESTER_API_LIMIT_LIST="The GitHub API rate limit has been reached for this resource, could not connect to GitHub for updated data. The rate limit will reset at %s" COM_PATCHTESTER_APPLIED="Applied" COM_PATCHTESTER_APPLY_OK="Patch successfully applied" COM_PATCHTESTER_APPLY_PATCH="Apply Patch" COM_PATCHTESTER_COMPONENT_DESC="Joomla! Patch Tester Configuration Values" COM_PATCHTESTER_COMPONENT_LABEL="Joomla! Patch Tester" COM_PATCHTESTER_CONFIGURATION="Joomla! Patch Tester Settings" COM_PATCHTESTER_CONFLICT_S="The patch could not be applied because it conflicts with a previously applied patch: %s" COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELD_CACHE_DESC="Enabling caching will save the GitHub data locally for the specified time" COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELD_CACHE_LABEL="Enable Caching" COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELD_CACHE_LIFETIME_DESC="The amount of time (in minutes) before the cache is reset" COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELD_CACHE_LIFETIME_LABEL="Cache Lifetime" COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELD_GH_PASSWORD_LABEL="GitHub Account Password" COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELD_GH_PASSWORD_DESC="Password for the account entered in the "_QQ_"GitHub Account"_QQ_" field. Note that accounts using Two Factor Authentication will not work with this component." COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELD_GH_USER_LABEL="GitHub Account" COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELD_GH_USER_DESC="Name of account on GitHub of which to authenticate to the API with" COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELD_ORG_LABEL="GitHub Username" COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELD_ORG_DESC="Name of account on GitHub of which to monitor pull requests" COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELD_REPO_LABEL="GitHub Repository" COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELD_REPO_DESC="Name of repository on GitHub of which to monitor pull requests" COM_PATCHTESTER_FILE_DELETED_DOES_NOT_EXIST_S="The file marked for deletion does not exist: %s" COM_PATCHTESTER_FILE_MODIFIED_DOES_NOT_EXIST_S="The file marked for modification does not exist: %s" COM_PATCHTESTER_JOOMLACODE_ISSUE="Joomlacode Issue" COM_PATCHTESTER_PULL_ID="Pull ID" COM_PATCHTESTER_NO_CREDENTIALS="No user credentials are saved, this will allow only 60 requests to the GitHub API per hour. Saving user credentials will allow 5,000 requests per hour." COM_PATCHTESTER_NOT_APPLIED="Not Applied" COM_PATCHTESTER_OPEN_IN_GITHUB="Open in GitHub" COM_PATCHTESTER_OPEN_IN_JOOMLACODE="Open in JoomlaCode" COM_PATCHTESTER_PURGE_CACHE="Purge Cache" COM_PATCHTESTER_PURGE_FAIL="Purge operation not completed successfully, %s files not removed." COM_PATCHTESTER_PURGE_FAIL_1="Purge operation not completed successfully, %s file not removed." COM_PATCHTESTER_PURGE_NA="No cache files to remove." COM_PATCHTESTER_PURGE_SUCCESS="Purge operation completed successfully, %s files removed." COM_PATCHTESTER_PURGE_SUCCESS_1="Purge operation completed successfully, %s file removed." COM_PATCHTESTER_REPO_IS_GONE="The patch could not be applied because the repository is missing" COM_PATCHTESTER_REVERT_OK="Patch successfully reverted" COM_PATCHTESTER_REVERT_PATCH="Revert Patch" COM_PATCHTESTER_SEARCH_IN_PULL_ID="Pull ID" COM_PATCHTESTER_SEARCH_IN_TITLE="Pull title" COM_PATCHTESTER_TEST_THIS_PATCH="Test This Patch"