; Joomla! Project ; Copyright (C) 2011 - 2012 Ian MacLennan, Copyright (C) 2013 - 2018 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved. ; License GNU General Public License version 2 or later ; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 COM_PATCHTESTER="آزمایش‌کننده وصله جوملا!" COM_PATCHTESTER_40_WARNING="While Joomla! 4.0 is in development, using the patch tester is considered experimental since breaking changes may be merged into Joomla, including the code contained in a patch." COM_PATCHTESTER_API_LIMIT_ACTION="The GitHub API rate limit has been reached for this resource, could not connect to GitHub to perform the requested action. The rate limit will reset at %s" COM_PATCHTESTER_API_LIMIT_LIST="The GitHub API rate limit has been reached for this resource, could not connect to GitHub for updated data. The rate limit will reset at %s" COM_PATCHTESTER_APPLIED="اعمال شد" COM_PATCHTESTER_APPLIED_COMMIT_SHA="Applied Commit SHA: %s" COM_PATCHTESTER_APPLY_OK="وصله با موفقیت اعمال شد" COM_PATCHTESTER_APPLY_PATCH="اعمال وصله" COM_PATCHTESTER_BRANCH="Branch" COM_PATCHTESTER_CONFIGURATION="تنظیمات آزمایش‌کننده وصله جوملا" COM_PATCHTESTER_CONFIRM_RESET="Resetting will attempt to revert all applied patches and remove all backed up files. This may result in a corrupted environment. Are you sure you want to continue?" COM_PATCHTESTER_CONFLICT_S="The patch could not be applied because it conflicts with a previously applied patch: %s" COM_PATCHTESTER_COULD_NOT_CONNECT_TO_GITHUB="Could not connect to GitHub: %s" COM_PATCHTESTER_ERROR_APPLIED_PATCHES="Cannot fetch data from GitHub while there are applied patches. Please revert those patches before continuing." COM_PATCHTESTER_ERROR_CANNOT_COPY_FILE="Cannot copy source file %1$s to destination %2$s" COM_PATCHTESTER_ERROR_CANNOT_DELETE_FILE="عدم توانایی در حذف فایل %s" COM_PATCHTESTER_ERROR_CANNOT_WRITE_FILE="عدم توانایی در نوشتن فایل %s" COM_PATCHTESTER_ERROR_GITHUB_FETCH="Error retrieving pull requests from GitHub: %s" COM_PATCHTESTER_ERROR_INSERT_DATABASE="Error inserting pull request data into the database: %s" COM_PATCHTESTER_ERROR_MODEL_NOT_FOUND="Model class %s not found." COM_PATCHTESTER_ERROR_READING_DATABASE_TABLE="%1$s - Error retrieving table data (%2$s)" COM_PATCHTESTER_ERROR_TRUNCATING_PULLS_TABLE="Error truncating the pulls table: %s" COM_PATCHTESTER_ERROR_TRUNCATING_TESTS_TABLE="Error truncating the tests table: %s" COM_PATCHTESTER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_ENCODING="The patch's files are encoded in an unsupported format." COM_PATCHTESTER_ERROR_VIEW_NOT_FOUND="View not found [name, format]: %1$s, %2$s" COM_PATCHTESTER_FAILED_APPLYING_PATCH="Patch could not be applied due to exception with %1$s. %2$s" COM_PATCHTESTER_FAILED_REVERT_PATCH="Patch could not be reverted due to exception with %1$s. %2$s" COM_PATCHTESTER_FETCH_AN_ERROR_HAS_OCCURRED="An error has occurred while fetching the data from GitHub." COM_PATCHTESTER_FETCH_COMPLETE_CLOSE_WINDOW="All data has been retrieved. Please close this modal window to refresh the page." COM_PATCHTESTER_FETCH_INITIALIZING="Preparing to fetch GitHub data" COM_PATCHTESTER_FETCH_INITIALIZING_DESCRIPTION="Making sure all is well to fetch data. Sit tight." COM_PATCHTESTER_FETCH_PAGE_NUMBER="Processing page %s of GitHub data" COM_PATCHTESTER_FETCH_PAGE_NUMBER_OF_TOTAL="Processing page %1$s of %2$s pages of GitHub data" COM_PATCHTESTER_FETCH_PROCESSING="Processing data from GitHub" COM_PATCHTESTER_FETCH_SUCCESSFUL="Successfully retrieved pull requests" COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELD_CI_SERVER_NAME="آدرس سرور CI" COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELD_CI_SERVER_NAME_DESC="Server address for compiled patches." COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELD_CI_SERVER_SWITCH="Switch CI Integration" COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELD_CI_SERVER_SWITCH_DESC="Turn CI integration on or off." COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELD_CI_SERVER_SWITCH_OPTION_OFF="خاموش" COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELD_CI_SERVER_SWITCH_OPTION_ON="روشن" COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELD_GH_AUTH_DESC="Select 'Token' for a GitHub API Token" COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELD_GH_AUTH_LABEL="GitHub Authentication Method" COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELD_GH_AUTH_OPTION_TOKEN="کلید" COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELD_GH_TOKEN_DESC="Use this field to input a GitHub API Token in place of your username and password. Note that this is required if your account has Two Factor Authentication enabled." COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELD_GH_TOKEN_LABEL="کلید گیت‌هاب" COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELD_ORG_DESC="A username or organisation on GitHub to monitor pull requests for." COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELD_ORG_LABEL="مالک سفارشی پروژه" COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELD_REPO_DESC="Name of a repository on GitHub to monitor pull requests for." COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELD_REPO_LABEL="Custom Project Repository" COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELD_REPOSITORY_CUSTOM="Custom" COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELD_REPOSITORY_DESC="Available Joomla! repositories. Select to autopopulate the organisation and repository fields values." COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELD_REPOSITORY_LABEL="GitHub Repository" COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELD_REPOSITORY_OPTION_INSTALL_FROM_WEB="Joomla! Install From Web Plugin" COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELD_REPOSITORY_OPTION_JOOMLA_CMS="Joomla! CMS" COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELD_REPOSITORY_OPTION_PATCHTESTER="Joomla! Patch Tester Component" COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELD_REPOSITORY_OPTION_WEBLINKS="Joomla! Weblinks Package" COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELDSET_AUTHENTICATION_DESC="Configuration Values for GitHub Authentication" COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELDSET_AUTHENTICATION_LABEL="GitHub Authentication" COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELDSET_CI_SETTINGS="CI Server Settings" COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELDSET_CI_SETTINGS_DESC="Configuration Values for CI Server Patching" COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELDSET_REPOSITORIES_DESC="Configuration Values for GitHub Repository" COM_PATCHTESTER_FIELDSET_REPOSITORIES_LABEL="GitHub Repository" COM_PATCHTESTER_FILE_DELETED_DOES_NOT_EXIST_S="The file marked for deletion does not exist: %s" COM_PATCHTESTER_FILE_MODIFIED_DOES_NOT_EXIST_S="The file marked for modification does not exist: %s" COM_PATCHTESTER_FILTER_APPLIED_PATCHES="Filter Applied Patches" COM_PATCHTESTER_FILTER_BRANCH="Filter Target Branch" COM_PATCHTESTER_FILTER_LABEL="Filter Label" COM_PATCHTESTER_FILTER_NPM_PATCHES="Filter NPM Patches" COM_PATCHTESTER_FILTER_RTC_PATCHES="Filter RTC Patches" COM_PATCHTESTER_FILTER_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION="Search the list by title or prefix with 'id:' to search by Pull ID." COM_PATCHTESTER_GITHUB="GitHub" COM_PATCHTESTER_HEADING_FETCH_DATA="Fetching GitHub Data" COM_PATCHTESTER_JISSUE="J! Issue" COM_PATCHTESTER_JISSUES="پیگیری مشکلات" COM_PATCHTESTER_NO_CREDENTIALS="You have not entered your GitHub API token in the Options. This will limit you to only 60 requests to the GitHub API per hour. Configuring authentication via an API token will allow 5,000 requests per hour." COM_PATCHTESTER_NO_FILES_TO_PATCH="There are no files to patch from this pull request. This may mean that the files in the pull request are not present in your installation." COM_PATCHTESTER_NO_ITEMS="No data has been retrieved from GitHub, please click the 'Fetch Data' button in the toolbar to retrieve the open pull requests." COM_PATCHTESTER_NOT_APPLIED="Not Applied" COM_PATCHTESTER_NOT_NPM="Not NPM" COM_PATCHTESTER_NOT_RTC="Not RTC" COM_PATCHTESTER_NPM="NPM" COM_PATCHTESTER_PATCH_BREAKS_SITE="The patch could not be applied because it would break the site. Check the pull request to see if it is up-to-date." COM_PATCHTESTER_PULL_ID="Pull ID" COM_PATCHTESTER_PULL_ID_ASC="Pull ID ascending" COM_PATCHTESTER_PULL_ID_DESC="Pull ID descending" COM_PATCHTESTER_PULLS_TABLE_CAPTION="Table of Pull Requests" COM_PATCHTESTER_READY_TO_COMMIT="Ready to Commit" COM_PATCHTESTER_REPO_IS_GONE="The patch could not be applied because the repository is missing" COM_PATCHTESTER_REQUIREMENT_HTTPS="HTTPS wrappers must be enabled" COM_PATCHTESTER_REQUIREMENT_OPENSSL="The OpenSSL extension must be installed and enabled in your php.ini" COM_PATCHTESTER_REQUIREMENTS_HEADING="Requirements Not Met" COM_PATCHTESTER_REQUIREMENTS_NOT_MET="Your system does not meet the requirements to run the Patch Tester component:" COM_PATCHTESTER_RESET_HAS_ERRORS="The reset process has completed however it encountered errors. Please remove any .txt files in the '%1$s' directory and truncate the '%2$s' database table." COM_PATCHTESTER_RESET_OK="The reset process has completed successfully." COM_PATCHTESTER_REVERT_OK="Patch successfully reverted" COM_PATCHTESTER_REVERT_PATCH="Revert Patch" COM_PATCHTESTER_RTC="RTC" COM_PATCHTESTER_SERVER_RESPONDED_NOT_200="The patch could not be applied either due to a missing connection to the server or a missing patch on the server." COM_PATCHTESTER_TEST_THIS_PATCH="Test This Patch" COM_PATCHTESTER_TOOLBAR_FETCH_DATA="Fetch Data" COM_PATCHTESTER_TOOLBAR_RESET="Reset" COM_PATCHTESTER_VIEW_ON_GITHUB="View on GitHub" COM_PATCHTESTER_VIEW_ON_JOOMLA_ISSUE_TRACKER="View on Joomla! Issue Tracker" COM_PATCHTESTER_XML_DESCRIPTION="کامپوننت برای آزمایش مدیریت درخواست نظرسنجی است" COM_PATCHTESTER_ZIP_DOES_NOT_EXIST="The patch could not be applied because it couldn't be retrieved from server." COM_PATCHTESTER_ZIP_EXTRACT_FAILED="The patch could not be applied because it couldn't be extracted."