mirror of https://github.com/joomla-extensions/patchtester.git synced 2024-06-02 05:30:48 +00:00

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* Patch testing component for the Joomla! CMS
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2011 - 2012 Ian MacLennan, Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later
/** @var \PatchTester\View\DefaultHtmlView $this */
foreach ($this->items as $i => $item) :
$status = '';
if ($item->applied) :
$status = ' class="success"';
<tr<?php echo $status; ?>>
<td class="center">
<?php echo $item->pull_id; ?>
<span class="hasTooltip" title="<strong>Info</strong><br/><?php echo $this->escape($item->description); ?>"><?php echo $this->escape($item->title); ?></span>
<?php echo substr($item->sha, 0, 10); ?>
<td class="center">
<a class="btn btn-small btn-info" href="<?php echo $item->pull_url; ?>" target="_blank">
<span class="octicon octicon-mark-github"></span> <?php echo \JText::_('COM_PATCHTESTER_GITHUB'); ?>
<td class="center">
<a class="btn btn-small btn-warning" href="https://issues.joomla.org/tracker/joomla-cms/<?php echo $item->pull_id; ?>" target="_blank">
<i class="icon-joomla"></i> <?php echo \JText::_('COM_PATCHTESTER_JISSUE'); ?>
<td class="center">
<?php if ($item->applied) : ?>
<span class="label label-success">
<?php echo \JText::_('COM_PATCHTESTER_APPLIED'); ?>
<?php else : ?>
<span class="label">
<?php echo \JText::_('COM_PATCHTESTER_NOT_APPLIED'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<td class="center">
<?php if ($item->applied) :
echo '<a class="btn btn-small btn-success" href="javascript:PatchTester.submitpatch(\'revert\', ' . (int) $item->applied . ');">' . \JText::_('COM_PATCHTESTER_REVERT_PATCH') . '</a>';
else :
echo '<a class="btn btn-small btn-primary" href="javascript:PatchTester.submitpatch(\'apply\', ' . (int) $item->pull_id . ');">' . \JText::_('COM_PATCHTESTER_APPLY_PATCH') . '</a>';
endif; ?>
<?php endforeach;