PLG_CONTENT_COMPONENTBUILDERLANGUAGETABS="Content - Componentbuilder Language Tabs" PLG_CONTENT_COMPONENTBUILDERLANGUAGETABS_DESCRIPTION="This plugin is used to link your components to the language packaging and extending options, so you can set all the required details for the integration." PLG_CONTENT_COMPONENTBUILDERLANGUAGETABS_XML_DESCRIPTION="

Content - Componentbuilder Language Tabs (v.1.0.2)

This plugin is used to link your components to the language packaging and extending options, so you can set all the required details for the integration.

Created by Llewellyn van der Merwe
Development started 19th March, 2020


Adding all your translations to your component can increase its size dramatically, so now you are able to move each extra language translation to its own installing package, leaving just your main language in the component.

Please note that this is only relevant if you actually have added extra translations to your component in the Language Translations area of JCB.

" PLG_CONTENT_COMPONENTBUILDERLANGUAGETABS_ACTIVATE_LABEL="Activate" PLG_CONTENT_COMPONENTBUILDERLANGUAGETABS_ACTIVATE_DESCRIPTION="Turn on the integration." PLG_CONTENT_COMPONENTBUILDERLANGUAGETABS_YES="Yes" PLG_CONTENT_COMPONENTBUILDERLANGUAGETABS_NO="No" PLG_CONTENT_COMPONENTBUILDERLANGUAGETABS_USE_PERCENTAGELANGUAGEADD_LABEL="Add Language Settings" PLG_CONTENT_COMPONENTBUILDERLANGUAGETABS_USE_PERCENTAGELANGUAGEADD_DESCRIPTION="Select what option should be used" PLG_CONTENT_COMPONENTBUILDERLANGUAGETABS_GLOBAL="Global" PLG_CONTENT_COMPONENTBUILDERLANGUAGETABS_LOCAL="Local" PLG_CONTENT_COMPONENTBUILDERLANGUAGETABS_PERCENTAGELANGUAGEADD_LABEL="Add Language if %? ready." PLG_CONTENT_COMPONENTBUILDERLANGUAGETABS_PERCENTAGELANGUAGEADD_DESCRIPTION="Select percentage any language should be translated before the system should add the language to the component during compilation." PLG_CONTENT_COMPONENTBUILDERLANGUAGETABS_NOTE_LANGUAGES_KEEP_LABEL="Do want to keep some languages in your component?" PLG_CONTENT_COMPONENTBUILDERLANGUAGETABS_NOTE_LANGUAGES_KEEP_DESCRIPTION="The JCB system main language will always be kept in your component. Select any of the other languages you would like to keep in your component. They will then be excluded from this language packaging option. (or leave blank for none)" PLG_CONTENT_COMPONENTBUILDERLANGUAGETABS_LANGUAGES_LABEL="Languages" PLG_CONTENT_COMPONENTBUILDERLANGUAGETABS_LANGUAGES_DESCRIPTION="The JCB system main language will always be kept in your component. Select any of the other languages you would like to keep in your component. They will then be excluded from this language packaging option. (or leave blank for none)"