<?php /** * @package Joomla.Component.Builder * * @created 30th April, 2015 * @author Llewellyn van der Merwe <https://dev.vdm.io> * @git Joomla Component Builder <https://git.vdm.dev/joomla/Component-Builder> * @copyright Copyright (C) 2015 Vast Development Method. All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ // No direct access to this file defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); use Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication; use Joomla\CMS\Plugin\CMSPlugin; use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Factory; use VDM\Joomla\Utilities\ArrayHelper; use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Utilities\Indent; use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Utilities\Line; /** * Extension - Componentbuilder Export Compiler plugin. * * @package ComponentbuilderExportCompiler * @since 2.0.0 */ class PlgExtensionComponentbuilderExportCompiler extends CMSPlugin { /** * Application object * * @var CMSApplication * @since 1.0.0 */ protected $app; /** * Affects constructor behavior. If true, language files will be loaded automatically. * * @var boolean * @since 1.0.0 */ protected $autoloadLanguage = true; /** * The language string builder * * @var array */ protected $languageArray = []; /* * The Export Text Only switch * * @var int */ protected $exportTextOnly = 0; /* * The Strict Field Export Permissions switch * * @var bool */ protected $strictFieldExportPermissions = false; /** * Event Triggered in the compiler [on Before Get Component Data] * * @return void * * @since 1.0 */ public function jcb_ce_onAfterGetComponentData() { if ($this->exportTextOnly && $this->componentActive()) { // activate export text only Factory::_('Config')->set('export_text_only', (int) $this->exportTextOnly); // activate strict_permission_per_field if set in plugin (default true) Factory::_('Config')->set('permission_strict_per_field', (bool) $this->strictFieldExportPermissions); } } /** * Event Triggered in the compiler [on After Model Component Data] * * @return void * * @since 1.0 */ public function jcb_ce_onAfterModelComponentData(&$component) { // check if we have export for any view if ($this->componentActive()) { // set the export/import option if (isset($component->admin_views) && ArrayHelper::check($component->admin_views)) { foreach ($component->admin_views as $view) { if (!$this->exportTextOnly && (isset($view['port']) && $view['port'] || 1 == $view['settings']->add_custom_import)) { $this->exportTextOnly = 1; $this->strictFieldExportPermissions = (bool) $this->params->get('strict_permission_per_field', 1); } } } } } /** * Event Triggered in the compiler [on Before Set Lang File Data] * * @return void * * @since 1.0 */ public function jcb_ce_onBeforeSetLangFileData() { if ($this->exportTextOnly && $this->componentActive() && ArrayHelper::check($this->languageArray)) { foreach($this->languageArray as $key => $string) { Factory::_('Language')->set('adminsys', $key, $string); } } } /** * Event Triggered in the compiler [on Before Set Config Field sets] * * @return void * * @since 1.0 */ public function jcb_ce_onBeforeSetConfigFieldsets(&$timer) { // only add fields after second time if ($this->exportTextOnly && $this->componentActive() && $timer == 2) { // main lang prefix $lang = Factory::_('Config')->lang_prefix . '_CONFIG'; // start building field set for config Factory::_('Compiler.Builder.Config.Fieldsets')->add('component', Indent::_(1) . "<fieldset"); Factory::_('Compiler.Builder.Config.Fieldsets')->add('component', Indent::_(2) . 'name="export_text_only_config"'); Factory::_('Compiler.Builder.Config.Fieldsets')->add('component', Indent::_(2) . 'label="' . $lang . '_EXPORT_TEXT_ONLY_TAB_LABEL"'); Factory::_('Compiler.Builder.Config.Fieldsets')->add('component', Indent::_(2) . 'description="' . $lang . '_EXPORT_TEXT_ONLY_TAB_DESCRIPTION">'); // setup lang $this->languageArray[$lang . '_EXPORT_TEXT_ONLY_TAB_LABEL'] = "Export Options"; $this->languageArray[$lang . '_EXPORT_TEXT_ONLY_TAB_DESCRIPTION'] = "Here are some extra option to adjust the export behaviour of admin views."; // add custom Export Options if (isset($configFieldSetsCustomField['Export Options']) && ArrayHelper::check($configFieldSetsCustomField['Export Options'])) { Factory::_('Compiler.Builder.Config.Fieldsets')->add('component', implode("", $configFieldSetsCustomField['Export Options'])); unset($configFieldSetsCustomField['Export Options']); } else { $this->languageArray[$lang . '_EXPORT_TEXT_ONLY_LABEL'] = "Export Text Only"; $this->languageArray[$lang . '_EXPORT_TEXT_ONLY_DESCRIPTION'] = "This option enables the export of string/text instead of linked IDs in all admin views that have an export option."; $this->languageArray[$lang . '_ACTIVATE'] = "Activate"; $this->languageArray[$lang . '_DEACTIVATE'] = "Deactivate"; Factory::_('Compiler.Builder.Config.Fieldsets')->add('component', PHP_EOL . Indent::_(2) . "<!--" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " Export Text Only Field. Type: Radio. (joomla) -->"); Factory::_('Compiler.Builder.Config.Fieldsets')->add('component', Indent::_(2) . "<field"); Factory::_('Compiler.Builder.Config.Fieldsets')->add('component', Indent::_(3) . "type=\"radio\""); Factory::_('Compiler.Builder.Config.Fieldsets')->add('component', Indent::_(3) . "name=\"export_text_only\""); Factory::_('Compiler.Builder.Config.Fieldsets')->add('component', Indent::_(3) . "label=\"" . $lang . "_EXPORT_TEXT_ONLY_LABEL\""); Factory::_('Compiler.Builder.Config.Fieldsets')->add('component', Indent::_(3) . "description=\"" . $lang . "_EXPORT_TEXT_ONLY_DESCRIPTION\""); Factory::_('Compiler.Builder.Config.Fieldsets')->add('component', Indent::_(3) . "class=\"btn-group btn-group-yesno\""); Factory::_('Compiler.Builder.Config.Fieldsets')->add('component', Indent::_(3) . "default=\"0\">"); Factory::_('Compiler.Builder.Config.Fieldsets')->add('component', Indent::_(3) . "<!--" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " Option Set. -->"); Factory::_('Compiler.Builder.Config.Fieldsets')->add('component', Indent::_(3) . "<option value=\"1\">"); Factory::_('Compiler.Builder.Config.Fieldsets')->add('component', Indent::_(4) . $lang . "_ACTIVATE</option>"); Factory::_('Compiler.Builder.Config.Fieldsets')->add('component', Indent::_(3) . "<option value=\"0\">"); Factory::_('Compiler.Builder.Config.Fieldsets')->add('component', Indent::_(4) . $lang . "_DEACTIVATE</option>"); Factory::_('Compiler.Builder.Config.Fieldsets')->add('component', Indent::_(2) . "</field>"); // add strict Field Export Permissions field if ($this->strictFieldExportPermissions) { $this->languageArray[$lang . '_STRICT_PERMISSION_PER_FIELD_LABEL'] = "Use Strict Permission per/field"; $this->languageArray[$lang . '_STRICT_PERMISSION_PER_FIELD_DESCRIPTION'] = "Use strict permissions per/field in the export methods where there are fields permissions in a view."; Factory::_('Compiler.Builder.Config.Fieldsets')->add('component', PHP_EOL . Indent::_(2) . "<!--" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " Strict_permission_per_field Field. Type: Radio. (joomla) -->"); Factory::_('Compiler.Builder.Config.Fieldsets')->add('component', Indent::_(2) . "<field"); Factory::_('Compiler.Builder.Config.Fieldsets')->add('component', Indent::_(3) . "type=\"radio\""); Factory::_('Compiler.Builder.Config.Fieldsets')->add('component', Indent::_(3) . "name=\"strict_permission_per_field\""); Factory::_('Compiler.Builder.Config.Fieldsets')->add('component', Indent::_(3) . "label=\"" . $lang . "_STRICT_PERMISSION_PER_FIELD_LABEL\""); Factory::_('Compiler.Builder.Config.Fieldsets')->add('component', Indent::_(3) . "description=\"" . $lang . "_STRICT_PERMISSION_PER_FIELD_DESCRIPTION\""); Factory::_('Compiler.Builder.Config.Fieldsets')->add('component', Indent::_(3) . "class=\"btn-group btn-group-yesno\""); Factory::_('Compiler.Builder.Config.Fieldsets')->add('component', Indent::_(3) . "default=\"1\">"); Factory::_('Compiler.Builder.Config.Fieldsets')->add('component', Indent::_(3) . "<!--" . Line::_(__Line__, __Class__) . " Option Set. -->"); Factory::_('Compiler.Builder.Config.Fieldsets')->add('component', Indent::_(3) . "<option value=\"1\">"); Factory::_('Compiler.Builder.Config.Fieldsets')->add('component', Indent::_(4) . $lang . "_ACTIVATE</option>"); Factory::_('Compiler.Builder.Config.Fieldsets')->add('component', Indent::_(3) . "<option value=\"0\">"); Factory::_('Compiler.Builder.Config.Fieldsets')->add('component', Indent::_(4) . $lang . "_DEACTIVATE</option>"); Factory::_('Compiler.Builder.Config.Fieldsets')->add('component', Indent::_(2) . "</field>"); } } // close that fieldset Factory::_('Compiler.Builder.Config.Fieldsets')->add('component', Indent::_(1) . "</fieldset>"); } } /** * The array of active components * * @var array */ protected $componentsActive; /** * The activate option * * @var int */ protected $activateOption = 0; /** * Set the line number in comments * * @return bool * */ protected function componentActive() { // check the active option if (!$this->activateOption) { $this->activateOption = $this->params->get('activate_option', 1); } // active for all components if ($this->activateOption == 1) { return true; } // first check is we have the active components set if ($this->activateOption == 2 && !ArrayHelper::check($this->componentsActive)) { $this->componentsActive = $this->params->get('components'); } // only check if there are active if (ArrayHelper::check($this->componentsActive)) { return in_array((int) Factory::_('Config')->component_id, $this->componentsActive); } return false; } }