first commit - v1.0.0

This commit is contained in:
Llewellyn van der Merwe 2021-10-14 16:32:09 +02:00
commit 52c3753b2c
Signed by: Llewellyn
GPG Key ID: EFC0C720A240551C
8 changed files with 909 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,793 @@
* @package Joomla.Component.Builder
* @created 30th April, 2015
* @author Llewellyn van der Merwe <http://www.joomlacomponentbuilder.com>
* @github Joomla Component Builder <https://github.com/vdm-io/Joomla-Component-Builder>
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2015 Vast Development Method. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
// No direct access to this file
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
use Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication;
use Joomla\CMS\Plugin\CMSPlugin;
JLoader::register('ComponentbuilderHelper', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_componentbuilder/helpers/componentbuilder.php');
* Extension - Componentbuilder Language Packaging plugin.
* @package ComponentbuilderLanguagePackaging
* @since 1.0.0
class PlgExtensionComponentbuilderLanguagePackaging extends CMSPlugin
* Affects constructor behavior. If true, language files will be loaded automatically.
* @var boolean
* @since 1.0.0
protected $autoloadLanguage = true;
* Database object
* @var DatabaseDriver
* @since 1.0.0
protected $db;
* Application object
* @var CMSApplication
* @since 1.0.0
protected $app;
* The percentage before a language can be added
* @var int
* @since 1.0.0
protected $percentageLanguageAdd;
* The percentage before a language can be added
* @var int
* @since 1.0.0
protected $percentageLanguageAddOveride = 200;
* The languages names
* @var array
* @since 1.0.0
protected $languageNames = array();
* The language building tracker
* @var array
* @since 1.0.0
protected $languageTracker = array();
* The languages not added that should be added
* @var array
* @since 1.0.0
protected $langNot;
* The languages added
* @var array
* @since 1.0.0
protected $langSet;
* The should the site folder be removed
* @var bool
* @since 1.0.0
protected $removeSiteFolder;
* The should the site folder be removed
* @var bool
* @since 1.0.0
protected $removeSiteEditFolder;
* The component path
* @var string
* @since 1.0.0
protected $componentPath;
* The compiler path
* @var string
* @since 1.0.0
protected $compilerPath;
* The temporal path
* @var string
* @since 1.0.0
protected $tempPath;
* The joomla version
* @var string
* @since 1.0.0
protected $joomlaVersion;
* The component version
* @var string
* @since 1.0.0
protected $component_version;
* The component name
* @var string
* @since 1.0.0
protected $componentCodeName;
* The number of files
* @var int
* @since 1.0.0
protected $fileCount;
* The number of lines
* @var bool
* @since 1.0.0
protected $lineCount;
* The hash placeholder
* @var string
* @since 1.0.0
protected $hhh = '#' . '#' . '#';
* The file content static values
* @var array
* @since 1.0.0
protected $fileContentStatic;
* The line numbers Switch
* @var boolean
* @since 1.0.0
protected $debugLinenr = false;
* The Active Components
* @var array
* @since 1.0.0
protected $activeComponents = array();
* The Active Components Names
* @var array
* @since 1.0.0
protected $activeComponentsNames = array();
* The Languages
* @var array
* @since 1.0.0
protected $languages = array();
* The Language build details
* @var array
* @since 1.0.0
protected $buildDetails = array();
* The Excluded Languages
* @var array
* @since 1.0.0
protected $excludedLang = array();
* The Active Language
* @var string
* @since 1.0.0
protected $langTag;
* Event Triggered in the compiler [on Before Model Component Data]
* @return void
* @since 1.0
public function jcb_ce_onBeforeModelComponentData(&$context, &$component)
// add the privacy
$component->params = (isset($component->params) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkJson($component->params)) ? json_decode($component->params, true) : $component->params;
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($component->params) && isset($component->params['language_options']) &&
isset($component->params['language_options']['activate']) && $component->params['language_options']['activate'] == 1)
// load the admin component details
$this->activeComponents[$component->id] = $context;
$this->activeComponentsNames[$component->id] = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($component->name_code);
$this->activeComponentsRealNames[$component->id] = $component->name;
// add excluded list of languages
if (isset($component->params['language_options']['languages']))
$this->excludedLang[$component->id] = $component->params['language_options']['languages'];
$this->excludedLang[$component->id] = array();
// now set the component add languages if we should use local (2)
if (isset($component->params['language_options']['use_percentagelanguageadd']) && $component->params['language_options']['use_percentagelanguageadd'] == 2)
$this->percentageLanguageAddOveride = $component->params['language_options']['percentagelanguageadd'];
* Event Triggered in the compiler [on After Get]
* @return void
* @since 1.0
public function jcb_ce_onAfterGet(&$context, &$compiler)
// get component id
$id = (int) filter_var($context, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
// check if there is active
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->activeComponents)
&& isset($this->activeComponents[$id])
&& $this->percentageLanguageAddOveride != 200)
$compiler->percentageLanguageAdd = $this->percentageLanguageAddOveride;
* Event Triggered in the compiler [on Before Set Lang File Data]
* @return void
* @since 1.0
public function jcb_ce_onBeforeSetLangFileData(&$context, &$compiler)
// lets map some arrays to the plugin for later use
$this->compilerPath = $compiler->compilerPath;
$this->tempPath = $compiler->tempPath;
$this->langTag = $compiler->langTag;
$this->debugLinenr = $compiler->debugLinenr;
$this->component_version = $compiler->componentData->component_version;
$this->joomlaVersion = $compiler->joomlaVersion;
$this->percentageLanguageAdd = $compiler->percentageLanguageAdd;
$this->langNot = &$compiler->langNot;
$this->langSet = &$compiler->langSet;
$this->removeSiteFolder = $compiler->removeSiteFolder;
$this->removeSiteEditFolder = $compiler->removeSiteEditFolder;
$this->componentPath = $compiler->componentPath;
$this->componentCodeName = $compiler->componentCodeName;
$this->fileCount = &$compiler->fileCount;
$this->lineCount = &$compiler->lineCount;
$this->fileContentStatic = &$compiler->fileContentStatic;
$this->hhh = $compiler->hhh;
* Event Triggered in the compiler [on Before Build Plugin Lang Files]
* @return void
* @since 1.0
public function jcb_ce_onBeforeBuildPluginLangFiles(&$context, &$plugin, &$languages, &$langTag)
// get component id
$id = (int) filter_var($context, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
// check if there is active
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->activeComponents) && isset($this->activeComponents[$id]))
// set file name
$file_name = 'plg_' . strtolower($plugin->group) . '_' . strtolower($plugin->code_name);
// extrude the languages that should not remain in the plugin
$this->extrudeLanguages($id, $languages, $langTag, $file_name, 'admin');
* Event Triggered in the compiler [on Before Build Module Lang Files]
* @return void
* @since 1.0
public function jcb_ce_onBeforeBuildModuleLangFiles(&$context, &$module, &$languages, &$langTag)
// get component id
$id = (int) filter_var($context, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
// check if there is active
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->activeComponents) && isset($this->activeComponents[$id]))
// extrude the languages that should not remain in the module
$this->extrudeLanguages($id, $languages, $langTag, $module->file_name, $module->target_client);
* Event Triggered in the compiler [on Before Build All Lang Files]
* @return void
* @since 1.0
public function jcb_ce_onBeforeBuildAllLangFiles(&$context, &$languages, &$langTag)
// get component id
$id = (int) filter_var($context, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
// check if there is active
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->activeComponents) && isset($this->activeComponents[$id]))
// set file name
$file_name = 'com_' . $this->activeComponentsNames[$id];
// extrude the languages that should not remain in the module
$this->extrudeLanguages($id, $languages, $langTag, $file_name);
// build the language packages
$this->buildLanguages($id, $langTag);
* Extruder of the languages
* @return void
* @since 1.0
protected function extrudeLanguages(&$id, &$languages, &$langTag, &$file_name, $target_client = 'both')
$mainLangLoader = array();
// check if this id was set before
if (!isset($this->languages[$id]))
$this->languages[$id] = array();
$this->buildDetails[$id] = array();
// check if this file name was set before
if (!isset($this->languages[$id][$file_name]))
$this->languages[$id][$file_name] = array();
// set all the extra languages not excluded
foreach ($languages as $key => $language)
if ($key !== $langTag && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($language) && (!isset($this->excludedLang[$id]) || !in_array($key, $this->excludedLang[$id])))
// add to our bucket
$this->languages[$id][$file_name][$key] = $language;
// remove from the JCB build
// count the area strings
if ($langTag === $key)
foreach ($language as $area => $languageStrings)
$mainLangLoader[$area] = count($languageStrings);
// store details for build
$this->buildDetails[$id][$file_name] = array($langTag => $mainLangLoader, 'target_client' => $target_client);
* Start the building of the languages packages
* @return void
protected function buildLanguages(&$id, &$langTag)
if (isset($this->languages[$id]) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->languages[$id]))
// rest xml array
$langXML = array();
$langNames = array();
$langPackages = array();
$langZIPNames = array();
$langXMLNames = array();
$versionName = $this->activeComponentsNames[$id] . '_v' . str_replace('.', '_', $this->component_version . '__J' . $this->joomlaVersion);
foreach ($this->languages[$id] as $file_name => $languages)
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($languages) && isset($this->buildDetails[$id][$file_name][$langTag]))
// get the main lang loader
$mainLangLoader = $this->buildDetails[$id][$file_name][$langTag];
// get the target client
$target_client = $this->buildDetails[$id][$file_name]['target_client'];
foreach ($languages as $tag => $areas)
// trim the tag
$tag = trim($tag);
// get language name
$langName = $this->getLanguageName($tag);
$langCodeName = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($langName, 'F');
// set the file folder name
$langFolderFileName = $langCodeName . '_' . $versionName;
// set the main folder path
$main_path = $this->compilerPath . '/' . $langFolderFileName . '/';
// set the language name for later
$langNames[$main_path] = $langName;
// set the lang zip name for later
$langZIPNames[$main_path] = $langFolderFileName;
// set the lang xml name for later
$langXMLNames[$main_path] = $langCodeName . '_' . $this->activeComponentsNames[$id] ;
// we must check if old folder is found and remove it
if (!isset($this->languageTracker[$main_path]) && JFolder::exists($main_path))
// remove the main folder
// do not remove it again
$this->languageTracker[$main_path] = true;
// check if exist and create if not
if (!JFolder::exists($main_path))
// count the folder created
foreach ($areas as $area => $languageStrings)
// get the file name
$fileName = $this->getLanguageFileName($file_name, $tag, $area);
// check if language should be added
if ($this->shouldLanguageBeAdded($tag, $languageStrings, $mainLangLoader[$area], $fileName) && ($actions = $this->getLangActions($file_name, $tag, $area, $target_client)) !== false)
// set the language data
$lang = array_map(
function ($langstring, $placeholder) {
return $placeholder . '="' . $langstring . '"';
}, array_values($languageStrings),
// set the line counter
$this->lineCount = $this->lineCount + count(
(array) $lang
// check that the main folder exist
foreach ($actions as $act)
$client_path = $main_path . $act['target_client'] . '/';
// check if exist and create if not
if (!JFolder::exists($client_path))
// count the folder created
// write the language data to a file
$client_path . $act['file_name'], implode(PHP_EOL, $lang)
// count the file created
// build xml strings
if (!isset($langXML[$main_path]))
$langXML[$main_path] = array();
$langPackages[$main_path] = array();
if (!isset($langXML[$main_path][$act['target_client']]))
$langXML[$main_path][$act['target_client']] = array();
// set the package targets
$langPackages[$main_path][$act['target_client']] = $act['target'];
$langXML[$main_path][$act['target_client']][] = $act['file_name'];
// clear memory
// load the lang xml
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($langXML))
foreach ($langXML as $main_path => $target_clients)
// get the XML
$xml = str_replace(
$this->getLanguageXML($target_clients, $langPackages[$main_path], $langNames[$main_path])
// get the XML File Name
$xmlFileName = $langXMLNames[$main_path] . '.xml';
// write the language data to a file
$main_path . $xmlFileName, $xml
// set the zip full path
$zipPath = $this->tempPath . '/' . $langZIPNames[$main_path] . '.zip';
// now zip the package
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::zip(
$main_path, $zipPath
// now remove the package
* get the language xml
* @return string
protected function getLanguageXML(&$target_clients, &$targets, &$language)
$xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>';
$xml .= PHP_EOL . '<extension type="file" version="3.2" method="upgrade">';
$xml .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . '<name>' . $this->hhh . 'Component' . $this->hhh . ' - ' . $language . ' Language Pack</name>';
$xml .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . '<creationDate>' . $this->hhh . 'BUILDDATE' . $this->hhh . '</creationDate>';
$xml .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . '<author>' . $this->hhh . 'AUTHOR' . $this->hhh . '</author>';
$xml .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . '<authorEmail>' . $this->hhh . 'AUTHOREMAIL' . $this->hhh . '</authorEmail>';
$xml .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . '<authorUrl>' . $this->hhh . 'AUTHORWEBSITE' . $this->hhh . '</authorUrl>';
$xml .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . '<copyright>' . $this->hhh . 'COPYRIGHT' . $this->hhh . '</copyright>';
$xml .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . '<license>' . $this->hhh . 'LICENSE' . $this->hhh . '</license>';
$xml .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . '<version>' . $this->hhh . 'ACTUALVERSION' . $this->hhh . '</version>';
$xml .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . '<description>' . $language . ' Language Pack - ' . $this->hhh . 'SHORT_DESCRIPTION' . $this->hhh . '</description>';
$xml .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . '<fileset>';
foreach ($target_clients as $target_client => $files)
$xml .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(2) . '<files folder="' . $target_client . '" target="' . $targets[$target_client] . '">';
foreach ($files as $file)
$xml .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(3) . '<filename>' . $file . '</filename>';
$xml .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(2) . '</files>';
$xml .= PHP_EOL . $this->_t(1) . '</fileset>';
$xml .= PHP_EOL . '</extension>';
return $xml;
* get the language name
* @return string
protected function getLanguageName(&$tag)
if (!isset($this->languageNames[$tag]))
if (($name = ComponentbuilderHelper::getVar('language', $tag, 'langtag', 'name')) !== false)
$this->languageNames[$tag] = $name;
$this->languageNames[$tag] = $tag;
return $this->languageNames[$tag];
* get the language actions
* @return array
protected function getLangActions(&$file_name, &$tag, &$area, &$target_client)
// component extention type
if (strpos($file_name, 'com_') !== false)
$target_client = 'admin';
$target = 'administrator/language/';
if (strpos($area, 'site') !== false)
$target_client = 'site';
$target = 'language/';
return array(
'target_client' => $target_client,
'target' => $target . $tag,
'file_name' => $this->getLanguageFileName($file_name, $tag, $area)
elseif ('admin' === $target_client)
$target = 'administrator/language/';
$target = 'language/';
// module/plugin extension type (TODO we return both for now)
return array(
'target_client' => $target_client,
'target' => $target . $tag,
'file_name' => $this->getLanguageFileName($file_name, $tag, $area)
'target_client' => $target_client,
'target' => $target . $tag,
'file_name' => $this->getLanguageFileName($file_name, $tag, $area, '.sys')
* get the language file name
* @return string
protected function getLanguageFileName(&$file_name, &$tag, &$area, $type = '')
// component extension type
if (strpos($file_name, 'com_') !== false)
if (strpos($area, 'sys') !== false)
$type = '.sys';
// file name
return $tag . '.' . $file_name . $type . '.ini';
* check if a translation should be added
* @return bool
protected function shouldLanguageBeAdded(&$tag, &$languageStrings, &$total,
) {
// only log messages for none $this->langTag translations
if ($this->langTag !== $tag)
$langStringNr = count($languageStrings);
$langStringSum = ComponentbuilderHelper::bcmath(
'mul', $langStringNr, 100
$percentage = ComponentbuilderHelper::bcmath(
'div', $langStringSum, $total
$stringNAme = ($langStringNr == 1) ? '(string '
. $tag . ' translated)'
: '(strings ' . $tag . ' translated)';
// force load if debug lines are added
if (!$this->debugLinenr)
// check if we should install this translation
if ($percentage < $this->percentageLanguageAdd)
// dont add
$this->langNot[$file_name] = '<b>'
. $total . '</b>(total '
. $this->langTag . ' strings) only <b>'
. $langStringNr . '</b>' . $stringNAme
. ' = ' . $percentage;
return false;
// show if it was added as well
$this->langSet[$file_name] = '<b>'
. $total . '</b>(total '
. $this->langTag . ' strings) and <b>'
. $langStringNr . '</b>' . $stringNAme . ' = '
. $percentage;
return true;
* Set the line number in comments
* @param int $nr The line number
* @return void
protected function setLine($nr)
if ($this->debugLinenr)
return ' [Plugin-Language-Packaging ' . $nr . ']';
return '';
* Set the tab/space
* @param int $nr The number of tag/space
* @return string
protected function _t($nr)
// use global method for conformity
return ComponentbuilderHelper::_t($nr);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<extension type="plugin" version="3.8" group="extension" method="upgrade">
<creationDate>20th February, 2021</creationDate>
<author>Llewellyn van der Merwe</author>
<copyright>Copyright (C) 2015 Vast Development Method. All rights reserved.</copyright>
<license>GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt</license>
<!-- Scripts to run on installation -->
<!-- Language files -->
<languages folder="language">
<language tag="en-GB">en-GB/en-GB.plg_extension_componentbuilderlanguagepackaging.ini</language>
<language tag="en-GB">en-GB/en-GB.plg_extension_componentbuilderlanguagepackaging.sys.ini</language>
<!-- Plugin files -->
<filename plugin="componentbuilderlanguagepackaging">componentbuilderlanguagepackaging.php</filename>

index.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<html><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"></body></html>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
PLG_EXTENSION_COMPONENTBUILDERLANGUAGEPACKAGING_DESCRIPTION="This plugin is used to add language packaging to JCB. To activate it you must first enable it here. Then open your JCB component global options, and under the Global tab, select this plugin in the Activate Compiler Plugins field."
PLG_EXTENSION_COMPONENTBUILDERLANGUAGEPACKAGING_XML_DESCRIPTION="<h1>Extension - Componentbuilder Language Packaging (v.1.0.0)</h1> <div style='clear: both;'></div><p>This plugin is used to add language packaging to JCB. To activate it you must first enable it here. Then open your JCB component global options, and under the Global tab, select this plugin in the Activate Compiler Plugins field.</p><p>Created by <a href='http://www.joomlacomponentbuilder.com' target='_blank'>Llewellyn van der Merwe</a><br /><small>Development started 12th October, 2019</small></p>"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
PLG_EXTENSION_COMPONENTBUILDERLANGUAGEPACKAGING_DESCRIPTION="This plugin is used to add language packaging to JCB. To activate it you must first enable it here. Then open your JCB component global options, and under the Global tab, select this plugin in the Activate Compiler Plugins field."
PLG_EXTENSION_COMPONENTBUILDERLANGUAGEPACKAGING_XML_DESCRIPTION="<h1>Extension - Componentbuilder Language Packaging (v.1.0.0)</h1> <div style='clear: both;'></div><p>This plugin is used to add language packaging to JCB. To activate it you must first enable it here. Then open your JCB component global options, and under the Global tab, select this plugin in the Activate Compiler Plugins field.</p><p>Created by <a href='http://www.joomlacomponentbuilder.com' target='_blank'>Llewellyn van der Merwe</a><br /><small>Development started 12th October, 2019</small></p>"

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<html><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"></body></html>

language/index.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<html><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"></body></html>

script.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
* @package Joomla.Component.Builder
* @created 30th April, 2015
* @author Llewellyn van der Merwe <http://www.joomlacomponentbuilder.com>
* @github Joomla Component Builder <https://github.com/vdm-io/Joomla-Component-Builder>
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2015 Vast Development Method. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
// No direct access to this file
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
* Extension - Componentbuilder Language Packaging script file.
* @package PlgExtensionComponentbuilderLanguagePackaging
class plgExtensionComponentbuilderLanguagePackagingInstallerScript
* Called before any type of action
* @param string $route Which action is happening (install|uninstall|discover_install|update)
* @param JAdapterInstance $adapter The object responsible for running this script
* @return boolean True on success
public function preflight($route, JAdapterInstance $adapter)
// get application
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
// the default for both install and update
$jversion = new JVersion();
if (!$jversion->isCompatible('3.8.0'))
$app->enqueueMessage('Please upgrade to at least Joomla! 3.8.0 before continuing!', 'error');
return false;
if ('install' === $route)
// check that componentbuilder is installed
$pathToCore = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_componentbuilder/helpers/componentbuilder.php';
if (!JFile::exists($pathToCore))
$app->enqueueMessage('Joomla Component Builder must first be installed from <a href="https://www.joomlacomponentbuilder.com/ " target="_blank">Joomla Component Builder</a>.', 'error');
return false;
// load the helper class
JLoader::register('ComponentbuilderHelper', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_componentbuilder/helpers/componentbuilder.php');
// block install
$blockInstall = true;
// check the version of JCB
$manifest = ComponentbuilderHelper::manifest();
if (isset($manifest->version) && strpos($manifest->version, '.') !== false)
// get the version
$jcbVersion = explode('.', $manifest->version);
// check that we have JCB 2.10.13 or higher installed
if (count($jcbVersion) == 3 && $jcbVersion[0] >= 2 && $jcbVersion[1] >= 10 && (($jcbVersion[1] == 10 && $jcbVersion[2] >= 13) || ($jcbVersion[1] > 10)))
$blockInstall = false;
// allow install if all conditions are met
if ($blockInstall)
$app->enqueueMessage('Please upgrade to JCB 2.10.13 or higher before installing this plugin.', 'error');
return false;
return true;