Release of v2.0.0

This commit is contained in:
Robot 2024-03-11 18:38:48 +02:00
parent 9652e38d9c
commit 76bd5cf2b4
Signed by: Robot
GPG Key ID: 14DECD44E7E1BB95
7 changed files with 13 additions and 762 deletions

View File

@ -14,20 +14,14 @@ defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
use Joomla\CMS\Factory;
use Joomla\CMS\Language\Text;
use Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication;
use Joomla\CMS\Plugin\CMSPlugin;
use Joomla\Registry\Registry;
use VDM\Joomla\Utilities\ArrayHelper;
JLoader::register('ComponentbuilderHelper', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_componentbuilder/helpers/componentbuilder.php');
use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Factory as CFactory;
use Joomla\CMS\Plugin\CMSPlugin;
use VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Factory as CompilerFactory;
use VDM\Joomla\Utilities\ArrayHelper;
* Extension - Componentbuilder Powers Autoloader Compiler plugin.
* @package ComponentbuilderPowersAutoloaderCompiler
* @since 1.2.0
* @since 2.0.0
class PlgExtensionComponentbuilderPowersAutoloaderCompiler extends CMSPlugin
@ -49,15 +43,15 @@ class PlgExtensionComponentbuilderPowersAutoloaderCompiler extends CMSPlugin
public function jcb_ce_onAfterGet()
// check if this component needs a power autoloader plugin loaded
if (CFactory::_('Config')->add_power && $this->componentActive())
if (CompilerFactory::_('Config')->add_power && $this->componentActive())
// now get the plugin ID if set
if (($id = (int) $this->params->get('plugin', 0)) !== 0)
// load the power autoloader plugin
// now set the plugin powers placeholder
CFactory::_('Compiler.Builder.Content.One')->set('PLUGIN_POWER_AUTOLOADER', '');
CompilerFactory::_('Compiler.Builder.Content.One')->set('PLUGIN_POWER_AUTOLOADER', '');
@ -106,7 +100,7 @@ class PlgExtensionComponentbuilderPowersAutoloaderCompiler extends CMSPlugin
// only check if there are active
if (ArrayHelper::check($this->componentsActive))
return in_array((int) CFactory::_('Config')->component_id, $this->componentsActive);
return in_array((int) CompilerFactory::_('Config')->component_id, $this->componentsActive);
return false;

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<extension type="plugin" version="3.10" group="extension" method="upgrade">
<extension type="plugin" version="5.0" group="extension" method="upgrade">
<creationDate>9th March, 2024</creationDate>
<creationDate>11th March, 2024</creationDate>
<author>Llewellyn van der Merwe</author>
<copyright>Copyright (C) 2015 Vast Development Method. All rights reserved.</copyright>
<license>GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt</license>
<!-- Scripts to run on installation -->

View File

@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
* @package Joomla.Component.Builder
* @created 30th April, 2015
* @author Llewellyn van der Merwe <https://dev.vdm.io>
* @git Joomla Component Builder <https://git.vdm.dev/joomla/Component-Builder>
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2015 Vast Development Method. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
// No direct access to this file
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
use Joomla\CMS\Factory;
use Joomla\CMS\Language\Text;
use Joomla\CMS\HTML\HTMLHelper as Html;
// import the list field type
* Joomlacomponents Form Field class for the Componentbuilder component
class JFormFieldJoomlacomponents extends JFormFieldList
* The joomlacomponents field type.
* @var string
public $type = 'joomlacomponents';
* Method to get a list of options for a list input.
* @return array An array of Html options.
protected function getOptions()
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->from($db->quoteName('#__componentbuilder_joomla_component', 'a'));
$query->where($db->quoteName('a.published') . ' >= 1');
$query->order('a.system_name ASC');
$items = $db->loadObjectList();
$options = array();
if ($items)
foreach($items as $item)
$options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', $item->id, $item->components_system_name);
return $options;

View File

@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
* @package Joomla.Component.Builder
* @created 30th April, 2015
* @author Llewellyn van der Merwe <https://dev.vdm.io>
* @git Joomla Component Builder <https://git.vdm.dev/joomla/Component-Builder>
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2015 Vast Development Method. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
// No direct access to this file
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
use Joomla\CMS\Factory;
use Joomla\CMS\Language\Text;
use Joomla\CMS\HTML\HTMLHelper as Html;
// import the list field type
* Joomlaplugins Form Field class for the Componentbuilder component
class JFormFieldJoomlaplugins extends JFormFieldList
* The joomlaplugins field type.
* @var string
public $type = 'joomlaplugins';
* Override to add new button
* @return string The field input markup.
* @since 3.2
protected function getInput()
// see if we should add buttons
$set_button = $this->getAttribute('button');
// get html
$html = parent::getInput();
// if true set button
if ($set_button === 'true')
$button = array();
$script = array();
$button_code_name = $this->getAttribute('name');
// get the input from url
$app = Factory::getApplication();
$jinput = $app->input;
// get the view name & id
$values = $jinput->getArray(array(
'id' => 'int',
'view' => 'word'
// check if new item
$ref = '';
$refJ = '';
if (!is_null($values['id']) && strlen($values['view']))
// only load referral if not new item.
$ref = '&amp;ref=' . $values['view'] . '&amp;refid=' . $values['id'];
$refJ = '&ref=' . $values['view'] . '&refid=' . $values['id'];
// get the return value.
$_uri = (string) \Joomla\CMS\Uri\Uri::getInstance();
$_return = urlencode(base64_encode($_uri));
// load return value.
$ref .= '&amp;return=' . $_return;
$refJ .= '&return=' . $_return;
// get button label
$button_label = trim($button_code_name);
$button_label = preg_replace('/_+/', ' ', $button_label);
$button_label = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $button_label);
$button_label = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z ]/", '', $button_label);
$button_label = ucfirst(strtolower($button_label));
// get user object
$user = Factory::getUser();
// only add if user allowed to create joomla_plugin
if ($user->authorise('joomla_plugin.create', 'com_componentbuilder') && $app->isClient('administrator')) // TODO for now only in admin area.
// build Create button
$button[] = '<a id="'.$button_code_name.'Create" class="btn btn-small btn-success hasTooltip" title="'.Text::sprintf('PLG_EXTENSION_COMPONENTBUILDERPOWERSAUTOLOADERCOMPILER_CREATE_NEW_S', $button_label).'" style="border-radius: 0px 4px 4px 0px; padding: 4px 4px 4px 7px;"
href="index.php?option=com_componentbuilder&amp;view=joomla_plugin&amp;layout=edit'.$ref.'" >
<span class="icon-new icon-white"></span></a>';
// only add if user allowed to edit joomla_plugin
if ($user->authorise('joomla_plugin.edit', 'com_componentbuilder') && $app->isClient('administrator')) // TODO for now only in admin area.
// build edit button
$button[] = '<a id="'.$button_code_name.'Edit" class="btn btn-small hasTooltip" title="'.Text::sprintf('PLG_EXTENSION_COMPONENTBUILDERPOWERSAUTOLOADERCOMPILER_EDIT_S', $button_label).'" style="display: none; padding: 4px 4px 4px 7px;" href="#" >
<span class="icon-edit"></span></a>';
// build script
$script[] = "
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery('#adminForm').on('change', '#jform_".$button_code_name."',function (e) {
var ".$button_code_name."Value = jQuery('#jform_".$button_code_name."').val();
var ".$button_code_name."Value = jQuery('#jform_".$button_code_name."').val();
function ".$button_code_name."Button(value) {
if (value > 0) {
// hide the create button
// show edit button
var url = 'index.php?option=com_componentbuilder&view=joomla_plugins&task=joomla_plugin.edit&id='+value+'".$refJ."';
jQuery('#".$button_code_name."Edit').attr('href', url);
} else {
// show the create button
// hide edit button
// check if button was created for joomla_plugin field.
if (is_array($button) && count($button) > 0)
// Load the needed script.
$document = Factory::getDocument();
$document->addScriptDeclaration(implode(' ',$script));
// return the button attached to input field.
return '<div class="input-append">' .$html . implode('',$button).'</div>';
return $html;
* Method to get a list of options for a list input.
* @return array An array of Html options.
protected function getOptions()
// Get the user object.
$user = JFactory::getUser();
// Get the databse object.
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->from($db->quoteName('#__componentbuilder_joomla_plugin', 'a'));
$query->join('LEFT', $db->quoteName('#__componentbuilder_class_extends', 'b') . ' ON (' . $db->quoteName('a.class_extends') . ' = ' . $db->quoteName('b.id') . ')');
$query->join('LEFT', $db->quoteName('#__componentbuilder_joomla_plugin_group', 'c') . ' ON (' . $db->quoteName('a.joomla_plugin_group') . ' = ' . $db->quoteName('c.id') . ')');
$query->where($db->quoteName('a.published') . ' >= 1');
$query->order('a.system_name ASC');
// Implement View Level Access (if set in table)
if (!$user->authorise('core.options', 'com_componentbuilder'))
$columns = $db->getTableColumns('#__componentbuilder_joomla_plugin');
$groups = implode(',', $user->getAuthorisedViewLevels());
$query->where('a.access IN (' . $groups . ')');
$items = $db->loadObjectList();
$options = array();
if ($items)
$options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', '', 'Select a plugin');
foreach($items as $item)
// set a full class name
$options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', $item->id, '( ' . $item->plugin_system_name . ' ) class Plg' . ucfirst($item->joomla_plugin_group_name) . $item->name . ' extends ' . $item->class_extends_name);
return $options;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
PLG_EXTENSION_COMPONENTBUILDERPOWERSAUTOLOADERCOMPILER_DESCRIPTION="This plugin is used to build the power autoloader plugin for your component during compilation. To activate it you must first enable it here. Then open your JCB component global options, and under the Global tab, select this plugin in the Activate Compiler Plugins field."
PLG_EXTENSION_COMPONENTBUILDERPOWERSAUTOLOADERCOMPILER_XML_DESCRIPTION="<h1>Extension - Componentbuilder Powers Autoloader Compiler (v.1.2.0)</h1> <div style='clear: both;'></div><p>This plugin is used to build the power autoloader plugin for your component during compilation. To activate it you must first enable it here. Then open your JCB component global options, and under the Global tab, select this plugin in the Activate Compiler Plugins field.</p><p>Created by <a href='https://dev.vdm.io' target='_blank'>Llewellyn van der Merwe</a><br /><small>Development started 13th November, 2021</small></p>"
PLG_EXTENSION_COMPONENTBUILDERPOWERSAUTOLOADERCOMPILER_XML_DESCRIPTION="<h1>Extension - Componentbuilder Powers Autoloader Compiler (v.2.0.0)</h1> <div style='clear: both;'></div><p>This plugin is used to build the power autoloader plugin for your component during compilation. To activate it you must first enable it here. Then open your JCB component global options, and under the Global tab, select this plugin in the Activate Compiler Plugins field.</p><p>Created by <a href='https://dev.vdm.io' target='_blank'>Llewellyn van der Merwe</a><br /><small>Development started 10th March, 2024</small></p>"

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
PLG_EXTENSION_COMPONENTBUILDERPOWERSAUTOLOADERCOMPILER_DESCRIPTION="This plugin is used to build the power autoloader plugin for your component during compilation. To activate it you must first enable it here. Then open your JCB component global options, and under the Global tab, select this plugin in the Activate Compiler Plugins field."
PLG_EXTENSION_COMPONENTBUILDERPOWERSAUTOLOADERCOMPILER_XML_DESCRIPTION="<h1>Extension - Componentbuilder Powers Autoloader Compiler (v.1.2.0)</h1> <div style='clear: both;'></div><p>This plugin is used to build the power autoloader plugin for your component during compilation. To activate it you must first enable it here. Then open your JCB component global options, and under the Global tab, select this plugin in the Activate Compiler Plugins field.</p><p>Created by <a href='https://dev.vdm.io' target='_blank'>Llewellyn van der Merwe</a><br /><small>Development started 13th November, 2021</small></p>"
PLG_EXTENSION_COMPONENTBUILDERPOWERSAUTOLOADERCOMPILER_XML_DESCRIPTION="<h1>Extension - Componentbuilder Powers Autoloader Compiler (v.2.0.0)</h1> <div style='clear: both;'></div><p>This plugin is used to build the power autoloader plugin for your component during compilation. To activate it you must first enable it here. Then open your JCB component global options, and under the Global tab, select this plugin in the Activate Compiler Plugins field.</p><p>Created by <a href='https://dev.vdm.io' target='_blank'>Llewellyn van der Merwe</a><br /><small>Development started 10th March, 2024</small></p>"

View File

@ -24,505 +24,4 @@ use Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Folder;
class plgExtensionComponentbuilderPowersAutoloaderCompilerInstallerScript
* Called before any type of action
* @param string $route Which action is happening (install|uninstall|discover_install|update)
* @param Joomla\CMS\Installer\InstallerAdapter $adapter The object responsible for running this script
* @return boolean True on success
public function preflight($route, $adapter)
// get application
$app = Factory::getApplication();
// the default for both install and update
$jversion = new JVersion();
if (!$jversion->isCompatible('3.8.0'))
$app->enqueueMessage('Please upgrade to at least Joomla! 3.8.0 before continuing!', 'error');
return false;
if ('install' === $route)
// needs fix
// check that componentbuilder is installed
$pathToCore = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_componentbuilder/helpers/componentbuilder.php';
if (!JFile::exists($pathToCore))
$app->enqueueMessage('Joomla Component Builder must first be installed from <a href="https://www.joomlacomponentbuilder.com/ " target="_blank">Joomla Component Builder</a>.', 'error');
return false;
// load the helper class
JLoader::register('ComponentbuilderHelper', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_componentbuilder/helpers/componentbuilder.php');
// block install
$blockInstall = true;
// check the version of JCB
$manifest = ComponentbuilderHelper::manifest();
if (isset($manifest->version) && strpos($manifest->version, '.') !== false)
// get the version
$jcbVersion = explode('.', $manifest->version);
// check that we have JCB 3.0.0 or higher installed
if (count($jcbVersion) == 3 && $jcbVersion[0] >= 3 &&
($jcbVersion[0] == 3 && $jcbVersion[1] == 0 && $jcbVersion[2] >= 0) ||
($jcbVersion[0] == 3 && $jcbVersion[1] > 0) ||
$jcbVersion[0] > 3)
$blockInstall = false;
// allow install if all conditions are met
if ($blockInstall)
$app->enqueueMessage('Please upgrade to JCB v3.0.0 or higher before installing this plugin.', 'error');
return false;
// check that componentbuilder is installed
$pathToCore = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_componentbuilder/helpers/componentbuilder.php';
if (!JFile::exists($pathToCore))
$app->enqueueMessage('Joomla Component Builder must first be installed from <a href="https://www.joomlacomponentbuilder.com/ " target="_blank">Joomla Component Builder</a>.', 'error');
return false;
// load the helper class
JLoader::register('ComponentbuilderHelper', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_componentbuilder/helpers/componentbuilder.php');
// block install
$blockInstall = true;
// check the version of JCB
$manifest = ComponentbuilderHelper::manifest();
if (isset($manifest->version) && strpos($manifest->version, '.') !== false)
// get the version
$jcbVersion = explode('.', $manifest->version);
// check that we have JCB 2.10.13 or higher installed
if (count($jcbVersion) == 3 && (($jcbVersion[0] == 2 && $jcbVersion[1] >= 10 && (($jcbVersion[1] == 10 && $jcbVersion[2] >= 13) || ($jcbVersion[1] > 10))) || $jcbVersion[0] >= 3))
$blockInstall = false;
// allow install if all conditions are met
if ($blockInstall)
$app->enqueueMessage('Please upgrade to JCB 2.10.13 or higher before installing this plugin.', 'error');
return false;
// check that componentbuilder is installed
$pathToCore = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_componentbuilder/helpers/componentbuilder.php';
if (!JFile::exists($pathToCore))
$app->enqueueMessage('Joomla Component Builder must first be installed from <a href="https://www.joomlacomponentbuilder.com/ " target="_blank">Joomla Component Builder</a>.', 'error');
return false;
// check that componentbuilder is installed
$pathToCore = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_componentbuilder/helpers/componentbuilder.php';
if (!JFile::exists($pathToCore))
$app->enqueueMessage('Joomla Component Builder must first be installed from <a href="https://www.joomlacomponentbuilder.com/ " target="_blank">Joomla Component Builder</a>.', 'error');
return false;
// check that componentbuilder is installed
$pathToCore = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_componentbuilder/helpers/componentbuilder.php';
if (!JFile::exists($pathToCore))
$app->enqueueMessage('Joomla Component Builder must first be installed from <a href="https://www.joomlacomponentbuilder.com/ " target="_blank">Joomla Component Builder</a>.', 'error');
return false;
// check that componentbuilder is installed
$pathToCore = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_componentbuilder/helpers/componentbuilder.php';
if (!JFile::exists($pathToCore))
$app->enqueueMessage('Joomla Component Builder must first be installed from <a href="https://www.joomlacomponentbuilder.com/ " target="_blank">Joomla Component Builder</a>.', 'error');
return false;
// check that componentbuilder is installed
$pathToCore = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_componentbuilder/helpers/componentbuilder.php';
if (!JFile::exists($pathToCore))
$app->enqueueMessage('Joomla Component Builder must first be installed from <a href="https://www.joomlacomponentbuilder.com/ " target="_blank">Joomla Component Builder</a>.', 'error');
return false;
// load the helper class
JLoader::register('ComponentbuilderHelper', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_componentbuilder/helpers/componentbuilder.php');
// block install
$blockInstall = true;
// check the version of JCB
$manifest = ComponentbuilderHelper::manifest();
if (isset($manifest->version) && strpos($manifest->version, '.') !== false)
// get the version
$jcbVersion = explode('.', $manifest->version);
// check that we have JCB 3.0.0 or higher installed
if (count($jcbVersion) == 3 && $jcbVersion[0] >= 3 &&
($jcbVersion[0] == 3 && $jcbVersion[1] == 0 && $jcbVersion[2] >= 0) ||
($jcbVersion[0] == 3 && $jcbVersion[1] > 0) ||
$jcbVersion[0] > 3)
$blockInstall = false;
// allow install if all conditions are met
if ($blockInstall)
$app->enqueueMessage('Please upgrade to JCB v3.0.0 or higher before installing this plugin.', 'error');
return false;
// check that componentbuilder is installed
$pathToCore = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_componentbuilder/helpers/componentbuilder.php';
if (!JFile::exists($pathToCore))
$app->enqueueMessage('Joomla Component Builder must first be installed from <a href="https://www.joomlacomponentbuilder.com/ " target="_blank">Joomla Component Builder</a>.', 'error');
return false;
// load the helper class
JLoader::register('ComponentbuilderHelper', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_componentbuilder/helpers/componentbuilder.php');
// block install
$blockInstall = true;
// check the version of JCB
$manifest = ComponentbuilderHelper::manifest();
if (isset($manifest->version) && strpos($manifest->version, '.') !== false)
// get the version
$jcbVersion = explode('.', $manifest->version);
// check that we have JCB 3.0.0 or higher installed
if (count($jcbVersion) == 3 && $jcbVersion[0] >= 3 &&
($jcbVersion[0] == 3 && $jcbVersion[1] == 0 && $jcbVersion[2] >= 0) ||
($jcbVersion[0] == 3 && $jcbVersion[1] > 0) ||
$jcbVersion[0] > 3)
$blockInstall = false;
// allow install if all conditions are met
if ($blockInstall)
$app->enqueueMessage('Please upgrade to JCB v3.0.0 or higher before installing this plugin.', 'error');
return false;
// check that componentbuilder is installed
$pathToCore = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_componentbuilder/helpers/componentbuilder.php';
if (!JFile::exists($pathToCore))
$app->enqueueMessage('Joomla Component Builder must first be installed from <a href="https://www.joomlacomponentbuilder.com/ " target="_blank">Joomla Component Builder</a>.', 'error');
return false;
// load the helper class
JLoader::register('ComponentbuilderHelper', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_componentbuilder/helpers/componentbuilder.php');
// block install
$blockInstall = true;
// check the version of JCB
$manifest = ComponentbuilderHelper::manifest();
if (isset($manifest->version) && strpos($manifest->version, '.') !== false)
// get the version
$jcbVersion = explode('.', $manifest->version);
// check that we have JCB 3.1.18 or higher installed
if (count($jcbVersion) == 3 && $jcbVersion[0] >= 3 &&
($jcbVersion[0] == 3 && $jcbVersion[1] == 1 && $jcbVersion[2] >= 18) ||
($jcbVersion[0] == 3 && $jcbVersion[1] > 1) ||
$jcbVersion[0] > 3)
$blockInstall = false;
// allow install if all conditions are met
if ($blockInstall)
$app->enqueueMessage('Please upgrade to JCB v3.1.18 or higher before installing this plugin.', 'error');
return false;
// check that componentbuilder is installed
$pathToCore = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_componentbuilder/helpers/componentbuilder.php';
if (!JFile::exists($pathToCore))
$app->enqueueMessage('Joomla Component Builder must first be installed from <a href="https://www.joomlacomponentbuilder.com/ " target="_blank">Joomla Component Builder</a>.', 'error');
return false;
// load the helper class
JLoader::register('ComponentbuilderHelper', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_componentbuilder/helpers/componentbuilder.php');
// block install
$blockInstall = true;
// check the version of JCB
$manifest = ComponentbuilderHelper::manifest();
if (isset($manifest->version) && strpos($manifest->version, '.') !== false)
// get the version
$jcbVersion = explode('.', $manifest->version);
// check that we have JCB 3.0.14 or higher installed
if (count($jcbVersion) == 3 && $jcbVersion[0] >= 3 &&
($jcbVersion[0] == 3 && $jcbVersion[1] == 0 && $jcbVersion[2] >= 14) ||
($jcbVersion[0] == 3 && $jcbVersion[1] > 0) ||
$jcbVersion[0] > 3)
$blockInstall = false;
// allow install if all conditions are met
if ($blockInstall)
$app->enqueueMessage('Please upgrade to JCB v3.0.14 or higher before installing this plugin.', 'error');
return false;
// check that componentbuilder is installed
$pathToCore = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_componentbuilder/helpers/componentbuilder.php';
if (!JFile::exists($pathToCore))
$app->enqueueMessage('Joomla Component Builder must first be installed from <a href="https://www.joomlacomponentbuilder.com/ " target="_blank">Joomla Component Builder</a>.', 'error');
return false;
// load the helper class
JLoader::register('ComponentbuilderHelper', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_componentbuilder/helpers/componentbuilder.php');
// block install
$blockInstall = true;
// check the version of JCB
$manifest = ComponentbuilderHelper::manifest();
if (isset($manifest->version) && strpos($manifest->version, '.') !== false)
// get the version
$jcbVersion = explode('.', $manifest->version);
// check that we have JCB 3.1.18 or higher installed
if (count($jcbVersion) == 3 && $jcbVersion[0] >= 3 &&
($jcbVersion[0] == 3 && $jcbVersion[1] == 1 && $jcbVersion[2] >= 18) ||
($jcbVersion[0] == 3 && $jcbVersion[1] > 1) ||
$jcbVersion[0] > 3)
$blockInstall = false;
// allow install if all conditions are met
if ($blockInstall)
$app->enqueueMessage('Please upgrade to JCB v3.1.18 or higher before installing this plugin.', 'error');
return false;
// check that componentbuilder is installed
$pathToCore = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_componentbuilder/helpers/componentbuilder.php';
if (!JFile::exists($pathToCore))
$app->enqueueMessage('Joomla Component Builder must first be installed from <a href="https://www.joomlacomponentbuilder.com/ " target="_blank">Joomla Component Builder</a>.', 'error');
return false;
// load the helper class
JLoader::register('ComponentbuilderHelper', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_componentbuilder/helpers/componentbuilder.php');
// block install
$blockInstall = true;
// check the version of JCB
$manifest = ComponentbuilderHelper::manifest();
if (isset($manifest->version) && strpos($manifest->version, '.') !== false)
// get the version
$jcbVersion = explode('.', $manifest->version);
// check that we have JCB 3.0.14 or higher installed
if (count($jcbVersion) == 3 && $jcbVersion[0] >= 3 &&
($jcbVersion[0] == 3 && $jcbVersion[1] == 0 && $jcbVersion[2] >= 14) ||
($jcbVersion[0] == 3 && $jcbVersion[1] > 0) ||
$jcbVersion[0] > 3)
$blockInstall = false;
// allow install if all conditions are met
if ($blockInstall)
$app->enqueueMessage('Please upgrade to JCB v3.0.14 or higher before installing this plugin.', 'error');
return false;
// check that componentbuilder is installed
$pathToCore = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_componentbuilder/helpers/componentbuilder.php';
if (!JFile::exists($pathToCore))
$app->enqueueMessage('Joomla Component Builder must first be installed from <a href="https://www.joomlacomponentbuilder.com/ " target="_blank">Joomla Component Builder</a>.', 'error');
return false;
// load the helper class
JLoader::register('ComponentbuilderHelper', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_componentbuilder/helpers/componentbuilder.php');
// block install
$blockInstall = true;
// check the version of JCB
$manifest = ComponentbuilderHelper::manifest();
if (isset($manifest->version) && strpos($manifest->version, '.') !== false)
// get the version
$jcbVersion = explode('.', $manifest->version);
// check that we have JCB 3.0.14 or higher installed
if (count($jcbVersion) == 3 && $jcbVersion[0] >= 3 &&
($jcbVersion[0] == 3 && $jcbVersion[1] == 0 && $jcbVersion[2] >= 14) ||
($jcbVersion[0] == 3 && $jcbVersion[1] > 0) ||
$jcbVersion[0] > 3)
$blockInstall = false;
// allow install if all conditions are met
if ($blockInstall)
$app->enqueueMessage('Please upgrade to JCB v3.0.14 or higher before installing this plugin.', 'error');
return false;
// check that componentbuilder is installed
$pathToCore = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_componentbuilder/helpers/componentbuilder.php';
if (!JFile::exists($pathToCore))
$app->enqueueMessage('Joomla Component Builder must first be installed from <a href="https://www.joomlacomponentbuilder.com/ " target="_blank">Joomla Component Builder</a>.', 'error');
return false;
// load the helper class
JLoader::register('ComponentbuilderHelper', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_componentbuilder/helpers/componentbuilder.php');
// block install
$blockInstall = true;
// check the version of JCB
$manifest = ComponentbuilderHelper::manifest();
if (isset($manifest->version) && strpos($manifest->version, '.') !== false)
// get the version
$jcbVersion = explode('.', $manifest->version);
// check that we have JCB 3.0.14 or higher installed
if (count($jcbVersion) == 3 && $jcbVersion[0] >= 3 &&
($jcbVersion[0] == 3 && $jcbVersion[1] == 0 && $jcbVersion[2] >= 14) ||
($jcbVersion[0] == 3 && $jcbVersion[1] > 0) ||
$jcbVersion[0] > 3)
$blockInstall = false;
// allow install if all conditions are met
if ($blockInstall)
$app->enqueueMessage('Please upgrade to JCB v3.0.14 or higher before installing this plugin.', 'error');
return false;
// check that componentbuilder is installed
$pathToCore = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_componentbuilder/helpers/componentbuilder.php';
if (!JFile::exists($pathToCore))
$app->enqueueMessage('Joomla Component Builder must first be installed from <a href="https://www.joomlacomponentbuilder.com/ " target="_blank">Joomla Component Builder</a>.', 'error');
return false;
// load the helper class
JLoader::register('ComponentbuilderHelper', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_componentbuilder/helpers/componentbuilder.php');
// block install
$blockInstall = true;
// check the version of JCB
$manifest = ComponentbuilderHelper::manifest();
if (isset($manifest->version) && strpos($manifest->version, '.') !== false)
// get the version
$jcbVersion = explode('.', $manifest->version);
// check that we have JCB 3.0.10 or higher installed
if (count($jcbVersion) == 3 && $jcbVersion[0] >= 3 &&
($jcbVersion[0] == 3 && $jcbVersion[1] == 0 && $jcbVersion[2] >= 10) ||
($jcbVersion[0] == 3 && $jcbVersion[1] > 0) ||
$jcbVersion[0] > 3)
$blockInstall = false;
// allow install if all conditions are met
if ($blockInstall)
$app->enqueueMessage('Please upgrade to JCB v3.0.10 or higher before installing this plugin.', 'error');
return false;
return true;