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abstract class FileHelper (Details)
namespace: VDM\Joomla\Utilities
abstract FileHelper #Orange {
# static $curlError
+ {static} zip(string $workingDirectory, string $filepath) : bool
+ {static} getContent(string $path, string/bool $none = '') : string
+ {static} write(string $path, string $data) : bool
+ {static} getPaths(string $folder, array $fileTypes = array('\.php') : void
+ {static} getPath(string $type = 'path', string $target = 'filepath', ...) : string
+ {static} exists(string $path) : bool
note right of FileHelper::zip
The zipper method
since: 3.0.9
return: bool
end note
note right of FileHelper::getContent
get the content of a file
since: 3.0.9
return: string
end note
note right of FileHelper::write
Write a file to the server
since: 3.0.9
return: bool
end note
note right of FileHelper::getPaths
get all the file paths in folder and sub folders
since: 3.0.9
return: void
end note
note right of FileHelper::getPath
Get the file path or url
since: 3.0.9
return: string
string $type = 'path'
string $target = 'filepath'
string $fileType = null
string $key = ''
string $default = ''
bool $createIfNotSet = true
end note
note right of FileHelper::exists
Check if file exist
since: 3.0.9
return: bool
end note
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