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abstract class Model (Details)
namespace: VDM\Joomla\Abstraction extends: ****
abstract Model #Orange {
# array $last
# Table $table
# string $tableName
# bool $allowEmpty
+ __construct(Table $table, ?string $tableName = null, ...)
+ table(string $table) : self
+ {abstract} value(mixed $value, string $field, ...) : mixed
+ values(?array $items = null, string $field, ...) : ?array
+ item(?object $item, ?string $table = null) : ?object
+ items(?array $items = null, ?string $table = null) : ?array
+ row(?array $item, ?string $table = null) : ?array
+ rows(?array $items = null, ?string $table = null) : ?array
+ last(?string $table = null) : ?int
+ setTable(string $tableName) : void
+ setAllowEmpty(bool $allowEmpty) : void
# getTable() : string
# getAllowEmpty() : bool
# getTableFields(string $table, bool $default = false) : ?array
# {abstract} validateBefore(mixed $value, ?string $field = null, ...) : bool
# {abstract} validateAfter(mixed $value, ?string $field = null, ...) : bool
note right of Model::__construct
since: 3.2.0
Table $table
?string $tableName = null
bool $allowEmpty = null
end note
note left of Model::table
Set the current active table
since: 3.2.2
return: self
end note
note right of Model::value
Model the value
Example: $this->value(value, 'value_key', 'table_name');
since: 3.2.0
return: mixed
mixed $value
string $field
?string $table = null
end note
note left of Model::values
Model a value of multiple items
Example: $this->items(Array, 'value_key', 'table_name');
since: 3.2.2
return: ?array
?array $items = null
string $field
?string $table = null
end note
note right of Model::item
Model the values of an item
Example: $this->item(Object, 'table_name');
since: 3.2.0
return: ?object
end note
note left of Model::items
Model the values of multiple items
Example: $this->items(Array, 'table_name');
since: 3.2.0
return: ?array
end note
note right of Model::row
Model the values of an row
Example: $this->item(Array, 'table_name');
since: 3.2.0
return: ?array
end note
note left of Model::rows
Model the values of multiple rows
Example: $this->items(Array, 'table_name');
since: 3.2.0
return: ?array
end note
note right of Model::last
Get last modeled ID
Example: $this->last('table_name');
since: 3.2.0
return: ?int
end note
note left of Model::setTable
Set the current active table
since: 3.2.2
return: void
end note
note right of Model::setAllowEmpty
Set the switch to control the behaviour of empty values
since: 3.2.2
return: void
end note
note left of Model::getTable
Get the current active table
since: 3.2.0
return: string
end note
note right of Model::getAllowEmpty
Get the switch to control the behaviour of empty values
since: 3.2.2
return: bool
end note
note left of Model::getTableFields
Get the current active table's fields (including defaults)
since: 3.2.0
return: ?array
end note
note right of Model::validateBefore
Validate before the value is modelled (basic, override in child class)
since: 3.2.0
return: bool
mixed $value
?string $field = null
?string $table = null
end note
note left of Model::validateAfter
Validate after the value is modelled (basic, override in child class)
since: 3.2.0
return: bool
mixed $value
?string $field = null
?string $table = null
end note
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