// See LICENSE.TXT file for more information.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Description :
// Static methods used by the TCPDF class.
* @file
* This is a PHP class that contains static methods for the TCPDF class.
* @package com.tecnick.tcpdf
* @author Nicola Asuni
* @version 1.0.002
* Static methods used by the TCPDF class.
* @package com.tecnick.tcpdf
* @brief PHP class for generating PDF documents without requiring external extensions.
* @version 1.0.002
* @author Nicola Asuni - info@tecnick.com
* Current TCPDF version.
* @private static
private static $tcpdf_version = '6.0.027';
* String alias for total number of pages.
* @public static
public static $alias_tot_pages = '{:ptp:}';
* String alias for page number.
* @public static
public static $alias_num_page = '{:pnp:}';
* String alias for total number of pages in a single group.
* @public static
public static $alias_group_tot_pages = '{:ptg:}';
* String alias for group page number.
* @public static
public static $alias_group_num_page = '{:png:}';
* String alias for right shift compensation used to correctly align page numbers on the right.
* @public static
public static $alias_right_shift = '{rsc:';
* Encryption padding string.
* @public static
public static $enc_padding = "\x28\xBF\x4E\x5E\x4E\x75\x8A\x41\x64\x00\x4E\x56\xFF\xFA\x01\x08\x2E\x2E\x00\xB6\xD0\x68\x3E\x80\x2F\x0C\xA9\xFE\x64\x53\x69\x7A";
* ByteRange placemark used during digital signature process.
* @since 4.6.028 (2009-08-25)
* @public static
public static $byterange_string = '/ByteRange[0 ********** ********** **********]';
* Array page boxes names
* @public static
public static $pageboxes = array('MediaBox', 'CropBox', 'BleedBox', 'TrimBox', 'ArtBox');
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* Return the current TCPDF version.
* @return TCPDF version string
* @since 5.9.012 (2010-11-10)
* @public static
public static function getTCPDFVersion() {
return self::$tcpdf_version;
* Return the current TCPDF producer.
* @return TCPDF producer string
* @since 6.0.000 (2013-03-16)
* @public static
public static function getTCPDFProducer() {
return "\x54\x43\x50\x44\x46\x20".self::getTCPDFVersion()."\x20\x28\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3a\x2f\x2f\x77\x77\x77\x2e\x74\x63\x70\x64\x66\x2e\x6f\x72\x67\x29";
* Sets the current active configuration setting of magic_quotes_runtime (if the set_magic_quotes_runtime function exist)
* @param $mqr (boolean) FALSE for off, TRUE for on.
* @since 4.6.025 (2009-08-17)
* @public static
public static function set_mqr($mqr) {
if (!defined('PHP_VERSION_ID')) {
$version = PHP_VERSION;
define('PHP_VERSION_ID', (($version{0} * 10000) + ($version{2} * 100) + $version{4}));
if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50300) {
* Gets the current active configuration setting of magic_quotes_runtime (if the get_magic_quotes_runtime function exist)
* @return Returns 0 if magic quotes runtime is off or get_magic_quotes_runtime doesn't exist, 1 otherwise.
* @since 4.6.025 (2009-08-17)
* @public static
public static function get_mqr() {
if (!defined('PHP_VERSION_ID')) {
$version = PHP_VERSION;
define('PHP_VERSION_ID', (($version{0} * 10000) + ($version{2} * 100) + $version{4}));
if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50300) {
return @get_magic_quotes_runtime();
return 0;
* Get page dimensions from format name.
* @param $format (mixed) The format name. It can be:
]*)><\/p>/', '', $html); if ($tagvs !== '') { // set vertical space for some XHTML tags $tagvspaces = $tagvs; } // return the cleaned XHTML code + CSS return $css.$html; } /** * Returns true if the CSS selector is valid for the selected HTML tag * @param $dom (array) array of HTML tags and properties * @param $key (int) key of the current HTML tag * @param $selector (string) CSS selector string * @return true if the selector is valid, false otherwise * @since 5.1.000 (2010-05-25) * @public static */ public static function isValidCSSSelectorForTag($dom, $key, $selector) { $valid = false; // value to be returned $tag = $dom[$key]['value']; $class = array(); if (isset($dom[$key]['attribute']['class']) AND !empty($dom[$key]['attribute']['class'])) { $class = explode(' ', strtolower($dom[$key]['attribute']['class'])); } $id = ''; if (isset($dom[$key]['attribute']['id']) AND !empty($dom[$key]['attribute']['id'])) { $id = strtolower($dom[$key]['attribute']['id']); } $selector = preg_replace('/([\>\+\~\s]{1})([\.]{1})([^\>\+\~\s]*)/si', '\\1*.\\3', $selector); $matches = array(); if (preg_match_all('/([\>\+\~\s]{1})([a-zA-Z0-9\*]+)([^\>\+\~\s]*)/si', $selector, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER | PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE) > 0) { $parentop = array_pop($matches[1]); $operator = $parentop[0]; $offset = $parentop[1]; $lasttag = array_pop($matches[2]); $lasttag = strtolower(trim($lasttag[0])); if (($lasttag == '*') OR ($lasttag == $tag)) { // the last element on selector is our tag or 'any tag' $attrib = array_pop($matches[3]); $attrib = strtolower(trim($attrib[0])); if (!empty($attrib)) { // check if matches class, id, attribute, pseudo-class or pseudo-element switch ($attrib{0}) { case '.': { // class if (in_array(substr($attrib, 1), $class)) { $valid = true; } break; } case '#': { // ID if (substr($attrib, 1) == $id) { $valid = true; } break; } case '[': { // attribute $attrmatch = array(); if (preg_match('/\[([a-zA-Z0-9]*)[\s]*([\~\^\$\*\|\=]*)[\s]*["]?([^"\]]*)["]?\]/i', $attrib, $attrmatch) > 0) { $att = strtolower($attrmatch[1]); $val = $attrmatch[3]; if (isset($dom[$key]['attribute'][$att])) { switch ($attrmatch[2]) { case '=': { if ($dom[$key]['attribute'][$att] == $val) { $valid = true; } break; } case '~=': { if (in_array($val, explode(' ', $dom[$key]['attribute'][$att]))) { $valid = true; } break; } case '^=': { if ($val == substr($dom[$key]['attribute'][$att], 0, strlen($val))) { $valid = true; } break; } case '$=': { if ($val == substr($dom[$key]['attribute'][$att], -strlen($val))) { $valid = true; } break; } case '*=': { if (strpos($dom[$key]['attribute'][$att], $val) !== false) { $valid = true; } break; } case '|=': { if ($dom[$key]['attribute'][$att] == $val) { $valid = true; } elseif (preg_match('/'.$val.'[\-]{1}/i', $dom[$key]['attribute'][$att]) > 0) { $valid = true; } break; } default: { $valid = true; } } } } break; } case ':': { // pseudo-class or pseudo-element if ($attrib{1} == ':') { // pseudo-element // pseudo-elements are not supported! // (::first-line, ::first-letter, ::before, ::after) } else { // pseudo-class // pseudo-classes are not supported! // (:root, :nth-child(n), :nth-last-child(n), :nth-of-type(n), :nth-last-of-type(n), :first-child, :last-child, :first-of-type, :last-of-type, :only-child, :only-of-type, :empty, :link, :visited, :active, :hover, :focus, :target, :lang(fr), :enabled, :disabled, :checked) } break; } } // end of switch } else { $valid = true; } if ($valid AND ($offset > 0)) { $valid = false; // check remaining selector part $selector = substr($selector, 0, $offset); switch ($operator) { case ' ': { // descendant of an element while ($dom[$key]['parent'] > 0) { if (self::isValidCSSSelectorForTag($dom, $dom[$key]['parent'], $selector)) { $valid = true; break; } else { $key = $dom[$key]['parent']; } } break; } case '>': { // child of an element $valid = self::isValidCSSSelectorForTag($dom, $dom[$key]['parent'], $selector); break; } case '+': { // immediately preceded by an element for ($i = ($key - 1); $i > $dom[$key]['parent']; --$i) { if ($dom[$i]['tag'] AND $dom[$i]['opening']) { $valid = self::isValidCSSSelectorForTag($dom, $i, $selector); break; } } break; } case '~': { // preceded by an element for ($i = ($key - 1); $i > $dom[$key]['parent']; --$i) { if ($dom[$i]['tag'] AND $dom[$i]['opening']) { if (self::isValidCSSSelectorForTag($dom, $i, $selector)) { break; } } } break; } } } } } return $valid; } /** * Returns the styles array that apply for the selected HTML tag. * @param $dom (array) array of HTML tags and properties * @param $key (int) key of the current HTML tag * @param $css (array) array of CSS properties * @return array containing CSS properties * @since 5.1.000 (2010-05-25) * @public static */ public static function getCSSdataArray($dom, $key, $css) { $cssarray = array(); // style to be returned // get parent CSS selectors $selectors = array(); if (isset($dom[($dom[$key]['parent'])]['csssel'])) { $selectors = $dom[($dom[$key]['parent'])]['csssel']; } // get all styles that apply foreach($css as $selector => $style) { $pos = strpos($selector, ' '); // get specificity $specificity = substr($selector, 0, $pos); // remove specificity $selector = substr($selector, $pos); // check if this selector apply to current tag if (self::isValidCSSSelectorForTag($dom, $key, $selector)) { if (!in_array($selector, $selectors)) { // add style if not already added on parent selector $cssarray[] = array('k' => $selector, 's' => $specificity, 'c' => $style); $selectors[] = $selector; } } } if (isset($dom[$key]['attribute']['style'])) { // attach inline style (latest properties have high priority) $cssarray[] = array('k' => '', 's' => '1000', 'c' => $dom[$key]['attribute']['style']); } // order the css array to account for specificity $cssordered = array(); foreach ($cssarray as $key => $val) { $skey = sprintf('%04d', $key); $cssordered[$val['s'].'_'.$skey] = $val; } // sort selectors alphabetically to account for specificity ksort($cssordered, SORT_STRING); return array($selectors, $cssordered); } /** * Compact CSS data array into single string. * @param $css (array) array of CSS properties * @return string containing merged CSS properties * @since 5.9.070 (2011-04-19) * @public static */ public static function getTagStyleFromCSSarray($css) { $tagstyle = ''; // value to be returned foreach ($css as $style) { // split single css commands $csscmds = explode(';', $style['c']); foreach ($csscmds as $cmd) { if (!empty($cmd)) { $pos = strpos($cmd, ':'); if ($pos !== false) { $cmd = substr($cmd, 0, ($pos + 1)); if (strpos($tagstyle, $cmd) !== false) { // remove duplicate commands (last commands have high priority) $tagstyle = preg_replace('/'.$cmd.'[^;]+/i', '', $tagstyle); } } } } $tagstyle .= ';'.$style['c']; } // remove multiple semicolons $tagstyle = preg_replace('/[;]+/', ';', $tagstyle); return $tagstyle; } /** * Returns the Roman representation of an integer number * @param $number (int) number to convert * @return string roman representation of the specified number * @since 4.4.004 (2008-12-10) * @public static */ public static function intToRoman($number) { $roman = ''; while ($number >= 1000) { $roman .= 'M'; $number -= 1000; } while ($number >= 900) { $roman .= 'CM'; $number -= 900; } while ($number >= 500) { $roman .= 'D'; $number -= 500; } while ($number >= 400) { $roman .= 'CD'; $number -= 400; } while ($number >= 100) { $roman .= 'C'; $number -= 100; } while ($number >= 90) { $roman .= 'XC'; $number -= 90; } while ($number >= 50) { $roman .= 'L'; $number -= 50; } while ($number >= 40) { $roman .= 'XL'; $number -= 40; } while ($number >= 10) { $roman .= 'X'; $number -= 10; } while ($number >= 9) { $roman .= 'IX'; $number -= 9; } while ($number >= 5) { $roman .= 'V'; $number -= 5; } while ($number >= 4) { $roman .= 'IV'; $number -= 4; } while ($number >= 1) { $roman .= 'I'; --$number; } return $roman; } /** * Find position of last occurrence of a substring in a string * @param $haystack (string) The string to search in. * @param $needle (string) substring to search. * @param $offset (int) May be specified to begin searching an arbitrary number of characters into the string. * @return Returns the position where the needle exists. Returns FALSE if the needle was not found. * @since 4.8.038 (2010-03-13) * @public static */ public static function revstrpos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0) { $length = strlen($haystack); $offset = ($offset > 0)?($length - $offset):abs($offset); $pos = strpos(strrev($haystack), strrev($needle), $offset); return ($pos === false)?false:($length - $pos - strlen($needle)); } /** * Serialize an array of parameters to be used with TCPDF tag in HTML code. * @param $pararray (array) parameters array * @return sting containing serialized data * @since 4.9.006 (2010-04-02) * @public static */ public static function serializeTCPDFtagParameters($pararray) { return urlencode(serialize($pararray)); } /** * Returns an array of hyphenation patterns. * @param $file (string) TEX file containing hypenation patterns. TEX pattrns can be downloaded from http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/language/hyph-utf8/tex/generic/hyph-utf8/patterns/ * @return array of hyphenation patterns * @author Nicola Asuni * @since 4.9.012 (2010-04-12) * @public static */ public static function getHyphenPatternsFromTEX($file) { // TEX patterns are available at: // http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/language/hyph-utf8/tex/generic/hyph-utf8/patterns/ $data = file_get_contents($file); $patterns = array(); // remove comments $data = preg_replace('/\%[^\n]*/', '', $data); // extract the patterns part preg_match('/\\\\patterns\{([^\}]*)\}/i', $data, $matches); $data = trim(substr($matches[0], 10, -1)); // extract each pattern $patterns_array = preg_split('/[\s]+/', $data); // create new language array of patterns $patterns = array(); foreach($patterns_array as $val) { if (!TCPDF_STATIC::empty_string($val)) { $val = trim($val); $val = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $val); $key = preg_replace('/[0-9]+/', '', $val); $patterns[$key] = $val; } } return $patterns; } /** * Get the Path-Painting Operators. * @param $style (string) Style of rendering. Possible values are: *