parameters: level: 1 paths: - ./ excludePaths: - vendor/ # remove once is fixed - fonts/ - tests/ scanFiles: - tcpdf_autoconfig.php ignoreErrors: - '~^Constant (PDF_HEADER_LOGO|K_PATH_CACHE|K_PATH_FONTS|K_PATH_IMAGES|K_PATH_URL) not found\.$~' - '~^Constructor of class TCPDF has an unused parameter \$diskcache\.$~' - '~^Variable \$\w+ might not be defined\.$~' - '~^Method TCPDF(_FILTERS)?::\w+\(\) should return .+ but return statement is missing\.$~' # mcrypt does not support PHP 7.2 or later - message: '~^(Constant MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128 not found\.|Function mcrypt_get_cipher_name not found\.)$~' path: tcpdf.php count: 2 - message: '~^(Constant (MCRYPT_ARCFOUR|MCRYPT_MODE_CBC|MCRYPT_MODE_STREAM|MCRYPT_RAND|MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128) not found\.|Function (mcrypt_create_iv|mcrypt_encrypt|mcrypt_get_iv_size) not found\.)$~' path: include/tcpdf_static.php count: 16 - message: '~^(Call to static method create\(\) on an unknown class Symfony\\Component\\Finder\\Finder\.|Instantiated class Doctum\\(Doctum|RemoteRepository\\GitHubRemoteRepository) not found\.)$~' path: scripts/doctum.php count: 3