2015-05-24 21:32:32 +02:00
< ? php
* @ package Joomla . Administrator
* @ subpackage com_weblinks
* @ copyright Copyright ( C ) 2005 - 2015 Open Source Matters , Inc . All rights reserved .
* @ license GNU General Public License version 2 or later ; see LICENSE . txt
use \AcceptanceTester ;
class AdministratorCategoriesCest
public function administratorCreateCategory ( AcceptanceTester $I )
$I -> am ( 'Administrator' );
$I -> wantToTest ( 'Category creation in /administrator/' );
$I -> doAdministratorLogin ();
$I -> amGoingTo ( 'Navigate to Categories page in /administrator/' );
$I -> amOnPage ( 'administrator/index.php?option=com_categories&extension=com_weblinks' );
2015-07-22 13:53:07 +02:00
$I -> waitForText ( 'Weblinks: Categories' , '5' ,[ 'css' => 'h1' ]);
2015-05-24 21:32:32 +02:00
$I -> expectTo ( 'see categories page' );
$I -> checkForPhpNoticesOrWarnings ();
$I -> amGoingTo ( 'try to save a category with a filled title' );
$I -> click ([ 'xpath' => " //button[@onclick= \" Joomla.submitbutton('category.add') \" ] " ]);
$I -> waitForText ( 'Category Manager: Add A New Weblinks Category' , '5' ,[ 'css' => 'h1' ]);
$I -> fillField ([ 'id' => 'jform_title' ], 'automated testing' . rand ( 1 , 100 ));
$I -> click ([ 'xpath' => " //button[@onclick= \" Joomla.submitbutton('category.apply') \" ] " ]);
$I -> expectTo ( 'see a success message after saving the category' );
$I -> see ( 'Category successfully saved' ,[ 'id' => 'system-message-container' ]);
public function administratorCreateCategoryWithoutTitleFails ( AcceptanceTester $I )
$I -> am ( 'Administrator' );
$I -> wantToTest ( 'Category creation in /administrator/ without title' );
$I -> doAdministratorLogin ();
$I -> amGoingTo ( 'Navigate to Categories page in /administrator/' );
$I -> amOnPage ( 'administrator/index.php?option=com_categories&extension=com_weblinks' );
2015-07-22 13:53:07 +02:00
$I -> waitForText ( 'Weblinks: Categories' , '5' ,[ 'css' => 'h1' ]);
2015-05-24 21:32:32 +02:00
$I -> expectTo ( 'see categories page' );
$I -> amGoingTo ( 'try to save a category with empty title and it should fail' );
$I -> click ([ 'xpath' => " //button[@onclick= \" Joomla.submitbutton('category.add') \" ] " ]);
$I -> waitForText ( 'Category Manager: Add A New Weblinks Category' , '5' ,[ 'css' => 'h1' ]);
$I -> click ([ 'xpath' => " //button[@onclick= \" Joomla.submitbutton('category.apply') \" ] " ]);
$I -> expectTo ( 'see an error when trying to save a category without title' );
$I -> see ( 'Invalid field: Title' ,[ 'id' => 'system-message-container' ]);
2015-05-30 23:46:18 +02:00
public function administratorPublishWeblink ( AcceptanceTester $I )
$I -> am ( 'Administrator' );
2015-05-31 21:24:08 +02:00
$I -> wantToTest ( 'Category publishing in /administrator/' );
2015-05-30 23:46:18 +02:00
$I -> doAdministratorLogin ();
$I -> amGoingTo ( 'Navigate to Categories page in /administrator/' );
$I -> amOnPage ( 'administrator/index.php?option=com_categories&extension=com_weblinks' );
2015-07-22 13:53:07 +02:00
$I -> waitForText ( 'Weblinks: Categories' , '5' ,[ 'css' => 'h1' ]);
2015-05-30 23:46:18 +02:00
$I -> expectTo ( 'see categories page' );
$I -> checkForPhpNoticesOrWarnings ();
$I -> amGoingTo ( 'try to save a category with a filled title' );
$I -> click ([ 'xpath' => " //button[@onclick= \" Joomla.submitbutton('category.add') \" ] " ]);
$I -> waitForText ( 'Category Manager: Add A New Weblinks Category' , '5' ,[ 'css' => 'h1' ]);
$I -> fillField ([ 'id' => 'jform_title' ], 'automated testing pub' . rand ( 1 , 100 ));
$I -> click ([ 'xpath' => " //button[@onclick= \" Joomla.submitbutton('category.save') \" ] " ]);
$I -> expectTo ( 'see a success message after saving the category' );
$I -> see ( 'Category successfully saved' ,[ 'id' => 'system-message-container' ]);
$I -> amGoingTo ( 'Search for automated testing' );
2015-05-30 23:54:32 +02:00
$I -> fillField ([ 'xpath' => " //input[@id= \" filter_search \" ] " ], " automated testing pub " . " \n " );
2015-05-30 23:46:18 +02:00
2015-07-22 13:53:07 +02:00
$I -> waitForText ( 'Weblinks: Categories' , '5' ,[ 'css' => 'h1' ]);
2015-05-30 23:46:18 +02:00
$I -> amGoingTo ( 'Select the first weblink' );
$I -> click ([ 'xpath' => " //input[@id= \" cb0 \" ] " ]);
$I -> amGoingTo ( 'try to publish a weblink category' );
$I -> click ([ 'xpath' => " //button[@onclick= \" if (document.adminForm.boxchecked.value==0) { alert('Please first make a selection from the list');}else { Joomla.submitbutton('categories.publish')} \" ] " ]);
2015-07-22 13:53:07 +02:00
$I -> waitForText ( 'Weblinks: Categories' , '5' ,[ 'css' => 'h1' ]);
2015-05-31 21:24:08 +02:00
$I -> expectTo ( 'see a success message after publishing the category' );
$I -> see ( '1 category successfully published.' ,[ 'id' => 'system-message-container' ]);
public function administratorUnpublishWeblink ( AcceptanceTester $I )
$I -> am ( 'Administrator' );
$I -> wantToTest ( 'Category unpublishing in /administrator/' );
$I -> doAdministratorLogin ();
$I -> amGoingTo ( 'Navigate to Categories page in /administrator/' );
$I -> amOnPage ( 'administrator/index.php?option=com_categories&extension=com_weblinks' );
2015-07-22 13:53:07 +02:00
$I -> waitForText ( 'Weblinks: Categories' , '5' ,[ 'css' => 'h1' ]);
2015-05-31 21:24:08 +02:00
$I -> expectTo ( 'see categories page' );
$I -> checkForPhpNoticesOrWarnings ();
$I -> amGoingTo ( 'try to save a category with a filled title' );
$I -> click ([ 'xpath' => " //button[@onclick= \" Joomla.submitbutton('category.add') \" ] " ]);
$I -> waitForText ( 'Category Manager: Add A New Weblinks Category' , '5' ,[ 'css' => 'h1' ]);
$I -> fillField ([ 'id' => 'jform_title' ], 'automated testing unpub' . rand ( 1 , 100 ));
$I -> click ([ 'xpath' => " //button[@onclick= \" Joomla.submitbutton('category.save') \" ] " ]);
2015-05-30 23:46:18 +02:00
$I -> expectTo ( 'see a success message after saving the category' );
2015-05-31 21:24:08 +02:00
$I -> see ( 'Category successfully saved' ,[ 'id' => 'system-message-container' ]);
$I -> amGoingTo ( 'Search for automated testing' );
$I -> fillField ([ 'xpath' => " //input[@id= \" filter_search \" ] " ], " automated testing unpub " . " \n " );
2015-07-22 13:53:07 +02:00
$I -> waitForText ( 'Weblinks: Categories' , '5' ,[ 'css' => 'h1' ]);
2015-05-31 21:24:08 +02:00
$I -> amGoingTo ( 'Select the first weblink' );
$I -> click ([ 'xpath' => " //input[@id= \" cb0 \" ] " ]);
$I -> amGoingTo ( 'Try to publish a weblink category' );
$I -> click ([ 'xpath' => " //button[@onclick= \" if (document.adminForm.boxchecked.value==0) { alert('Please first make a selection from the list');}else { Joomla.submitbutton('categories.publish')} \" ] " ]);
2015-07-22 13:53:07 +02:00
$I -> waitForText ( 'Weblinks: Categories' , '5' ,[ 'css' => 'h1' ]);
2015-05-31 21:24:08 +02:00
$I -> expectTo ( 'See a success message after publishing the category' );
2015-05-30 23:46:18 +02:00
$I -> see ( '1 category successfully published.' ,[ 'id' => 'system-message-container' ]);
2015-05-31 21:24:08 +02:00
// Unpublish it again
2015-07-22 13:53:07 +02:00
$I -> waitForText ( 'Weblinks: Categories' , '5' ,[ 'css' => 'h1' ]);
2015-05-31 21:24:08 +02:00
$I -> amGoingTo ( 'Select the first weblink' );
$I -> click ([ 'xpath' => " //input[@id= \" cb0 \" ] " ]);
$I -> amGoingTo ( 'Try to unpublish a weblink category' );
$I -> click ([ 'xpath' => " //button[@onclick= \" if (document.adminForm.boxchecked.value==0) { alert('Please first make a selection from the list');}else { Joomla.submitbutton('categories.unpublish')} \" ] " ]);
2015-07-22 13:53:07 +02:00
$I -> waitForText ( 'Weblinks: Categories' , '5' ,[ 'css' => 'h1' ]);
2015-05-31 21:24:08 +02:00
$I -> expectTo ( 'See a success message after unpublishing the category' );
$I -> see ( '1 category successfully unpublished' ,[ 'id' => 'system-message-container' ]);
2015-05-30 23:46:18 +02:00
2015-05-24 21:32:32 +02:00