configuration = $this->getConfiguration(); $this->cmsPath = $this->getTestingPath(); $this->executableExtension = $this->getExecutableExtension(); // Set default timezone (so no warnings are generated if it is not set) date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); } /** * Get the executable extension according to Operating System * * @return */ private function getExecutableExtension() { if ($this->isWindows()) { return '.exe'; } return ''; } /** * Get (optional) configuration from an external file * * @since 3.7.3 * * @return \stdClass|null */ public function getConfiguration() { $configurationFile = __DIR__ . '/RoboFile.ini'; if (!file_exists($configurationFile)) { $this->say('No local configuration file'); return null; } $configuration = parse_ini_file($configurationFile); if ($configuration === false) { $this->say('Local configuration file is empty or wrong (check is it in correct .ini format'); return null; } return json_decode(json_encode($configuration)); } /** * Get the correct CMS root path * * @since 3.7.3 * * @return string */ private function getTestingPath() { if (empty($this->configuration->cmsPath)) { return $this->testsPath . 'joomla'; } if (!file_exists(dirname($this->configuration->cmsPath))) { $this->say('CMS path written in local configuration does not exists or is not readable'); return $this->testsPath . 'joomla'; } return $this->configuration->cmsPath; } /** * Creates a testing Joomla site for running the tests (use it before run:test) * * @param bool $useHtaccess (1/0) Rename and enable embedded Joomla .htaccess file * * @since 3.7.3 * * @return void */ public function createTestingSite($useHtaccess = false) { if (!empty($this->configuration->skipClone)) { $this->say('Reusing Joomla CMS site already present at ' . $this->cmsPath); return; } // Caching cloned installations locally if (!is_dir($this->testsPath . 'cache') || (time() - filemtime($this->testsPath . 'cache') > 60 * 60 * 24)) { if (file_exists($this->testsPath . 'cache')) { $this->taskDeleteDir($this->testsPath . 'cache')->run(); } $this->_exec($this->buildGitCloneCommand()); } // Get Joomla Clean Testing sites if (is_dir($this->cmsPath)) { try { $this->taskDeleteDir($this->cmsPath)->run(); } catch (Exception $e) { // Sorry, we tried :( $this->say('Sorry, you will have to delete ' . $this->cmsPath . ' manually. '); exit(1); } } $exclude = ['tests', 'tests-phpunit', '.run', '.github', '.git', '.drone', 'docs', 'src', 'cache']; $this->copyJoomla($this->cmsPath, $exclude); // Optionally change owner to fix permissions issues if (!empty($this->configuration->localUser)) { $this->_exec('chown -R ' . $this->configuration->localUser . ' ' . $this->cmsPath); } $this->_copy('dist/', "tests/_data/"); // Optionally uses Joomla default htaccess file. Used by TravisCI if ($useHtaccess == true) { $this->say('Renaming htaccess.txt to .htaccess'); $this->_copy($this->cmsPath . '/htaccess.txt', $this->cmsPath . '/.htaccess'); $this->_exec('sed -e "s,# RewriteBase /,RewriteBase /tests/joomla-cms,g" -in-place tests/joomla/.htaccess'); } } /** * Copy the Joomla installation excluding folders * * @param string $dst Target folder * @param array $exclude Exclude list of folders * * @throws Exception * * @since 3.7.3 * * @return void */ protected function copyJoomla($dst, $exclude = array()) { $dir = @opendir( "." . '/' . $this->testsPath . 'cache'); if (false === $dir) { throw new Exception($this, "Cannot open source directory"); } if (!is_dir($dst)) { mkdir($dst, 0755, true); } while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir))) { if (in_array($file, $exclude)) { continue; } if (($file !== '.') && ($file !== '..')) { $srcFile = "." . '/' . $this->testsPath . 'cache/' . $file; $destFile = $dst . '/' . $file; if (is_dir($srcFile)) { $this->_copyDir($srcFile, $destFile); } else { copy($srcFile, $destFile); } } } closedir($dir); } /** * Downloads Composer * * @since 3.7.3 * * @return void */ private function getComposer() { // Make sure we have Composer if (!file_exists('composer.phar')) { $this->_exec('curl -o ' . 'composer.phar --retry 3 --retry-delay 5 -sS | php'); } } /** * Runs Selenium Standalone Server. * * @since 3.7.3 * * @return void */ public function runSelenium() { $this->taskSeleniumStandaloneServer() ->setBinary('vendor/bin/selenium-server-standalone') ->setWebdriver($this->getWebDriver()) ->runSelenium() ->waitForSelenium() ->run() ->stopOnFail(); } /** * Executes all the Selenium System Tests in a suite on your machine * * @param array $opts Array of configuration options: * - 'use-htaccess': renames and enable embedded Joomla .htaccess file * - 'env': set a specific environment to get configuration from * * @since 3.7.3 * * @return mixed */ public function runTests($opts = ['use-htaccess' => false, 'env' => 'desktop']) { $this->say("Running tests"); $this->createTestingSite($opts['use-htaccess']); $this->getComposer(); $this->taskComposerInstall('composer')->run(); $this->runSelenium(); // Make sure to run the build command to generate AcceptanceTester if ($this->isWindows()) { $this->_exec('php ' . $this->getWindowsPath('vendor/bin/codecept') . ' build'); $pathToCodeception = $this->getWindowsPath('vendor/bin/codecept'); } else { $this->_exec('php ' . 'vendor/bin/codecept build'); $pathToCodeception = 'vendor/bin/codecept'; } $this->taskCodecept($pathToCodeception) ->arg('--steps') ->arg('--debug') ->arg('--fail-fast') ->env($opts['env']) ->arg($this->testsPath . 'acceptance/install/') ->run() ->stopOnFail(); $this->taskCodecept($pathToCodeception) ->arg('--steps') ->arg('--debug') ->arg('--fail-fast') ->env($opts['env']) ->arg($this->testsPath . 'acceptance/administrator/') ->run() ->stopOnFail(); $this->taskCodecept($pathToCodeception) ->arg('--steps') ->arg('--debug') ->arg('--fail-fast') ->env($opts['env']) ->arg($this->testsPath . 'acceptance/frontend/') ->run() ->stopOnFail(); } /** * Executes a specific Selenium System Tests in your machine * * @param string $pathToTestFile Optional name of the test to be run * @param string $suite Optional name of the suite containing the tests, Acceptance by default. * * @since 3.7.3 * * @return void */ public function runTest($pathToTestFile = null, $suite = 'acceptance') { $this->runSelenium(); // Make sure to run the build command to generate AcceptanceTester $path = 'vendor/bin/codecept'; $this->_exec('php ' . $this->isWindows() ? $this->getWindowsPath($path) : $path . ' build'); if (!$pathToTestFile) { $this->say('Available tests in the system:'); $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator( new RecursiveDirectoryIterator( $this->testsPath . $suite, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS ), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST ); $tests = array(); $i = 1; $iterator->rewind(); while ($iterator->valid()) { if (strripos($iterator->getSubPathName(), 'cept.php') || strripos($iterator->getSubPathName(), 'cest.php') || strripos($iterator->getSubPathName(), '.feature') ) { $this->say('[' . $i . '] ' . $iterator->getSubPathName()); $tests[$i] = $iterator->getSubPathName(); $i++; } $iterator->next(); } $this->say(''); $testNumber = $this->ask('Type the number of the test in the list that you want to run...'); $test = $tests[$testNumber]; } $pathToTestFile = $this->testsPath . $suite . '/' . $test; // Loading the class to display the methods in the class // Logic to fetch the class name from the file name $fileName = explode("/", $test); // If the selected file is cest only then we will give the option to execute individual methods, we don't need this in cept or feature files $i = 1; if (isset($fileName[1]) && strripos($fileName[1], 'cest')) { require $this->testsPath . $suite . '/' . $test; $className = explode(".", $fileName[1]); $class_methods = get_class_methods($className[0]); $this->say('[' . $i . '] ' . 'All'); $methods[$i] = 'All'; $i++; foreach ($class_methods as $method_name) { $reflect = new ReflectionMethod($className[0], $method_name); if (!$reflect->isConstructor() && $reflect->isPublic()) { $this->say('[' . $i . '] ' . $method_name); $methods[$i] = $method_name; $i++; } } $this->say(''); $methodNumber = $this->ask('Please choose the method in the test that you would want to run...'); $method = $methods[$methodNumber]; } if (isset($method) && $method != 'All') { $pathToTestFile = $pathToTestFile . ':' . $method; } $testPathCodecept = 'vendor/bin/codecept'; $this->taskCodecept($this->isWindows() ? $this->getWindowsPath($testPathCodecept) : $testPathCodecept) ->test($pathToTestFile) ->arg('--steps') ->arg('--debug') ->run() ->stopOnFail(); } /** * Check if local OS is Windows * * @return bool * * @since 3.7.3 */ private function isWindows() { return strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN'; } /** * Return the correct path for Windows (needed by CMD) * * @param string $path Linux path * * @return string * * @since 3.7.3 */ private function getWindowsPath($path) { return str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path); } /** * Detect the correct driver for selenium * * @return string the webdriver string to use with selenium * * @since 3.7.3 */ public function getWebdriver() { $suiteConfig = $this->getSuiteConfig(); $codeceptMainConfig = \Codeception\Configuration::config(); $browser = $suiteConfig['modules']['config']['JoomlaBrowser']['browser']; if ($browser == 'chrome') { $driver['type'] = ''; } elseif ($browser == 'firefox') { $driver['type'] = 'webdriver.gecko.driver'; } elseif ($browser == 'MicrosoftEdge') { $driver['type'] = 'webdriver.edge.driver'; // Check if we are using Windows Insider builds if ($suiteConfig['modules']['config']['AcceptanceHelper']['MicrosoftEdgeInsiders']) { $browser = 'MicrosoftEdgeInsiders'; } } elseif ($browser == 'internet explorer') { $driver['type'] = ''; } // Check if we have a path for this browser and OS in the codeception settings if (isset($codeceptMainConfig['webdrivers'][$browser][$this->getOs()])) { $driverPath = $codeceptMainConfig['webdrivers'][$browser][$this->getOs()]; } else { $this->yell('No driver for your browser. Check your browser in acceptance.suite.yml and the webDrivers in codeception.yml'); // We can't do anything without a driver, exit exit(1); } $driver['path'] = $driverPath; return '-D' . implode('=', $driver); } /** * Return the os name * * @return string * * @since 3.7.3 */ private function getOs() { $os = php_uname('s'); if (strpos(strtolower($os), 'windows') !== false) { return 'windows'; } if (strpos(strtolower($os), 'darwin') !== false) { return 'mac'; } return 'linux'; } /** * Get the suite configuration * * @param string $suite Name of the test suite * * @return array * * @since 3.7.3 */ private function getSuiteConfig($suite = 'acceptance') { if (!$this->suiteConfig) { $this->suiteConfig = Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml::parse(file_get_contents("tests/{$suite}.suite.yml")); } return $this->suiteConfig; } /** * Build correct git clone command according to local configuration and OS * * @return string */ private function buildGitCloneCommand() { $branch = empty($this->configuration->branch) ? 'staging' : $this->configuration->branch; return "git clone -b $branch --single-branch --depth 1 " . $this->testsPath . "cache"; } /** * Update Version __DEPLOY_VERSION__ in Weblinks. (Set the version up in the jorobo.ini) * * @return void */ public function bump() { (new \Joomla\Jorobo\Tasks\BumpVersion())->run(); } /** * Build the joomla extension package * * @param array $params Additional params * * @return void */ public function build($params = ['dev' => false]) { (new \Joomla\Jorobo\Tasks\Build($params))->run(); } /** * Map into Joomla installation. * * @param String $target The target joomla instance * * @since __DEPLOY_VERSION__ * * @return void */ public function map($target) { (new \Joomla\Jorobo\Tasks\Map($target))->run(); } }