--- kind: pipeline name: default steps: - name: composer image: joomlaprojects/docker-images:php8.2 volumes: - name: composer-cache path: /tmp/composer-cache commands: - composer install --no-progress - name: phpcs image: joomlaprojects/docker-images:php8.1 depends_on: [ composer ] commands: - echo $(date) - ./vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix -vvv --dry-run --diff - ./vendor/bin/phpcs --extensions=php -p --standard=ruleset.xml src/ - echo $(date) - name: npm image: node:16-bullseye-slim depends_on: [ phpcs ] volumes: - name: npm-cache path: /tmp/npm-cache environment: npm_config_cache: /tmp/npm-cache commands: - npm i --unsafe-perm - name: prepare_system_tests depends_on: [ npm ] image: joomlaprojects/docker-images:systemtests volumes: - name: cypress-cache path: /root/.cache/Cypress commands: - mv cypress.config.dist.js cypress.config.js - npx cypress install - npx cypress verify - vendor/bin/robo build - curl https://joomla.org/latest -L --output joomla.zip - name: phpmin-system-mysql depends_on: [ prepare_system_tests ] image: joomlaprojects/docker-images:cypress volumes: - name: cypress-cache path: /root/.cache/Cypress commands: - mkdir /tests/www/mysql/ - cp joomla.zip /tests/www/mysql/joomla.zip - cp dist/pkg-weblinks-current.zip /tests/www/mysql/pkg-weblinks-current.zip - cd /tests/www/mysql/ - unzip joomla.zip - apache2ctl -D FOREGROUND & - chmod +rwx /root - php installation/joomla.php install --verbose --site-name="Joomla CMS test" --admin-email=admin@example.org --admin-username=ci-admin --admin-user="jane doe" --admin-password=joomla-17082005 --db-type=mysqli --db-host=mysql --db-name=test_joomla --db-pass=joomla_ut --db-user=root --db-encryption=0 --db-prefix=mysql_ - php cli/joomla.php config:set debug=true error_reporting=maximum - php cli/joomla.php extension:install --path=/tests/www/mysql/pkg-weblinks-current.zip - cd /drone/src - npx cypress run --browser=firefox --e2e --config baseUrl=http://localhost/mysql,screenshotsFolder=/drone/src/tests/cypress/output/screenshots - name: artifacts-system-tests image: joomlaprojects/docker-images:packager depends_on: - phpmin-system-mysql environment: FTP_USERNAME: from_secret: ftpusername FTP_PASSWORD: from_secret: ftppassword GITHUB_TOKEN: from_secret: github_token commands: - export PLUGIN_DEST_DIR=/artifacts/$DRONE_REPO/$DRONE_BRANCH/$DRONE_PULL_REQUEST/system-tests/$DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER - echo https://ci.joomla.org$PLUGIN_DEST_DIR - rclone config create artifacts ftp host ci.joomla.org user $FTP_USERNAME port 21 pass $FTP_PASSWORD - rclone mkdir artifacts:$PLUGIN_DEST_DIR - rclone copy tests/cypress/output/ artifacts:$PLUGIN_DEST_DIR - 'curl -X POST "https://api.github.com/repos/$DRONE_REPO/statuses/$DRONE_COMMIT" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: token $GITHUB_TOKEN" -d "{\"state\":\"failure\", \"context\": \"Artifacts from Failure\", \"description\": \"You can find artifacts from the failure of the build here:\", \"target_url\": \"https://ci.joomla.org$PLUGIN_DEST_DIR\"}" > /dev/null' when: status: - failure volumes: - name: weblinks_cache host: path: /tmp/weblinks_cache - name: composer-cache host: path: /tmp/composer-cache - name: cypress-cache host: path: /tmp/cypress-cache - name: npm-cache host: path: /tmp/npm-cache services: - name: mysql image: mysql:5.7 environment: MYSQL_USER: joomla_ut MYSQL_PASSWORD: joomla_ut MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: joomla_ut MYSQL_DATABASE: test_joomla - name: mysql8 image: mysql:8 command: ["--default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password"] environment: MYSQL_USER: joomla_ut MYSQL_PASSWORD: joomla_ut MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: joomla_ut MYSQL_DATABASE: test_joomla - name: postgres image: postgres:11-alpine ports: - 5432 environment: POSTGRES_USER: root POSTGRES_PASSWORD: joomla_ut POSTGRES_DB: test_joomla --- kind: signature hmac: b2d4dd23da55c06ea35eaa184db5172624d15edfa7cdcf5659cce885cd96242b ...