am('Administrator'); $I->wantToTest('Frontend menu creation in /administrator/'); $I->doAdministratorLogin(); $I->amGoingTo('Navigate to Menu Manager page in /administrator/'); $I->amOnPage('administrator/index.php?option=com_menus&view=items&menutype=mainmenu'); $I->waitForText('Menu Manager: Menu Items', '5', ['css' => 'h1']); $I->expectTo('see menu menager items'); $I->checkForPhpNoticesOrWarnings(); $I->amGoingTo('try to save a category with a filled title'); $I->click(['xpath' => "//button[@onclick=\"Joomla.submitbutton('item.add')\"]"]); $I->waitForText('Menu Manager: New Menu Item', '5', ['css' => 'h1']); $I->fillField(['id' => 'jform_title'], 'automated testing' . rand(1, 100)); $I->click(['xpath' => "//a[@href=\"#menuTypeModal\"]"]); $I->waitForElement('.iframe', 15); // TODO: create a pull request in joomla-cms and add a name to the iframe there // attach a nanme so that we can switch to the iframe later $I->executeJS('jQuery(".iframe").attr("name", "blah")'); $I->switchToIFrame("blah"); $I->click(['link' => "Weblinks"]); $I->click(['xpath' => "//a[contains(@title, 'Show all the web link categories within a category')]"]); $I->switchToIFrame(); $I->waitForText('Menu Manager: New Menu Item', '5', ['css' => 'h1']); $I->click(['xpath' => "//button[@onclick=\"Joomla.submitbutton('item.apply')\"]"]); $I->expectTo('see a success message after saving the category'); $I->see('Menu item successfully saved', ['id' => 'system-message-container']); } }