extension = '.exe'; } } /** * Executes all the Selenium System Tests in a suite on your machine * * @param string $seleniumPath Optional path to selenium-standalone-server-x.jar * @param string $suite Optional, the name of the tests suite * * @return mixed */ public function runTests($seleniumPath = null, $suite = 'acceptance') { $this->configuration = $this->getConfiguration(); $this->setExecExtension(); $this->createTestingSite(); $this->getComposer(); $this->taskComposerInstall()->run(); $this->runSelenium(); $this->_exec('php' . $this->extension . ' vendor/bin/codecept build'); $this->taskCodecept() ->arg('--steps') ->arg('--debug') ->arg('--fail-fast') ->arg('tests/acceptance/install/') ->run() ->stopOnFail(); $this->taskCodecept() ->arg('--steps') ->arg('--debug') ->arg('--fail-fast') ->arg('tests/acceptance/administrator/') ->run() ->stopOnFail(); $this->taskCodecept() ->arg('--steps') ->arg('--debug') ->arg('--fail-fast') ->arg('tests/acceptance/frontend/') ->run() ->stopOnFail(); // Kill selenium server // $this->_exec('curl http://localhost:4444/selenium-server/driver/?cmd=shutDownSeleniumServer'); /* // Uncomment this lines if you need to debug selenium errors $seleniumErrors = file_get_contents('selenium.log'); if ($seleniumErrors) { $this->say('Printing Selenium Log files'); $this->say('------ selenium.log (start) ---------'); $this->say($seleniumErrors); $this->say('------ selenium.log (end) -----------'); } */ } /** * Executes a specific Selenium System Tests in your machine * * @param string $seleniumPath Optional path to selenium-standalone-server-x.jar * @param string $pathToTestFile Optional name of the test to be run * @param string $suite Optional name of the suite containing the tests, Acceptance by default. * * @return mixed */ public function runTest($pathToTestFile = null, $suite = 'acceptance') { $this->runSelenium(); // Make sure to Run the Build Command to Generate AcceptanceTester $this->_exec("php vendor/bin/codecept build"); if (!$pathToTestFile) { $this->say('Available tests in the system:'); $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator( new RecursiveDirectoryIterator( 'tests/' . $suite, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS ), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST ); $tests = array(); $iterator->rewind(); $i = 1; while ($iterator->valid()) { if (strripos($iterator->getSubPathName(), 'cept.php') || strripos($iterator->getSubPathName(), 'cest.php')) { $this->say('[' . $i . '] ' . $iterator->getSubPathName()); $tests[$i] = $iterator->getSubPathName(); $i++; } $iterator->next(); } $this->say(''); $testNumber = $this->ask('Type the number of the test in the list that you want to run...'); $test = $tests[$testNumber]; } $pathToTestFile = 'tests/' . $suite . '/' . $test; $this->taskCodecept() ->test($pathToTestFile) ->arg('--steps') ->arg('--debug') ->run() ->stopOnFail(); // Kill selenium server // $this->_exec('curl http://localhost:4444/selenium-server/driver/?cmd=shutDownSeleniumServer'); } /** * Creates a testing Joomla site for running the tests (use it before run:test) */ public function createTestingSite() { if (!empty($this->configuration->skipClone)) { $this->say('Reusing Joomla CMS site already present at tests/joomla-cms3'); return; } // Get Joomla Clean Testing sites if (is_dir('tests/joomla-cms3')) { $this->taskDeleteDir('tests/joomla-cms3')->run(); } $this->_exec('git' . $this->extension . ' clone -b staging --single-branch --depth 1 https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms.git tests/joomla-cms3'); $this->say('Joomla CMS site created at tests/joomla-cms3'); } /** * Get (optional) configuration from an external file * * @return \stdClass|null */ public function getConfiguration() { $configurationFile = __DIR__ . '/RoboFile.ini'; if (!file_exists($configurationFile)) { $this->say("No local configuration file"); return null; } $configuration = parse_ini_file($configurationFile); if ($configuration === false) { $this->say('Local configuration file is empty or wrong (check is it in correct .ini format'); return null; } return json_decode(json_encode($configuration)); } /** * Runs Selenium Standalone Server. * * @return void */ public function runSelenium() { if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) !== 'WIN') { $this->_exec("vendor/bin/selenium-server-standalone >> selenium.log 2>&1 &"); } else { $this->_exec("START java.exe -jar .\\vendor\\joomla-projects\\selenium-server-standalone\\bin\\selenium-server-standalone.jar"); } if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') { sleep(10); } else { $this->taskWaitForSeleniumStandaloneServer() ->run() ->stopOnFail(); } } /** * Downloads Composer * * @return void */ private function getComposer() { // Make sure we have Composer if (!file_exists('./composer.phar')) { $this->_exec('curl --retry 3 --retry-delay 5 -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php'); } } }