isClient('site')) { JSession::checkToken('get') or die(JText::_('JINVALID_TOKEN')); } JLoader::register('WeblinksHelperRoute', JPATH_ROOT . '/components/com_weblinks/helpers/route.php'); // Include the component HTML helpers. JHtml::addIncludePath(JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/html'); JHtml::_('behavior.core'); JHtml::_('behavior.polyfill', array('event'), 'lt IE 9'); JHtml::_('script', 'com_weblinks/admin-weblinks-modal.js', array('version' => 'auto', 'relative' => true)); JHtml::_('bootstrap.tooltip', '.hasTooltip', array('placement' => 'bottom')); JHtml::_('formbehavior.chosen', 'select'); // Special case for the search field tooltip. $searchFilterDesc = $this->filterForm->getFieldAttribute('search', 'description', null, 'filter'); JHtml::_('bootstrap.tooltip', '#filter_search', array('title' => JText::_($searchFilterDesc), 'placement' => 'bottom')); $function = $app->input->getCmd('function', 'jSelectWeblink'); $editor = $app->input->getCmd('editor', ''); $listOrder = $this->escape($this->state->get('list.ordering')); $listDirn = $this->escape($this->state->get('list.direction')); $onclick = $this->escape($function); if (!empty($editor)) { // This view is used also in com_menus. Load the xtd script only if the editor is set! JFactory::getDocument()->addScriptOptions('xtd-weblinks', array('editor' => $editor)); $onclick = "jSelectWeblink"; } $iconStates = array( -2 => 'icon-trash', 0 => 'icon-unpublish', 1 => 'icon-publish', 2 => 'icon-archive', ); ?>
$this)); ?>
items)) : ?>
items as $i => $item) : ?> language && JLanguageMultilang::isEnabled()) : ?> language); ?> language, 0, 2); ?> language, 0, 3); ?>
pagination->getListFooter(); ?>
escape($onclick) . '"' . ' data-id="' . $item->id . '"' . ' data-title="' . $this->escape(addslashes($item->title)) . '"' . ' data-cat-id="' . $this->escape($item->catid) . '"' . ' data-uri="' . $this->escape(WeblinksHelperRoute::getWeblinkRoute($item->id, $item->catid, $item->language)) . '"' . ' data-language="' . $this->escape($lang) . '"'; ?> > escape($item->title); ?>
escape($item->category_title); ?>
escape($item->access_level); ?> created, JText::_('DATE_FORMAT_LC4')); ?> id; ?>