I WANT TO TEST TRASHING A CATEGORY IN /ADMINISTRATOR/ I am "Administrator" I do administrator login "" I am going to "Navigate to Categories page in /administrator/" I am on page "administrator/index.php?option=com_categories&extension=com_weblinks" I wait for text "Weblinks: Categories"," '60"," ['css' => 'h1']" I set filter "Select Status"," 'Archived" I search for item "$this->categoryTitle" I check all results "" I am going to "try to delete a Weblinks Category" I click toolbar button "Trash" I wait for element "['id' => 'system-message-container']"," '60" I expect to "see a success message after Trashing the category" I see "1 category successfully trashed."," ['id' => 'system-message-container']"