mirror of https://github.com/joomla-extensions/weblinks.git synced 2025-02-04 18:28:25 +00:00

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* @package Joomla.Administrator
* @subpackage com_weblinks
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2015 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
class AdministratorCategoriesCest
public $categoryTitle;
* Creates random names for the objects that will be used by the tests
* @see https://github.com/fzaninotto/Faker#fakerproviderbase
public function __construct()
$this->faker = Faker\Factory::create();
$this->categoryTitle = $this->faker->bothify('AdministratorCategoriesCest category ?##?');
public function administratorCreateCategoryWithoutTitleFails(AcceptanceTester $I)
$I->wantToTest('Category creation in /administrator/ without title fails');
$I->amGoingTo('Navigate to Categories page in /administrator/');
$I->waitForText('Web Links: Categories', '60', ['css' => 'h1']);
$I->expectTo('see categories page');
$I->amGoingTo('try to save a category with empty title and it should fail');
$I->waitForText('Web Links: New Category', '60', ['css' => 'h1']);
$I->expectTo('see an error when trying to save a category without title');
$I->see('Invalid field: Title', ['id' => 'system-message-container']);
public function administratorCreateCategory(\Step\Acceptance\category $I)
$I->wantToTest('create a Category in /administrator/');
$I->amGoingTo('Navigate to Categories page in /administrator/ and create a Category');
$I->waitForText('Web Links: Categories', '60', ['css' => 'h1']);
$I->expectTo('see categories page');
$I->amGoingTo('try to save a category with a filled title');
$I->waitForText('Web Links: New Category', '60', ['css' => 'h1']);
$I->fillField(['id' => 'jform_title'], $this->categoryTitle);
$I->clickToolbarButton('Save & Close');
$I->expectTo('see a success message after saving the category');
$I->see('Category successfully saved', ['id' => 'system-message-container']);
* @depends administratorCreateCategory
public function administratorPublishCategory(\Step\Acceptance\category $I)
$I->wantToTest('Publishing a Category in /administrator/');
$I->amGoingTo('Navigate to Categories page in /administrator/');
$I->waitForText('Web Links: Categories', '60', ['css' => 'h1']);
$I->amGoingTo('try to publish a Web Links Category');
$I->waitForElement(['id' => 'system-message-container'], '60');
$I->expectTo('see a success message after publishing the category');
$I->see('1 category successfully published.', ['id' => 'system-message-container']);
* @depends administratorPublishCategory
public function administratorUnpublishCategory(\Step\Acceptance\category $I)
$I->wantToTest('Unpublish a Category in /administrator/');
$I->amGoingTo('Navigate to Categories page in /administrator/');
$I->waitForText('Web Links: Categories', '60', ['css' => 'h1']);
$I->amGoingTo('try to unpublish a Web Links Category');
$I->waitForElement(['id' => 'system-message-container'], '60');
$I->expectTo('See a success message after unpublishing the category');
$I->see('1 category successfully unpublished', ['id' => 'system-message-container']);
* @depends administratorUnpublishCategory
public function administratorArchiveCategory(\Step\Acceptance\category $I)
$I->wantToTest('Archiving a Category in /administrator/');
$I->amGoingTo('Navigate to Categories page in /administrator/');
$I->waitForText('Web Links: Categories', '60', ['css' => 'h1']);
$I->amGoingTo('try to archive a Web Links category');
$I->waitForElement(['id' => 'system-message-container'], '60');
$I->expectTo('see a success message after Archiving the category');
$I->see('1 category successfully archived.', ['id' => 'system-message-container']);
* @depends administratorArchiveCategory
public function administratorTrashCategory(\Step\Acceptance\category $I)
$I->wantToTest('Trashing a Category in /administrator/');
$I->amGoingTo('Navigate to Categories page in /administrator/');
$I->waitForText('Web Links: Categories', '60', ['css' => 'h1']);
$I->setFilter('Select Status', 'Archived');
$I->amGoingTo('try to delete a Web Links Category');
$I->waitForElement(['id' => 'system-message-container'], '60');
$I->expectTo('see a success message after Trashing the category');
$I->see('1 category successfully trashed.', ['id' => 'system-message-container']);
* @depends administratorTrashCategory
public function administratorDeleteCategory(\Step\Acceptance\category $I)
$I->wantToTest('Deleting a Category in /administrator/');
$I->amGoingTo('Navigate to Categories page in /administrator/');
$I->waitForText('Web Links: Categories', '60', ['css' => 'h1']);
$I->setFilter('Select Status', 'Trashed');
$I->amGoingTo('try to delete a Web Links Category');
$I->clickToolbarButton('Empty trash');
$I->waitForElement(['id' => 'system-message-container'], '60');
$I->expectTo('see a success message after Deleting the category');
$I->see('1 category successfully deleted.', ['id' => 'system-message-container']);
public function administratorVerifyAvailableTabs(\Step\Acceptance\category $I)
$I->wantToTest('Category Edit View Tabs');
$I->amGoingTo('Navigate to Categories page in /administrator/ and verify the Tabs');
$I->waitForText('Web Links: New Category', '30', ['css' => 'h1']);
$I->verifyAvailableTabs(['Category', 'Options', 'Publishing', 'Permissions']);