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2020-04-10 12:40:13 +00:00
* https://adonisjs.com/
2020-04-11 11:11:09 +00:00
2020-04-14 12:23:46 +00:00
* https://adonisjs.com/docs/ace
2020-04-11 11:11:09 +00:00
2020-04-10 12:40:13 +00:00
2020-04-13 15:10:16 +00:00
build // Compile typescript code to Javascript. Optionally watch for file changes.
invoke // Invoke post install instructions on a given AdonisJs package.
serve // Compile typescript code to Javascript and start the HTTP server.
2020-04-10 12:40:13 +00:00
// Dump
2020-04-13 15:10:16 +00:00
dump:rcfile // Dump contents of .adonisrc.json file along with defaults.
2020-04-10 12:40:13 +00:00
// Generate
2020-04-13 15:10:16 +00:00
generate:key // Generate a new APP_KEY secret.
generate:manifest // Generate manifest file to execute ace commands.
2020-04-10 12:40:13 +00:00
// List
2020-04-13 15:10:16 +00:00
list:routes // List application routes.
2020-04-10 12:40:13 +00:00
// Make
2020-04-13 15:10:16 +00:00
make:command // Make a new ace command.
make:controller // Make a new HTTP controller.
make:middleware // Make a new middleware.
make:migration // Make a new migration.
make:provider // Make a new IoC container provider.
make:validator // Make a new validator.
make:view // Make a new view template.
2020-04-10 16:00:31 +00:00
// Migrations
migration:run // Run all pending migrations.
migration:rollback // Rollback last set of migrations.
migration:refresh // Rollback all migrations to the 0 batch then re-run them from the start.
migration:reset // Rollback all migrations to the 0 batch.
migration:status // Get the status of all the migrations.
2020-04-13 15:10:16 +00:00
2020-04-14 12:23:46 +00:00
* https://adonisjs.com/docs/request
2020-04-13 15:10:16 +00:00
request.all() // Returns an object containing all request data (merges query params and request body data).
request.get() // Returns an object containing query params data.
request.post() // Returns an object containing request body data.
request.raw() // Returns raw body data as a string.
request.only(['username', 'age']) // Returns an object with only the specified keys.
request.collect(['username', 'age']) // Formats so its ready to save to the database.
request.except(['csrf_token', 'submit']) // Returns an object with everything except the specified keys (opposite of only).
request.input('drink', 'coffee') // Get the value of a given key (if it doesnt exist, return the default value).
request.headers() // Returns an object of all header data.
request.header('some-other-header', 'default') // The header value for a given key (optionally with default value).
request.cookies() // Returns an object of all cookie data.
request.cookie('cart_total', 0) // Returns the cookie value for a given key (optionally with default value).
request.plainCookies() // Returns an object of all raw cookie data.
request.plainCookie('cart_total', 0) // Returns the raw cookie value for a given key (optionally with default value).
request.accepts(['json', 'html']) // Reads the Accept header to help determine the response format.
request.language(['en', 'fr']) // Language can also be negotiated based upon the Accept-Language header.
request.url() // Returns the current request url.
request.originalUrl() // Returns the full current request url with query strings.
request.method() // Returns the HTTP request method.
request.intended() // Returns the intended request HTTP method.
request.ip() // Returns the most trusted ip address for the user.
request.ips() // Returns an array of ips from most to the least trusted (removes the default ip address, which can be accessed via the ip method).
request.subdomains() // Returns a list of request subdomains (removes www from the list).
request.ajax() // Checks for X-Requested-With header to determine if the request is ajax or not.
request.pjax() // This methods looks for the X-PJAX header to identify if a request is pjax or not.
request.hostname() // Returns the request hostname.
request.protocol() // Return the request protocol.
request.match(['posts/:id']) // Returns whether the passed set of expressions match the current request URL.
request.hasBody() // A boolean indicating if the request has a post body (mainly used by the BodyParser to determine whether or not to parse the body).
request.is(['json', 'html']) // The is method returns the best matching content type for the current request. The check is entirely based upon the content-type header.
2020-04-15 19:49:11 +00:00
2020-04-15 20:12:48 +00:00
* https://adonisjs.com/docs/response
2020-04-15 19:49:11 +00:00
response.header("Content-type", "application/json"); // Set a header value.
response.safeHeader("Content-type", "application/json"); // Only set a header value if it does not already exist.
response.removeHeader("Content-type"); // Remove an existing header.
response.type("application/json"); // Set the Content-Type header.
response.cookie("cartTotal", 20); // Set a cookie value.
response.clearCookie("cartTotal"); // Remove an existing cookie value (by setting its expiry in the past).
response.plainCookie("cartTotal", 20); // Set a plain cookie.
response.redirect(url, [(sendParams = false)], [(status = 302)]); // Redirect request to a different url (by default it will set the status as 302).
response.route(route, [data], [domain], [(sendParams = false)], [(status = 302)]); // Redirect to a route (via route name or controller method).
response.download(filePath); // Stream the file to the client.
response.attachment(filePath, [name], [disposition]); // Force download the file.
response.continue(); // 100 status code
response.switchingProtocols(); // 101 status code
response.ok(); // 200 status code
response.created(); // 201 status code
response.accepted(); // 202 status code
response.nonAuthoritativeInformation(); // 203 status code
response.noContent(); // 204 status code
response.resetContent(); // 205 status code
response.partialContent(); // 206 status code
response.multipleChoices(); // 300 status code
response.movedPermanently(); // 301 status code
response.found(); // 302 status code
response.seeOther(); // 303 status code
response.notModified(); // 304 status code
response.useProxy(); // 305 status code
response.temporaryRedirect(); // 307 status code
response.badRequest(); // 400 status code
response.unauthorized(); // 401 status code
response.paymentRequired(); // 402 status code
response.forbidden(); // 403 status code
response.notFound(); // 404 status code
response.methodNotAllowed(); // 405 status code
response.notAcceptable(); // 406 status code
response.proxyAuthenticationRequired(); // 407 status code
response.requestTimeout(); // 408 status code
response.conflict(); // 409 status code
response.gone(); // 410 status code
response.lengthRequired(); // 411 status code
response.preconditionFailed(); // 412 status code
response.requestEntityTooLarge(); // 413 status code
response.requestUriTooLong(); // 414 status code
response.unsupportedMediaType(); // 415 status code
response.requestedRangeNotSatisfiable(); // 416 status code
response.expectationFailed(); // 417 status code
response.unprocessableEntity(); // 422 status code
response.tooManyRequests(); // 429 status code
response.internalServerError(); // 500 status code
response.notImplemented(); // 501 status code
response.badGateway(); // 502 status code
response.serviceUnavailable(); // 503 status code
response.gatewayTimeout(); // 504 status code
response.httpVersionNotSupported(); // 505 status code
2020-04-11 11:11:09 +00:00
2020-04-14 12:23:46 +00:00
* https://adonisjs.com/docs/routing
2020-04-11 11:11:09 +00:00
2020-04-13 15:10:16 +00:00
Route.get(url, closure) // Register route for GET verb.
Route.post(url, closure) // Register route for POST verb.
Route.put(url, closure) // Register route for PUT verb.
Route.patch(url, closure) // Register route for PATCH verb.
Route.delete(url, closure) // Register route for DELETED verb.
Route.any(url, closure) // Register route for all HTTP verbs.
2020-04-11 11:11:09 +00:00
2020-04-13 15:10:16 +00:00
Route.on('/').render('welcome') // Render a view directly.
2020-04-11 11:11:09 +00:00
2020-04-13 15:10:16 +00:00
Route.route('/', () => {}, ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT']) // Register route for multiple verbs.
Route.get('users', closure).as('users.index') // Assign a unique name to the route.
Route.get('users', closure).formats(['json', 'html'], true) // Force client to define the route format.
2020-04-11 11:11:09 +00:00
2020-04-13 15:10:16 +00:00
Route.resource('users', 'UserController') // Define a resource route for CRUD operations.
Route.resource('users', 'UserController').apiOnly() // Remove create and edit routes.
Route.resource('users', 'UserController').only(['index']) // Keeps only the passed routes.
2020-04-11 11:11:09 +00:00
Route.resource('users', 'UserController').except(['index']) //Keeps all routes except the passed routes.
2020-04-13 15:10:16 +00:00
Route.group(() => {}) // Define a group of routes.
Route.group(() => {}).middleware(['auth']) // Attach a middleware.
Route.group(() => {}).formats(['json']) // Define response formats.
Route.group(() => {}).prefix('api/v1') // Define a prefix for a group of routes.
Route.group(() => {}).namespace('Admin') // Prefix the namespace of the bound controller.
Route.group(() => {}).domain('blog.sthg.com') // Specify which domain goup routes belong to.
2020-04-11 19:39:17 +00:00
* https://indicative-v5.adonisjs.com/
2020-04-12 15:05:46 +00:00
const indicative = require("indicative");
const rules = {
email: "required|email|unique:users",
password: "required|min:6|max:30",
// Indivative methods
2020-04-13 15:10:16 +00:00
indicative.validate(data, rules); // Validate data with defined rules.
indicative.validateAll(data, rules); // Same as validate but continues to validate all fields, whereas the validate method stops on first error.
indicative.is.email(emailAddress); // Raw validator.
indicative.extend("exists", existsFn); // Add your own rules.
indicative.sanitize(data, rules); // Returns a new object with sanitized data:.
indicative.sanitizor.normalizeEmail(emailAddress); // Raw sanitizor.
2020-04-12 15:05:46 +00:00
// Validations
above // Makes sure the value provided by the end user is above the expected value.
accepted // Ensures that the field under validation is accepted.
after // Ensures the value of the field is after the expected date.
afterOffsetOf // Ensures the date is after a given offset of a given time period.
alpha // Makes sure the field under validation is alpha only.
alphaNumeric // Makes sure the field under validation is alpha numeric only.
array // Ensure the value is a valid array. Also this validation will never validate the size of array.
before // Ensures the value of field under validation is before a given date.
beforeOffsetOf // Ensures the date is before a given offset of a given time period.
boolean // Ensures the value of a field is a boolean.
confirmed // Ensures a field value as confirmed using a _confirmation convention. This is mainly used for password confirmation field.
date // Ensures the field under validation is a valid date. The value can be a date object or a valid date string.
dateFormat // Ensures the date or date time is valid as the one of the defined formats.
different // Ensures the value of the field under validation is always different from the targeted field value.
email // Ensures the field under validation is a valid email format.
endsWith // Ensure the value of field under validation ends with a certain substr. This validation will also trim whitespaces before making the check.
equals // Ensures 2 values are lossely same. This validation will not check for the same type, but instead checks for the same value.
in // Ensures the value of a given field matches one of expected values.
includes // Ensures the value of field under validation contains a given substring.
integer // Ensures the value is a valid integer. Also string representation of a number will return true.
ip // Ensures the value is a valid ip address as per ipv4 and ipv6 specs.
ipv4 // Ensures the value is a valid ip address as per ipv4 spec only.
ipv6 // Ensures the value is a valid ip address as per ipv6 spec only.
json // Ensures the value of field under validation is safe to be parsed using JSON.parse method.
max // Ensures the length of a string or array is not greater than the defined length.
min // Ensures the length of a string or array is not is not less than the expected length
notEquals // Makes sure that the value of field under validation is not same as the defined value.
notIn // Makes sure that the value of field under validation is not from one of the defined values.
number // Makes sure that the value of field under validation is a valid number. The validation will pass for floats too, since it uses typeof internally.
object // Ensures the value of field under validation is a valid Javascript object. The validation will fail for Arrays, though they are objects too in Javascript.
range // Ensures the value of field under validation is under a given range. The values will be cased to Number automatically.
regex // Ensures the value of field under validation, passes the regex test. The regex can be defined as a string or a RegExp object.
required // Ensures the value of field under validation is not empty (i.e. not an empty object, empty array, empty string, null or undefined).
requiredIf // The field is checked for required validation, when expected field exists.
requiredWhen // The field is checked for required validation, when expected field value is same as the expected value.
requiredWithAll // Ensures the field is required when all other fields have non-empty values.
requiredWithAny // Ensures the field is required when any of the other fields have non-empty values.
requiredWithoutAll // Ensures the field is required when all of the other fields has empty values.
requiredWithoutAny // Ensures the field is required when any of the other fields has empty values.
same // Ensures the value of 2 fields are same.
startsWith // Ensure the value of field under validation starts with a certain substr. This validation will also trim whitespaces before making the check.
string // Ensures the value is a string.
under // Ensures the value of a field is under a certain value. All values will be casted to Number.
url // Ensures the value is a valid URL format.
2020-04-11 19:39:17 +00:00
2020-04-24 18:58:50 +00:00
* https://adonisjs.com/docs/lucid
Model.find() // Find a record using the primary key (always returns one record).
Model.findOrFail() // Similar to find, but instead throws a ModelNotFoundException when unable to find a record.
2020-04-25 17:51:51 +00:00
Model.findBy() // Find a record using a key/value pair (returns the first matching record).
2020-04-24 18:58:50 +00:00
Model.findByOrFail() // Similar to findBy, but instead throws a ModelNotFoundException when unable to find a record.
Model.first() // Find the first row from the database.
Model.firstOrFail() // Similar to first, but instead throws a ModelNotFoundException when unable to find a record.
Model.last() // Find the latest row from the database.
Model.findOrCreate(whereAttributes, values) // Find a record, if not found a new record will be created and returned.
Model.pick(rows = 1) // Pick x number of rows from the database table (defaults to 1 row).
Model.pickInverse(rows = 1) // Pick x number of rows from the database table from last (defaults to 1 row).
Model.ids() // Return an array of primary keys.
Model.pair(lhs, rhs) // Returns an object of key/value pairs (lhs is the key, rhs is the value).
Model.all() // Select all rows.
Model.truncate() // Delete all rows (truncate table).
Model.getCount() // Return a count of records in a given result set.
2020-04-25 17:51:51 +00:00
Model.create(jsonAttributes) // Return model instance after saving it into the database.
2020-04-24 18:58:50 +00:00
Model.createMany(arrayAttributes) // Return an array of model instances after saving them into the database.
2020-04-25 17:51:51 +00:00
Model.toJSON() // Converts a serializable instance to a plain array/object.
2020-04-24 18:58:50 +00:00
Model.query().setHidden(['password']) // Define hidden fields.
Model.query().setVisible(['title', 'body']) // Define visible fields.
Model.query().paginate() // Returns an object with metadata and data property that has a list of model results.
instance.fill(jsonAttributes) // Remove all existing values, only set the specified attributes.
instance.merge(jsonAttributes) // Modifies the specified attributes.
instance.save() // Save the instance to the database.
instance.delete() // Delete model instance from the database.
instance.associate(id) // Exclusive to belongsTo relationship, where it associates two model instances together.
instance.dissociate(id) // The opposite of associate, where you just drop the relationship
instance.attach(arrayOfIds, callback) // Works with the belongsToMany relationship to attach a relationship inside the pivot table. The attach method accepts an optional callback receiving the pivotModel instance, allowing you to set extra properties on a pivot table if required:
instance.detach(arrayOfIds) // The opposite of the attach method, and it removes the relationship from the pivot table only.
2020-07-21 19:18:41 +00:00
* https://adonisjs.com/docs/query-builder
* http://knexjs.org/
const Database = use('Database')
// Available where clauses
whereIn(column|columns, array|callback|builder)
orWhereIn(column | columns, array | callback | builder)
whereNotIn(column, array|callback|builder)
orWhereNotIn(column, array | callback | builder)
whereExists(builder | callback)
orWhereExists(builder | callback)
whereNotExists(builder | callback)
orWhereNotExists(builder | callback)
whereBetween(column, range)
orWhereBetween(column, range)
whereNotBetween(column, range)
orWhereNotBetween(column, range)
whereRaw(query, [bindings])
2020-04-11 19:39:17 +00:00
2020-04-12 15:05:46 +00:00
2020-04-14 12:23:46 +00:00
* https://adonisjs.com/docs/database-hooks
2020-04-11 19:39:17 +00:00
beforeCreate // Before creating a new record.
afterCreate // After a new record is created.
beforeUpdate // Before updating a record.
afterUpdate // After a record has been updated.
beforeSave // Before creating or updating a new record.
afterSave // After a new record has been created or updated.
beforeDelete // Before removing a record.
afterDelete // After a record is removed.
afterFind // After a single record is fetched from the database.
afterFetch // After the fetch method is executed.The hook method receives an array of model instances.
afterPaginate // After the paginate method is executed.The hook method receives two arguments: an array of model instances and the pagination metadata.
2020-04-14 12:23:46 +00:00
* https://adonisjs.com/docs/events
Event.on(event, listener) // Bind single or multiple listeners for a given event. The listener can be a closure function or reference to one (or many) IoC container bindings.
Event.when(event, listener) // The when method aliases the on method.
Event.once(event, listener) // Same as on, but only called one time.
Event.onAny(listener) // Bind listener for any event
Event.times(number) // The times method is chained with on or when to limit the number of times the listener should be fired.
Event.emit(event, data) // Emit an event with optional data.
Event.fire(event, data) // The fire method aliases the emit method.
Event.removeListener(event, listener) // Remove listener(s) for a given event.
Event.off(event, listener) // The off method aliases the removeListener method.
Event.removeAllListeners(event) // Remove all listeners for a given event.
Event.listenersCount(event) // Return the number of listeners for a given event.
Event.getListeners(event) // Return an array of listeners for a given event.
Event.hasListeners(event) // Return a boolean indicating whether there are any listeners for a given event.
2020-04-15 20:12:48 +00:00
2020-04-18 10:19:43 +00:00
* https://adonisjs.com/docs/sessions
const Logger = use('Logger')
Logger.level = 'debug' // Sed default config level
2020-04-18 10:21:29 +00:00
Logger.emerg(msg[, data]) // Print an emergency log (level 0).
Logger.alert(msg[, data]) // Print an alert log (level 1).
Logger.crit(msg[, data]) // Print a critical log (level 2).
Logger.error(msg[, data]) // Print an error log (level 3).
Logger.warning(msg[, data]) // Print a warning log (level 4).
Logger.notice(msg[, data]) // Print a notice log (level 5).
Logger.info(msg[, data]) // Print an info log (level 6).
Logger.debug(msg[, data]) // Print a debug log (level 7).
2020-04-18 10:19:43 +00:00
Logger.transport(transport) // Switch transport on the fly.
2020-04-18 10:28:32 +00:00
2020-04-24 18:58:50 +00:00
* https://adonisjs.com/docs/encryption-and-hashing
2020-04-18 10:28:32 +00:00
const Encryption = use('Encryption')
Encryption.encrypt(string) // Encrypt a given value.
Encryption.decrypt(string) // Decrypt an encrypted value.
const Hash = use('Hash')
await Hash.make(string[, config]) // Hash a plain string value.
await Hash.verify(string, hashedString) // Since you cannot decrypt a hash, you can verify the user input against the previously hashed value.
2020-04-15 20:12:48 +00:00
* https://adonisjs.com/docs/sessions
session.put(key, value); // Add a key/value pair to the session store.
session.get(key, [defaultValue]); // Return the value for a given key (accepts an optional default value).
session.all(); // Get everything back as an object from the session store.
session.increment(key, [steps]); // Increment the value for a given key (ensure the previous value is a number).
session.decrement(key, [steps]); // Decrement the value for a given key (ensure the previous value is a number).
session.forget(key); // Remove a key/value pair from the session store.
session.pull(key, [defaultValue]); // Return (and then remove) a key/value pair from the session store.
session.clear(); // Empty the session store.
session.flashAll() // Flash the request form data.
session.flashOnly() // Flash only the selected fields.
session.flashExcept() // Flash the request form data except the selected fields.
session.withErrors() // Flash with an array of errors.
session.flash() // Flash a custom object.
2020-04-25 15:17:49 +00:00
2020-05-01 12:13:38 +00:00
* https://adonisjs.com/docs/file-system
const Drive = use('Drive')
Drive.exists(relativePath) // Find if a file/directory exists or not.
Drive.get(relativePath, encoding = utf-8) // Get file contents as a buffer or string.
Drive.getStream(relativePath) // Get file as a stream.
Drive.put(relativePath, content, options = {}) // Create a new file with given contents (creates any missing directories).
Drive.prepend(relativePath, content, options = {}) // Prepend content to a file (creates a new file if path doesnt exist).
Drive.append(relativePath, content, options = {}) // Append content to a file (creates a new file if path doesnt exist).
Drive.delete(relativePath) // Remove existing file.
Drive.move(src, dest, options = {}) // Move file from one directory to another.
Drive.copy(src, dest, options = {}) // Copy file from one directory to another.
// For S3 & Spaces drivers
Drive.getObject(location, params) // Get S3 object for a given file (for params info, see S3 params).
Drive.getUrl(location, [bucket]) // Get url for a given file (accepts optional alternative bucket param).
Drive.getSignedUrl(location, expiry = 900, params) // Get signed url for a given file (expiry set to 15mins by default).
2020-05-06 08:40:31 +00:00
* https://adonisjs.com/docs/helpers
const Helpers = use('Helpers')
Helpers.appRoot() // Returns path to the application root.
Helpers.publicPath([toFile]) // Returns path to the public directory or file inside the directory.
Helpers.configPath([toFile]) // Returns path to the config directory or file inside the directory.
Helpers.resourcesPath([toFile]) // Returns path to the resources directory or file inside the directory.
Helpers.migrationsPath([toFile]) // Returns path to the migrations directory or file inside the directory.
Helpers.seedsPath([toFile]) // Returns path to the seeds directory or file inside the directory.
Helpers.databasePath([toFile]) // Returns path to the database directory or file inside the directory.
Helpers.viewsPath([toFile]) // Returns path to the views directory or file inside the directory.
Helpers.tmpPath([toFile]) // Returns path to the tmp directory or file inside the directory.
Helpers.promisify() // Returns promisified callback functions.
Helpers.isAceCommand() // Returns whether the process was started as the ace command or not.
2020-04-25 15:17:49 +00:00
* https://adonisjs.com/docs/social-auth
// Drivers: Facebook, Github, Google, Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter, Foursquare.
ally.redirect() // Redirect user to the 3rd party website.
ally.getRedirectUrl() // Get redirect URL back as a string.
ally.scope(scopesArray) // Define runtime scopes before redirecting the user.
ally.fields(fieldsArray) // Fields to be fetched when getting the authenticated user profile.
ally.getUser() // Get the user profile of an authenticated user (returns an AllyUser instance).
ally.getUserByToken(accessToken, [accessSecret]) // Returns the user details using the accessToken.
user.getId() // Returns the user id.
user.getName() // Returns the user name.
user.getEmail() // Returns the user email.
user.getNickname() // Returns the nickname / display name of the user.
user.getAvatar() // Returns public URL to the users profile picture.
user.getAccessToken() // Returns the access token which may be used later to update the user profile.
user.getRefreshToken() // Refresh token to be used when access token expires.
user.getExpires() // Access token expiry data.
user.getTokenSecret() // Returns token secret.
user.getOriginal() // Original payload returned by the 3rd party provider.