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Sails.js - Request object

This commit is contained in:
Julien LE COUPANEC 2018-06-28 16:41:30 +01:00
parent b0ddf7b1c9
commit 25d27efdc9

View File

@ -20,79 +20,79 @@
********************************************************************************************/ ********************************************************************************************/
// A dictionary of all loaded Sails models, indexed by their identity. // A dictionary of all loaded Sails models, indexed by their identity.
sails.models; sails.models
// A dictionary of all accessible helpers, including organics. // A dictionary of all accessible helpers, including organics.
sails.helpers; sails.helpers
// A dictionary of all loaded Sails hooks, indexed by their identity. // A dictionary of all loaded Sails hooks, indexed by their identity.
sails.hooks; sails.hooks
// The full set of configuration options for the Sails instance // The full set of configuration options for the Sails instance
// It is assembled automatically when Sails loads your app; // It is assembled automatically when Sails loads your app
// merging together command-line arguments, environment variables, your .sailsrc file, // merging together command-line arguments, environment variables, your .sailsrc file,
// and the configuration objects exported from any and all modules in your app's config/ directory. // and the configuration objects exported from any and all modules in your app's config/ directory.
sails.config; sails.config
// The runtime values of your app's custom configuration settings. // The runtime values of your app's custom configuration settings.
sails.config.custom; sails.config.custom
// A set of convenience methods for low - level interaction with connected websockets. // A set of convenience methods for low - level interaction with connected websockets.
sails.sockets; sails.sockets
// Talk to Socket.io directly. // Talk to Socket.io directly.
sails.io; sails.io
// A regular expression designed for use in identifying URL paths that seem like they are probably // A regular expression designed for use in identifying URL paths that seem like they are probably
// for a static asset of some kind (e.g. image, stylesheet, favicon.ico, robots.txt, etc). // for a static asset of some kind (e.g. image, stylesheet, favicon.ico, robots.txt, etc).
// Return a dictionary of Sails actions. // Return a dictionary of Sails actions.
sails.getActions(); sails.getActions()
// Look up the first route pointing at the specified target (e.g. MeController.login) // Look up the first route pointing at the specified target (e.g. MeController.login)
// and return a dictionary containing its method and URL. // and return a dictionary containing its method and URL.
sails.getRouteFor(target); sails.getRouteFor(target)
// Look up the first route pointing at the specified target (e.g. entrance/view-login) // Look up the first route pointing at the specified target (e.g. entrance/view-login)
// and return its URL. // and return its URL.
sails.getUrlFor(target); sails.getUrlFor(target)
// Lift a Sails app programmatically. // Lift a Sails app programmatically.
// This does exactly what you might be used to seeing by now when you run sails lift. // This does exactly what you might be used to seeing by now when you run sails lift.
sailsApp.lift(configOverrides, function(err) {}); sailsApp.lift(configOverrides, function(err) {})
// Load a Sails app into memory-- but without lifting an HTTP server. // Load a Sails app into memory-- but without lifting an HTTP server.
// Useful for writing tests, command - line scripts, and scheduled jobs. // Useful for writing tests, command - line scripts, and scheduled jobs.
sailsApp.load(configOverrides, function(err) {}); sailsApp.load(configOverrides, function(err) {})
// Shut down a lifted Sails app and have it cease listening for / responding to any future requests. // Shut down a lifted Sails app and have it cease listening for / responding to any future requests.
sails.lower(callback); sails.lower(callback)
// Register a new Sails action that can then be bound to a route. // Register a new Sails action that can then be bound to a route.
sails.registerAction(action, name); sails.registerAction(action, name)
// Register a new action middleware function that will be applied to actions // Register a new action middleware function that will be applied to actions
// with the specified identities. // with the specified identities.
sails.registerActionMiddleware(actionMiddlewareFns, actionIdentities); sails.registerActionMiddleware(actionMiddlewareFns, actionIdentities)
// Flush and reload all Sails actions. // Flush and reload all Sails actions.
sails.reloadActions(); sails.reloadActions()
// Compile a view into an HTML template. // Compile a view into an HTML template.
sails.renderView(pathToView, templateData); sails.renderView(pathToView, templateData)
// Make a virtual request to a running Sails instance. // Make a virtual request to a running Sails instance.
sails.request(request); sails.request(request)
sails.request(url, body); sails.request(url, body)
sails.request(url, callback); sails.request(url, callback)
sails.request(url, body, callback); sails.request(url, body, callback)
// Access a particular datastore, or the default datastore. // Access a particular datastore, or the default datastore.
sails.getDatastore(datastoreName); sails.getDatastore(datastoreName)
// Log a message or some data at the "debug" log level using Sails' built-in logger. // Log a message or some data at the "debug" log level using Sails' built-in logger.
sails.log(message); sails.log(message)
/******************************************************************************************** /********************************************************************************************
@ -101,38 +101,38 @@ sails.log(message);
// Find a list of records that match the specified criteria // Find a list of records that match the specified criteria
// and (if possible) subscribe to each of them. // and (if possible) subscribe to each of them.
("GET /:model"); GET /:model
// Look up the record with the specified id from the database // Look up the record with the specified id from the database
// and (if possible) subscribe to the record to hear about any future changes. // and (if possible) subscribe to the record to hear about any future changes.
("GET /:model/:id"); GET /:model/:id
// Populate and return foreign record(s) for the given association of this record. // Populate and return foreign record(s) for the given association of this record.
("GET /:model/:id/:association"); GET /:model/:id/:association
// Create a new record in your database // Create a new record in your database
// and notify subscribed sockets that a newly record is created // and notify subscribed sockets that a newly record is created
("POST /:model"); POST /:model
// Update an existing record in the database // Update an existing record in the database
// and notify subscribed sockets that it has changed. // and notify subscribed sockets that it has changed.
("PATCH /:model/:id"); PATCH /:model/:id
// Replace all of the foreign records in one of this record's collections // Replace all of the foreign records in one of this record's collections
// and notify subscribed sockets to the parent record. // and notify subscribed sockets to the parent record.
("PUT /:model/:id/:association"); PUT /:model/:id/:association
// Add a foreign record to one of this record's collections // Add a foreign record to one of this record's collections
// and notify subscribed sockets to the parent record. // and notify subscribed sockets to the parent record.
("PUT /:model/:id/:association/:fk"); PUT /:model/:id/:association/:fk
// Delete the record specified by id from the database forever // Delete the record specified by id from the database forever
// and notify subscribed sockets that a record has been deleted // and notify subscribed sockets that a record has been deleted
("DELETE /:model/:id"); DELETE /:model/:id
// Remove a foreign record from one of this record's collections // Remove a foreign record from one of this record's collections
// and notify subscribed sockets about this removed child // and notify subscribed sockets about this removed child
("DELETE /:model/:id/:association/:fk"); DELETE /:model/:id/:association/:fk
/******************************************************************************************** /********************************************************************************************
@ -268,6 +268,116 @@ sails.config.views
* https://sailsjs.com/documentation/reference/request-req * https://sailsjs.com/documentation/reference/request-req
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// The moment that Sails started processing the request, as a Javascript Date object.
// An object containing text parameters from the parsed request body, defaulting to {}.
// If a request contains one or more file uploads, only the text parameters sent before
// the first file parameter will be available in req.body.
// An object containing all of the unsigned cookies from this request (req).
// A flag indicating the user-agent sending this request (req) wants "fresh" data
// (as indicated by the "if-none-match", "cache-control", and/or "if-modified-since" request headers.)
// An object containing pre-defined/custom header given in the current request.
// Returns the hostname supplied in the host HTTP header.
// This header may be set either by the client or by the proxy.
// The IP address of the client who sent this request (req).
// Contains the IP addresses in this request's "X-Forwarded-For" header
// as an array of the IP address strings.
// A flag indicating whether or not this request (req) originated from a Socket.io connection.
// The request method (aka "verb".)
// All requests to a Sails server have a "method", even via WebSockets.
// Dictionary (plain JavaScript object) of request-agnostic settings available in your app's actions.
// Retains the original request URL allowing you to rewrite req.url freely for internal routing purposes.
// In almost all cases, youll want to use req.url instead.
// An object containing parameter values parsed from the URL path.
// The URL pathname from the request URL string of the current request (req).
// The protocol used to send this request (req).
// A dictionary containing the parsed query-string, defaulting to {}.
// Indicates whether or not the request was sent over a secure TLS connection (i.e. https:// or wss://).
// A dictionary containing all of the signed cookies from this request (req).
// If the current Request (req) originated from a connected Socket.io client,
// req.socket refers to the raw Socket.io socket instance.
// An array of all the subdomains in this request's URL.
// Like req.path, but also includes the query string suffix.
// A flag indicating whether the requesting client would prefer a JSON response
// (as opposed to some other format, like XML or HTML.)
// A flag indicating whether the current request (req) appears to be an AJAX request.
// Return whether this request (req) advertises that it understands the specified media type.
// Return whether this request (req) advertises that it is able to handle any of the specified
// character set(s), and if so, which one.
req.acceptsCharsets(charset1, charset2, )
// Return whether this request (req) advertises that it understands any of the specified
// language(s), and if so, which one.
req.acceptsLanguages(language1, language2, )
// Returns the value of all parameters sent in the request, merged together into a single dictionary
// Build and return a Skipper Upstream representing an incoming multipart file upload from the specified field.
// Returns the value of the specified header field in this request (req). Note that header names are case-insensitive.
// Returns true if this request's declared "Content-Type" matches the specified media/mime type.
// Returns the value of the parameter with the specified name.
req.param(name[, defaultValue])
// Override the inferred locale for this request.
// Time out this request if a response is not sent within the specified number of milliseconds.
/******************************************************************************************** /********************************************************************************************
* https://sailsjs.com/documentation/reference/response-res * https://sailsjs.com/documentation/reference/response-res