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docs(adonis): add response

This commit is contained in:
Julien Le Coupanec 2020-04-15 21:49:11 +02:00
parent d0452250dc
commit b0c3c912db

View File

@ -84,6 +84,69 @@ request.match(['posts/:id']) // Returns whether the passed set of expressions m
request.hasBody() // A boolean indicating if the request has a post body (mainly used by the BodyParser to determine whether or not to parse the body). request.hasBody() // A boolean indicating if the request has a post body (mainly used by the BodyParser to determine whether or not to parse the body).
request.is(['json', 'html']) // The is method returns the best matching content type for the current request. The check is entirely based upon the content-type header. request.is(['json', 'html']) // The is method returns the best matching content type for the current request. The check is entirely based upon the content-type header.
* https://adonisjs.com/docs/4.1/response
response.header("Content-type", "application/json"); // Set a header value.
response.safeHeader("Content-type", "application/json"); // Only set a header value if it does not already exist.
response.removeHeader("Content-type"); // Remove an existing header.
response.type("application/json"); // Set the Content-Type header.
response.cookie("cartTotal", 20); // Set a cookie value.
response.clearCookie("cartTotal"); // Remove an existing cookie value (by setting its expiry in the past).
response.plainCookie("cartTotal", 20); // Set a plain cookie.
response.redirect(url, [(sendParams = false)], [(status = 302)]); // Redirect request to a different url (by default it will set the status as 302).
response.route(route, [data], [domain], [(sendParams = false)], [(status = 302)]); // Redirect to a route (via route name or controller method).
response.download(filePath); // Stream the file to the client.
response.attachment(filePath, [name], [disposition]); // Force download the file.
response.continue(); // 100 status code
response.switchingProtocols(); // 101 status code
response.ok(); // 200 status code
response.created(); // 201 status code
response.accepted(); // 202 status code
response.nonAuthoritativeInformation(); // 203 status code
response.noContent(); // 204 status code
response.resetContent(); // 205 status code
response.partialContent(); // 206 status code
response.multipleChoices(); // 300 status code
response.movedPermanently(); // 301 status code
response.found(); // 302 status code
response.seeOther(); // 303 status code
response.notModified(); // 304 status code
response.useProxy(); // 305 status code
response.temporaryRedirect(); // 307 status code
response.badRequest(); // 400 status code
response.unauthorized(); // 401 status code
response.paymentRequired(); // 402 status code
response.forbidden(); // 403 status code
response.notFound(); // 404 status code
response.methodNotAllowed(); // 405 status code
response.notAcceptable(); // 406 status code
response.proxyAuthenticationRequired(); // 407 status code
response.requestTimeout(); // 408 status code
response.conflict(); // 409 status code
response.gone(); // 410 status code
response.lengthRequired(); // 411 status code
response.preconditionFailed(); // 412 status code
response.requestEntityTooLarge(); // 413 status code
response.requestUriTooLong(); // 414 status code
response.unsupportedMediaType(); // 415 status code
response.requestedRangeNotSatisfiable(); // 416 status code
response.expectationFailed(); // 417 status code
response.unprocessableEntity(); // 422 status code
response.tooManyRequests(); // 429 status code
response.internalServerError(); // 500 status code
response.notImplemented(); // 501 status code
response.badGateway(); // 502 status code
response.serviceUnavailable(); // 503 status code
response.gatewayTimeout(); // 504 status code
response.httpVersionNotSupported(); // 505 status code
/******************************************************************************************** /********************************************************************************************
* https://adonisjs.com/docs/routing * https://adonisjs.com/docs/routing