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synced 2024-12-20 01:03:14 +00:00
docs(tailwind): typography
This commit is contained in:
@ -1100,124 +1100,402 @@
* Font Family
* --------------------
* Utilities for controlling the font family of an element.
* By default, only responsive variants are generated for font family utilities.
.font-sans /* font-family: system-ui, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, "Noto Sans", sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji"; */
.font-serif /* font-family: Georgia, Cambria, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; */
.font-mono /* font-family: Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, "Liberation Mono", "Courier New", monospace; */
* Font Size
* --------------------
* Utilities for controlling the font size of an element.
* By default, only responsive variants are generated for text sizing utilities.
.text-xs /* font-size: .75rem; */
.text-sm /* font-size: .875rem; */
.text-base /* font-size: 1rem; */
.text-lg /* font-size: 1.125rem; */
.text-xl /* font-size: 1.25rem; */
.text-2xl /* font-size: 1.5rem; */
.text-3xl /* font-size: 1.875rem; */
.text-4xl /* font-size: 2.25rem; */
.text-5xl /* font-size: 3rem; */
.text-6xl /* font-size: 4rem; */
* Font Smoothing
* --------------------
* Utilities for controlling the font smoothing of an element.
* By default, only responsive variants are generated for font smoothing utilities.
.antialiased /* -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; */
.subpixel-antialiased /* -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: auto; */
* Font Style
* --------------------
* Utilities for controlling the style of text.
* By default, only responsive variants are generated for font style utilities.
.italic /* font-style: italic; */
.not-italic /* font-style: normal; */
* Font Weight
* --------------------
* Utilities for controlling the font weight of an element.
* By default, only responsive, hover and focus variants are generated for font weight utilities.
.font-hairline /* font-weight: 100; */
.font-thin /* font-weight: 200; */
.font-light /* font-weight: 300; */
.font-normal /* font-weight: 400; */
.font-medium /* font-weight: 500; */
.font-semibold /* font-weight: 600; */
.font-bold /* font-weight: 700; */
.font-extrabold /* font-weight: 800; */
.font-black /* font-weight: 900; */
* Letter Spacing
* --------------------
* Utilities for controlling the tracking (letter spacing) of an element.
* By default, only responsive variants are generated for tracking utilities.
.tracking-tighter /* letter-spacing: -0.05em; */
.tracking-tight /* letter-spacing: -0.025em; */
.tracking-normal /* letter-spacing: 0; */
.tracking-wide /* letter-spacing: 0.025em; */
.tracking-wider /* letter-spacing: 0.05em; */
.tracking-widest /* letter-spacing: 0.1em; */
* Line Height
* --------------------
* Utilities for controlling the leading (line height) of an element.
* By default, only responsive variants are generated for line height utilities.
.leading-none /* line-height: 1; */
.leading-tight /* line-height: 1.25; */
.leading-snug /* line-height: 1.375; */
.leading-normal /* line-height: 1.5; */
.leading-relaxed /* line-height: 1.625; */
.leading-loose /* line-height: 2; */
.leading-3 /* line-height: .75rem; */
.leading-4 /* line-height: 1rem; */
.leading-5 /* line-height: 1.25rem; */
.leading-6 /* line-height: 1.5rem; */
.leading-7 /* line-height: 1.75rem; */
.leading-8 /* line-height: 2rem; */
.leading-9 /* line-height: 2.25rem; */
.leading-10 /* line-height: 2.5rem; */
* List Style Type
* --------------------
* Utilities for controlling the bullet/number style of a list.
* By default, only responsive variants are generated for list style type utilities.
.list-none /* list-style-type: none; */
.list-disc /* list-style-type: disc; */
.list-decimal /* list-style-type: decimal; */
* List Style Position
* --------------------
* Utilities for controlling the position of bullets/numbers in lists.
* By default, only responsive variants are generated for list style position utilities.
.list-inside /* list-style-position: inside; */
.list-outside /* list-style-position: outside; */
* Placeholder Color
* --------------------
* Utilities for controlling the color of placeholder text.
* By default, only responsive and focus variants are generated for placeholder color utilities.
.placeholder-transparent /* ::placeholder { color: transparent; } */
.placeholder-black /* ::placeholder { color: #000; } */
.placeholder-white /* ::placeholder { color: #fff; } */
.placeholder-gray-100 /* ::placeholder { color: #f7fafc; } */
.placeholder-gray-200 /* ::placeholder { color: #edf2f7; } */
.placeholder-gray-300 /* ::placeholder { color: #e2e8f0; } */
.placeholder-gray-400 /* ::placeholder { color: #cbd5e0; } */
.placeholder-gray-500 /* ::placeholder { color: #a0aec0; } */
.placeholder-gray-600 /* ::placeholder { color: #718096; } */
.placeholder-gray-700 /* ::placeholder { color: #4a5568; } */
.placeholder-gray-800 /* ::placeholder { color: #2d3748; } */
.placeholder-gray-900 /* ::placeholder { color: #1a202c; } */
.placeholder-red-100 /* ::placeholder { color: #fff5f5; } */
.placeholder-red-200 /* ::placeholder { color: #fed7d7; } */
.placeholder-red-300 /* ::placeholder { color: #feb2b2; } */
.placeholder-red-400 /* ::placeholder { color: #fc8181; } */
.placeholder-red-500 /* ::placeholder { color: #f56565; } */
.placeholder-red-600 /* ::placeholder { color: #e53e3e; } */
.placeholder-red-700 /* ::placeholder { color: #c53030; } */
.placeholder-red-800 /* ::placeholder { color: #9b2c2c; } */
.placeholder-red-900 /* ::placeholder { color: #742a2a; } */
.placeholder-orange-100 /* ::placeholder { color: #fffaf0; } */
.placeholder-orange-200 /* ::placeholder { color: #feebc8; } */
.placeholder-orange-300 /* ::placeholder { color: #fbd38d; } */
.placeholder-orange-400 /* ::placeholder { color: #f6ad55; } */
.placeholder-orange-500 /* ::placeholder { color: #ed8936; } */
.placeholder-orange-600 /* ::placeholder { color: #dd6b20; } */
.placeholder-orange-700 /* ::placeholder { color: #c05621; } */
.placeholder-orange-800 /* ::placeholder { color: #9c4221; } */
.placeholder-orange-900 /* ::placeholder { color: #7b341e; } */
.placeholder-yellow-100 /* ::placeholder { color: #fffff0; } */
.placeholder-yellow-200 /* ::placeholder { color: #fefcbf; } */
.placeholder-yellow-300 /* ::placeholder { color: #faf089; } */
.placeholder-yellow-400 /* ::placeholder { color: #f6e05e; } */
.placeholder-yellow-500 /* ::placeholder { color: #ecc94b; } */
.placeholder-yellow-600 /* ::placeholder { color: #d69e2e; } */
.placeholder-yellow-700 /* ::placeholder { color: #b7791f; } */
.placeholder-yellow-800 /* ::placeholder { color: #975a16; } */
.placeholder-yellow-900 /* ::placeholder { color: #744210; } */
.placeholder-green-100 /* ::placeholder { color: #f0fff4; } */
.placeholder-green-200 /* ::placeholder { color: #c6f6d5; } */
.placeholder-green-300 /* ::placeholder { color: #9ae6b4; } */
.placeholder-green-400 /* ::placeholder { color: #68d391; } */
.placeholder-green-500 /* ::placeholder { color: #48bb78; } */
.placeholder-green-600 /* ::placeholder { color: #38a169; } */
.placeholder-green-700 /* ::placeholder { color: #2f855a; } */
.placeholder-green-800 /* ::placeholder { color: #276749; } */
.placeholder-green-900 /* ::placeholder { color: #22543d; } */
.placeholder-teal-100 /* ::placeholder { color: #e6fffa; } */
.placeholder-teal-200 /* ::placeholder { color: #b2f5ea; } */
.placeholder-teal-300 /* ::placeholder { color: #81e6d9; } */
.placeholder-teal-400 /* ::placeholder { color: #4fd1c5; } */
.placeholder-teal-500 /* ::placeholder { color: #38b2ac; } */
.placeholder-teal-600 /* ::placeholder { color: #319795; } */
.placeholder-teal-700 /* ::placeholder { color: #2c7a7b; } */
.placeholder-teal-800 /* ::placeholder { color: #285e61; } */
.placeholder-teal-900 /* ::placeholder { color: #234e52; } */
.placeholder-blue-100 /* ::placeholder { color: #ebf8ff; } */
.placeholder-blue-200 /* ::placeholder { color: #bee3f8; } */
.placeholder-blue-300 /* ::placeholder { color: #90cdf4; } */
.placeholder-blue-400 /* ::placeholder { color: #63b3ed; } */
.placeholder-blue-500 /* ::placeholder { color: #4299e1; } */
.placeholder-blue-600 /* ::placeholder { color: #3182ce; } */
.placeholder-blue-700 /* ::placeholder { color: #2b6cb0; } */
.placeholder-blue-800 /* ::placeholder { color: #2c5282; } */
.placeholder-blue-900 /* ::placeholder { color: #2a4365; } */
.placeholder-indigo-100 /* ::placeholder { color: #ebf4ff; } */
.placeholder-indigo-200 /* ::placeholder { color: #c3dafe; } */
.placeholder-indigo-300 /* ::placeholder { color: #a3bffa; } */
.placeholder-indigo-400 /* ::placeholder { color: #7f9cf5; } */
.placeholder-indigo-500 /* ::placeholder { color: #667eea; } */
.placeholder-indigo-600 /* ::placeholder { color: #5a67d8; } */
.placeholder-indigo-700 /* ::placeholder { color: #4c51bf; } */
.placeholder-indigo-800 /* ::placeholder { color: #434190; } */
.placeholder-indigo-900 /* ::placeholder { color: #3c366b; } */
.placeholder-purple-100 /* ::placeholder { color: #faf5ff; } */
.placeholder-purple-200 /* ::placeholder { color: #e9d8fd; } */
.placeholder-purple-300 /* ::placeholder { color: #d6bcfa; } */
.placeholder-purple-400 /* ::placeholder { color: #b794f4; } */
.placeholder-purple-500 /* ::placeholder { color: #9f7aea; } */
.placeholder-purple-600 /* ::placeholder { color: #805ad5; } */
.placeholder-purple-700 /* ::placeholder { color: #6b46c1; } */
.placeholder-purple-800 /* ::placeholder { color: #553c9a; } */
.placeholder-purple-900 /* ::placeholder { color: #44337a; } */
.placeholder-pink-100 /* ::placeholder { color: #fff5f7; } */
.placeholder-pink-200 /* ::placeholder { color: #fed7e2; } */
.placeholder-pink-300 /* ::placeholder { color: #fbb6ce; } */
.placeholder-pink-400 /* ::placeholder { color: #f687b3; } */
.placeholder-pink-500 /* ::placeholder { color: #ed64a6; } */
.placeholder-pink-600 /* ::placeholder { color: #d53f8c; } */
.placeholder-pink-700 /* ::placeholder { color: #b83280; } */
.placeholder-pink-800 /* ::placeholder { color: #97266d; } */
.placeholder-pink-900 /* ::placeholder { color: #702459; } */
* Text Align
* --------------------
* Utilities for controlling the alignment of text.
* By default, only responsive variants are generated for text alignment utilities.
.text-left /* text-align: left; */
.text-center /* text-align: center; */
.text-right /* text-align: right; */
.text-justify /* text-align: justify; */
* Text Color
* --------------------
* Utilities for controlling the text color of an element.
* By default, only responsive, hover and focus variants are generated for text color utilities.
.text-transparent /* color: transparent; */
.text-black /* color: #000; */
.text-white /* color: #fff; */
.text-gray-100 /* color: #f7fafc; */
.text-gray-200 /* color: #edf2f7; */
.text-gray-300 /* color: #e2e8f0; */
.text-gray-400 /* color: #cbd5e0; */
.text-gray-500 /* color: #a0aec0; */
.text-gray-600 /* color: #718096; */
.text-gray-700 /* color: #4a5568; */
.text-gray-800 /* color: #2d3748; */
.text-gray-900 /* color: #1a202c; */
.text-red-100 /* color: #fff5f5; */
.text-red-200 /* color: #fed7d7; */
.text-red-300 /* color: #feb2b2; */
.text-red-400 /* color: #fc8181; */
.text-red-500 /* color: #f56565; */
.text-red-600 /* color: #e53e3e; */
.text-red-700 /* color: #c53030; */
.text-red-800 /* color: #9b2c2c; */
.text-red-900 /* color: #742a2a; */
.text-orange-100 /* color: #fffaf0; */
.text-orange-200 /* color: #feebc8; */
.text-orange-300 /* color: #fbd38d; */
.text-orange-400 /* color: #f6ad55; */
.text-orange-500 /* color: #ed8936; */
.text-orange-600 /* color: #dd6b20; */
.text-orange-700 /* color: #c05621; */
.text-orange-800 /* color: #9c4221; */
.text-orange-900 /* color: #7b341e; */
.text-yellow-100 /* color: #fffff0; */
.text-yellow-200 /* color: #fefcbf; */
.text-yellow-300 /* color: #faf089; */
.text-yellow-400 /* color: #f6e05e; */
.text-yellow-500 /* color: #ecc94b; */
.text-yellow-600 /* color: #d69e2e; */
.text-yellow-700 /* color: #b7791f; */
.text-yellow-800 /* color: #975a16; */
.text-yellow-900 /* color: #744210; */
.text-green-100 /* color: #f0fff4; */
.text-green-200 /* color: #c6f6d5; */
.text-green-300 /* color: #9ae6b4; */
.text-green-400 /* color: #68d391; */
.text-green-500 /* color: #48bb78; */
.text-green-600 /* color: #38a169; */
.text-green-700 /* color: #2f855a; */
.text-green-800 /* color: #276749; */
.text-green-900 /* color: #22543d; */
.text-teal-100 /* color: #e6fffa; */
.text-teal-200 /* color: #b2f5ea; */
.text-teal-300 /* color: #81e6d9; */
.text-teal-400 /* color: #4fd1c5; */
.text-teal-500 /* color: #38b2ac; */
.text-teal-600 /* color: #319795; */
.text-teal-700 /* color: #2c7a7b; */
.text-teal-800 /* color: #285e61; */
.text-teal-900 /* color: #234e52; */
.text-blue-100 /* color: #ebf8ff; */
.text-blue-200 /* color: #bee3f8; */
.text-blue-300 /* color: #90cdf4; */
.text-blue-400 /* color: #63b3ed; */
.text-blue-500 /* color: #4299e1; */
.text-blue-600 /* color: #3182ce; */
.text-blue-700 /* color: #2b6cb0; */
.text-blue-800 /* color: #2c5282; */
.text-blue-900 /* color: #2a4365; */
.text-indigo-100 /* color: #ebf4ff; */
.text-indigo-200 /* color: #c3dafe; */
.text-indigo-300 /* color: #a3bffa; */
.text-indigo-400 /* color: #7f9cf5; */
.text-indigo-500 /* color: #667eea; */
.text-indigo-600 /* color: #5a67d8; */
.text-indigo-700 /* color: #4c51bf; */
.text-indigo-800 /* color: #434190; */
.text-indigo-900 /* color: #3c366b; */
.text-purple-100 /* color: #faf5ff; */
.text-purple-200 /* color: #e9d8fd; */
.text-purple-300 /* color: #d6bcfa; */
.text-purple-400 /* color: #b794f4; */
.text-purple-500 /* color: #9f7aea; */
.text-purple-600 /* color: #805ad5; */
.text-purple-700 /* color: #6b46c1; */
.text-purple-800 /* color: #553c9a; */
.text-purple-900 /* color: #44337a; */
.text-pink-100 /* color: #fff5f7; */
.text-pink-200 /* color: #fed7e2; */
.text-pink-300 /* color: #fbb6ce; */
.text-pink-400 /* color: #f687b3; */
.text-pink-500 /* color: #ed64a6; */
.text-pink-600 /* color: #d53f8c; */
.text-pink-700 /* color: #b83280; */
.text-pink-800 /* color: #97266d; */
.text-pink-900 /* color: #702459; */
* Text Decoration
* --------------------
* Utilities for controlling the decoration of text.
* By default, only responsive, hover and focus variants are generated for text decoration utilities.
.underline /* text-decoration: underline; */
.line-through /* text-decoration: line-through; */
.no-underline /* text-decoration: none; */
* Text Transform
* --------------------
* Utilities for controlling the transformation of text.
* By default, only responsive variants are generated for text transformation utilities.
.uppercase /* text-transform: uppercase; */
.lowercase /* text-transform: lowercase; */
.capitalize /* text-transform: capitalize; */
.normal-case /* text-transform: none; */
* Vertical Align
* --------------------
* Utilities for controlling the vertical alignment of an inline or table-cell box.
* By default, only responsive variants are generated for vertical alignment utilities.
.align-baseline /* vertical-align: baseline; */
.align-top /* vertical-align: top; */
.align-middle /* vertical-align: middle; */
.align-bottom /* vertical-align: bottom; */
.align-text-top /* vertical-align: text-top; */
.align-text-bottom /* vertical-align: text-bottom; */
* Whitespace
* --------------------
* Utilities for controlling an element's white-space property.
* By default, only responsive variants are generated for whitespace utilities.
.whitespace-normal /* white-space: normal; */
.whitespace-no-wrap /* white-space: nowrap; */
.whitespace-pre /* white-space: pre; */
.whitespace-pre-line /* white-space: pre-line; */
.whitespace-pre-wrap /* white-space: pre-wrap; */
* Word Break
* --------------------
* Utilities for controlling word breaks in an element.
* By default, only responsive variants are generated for word break utilities.
.break-normal /* word-break: normal; overflow-wrap: normal */
.break-words /* overflow-wrap: break-word; */
.break-all /* word-break: break-all; */
.truncate /* overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap */
/* *******************************************************************************************
* ******************************************************************************************* */
Reference in New Issue
Block a user