# GCLOUD SDK AND TOOLBELT CHEATSHEET ## GCP BASICS - `Check Version and Settings`: gcloud version, gcloud info, gcloud components list - `Init Profile`: gcloud init This will ask you to open an OpenID URL - `List all zones`: gcloud compute zones list - `Upgrade local SDK`: gcloud components update, gcloud components update --version 219.0.1 ## BUCKET BASICS - `List all buckets and files`: gsutil ls, gsutil ls -lh gs:// - `Download file`: gsutil cp gs:////package-1.1.tgz . - `Upload file`: gsutil cp gs://// - `Cat file`: gsutil cat gs://// - `Delete file`: gsutil rm gs:/// - `Move file`: gsutil mv gs://// - `Copy folder`: gsutil cp -r ./conf gs:/// - `Show disk usage`: gsutil du -h gs://// - `Create bucket`: gsutil mb gs:// - `Caculate file sha1sum`: gsha1sum syslog-migration-10.0.2.tgz, shasum syslog-migration-10.0.2.tgz - `Gsutil help`: gsutil help, gsutil help cp, gsutil help options ## GCP PROJECT - `List projects `: gcloud config list, gcloud config list project - `Show project info `: gcloud compute project-info describe - `Switch project `: gcloud config set project ## GKE - `Display a list of credentialed accounts `: gcloud auth list - `Set the active account `: gcloud config set account - `Set kubectl context `: gcloud container clusters get-credentials - `Change region `: gcloud config set compute/region us-west - `Change zone `: gcloud config set compute/zone us-west1-b - `List all container clusters `: gcloud container clusters list ## IAM - `Authenticate client `: gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file - `Display a list of credentialed accounts `: gcloud auth list - `Set the active account `: gcloud config set account - `Auth to GCP Container Registry `: gcloud auth configure-docker - `Print token for active account `: gcloud auth print-access-token, gcloud auth print-refresh-token - `Revoke previous generated credential `: gcloud auth revoke ## BUCKET SECURITY - `Make all files readable `: gsutil -m acl set -R -a public-read gs:/// - `Config auth `: gsutil config -a - `Grant bucket access `: gsutil iam ch user:denny@gmail.com:objectCreator,objectViewer gs:// - `Remove bucket access `: gsutil iam ch -d user:denny@gmail.com:objectCreator,objectViewer gs:// ## VM - `List all instances `: gcloud compute instances list, gcloud compute instance-templates list - `Show instance info `: gcloud compute instances describe "" --project "" --zone "us-west2-a" - `Stop an instance `: gcloud compute instances stop instance-2 - `Start an instance `: gcloud compute instances start instance-2 - `Create an instance `: gcloud compute instances create vm1 --image image-1 --tags test --zone "" --machine-type f1-micro - `SSH to instance `: gcloud compute ssh --project "" --zone "" "" - `Download files `: gcloud compute copy-files example-instance:~/REMOTE-DIR ~/LOCAL-DIR --zone us-central1-a - `Upload files `: gcloud compute copy-files ~/LOCAL-FILE-1 example-instance:~/REMOTE-DIR --zone us-central1-a ## DISKS & VOLUMES - `List all disks `: gcloud compute disks list - `List all disk types `: gcloud compute disk-types list - `List all snapshots `: gcloud compute snapshots list - `Create snapshot `: gcloud compute disks snapshot --snapshotname --zone $zone ## NETWORK - `List all networks `: gcloud compute networks list - `Detail of one network `: gcloud compute networks describe --format json - `Create network `: gcloud compute networks create - `Create subnet `: gcloud compute networks subnets create subnet1 --network net1 --range - `Get a static ip `: gcloud compute addresses create --region us-west2-a vpn-1-static-ip - `List all ip addresses `: gcloud compute addresses list - `Describe ip address `: gcloud compute addresses describe --region us-central1 - `List all routes `: gcloud compute routes list ## DNS - `List of all record-sets in my zone `: gcloud dns record-sets list --zone my_zone - `List first 10 DNS records `: gcloud dns record-sets list --zone my_zone --limit=10 ## FIREWALL - `List all firewall rules `: gcloud compute firewall-rules list - `List all forwarding rules `: gcloud compute forwarding-rules list - `Describe one firewall rule `: gcloud compute firewall-rules describe - `Create one firewall rule `: gcloud compute firewall-rules create my-rule --network default --allow tcp:9200 tcp:3306 - `Update one firewall rule `: gcloud compute firewall-rules update default --network default --allow tcp:9200 tcp:9300 ## IMAGES & CONTAINERS - `List all images `: gcloud compute images list - `List all container clusters `: gcloud container clusters list - `Set kubectl context `: gcloud container clusters get-credentials ## RDS - `List all sql instances `: gcloud sql instances list ## SERVICES - `List my backend services `: gcloud compute backend-services list - `List all my health check endpoints `: gcloud compute http-health-checks list - `List all URL maps `: gcloud compute url-maps list